Fault [bxb] ✔

By wick3d_guy

871K 29.3K 27.6K

"Listen here." He said threateningly as he held my chin harshly, making me look directly into his glaring eye... More

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Author's note 2


6.7K 225 103
By wick3d_guy

CHAPTER 55 | Freedom

Seriously, a big thank you to you all beautiful readers!!! I was so shocked to find that this story reached the #1 place in gay, homosexual and bxb, I don't know what happened there but suddenly this story is nearly 8000 reads. Thank you all, I'll try to update more frequently. Enjoy this little filler chapter ♥️


Despite the speech or whatever you want to call it that I gave in front of the entire school last Friday, Mark was still very insecure and afraid of returning to that place after the humiliation he received. I understood him. I knew that not everyone had gotten the message and even though I tried my best to take all the shit out of their ignorant heads, not all of them would go all friendly and accepting with him. And from what my Marky bear told me, he wouldn't be able to handle more insults, not even the weird looks. But Mark couldn't simply ditch school for the rest of his days, that's why I decided to propose something to him that would benefit the both of us: I told him to change to afternoon classes with me.

Not only we would be able to spend more time together, but also because I noticed that people who attended classes in that schedule were a bit more... Nice, respectful, accepting. I know it because there's a semi popular guy in that class named Zachary who is openly bisexual, and everyone is cool about it. There's also a couple of two girls who are always showing affection to each other and everyone is cool too. When I told this to Mark, the idea of changing classes became more appealing to him. He looked so happy about being around people who would accept him the way he is and wouldn't insult him.

It wouldn't be the first time he would be with me in those classes. Those few times that he spent my classes with me he didn't do his work and used fake names, which was funny. But now he would be an official student in that schedule and would have to do all of his work.

Although I must say, afternoon schedule sucks. I mean, I'd rather go to school in mornings and have the rest of the afternoon free, but now it's the other way around. I've spent some months in those classes since the time I faked my death and I still haven't gotten used to that schedule. But now that Mark will be sharing those classes with me, I think I will get used pretty easily.

The feeling of waking up on a Sunday morning, listening to the birds signing outside and feeling the texture of a pair of soft lips kissing my own was the most wonderful thing ever. Even though my brain was already awake, I pretended to be still sleeping, only to continue listening to Mark's soft voice telling me to wake up, at the same time he placed kisses on my face and lips.

"Come on, baby." He whispered in my ear, kissing around it and sending a nice shiver down my back. "Wakey wakey."

We had created a new rule for every day: whoever who woke up first in the morning, had to wake the other one with a kiss on the lips. Almost like a fairytale. That's what Mark was doing as he seemingly was the one who woke up first and now had to do the same to me by using that pair of cotton candy lips that were impossible to ignore.

I finally gave in and wrapped my arms around his neck when I felt his lips brushing against mine, returning the kiss by pressing mine further into his. It took him a bit by surprise, but then I felt him kissing me back.

"Finally." Mark said with a smile. "I was starting to fear that my kisses had lost their power to wake you up."

"They didn't. I just wanted to keep feeling them." I answered, brushing my fingers over the small beard on his cheek.

"Then let's keep feeling them more." He said, bringing his lips back to mine as he started to kiss me with more intensity. He pressed his bare chest against mine and I threw the sheets away from his body, so I could please my hands with the muscles on his back. We started moaning when our tongues joined our kisses and Mark started to move his hips to hump his crotch over mine beneath our tightening boxers. We didn't even care if we had just woken up and we were kissing already.

I pulled down his boxers to his knees so I could grasp that pair of big butt cheeks, the action being good enough to make Mark whine in pleasure. His cock was already hard and moistening my boxers with his precum. I started kissing and biting gently a specific spot on his neck as he continued gasping near my ear while I slowly spread his ass. This was going to turn into a full sex session if it wasn't for the sound of the main door opening and a pair of heels resonating throughout the hall.

We quickly stopped our actions and shut our moans. Mark looked at me. "Who is it?"

That's when I heard my aunt calling my name from downstairs.

"It's my aunt." I said, pushing Mark off me as gently as possible as I started to put on my clothes in a hurry.

"Ugh. What does she want?" Mark whispered, seemingly annoyed at the fact that she had stepped into my house right when he was naked and with a full boner.

