His Little Fae

By AidaBekar

1.8M 52.4K 13.1K

He wanted a Queen, she had no need for a King. He wanted his mate, she wanted adventure. He wanted her close... More

Coming soon
Unwanted Encounter
Prison Discussions
The King's Orders
Bad Decisions
Attempted Ambush
Upsetting Him
Foreign Lands
Terrifying Truths
Last Moments
Thank You
Small Signs
A Spiral of Tears
A Chance
Another Encounter
Unsupervised Adventures
Strange Visions
Your Mate is a Billionaire
(Not) Thinking Rationally
Fates Intertwined
Unconcealed Ardor
Drunken Haze
Luna della mia Vita
Kitchen Escapades
Euphoric Illusions
Moonlight Exploits
Fiery Animosity
Mild Vexation
Incandescent Flames
Sorrowful Mourning (I)
Midnight Discussions (I)
Midnight Discussions (II)
Dead of Night (I)
Dead of Night (II)
Saccharine Showers
Buried Enmity (I)
Buried Enmity (II)
Come Home
Lying by Omission
City of Lights (I)
City of Lights (II)
Calm Before the Storm
Monody (I)
Monody (II)
Monody (III)
Laconic Heartache
Arduous Distractions
Ephemeral Nights (I)
Ephemeral Nights (II)
Melancholic Bloodlust (I)
Melancholic Bloodlust (II)
A Fae's Epiphany (I)
A Fae's Epiphany (II)
Faerie Hunting (I)
Faerie Hunting (II)
Seeds of Doubt (I)
Seeds of Doubt (II)
Fresh Marks
Seraphic Truths (I)
Seraphic Truths (II)
Doorways (I)
Doorways (II)
Doorways (III)
Empty Threats (I)
Empty Threats (II)
Loyalty (I)
Loyalty (II)
Drawing Near (I)
Drawing Near (II)
First Blood

New Relations

21.2K 706 181
By AidaBekar

"Her soul was too deep to explore by those who only swam in the shallow end."

I had to admit, I was rather terrified after Livius left.

All of these people were practically strangers to me; however the moment I began engaging in conversation with Elle, I found myself being pulled into the flow of things.

Jayden sat across from me, to Livius' right, and his mate, sat immediately beside him. To my left was a muscular wolf with the most alluring hazel eyes named William, and apparently he was the one responsible for the main training of Livius' wolves.

Along the main table were most of Livius' personal advisors who had made it a point to come and introduce themselves to me the moment my mate was out of sight. Four of them made it a point to hover around me.

There was Noah, Livius' Delta whom I had met prior to this, Julian, a young wolf probably around my age who spoke so intelligently it left me in complete awe. He had the most piercing green eyes I had ever seen, and just so happened to also be Livius' chief strategist.


Elias, a brooding wolf in his early twenties who extended a nervous hand as he introduced himself, a small smile overtaking his features, and last but not least was Sebastian.

He was an unusual man, and it wasn't because of how he looked, or how he spoke, it was how he acted. I still remember the shocked yet knowing looks on everyone's faces when instead of simply shaking my hand like everyone else, he pulled me into an excited hug causing me to break out laughing.

He wasn't shy or nervous about displeasing me, he was simply happy, and that energy somehow managed to resonate with something within me.

We were immediate friends.

The remainder of Livius' council introduced themselves, before retreating back to their seats unlike the other four wolves whom instead chose to switch around so they could sit around me.

I quirked a brow as Sebastian met my gaze, before slowly settling back in his initial seat beside William, his eyes sparkling mischievously, "Finally," he sighed, and I eyed him curiously, one brow arched in questioning.

"The King has been unfair," he continued, waving a hand,"you've been living here for almost a month now, and only now is he letting us talk to you."

I giggled at his frustration, "Y'know, you could've just introduced yourself earlier," I proposed.

Julian shook his head, "It goes against tradition."


"The Queen's first pack dinner is where all formal introductions take place," Noah spoke up, a charming smile on his lips as he grasped the opportunity to capture my attention.

That's why...

"If we were to meet you anywhere else it'd be improper. Although Sebastian was very close to doing so," Elias added silently, adding to my understanding.

"How limiting," I murmured thoughtfully.

"That's what I'm saying," Sebastian exclaimed animatedly, gesturing towards himself, "we could be best friends by now, but nooo, we have a tradition," he mocked, rolling his eyes.

"If you're going to keep whining about it than perhaps you should go join a pack that actually gives a fuck about your grievances," Elias retorted quietly, mostly to himself, and I shocked him when I giggled, a hand coming up to my mouth to hide my smile.

Sebastian's eyes glittered at my hidden amusement, "Did I say something funny?"

I simply shook my head, my gaze sliding over to a smirking Elias, his eyes alight with a barely contained adoration as he also met my gaze.

Noah coughed, his serious eyes suddenly filled with curiosity, "moving away from our current... subject," he began, "there's actually something that has been bothering Julian and I for quite some time now."

I arched a brow at his statement, Sebastian and Elias also watching them both in confusion as Noah stared at Julian expectantly.

