5SOS One Shots |bromances|

De radioactive-pizza

75.5K 2K 1K

From the book of 5sos text messages, I'll be using some of those as prompts and these will be one shot contin... Mais

.::You Are Perfection::.
.::Insecurities Gone Away::. pt1
.::Insecurities Gone Away::. pt2
.::The Aftermath::.
.::Take It Off::.
.::Never Stop Loving You::.
.::You Can't Expect Me To Not Be Eager::.
.::It's "Dr.Hemmings" To You::.
.::Forgive and Forget::.
.::Bad Boy Good Fuck::.
.::Be My Distraction::.
.::Really Not Fine At All::.

.::All His Little Things::.

4.3K 136 86
De radioactive-pizza




"Now now children, we don't want Ashton to create a tsunami. With all the fat he's carrying around he'll splash enough to drown you guys."

The oldest boy frowned as his own mother tore down his self confidence. He knew he might have been a little chubby but he would splash that much if he jumped in the pool, right?

He quickly took of his shirt and slipped into the pool. Trying to brush off the comment his best so he could swim and spend time with his younger siblings.


Later that day Ashton laid in bed, under the covers. His thumbs moving fast as he began to tap on the screen.

Ash: hey babe, you want to come over tonight? My brother and sister are hangin at my grams and my mom's going out tonight. Xx

Mikey: of course! I have to take a shower but I'll be over after okay? I'll be there in like 20. Love you xx

Ash: love you too xx

Ashton set down his phone on his side table. Pulling himself up out of bed and heading downstairs.

He wanted to clean up a bit, because his little brother had left a bunch of his Lego sets out and other thing. After cursing about 100 times from stepping on the tiny Lego pieces he finally managed to get everything somewhat tidied up.

After picking up the things, he placed a couple of movies that he had picked out on the coffee table.

By the time he was about to text Michael again, the younger lad had pulled up in the driveway.

Ashton quickly ran towards the door but stopped himself before opening it to take a deep breath.

He had hoped he didn't look to disgusting for his boyfriend. He had tried the best he could. He had his hair in a mess upon his head, he had his think framed glasses on because if they were going to watch a movie he didn't want to not be able to see it. He also was wearing a regular band tee with some baggy sweatpants. In reality he could have tried a little harder at looking good for Michael. After all he didn't want him to leave him because of how hideous and gross he was.

As he opened the door, Michael practically shoved his body through the opening and slammed the door shut. Leaving poor Ashton looking at the younger boy like he was mental or something. Michael stood there and stared right back.

Ashton felt like prey. Like Michael was the lion hunting and he was the small gazelle, if he moved an inch he would be attacked, and that's exactly what happened. No, Michael didn't rip into his flesh and eat him but he did attack him in kisses.

Soft sweat short kisses that soon turned into kisses filled with want and lust.

Michael had slammed Ashton's body up against the door as he began to attack the elders neck with kisses.

"Fuck Ash, Ashton I need you-I want you. It's been so long, yeah?" Michael whispered his Ashton ear. Slightly kissing the soft flesh under his ear lobe.

No way in hell was Ashton going to deny having sex with the younger lad. Michael was so fucking hot when he got possessive and took charge, Ashton loved it.

Michael's hand began to travel along the slight curves on his body. Ashton had beautiful hips and Michael loved them so much.

Every time they would hug or kiss, the lads hands would always find away to his soft hips.

Michael grabbed at Ashton's hands and pulled him off the door and dragged him up the stairs and it wasn't ending there.

(A/N *whispers* English love affair.... Do you get it?)

Michael practically dragged Ashton's body to his room. He had been at his house millions of times so he could probably locate it in complete darkness.

Ashton was pushed back on his bed which was kinda scary because his bed is closer to the floor, giving it's literally just a box spring and a mattress...on the floor. Yeah, he liked being that close to the ground but when you fall backwards it feel like your falling to your death!

After his mini heart attack he experienced, he quickly composed himself as he watched Michael slowly climb up his legs and sat right on top of Ashton's upper thighs.

Ashton always hated his thighs, he thought they were huge and flabby and the fact that his mother had stated how big they were numerous times really made him believe in what she was saying.