"I don't know. Maybe she'll want to have breakfast with us and talk for a while. But first I will have to tell her about you staying here." I said, pulling up my pants.

"Oh, right... Do you think she'll get mad?" He asked uncertainly.

"Why would she? She doesn't have to. It's my house and I can decide who to share it with." I replied with a smile. He smiled back and my aunt continued to call for me. "I'm coming!"

Sigh. I wish I had said that last phrase while I was copulating with Mark.

After putting on my shoes, I told Mark to wait a bit for me while I went to talk with my aunt. He nodded and pulled the sheets over his waist to cover his decreasing boner. Seeing him laying on my bed, wrapped in my white sheets, made him look so glorious, like a Greek god. The only missing thing was a laurel wreath around his head.

I bit my lip as I checked him out and decided to tease him a bit as I launched myself back on the bed, attacking his lips in a series of strong kisses and rubbing my hand over his cock below the sheets. Mark moaned in my mouth and with the power of my magic hand, I managed to make him hard again in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, I had business to attend to with my aunt, so I had to pull away and stood up from the bed, smirking evilly at him.

"You little pillock." Mark cursed at me for leaving him all horny again. I could only laugh at remembering that that's how he used to call me sometime. When we were frenemies.

"Ah, how I missed that name." I said, smiling. Mark only rolled his eyes but returned the smile. I left the room and closed the door behind me, going down the stairs.

"Hey, Zack. Good morning." My aunt greeted me as I got to the living room.

"Good morning."

"How have you been?"

"I've been great."

"Great, huh?" She asked. "Does this have anything to do with you know who?" She smirked, wiggling her eyebrow.

I felt my face getting a bit red. "Yeah... It's because of him." I replied, fiddling with the collar of my shirt. "Actually, I wanted to tell you something about him."

"What?" She asked with a concerned tone, the first thing that came to her mind surely was that I was going to tell her something bad about him.

I sighed, not entirely sure about how to put this. I was actually debating on what verb I should use. Either tell her that Mark is staying here for some days, or tell her that he was going to live here with me... Forever. Almost like a married couple. I'm aware of the fact that I told him that he could stay for as long as he wished, even if he got to live with me, I would be more than fine with that. And I truly am. I love thinking that Mark will live with me in my house and that he never will be out of my sight for a single second, despite us still being a bit young to live together. On the other hand, I didn't like the thought of Mark spending only some days here before having to move to another place. With that said, I guess I already had my answer.

"So, what's up with him?" She asked after seeing me silent.

"Mark is going to live here from now on."

"What?! Why?!"

"Look, before you get mad, let me explain." I said quickly. "Just last Thursday, something really unfortunate happened to him. Somehow people of the entire school found out about his secret, about being gay. Everyone laughed at him, they insulted him, he even got into a fight. And not only that, his parents also found out about it. His dad obviously didn't like hearing that at all and he hit him too. His mom did accept him, but she got mad at his dad for doing that to Mark. Because of that... They're going to divorce."

"Oh, poor boy!" My aunt said sadly, placing a hand over her chest.

"Yeah. That same day he was devastated from everything that happened. He came here looking for a place where he could stay, and I just couldn't deny it to him."

"It's something good what you did for him, it's what any other kind person would have done too. But, is he really going to stay here forever? I understand that you two love each other so much and all, but you both are still very young. You need to go to school, to university, to get a job. The money that your parents left for you is not unlimited, Zack. It won't suffice to maintain the both of you in the future."

"I know. But we can always try to find some place where we could work."

"At such a young age?"

"Aunt, I'm 18, Mark is 19, almost 20. We're old enough to start working. Besides, it would be something easy, like helping at some store or even as waiters at some restaurant, I don't know. But it will help us to earn some money while we continue studying until we can finish high school and university. We will be more than fine, trust me. And don't worry, you don't have to take care of him too. That's my job."

My aunt remained silent for some seconds, placing a hand on her chin and pondering about our situation. "Oh Zack. Always so positive and sure of yourself. I don't doubt why Mark likes you."

I blushed hard and shifted shyly on my spot. Well, my positiveness and optimism wasn't the only thing why Mark was attracted to me, though.

"Okay, he can live here." She finally agreed.

"Thank you!" I said, going to give her a tight hug. She smiled and hugged me back. "You're the best aunt ever."