The wolf cleared his throat at the sudden attention, "Well, you see," he began slowly, eyes briefly flickering over to William, "There's been a rumor going around that you managed to defeat four of our wolves on your own. William denies it, the four wolves apparently involved refused to say anything, Beta Jayden claims he knows nothing, and there's no need to involve the King in our curious inquiry. Noah and I have had separate views on what really happened. Do you mind telling us?"

I blinked up at him, my gaze slowly sliding over towards William as my brows shot up, "You deny it?" I questioned, eyes narrowing.

The trainer blinked down at me warily, "Yes, yes I do."

Just as I was about to speak up in my own defense, Elle cut in. Her soft accusing voice joining the conversation, "I'm tired of your constant disbelief in a she-wolfs capabilities, William. She's our Queen, and you still doubt?"

He snorted, "My lady, I have never doubted a she-wolfs capabilities; however, you and Sebastian are going too far this time. You genuinely believe that she defeated four of our wolves? On her own? There's no possible way," William concluded.

I grinned, already accustomed to people's disbelief, "and why is it impossible?" I asked.

He stared down at me, taking in my small frame, "Look at you."

My face fell, the last traces of my amusement disappearing as I found myself scowling up at him, "what about me?"

He paused, "You're so... small, and fragile. Even more so than Elle, and that's saying a lot," the trainer responded, eyes briefly landing on an irritated Elle.

I hummed, briefly acknowledging his words, before reaching for my champagne again, choosing to dismiss him.

Livius could come for my height as much as he wanted, I didn't mind. He was probably the only person who could. However, I refused to accept judgement from someone who I barely even knew.

"Of course, I meant no disrespect, your highness. You seem very capable of handling yourself, but four wolves is a bit of an exaggeration," he added quickly, eyes flashing with alarm as he realized he may have upset me.

Maybe I should set his shirt on fire...

Just to send a message.

Livius would probably kill me though.

I rubbed my head as though attempting to get rid of the thought, before pouting as I stared at the empty glass before me.

Elias immediately reached for the bottle, offering me a hesitant smile whilst beginning to refill my cup, "Thank you," I murmured.

Maybe I don't have to set William on fire.

It could be a small flame.

Just to deliver the message.

Why are you actually debating this, Alexandria?

I eyed the candles that decorated the table, the flame moving ever so slightly with each shift in the air as I watched interestedly.

"I don't like the look she has on her face right now," Sebastian cautiously whispered into Julians ear as they both watched me.

Noah paused, eyes briefly narrowing on me, whilst Elias watched interestedly. Meanwhile, William simply went back to his dinner not noticing the small spark in my normally brown eyes.

My irritation spiked, the fire reflecting in my eyes, calling to me with an unavoidable temptation, and just as I was about to reach for it, to make my point to William, a set of hands clamped down on my shoulders. I stiffened, body going rigid as I felt the familiar tingles, his scent suddenly surrounding me.

I attempted to relax at his closeness but he leaned down, his hand resting on my armrest, lips near my ear, "I know that look, my love, who upset you?"

Squirming under his gaze, heat rushed to my cheeks as I looked away, not liking the strange intimacy that was left for everyone in this hall to see.

Livius shook his head, an indecipherable emotion flashing in his eyes before he slowly strode back towards his chair, and settled down, his head resting on his hand.

Sliding his gaze over his advisors, they all fell silent as they landed on William before returning to me, "Alright, knowing these guys, I'll have to guess it was William," he stated boredly.

Sebastian snickered, immediately perking up at the opportunity to drag his peer, "Your majesty, you couldn't be more right," he agreed.

I chuckled at his willingness to expose his comrade. All the previous tension dissipating with Livius' relaxing scent hovering in the air around me.

Who knew one of the highest ranking members of the King's council acted like this?

The werewolf Kingdom should be in ashes by now.

"What happened?" Livius asked curiously as he sat up.

"Well, you see, your majesty it's a long story," Julian mused, a sinister look flashing in his eyes, and a part of me giggled at how much they were dramatizing the situation.

"Something tells me you're going to over exaggerate," Livius told him, "I don't want to hear it, not from you."

Sebastian opened his mouth, before closing it again as my mate narrowed his eyes on him, "You're just going to lie, so don't even start."

"Your highness," Noah began incredulously, "may I ask why you think William did something?"

Elias perked up interestedly at the question, not speaking up, but willing to hear the response.

Livius paused, staring at them as though they were blind, "You didn't notice that look?"

"What look?" Julian inquired.

"The one that literally said, 'I'm going to set this guy on fire."

Sebastian's eyes widened, his gaze briefly flickering over to me as I looked away, my hand coming up to shyly tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

Why was he exposing me?

Taking another sip of the champagne Sebastian had offered me earlier, I subtly reached for my mates hand, a part of me wanting to feel those familiar tingles dancing across my skin at his touch.

Livius blinked down at me, his fingers intertwining with my own as Sebastian spoke up, "You mean she intended to chuck that candle at him?" he asked.

"I mean that's the only thing she could've done," Noah murmured before hesitantly looking up, "right?"

I sighed, rubbing my temples as I realized how much I had to explain.

