Can You Keep A Secret?

By pixel_angel

58 2 0

Hi I’m Clara Wolfhound, strange name isn’t it? Wolfhound, my father said we had that name for a reason he nev... More

Can You Keep A Secret?
Chapter 2

Chapter 1

14 1 0
By pixel_angel

Hi I’m Clara Wolfhound, strange name isn’t it? Wolfhound, my father said we had that name for a reason he never told me what the reason was, but he did tell me that one child from a generation would find out the reason our family had that name and they could never tell anyone. No one in the family knows who it is going to be, they just hope it will not be them. Enough about me and my last name I am here to tell a story, my story, I am living out my final day as I write this, soon I will meet my fate, praise him, anyway my story begins on a day, a Friday to be precise.

 I was walking home from school, I only live two blocks away so it is not too far to walk. When I get home I fix myself a snack, get changed out of my uniform and watch TV, my parents work late on Friday nights sometimes they don’t come home until almost midnight. So what do I do? What every person my age would do, order pizza! When the pizza arrives I eat half of it and I put the rest in the fridge for tomorrow morning, then I go and have my shower, feed my dog and go to bed, praise him, I wake up, but not in my bed, in the middle of the street, did I sleep walk, but were to?

 This does not look like my town. I decide to explore, it is still pitch black no one is here, well you would hope not it is midnight, I decide to look for and information centre so I can get a map. I walk around the border of the town trying to find one, nothing, I decide to walk around then finally I found one, in the middle of the town, why would it be here? Wouldn’t you put it on the border so it is easy to get to? Those were the thoughts running through my head, praise him, I go to the door, I see a brochure stand that says MAPS on it. I walk over, nothing not a single piece of paper, this town must be really popular, but why are there no traffic lights? Do they not use cars her? I decide to see if there is a supermarket here, I have no idea where I am going. I see a clock tower in the distance the time is 1 o’clock, Mum and Dad would be home by now, I wonder if they know where I am, and they will send a search party for me so I won’t be stuck here for long.

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