He knew his mother was always joking when she said things like this, but they still hurt. She always says how he needs to 'lose weight' and 'workout more' because he looks like a 'whale'. His mother was the type of person to say what was on her mind, good or bad. Most of the time bad. All his life he grew up under the impression that he was never good enough. You could probably blame his mother for that but Ashton still chose to blame himself. He blamed himself for everything. He blames himself for not being a good enough son, for his dad leaving his family, he blames himself for being to 'fat'. He blames himself for it all.


"Ashton, are you okay?"

"Ash baby why-why are you crying?"

Michael was staring down at the boy beneath him with a worried look sketched on his face. Looking into Ashton's hazel eyes trying to get an answer from his swollen pre kissed lips.

"Ashton babe, please answer me." Michael begged as he reached down and tried to wipe away at the tears that were streaming steadily down the sides on his face.

Ashton still hadn't spoken up. Still laying there, a mess under his boyfriend. Letting wrecked sobs fall from his lips.

The younger boy quickly climbed off Ashton and sat beside him, lifting his body in an upright position so he could hold the older lad.

"Ashton please, you need to tell me whats wrong. I can't help if I don't know whats wrong, sweetheart."

"I-i- I'm s-sorry I-I'm not g-good enough!"

"Love, what are you talking about?" The youngest said while rocking Ashton's body back and forth, trying to desperately calm him down.

Ashton's sobs had only gotten worse however. He was a shaking mess. Trying to choke out words that Michael couldn't comprehend.

After the two of them rocking back and forth for over ten minutes, Ashton slowly but surely began to calm down some. Only now was he having slight hiccups and a few tears slipped out now and then.

Ashton began mumbling things into Michaels neck, letting out a few sniffles here and there. Michael lifted his head out from the crook between his neck and shoulders and held the side of his face. Slowly leaning in, Michael placed a long loving kiss on Ashton's non respondent lips.

"You need to tell me what wrong Ashton. I want to help you." He stated after pulling apart from his lips.

The older boy let out a sigh, his breath hitting Michaels face.

"I'm so disgusting Michael. I-i don't want you to see me like this, I don't want you to. I'm so fat and gross. My own mother tells me how disgusting I am Michael! I'm not good enough and I never will be. I don't even know why you are still with me? Out of pity? I just-"

"Now you listen here Irwin. I'm not dating you out of 'pity' or whatever shit excuse you make up. I'm dating you because I love you. I think you are perfect and fuck your mom for ruining the confidence of a beautiful person. I love everything about you Ashton. I love your hair, eyes, you weird long fingers, your arms, legs, teeth, nose, ears, chest, stomach, thighs, everything. So don't you for one fucking second think that you aren't good enough for me or for anyone else because you are. You are good enough for everyone Ashton. And everyone should see how fucking amazing and beautiful my boyfriend is. I don't ever want to hear you saying you 'aren't good enough' or that 'you're ugly' because it's not true. Not one fucking bit."

By the end of Michaels little speech, Ashton was back to full on tears.

Michael took him back into his arms rocking and trying to comfort him yet again. Rubbing his hands up and down Ashton's toned arms, giving the wrecked boy goosebumps.

The sound of Ashton's cries echoed off the walls, only making him cry more for being so weak.

Michael knew that his comforting was doing absolutely nothing for the boy, quickly trying to think of things that normally calmed him down but nothing was working. An idea quickly came to his head as he laid Ashton back down on the bed and cuddled up to him.

"I know you've never loved

The crinkles by your eyes when you smile

You've never loved your stomach or your thighs

The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine

But I'll love them endlessly."

Ashton's slowly began to calm down as he listened to Michaels voice.

"I won't let these little things

Slip out of my moth

But if I do, it's you

Oh it's you

They add up to

I'm in love with you

And all these little things"

Now Ashton was quite, sniffling but trying his best to listen to the beautiful voice.

"You'll never love yourself

Half as much as I love you

You'll never treat yourself right darling

But I want you to

If I let you know

I'm here for you

Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you"

Ashton slowly let himself fall into a trance as he finally started to realize everything was going to be okay...

"I've just let these little things

Slip out of my mouth

Cause it's you

Oh it's you

It's you

They add up to

And I'm in love with you

And all his little things"



........... O.O um can I just say like I really like this.. Can I do that? Can I like something I wrote?

Anyway lovely beautiful person who requested this (I see you girl) I hope you like this and holy shit I made you wait so long and I'm so sorry but I hope this makes up for it?? Maybe? Maybe not? Idk. ily though xx

Don't forget to vote/comment/share this book bc I would really appreciate it so much! ilysm xx

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