This was going to be a long night.


"So your magic lets you set people on fire?" Sebastian asked incredulously for the hundredth time.

Livius groaned, instead gesturing to Julian to respond to his questions.

The advisor cleared his throat, and spoke clearly, "From what I can gather, our queen is a half fae and therefore possesses their natural ability to harness magic energy, and create a specific element. Of course, that does not cancel out the fact that she is most likely capable of doing other things," he explained confidently.

"What do you mean by 'other things?" Elias questioned, and I tiredly rested my head on the table, choosing to allow them to debate amongst themselves. Livius slowly reached forward, his hand gently stroking my hair as he took in my sleepy state, completely unaware of the real reason behind my drowsiness.

"I suppose he means her magical ability is more than just a lighter. She doesn't just make fire and water. She can do other things like erase a person's memory," Noah said in response to Elias' question.

"So that's how she defeated those four wolves," Sebastian perked up, brushing his hair out of his face as his eyes landed on me.

"I suppose if they went easy on her, it is possible," William stated, his hand coming up to stroke his chin.

My anger spiked.

One hour ago I would've maintained my self control. I would've ignored his arrogant statements and simply turned away. I would've pretended he wasn't there.

One hour ago I didn't have any alcohol in my system.

I sat up, my cheeks tinted a light pink as my eyes dilated. Livius eyed me warily, not liking the strange look on my face.

Ignoring the warning look my mate shot me, I eyed the glass of wine in Williams hand, my lips quirking up as I mentally prepared myself to try out the spell I had been attempting to learn.

He seemed like a nice test subject.

My mind and body were completely numb. I had no sense of what I was doing, and my emotions were in complete control of all my actions. Whatever I did had a huge chance of backfiring.

Hence why a drunk fae is never a good thing.

Our power relied on our mental stability. And what did drinking do?

It took that away.

I watched silently as his glass erupted into tiny pieces. The liquid spilling all over his suit while the shards fell all around him.

William let out a surprised shout at the sudden occurrence, his eyes widening whilst he stared down at his hands, unsure what he'd done.

The hall went silent.

My bad.

My mates advisors were all speechless, they're eyes landing on the broken glass, none of them able to believe what they were seeing. I doubt any of them would've thought it was me if it weren't for Livius' words.

"Alexandria," he bit out, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I batted my eyelashes up at him, an innocent look overtaking my features, "Yes, my king."

"What have I told you about using magic on my subjects?" Livius questioned, eyes meeting my own.

I turned to look at William, my gaze drifting down to the spilled wine and the broken cup, "What makes you think that was my doing?"

"Who else could it possibly have been?" he asked, "Last time I checked, no one in this castle could use magic except for you."

"You don't need magic to break a cup, I suppose his grip was just a little too forceful," I giggled happily.

The moment the giggle escaped my lips, a look of realization washed over Livius' face.

"You're drunk," he stated calmly, voice barely above a whisper as the conversations slowly started up again.

"No, I'm not," I huffed, crossing my arms.

The King inhaled deeply, eyes drifting over to his advisors before landing on me again, "Which one of you guys were dumb enough to offer her champagne?"

Almost immediately Elias pointed at Sebastian, all the others following after, silently choosing to pin the blame on him. Disinterestedly, I reached for my glass again, and pouted as Livius moved it out of my arms length.

It was unfair that they were ganging up on my friend. So I spoke up, my words an incomprehensile slur, "Eliasofferedme champagnetoo."

"What?" Livius asked, turning back to me.

I giggled again, "I said Elias offered me champagne too."

At my words, Livius turned to scowl at the man, eyes promising reprisal.

Noah spoke up, bringing my attention to him, "Alright, but I must say your majesty, what you did to Will's glass was incredible. And very much deserved."

I pushed my hair out of my face, my lips pursed, "I told you it wasn't me," I whined childishly, suddenly tempted to stomp my foot on the ground.

Disregarding my words, Sebastian asked, "Can you show us more?"

Livius gave him a warning look similar to the one he'd given me earlier, "Don't encourage her you fool."

I clapped my hands excitedly, a part of me more than willing to show them what else I can do, but my shoulders immediately sagged at the look Livius directed towards me.

Sticking my tongue out at him, I crossed my arms defensively, "You're such a killjoy."

He rolled his eyes at my antics, "Come on, Alexandria, I think it's time you went to bed."

I shook my head stubbornly, "I don't want to."

Livius blinked down at me, urging me to say yes and leave with him. I pouted, suddenly overcome with a huge wave of sadness, "You won't let me use magic, and now you're taking me back to that gilded cage upstairs," I sniffled, tearing up.

"You promised to let me meet your pack Livius," I cried, my hands coming up to wipe the tears that streamed down my cheeks.

His gaze immediately softened, even if he knew I was intoxicated, he couldn't turn away from me, "Don't cry, my love," he cupped my cheek, finger brushing aside one of the droplets.

This really was going to be a long night.

For him, I mean.


Thank ya'll sm for 100k like I'm literally so grateful. I have no words.

I'd also like to send a huge thanks to the incredible LethalinLove for this beautiful book cover she made me!

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