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't plan in having any kids for now, okay?"

I chuckled, pulling away, my stomach fluttering at the thought of me and Mark... Building a family... Raising our children... One boy, and one girl... With two dogs... And maybe a cat... And-

"Stop thinking about it! I know how much you want it but you're still too young." My aunt interrupted my train of thought.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay. It's not like I wanted it now, anyway." I half lied, still keeping a smile on my face at my future plans.

"So, where is your boyfriend?"

"In my bedroom."

"Sleeping together now, I see." She wiggled her eyebrows again. "Anyway, wake him up and tell him to come down to have breakfast."

"Okay!" I said, running through the hall and rushing up the stairs to my bedroom door. I pushed it open and walked inside. "Mark, come down to have breakfa-"

I stopped mid-way and my jaw dropped at the sight in front of me. Mark had an arm thrown over his forehead, his breath heavy, and his chest and stomach all covered in thick stains of white cum.

He turned to look at me with lazy eyes. "What? You left me with a boner. I had to take care of it."

I laughed and shook my head. "Oh my God, Mark... Well, I'm fine with it as long as you did it while thinking about me."

"Of course I did." He smiled. I had to get some toilet paper to clean him up and help him to dress up.


As breakfast went by, my aunt was asking Mark questions about his life, avoiding everything related to my fake death or what happened at school, so to not make him uncomfortable.

"So have you thought in what you want to work as, Mark?" My aunt asked.

"Um... Not really." He answered.

"What are you good at?"

"Well... I can draw."

"Oh, right!" I chimed in. "Mark makes incredibly awesome drawings and paintings of all kinds. He can draw landscapes, cities, persons, everything you want him to paint, he will make it look super realistic. Right, Mark?"

He smiled sheepishly, rubbing his nape. "Heh, yeah."

"That's amazing! Does that mean that you can paint me too?" My aunt asked him, and I could see the slightest smirk on her face as she said it... I looked at her suspiciously.

"Uh, yeah. If you want to..."

My aunt laughed. "I'm just kidding! You should've seen Zack's face, he was looking at me with murderous eyes!" She said and Mark looked at me, and I could just look down at my plate to hide my burning face. "Calm down, Zack, I'm not trying to steal your boyfriend."

"I wasn't thinking that." I deadpanned.

Mark chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry. If you want me to paint you someday, just ask me." He said seductively, making me shiver and blush more at the image in my head.

He has painted me before, although only my face. But I think he meant if I wanted him to paint me... I don't know, my whole body without any clothing on. Almost Titanic style.

"Anyway, you could be an artist, Mark." My aunt told him. "Just imagine your original work being sold and admired by everyone in the world. Even in museums. You could also be an art teacher, teaching other people to draw. That's a pretty nice job."

Mark had a dreamy face as he thought of what my aunt told him. "Yeah... That would be great."

And so we continued talking about our future plans. After we finished our breakfast, we took our plates to the kitchen to wash them. My aunt took her things so she could leave, telling us to behave and keep the house clean. We obeyed, but before she could leave, she turned at us with a thoughtful expression.

"I was going to tell you something but I forgot it." She said, tapping her chin with a finger until her face lighted up. "Oh right! You Mark, you better not be too rough with my Zack while you two are at it. You look like one of those guys who like to do it rough, and I don't want you to hurt Zack, did you hear me?"

"A-Aunt!" I stuttered, my face burning. I turned to look at Mark next to me, whose face matched the color of mine as he rubbed his nape awkwardly.

"N-No... Don't worry, miss. I... I'm not like that with him."

"You better not be. Zack wouldn't be able to handle it."

Pft. Please, Mark can stick his whole cock inside me until getting to my intestines and fuck me as rough as he wishes, and I can fucking handle it. I'm not that fragile or anything. Although he hasn't done that with me the times that we have done it. He's actually kind of gentle. He's just so afraid of hurting me in any way.

"Yes, aunt, I understand. Besides, who ever said that I was always the catcher?"

"What?" She gasped and Mark turned even redder.

Oh right, and everything that I mentioned previously I can also do it to Mark and he freaking loves it as well.

"Whatever, don't you have to go?" I told her hurriedly.

"Um yeah, but before that, also have to remind you to ALWAYS use protection. You've been using protection, right?"

I looked down in shame and ran a hand down my face. "Yes. Of course." I lied.

"Good. If you ever need condoms, I have some stored at my house. We don't use them anymore. I always tell your uncle to revive some of our old days but he's always refusing to do it. That scrawny old man." She muttered, crossing her arms and glaring at the wall.

Mark chuckled behind me and I could just clear my throat awkwardly. "Oh, that's terrible, aunt. And yes, we will contact you if we ever need... That. Anyway, bye bye!"

After some more seconds, she finally left. I closed the door behind me and sighed of relief. Now it was only Mark and me. I walked towards him as he remained standing on his spot by the table.

"Your aunt is..." He trailed.

"Crazy. I know." I completed.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me so he could kiss me softly. After some hours passed, we were sitting on the couch, watching a random movie on the TV while we shared the chocolates that Mark had brought me that day. Although we were paying very little attention to the movie as we talked and shared every little detail about us. We already knew a lot from each other. What we liked and disliked, our favorite color, food, weather, birthdays, signs. His birthday is on June 15, which is pretty close by. I can't believe he's going to turn 20 so fast. I want to gift him something special that day, something that he loves. I'm still thinking about that and haven't decided exactly on what I want to give him.

Tomorrow we're starting classes again in the afternoon. I asked him if he was nervous about going back to that school again, but he seemed pretty calm about it. Mostly because I told him that students were more accepting in those classes. Although not everyone is all supportive and happy-go-lucky about it. Sometimes I've seen some guys scoffing under their breaths and muttering things when they see the semi popular guy making out with another random dude. But at least their words don't get as far as to humiliate him or insult him like the morning students do.

I could even make out with Mark on the lockers and no one would give a shit about it. Even some fangirls would gather around to enjoy the scene. I think. I wonder if I should test that out tomorrow.


Next day, around 2 PM, we were already talking to the principal about Mark's change of schedule. The principal remembered Mark's incident and agreed that changing to afternoon classes would be the best for him, seeing that apparently there were still some students with the homophobic shit stuck in their heads.

So, after Mark got his timetable, I checked it to see if we had any classes together. I was happy to see that we had Physics and Math together. The most boring ones, but at least I'd get bored with him.

Each one of us went to their respective classes. From time to time I caught sight of some girls running their eyes all over Mark's figure as we walked through the halls, licking their lips, smiling devilishly and whispering things to their friends. However when I turned to see Mark, he kept his gaze focused straight ahead of him, not even glancing at any of girls, but turning his head to smile at me instead. I of course returned it, and I had to resist the urge to intertwine my fingers with his so the girls would stop looking at my guy and know that he's gay and taken. But maybe it wasn't the time to out him, yet.

The classes that I had alone were super boring and I couldn't even pull out my phone to secretly text with Mark, since he broke his own. He seriously needs a new phone. I could only entertain myself by daydreaming about us in different situations, what we have done, what we're doing and what I want us to do.

After some more boring ass classes, the bell finally rang and it was time for lunch break. We met up at the cafeteria and sat at an empty table, only the two of us. We talked as we ate some sandwiches and I could still see almost every girl looking at Mark's direction as if he was a celebrity... Well, he is, but only for me.

"How were your classes?" I asked him, biting on my sandwich.

"Annoying. Mostly with these girls trying to hit on me." He replied with a chuckle.

"Really?" I asked, not very surprised.

"Yeah. I tried to ignore them but they kept on talking and talking to me and I couldn't even find a way to shut them up without seeming rude. The entire time I was wishing you could be with me, so I could only talk to you."

I smiled. "Don't worry. We will have math together tomorrow. And also... We will have all the time for ourselves when we get home."

Mark returned the smile and my stomach fluttered at how I called my house, our home. He shyly moved his hand so he could place it on top of mine and he caressed it with his fingers. I returned the action, brushing my thumb over the bones and veins on the back of his big hand.

That was until I heard the characteristic voices of some girls approaching, and Mark noticed they were walking our direction and he was quick enough to remove his hand from mine and scratch the back of his head. I see he's still afraid of public displays of affection. But that is going to change today.

"Hey, Zack!" The three girls greeted me, giggling as they saw who I was sitting with. "Who is your friend, uh?"

These girls know me already since some time. They're not really my friends, but I get along with them. Sometimes they used to give me company when they saw me eating alone at break lunch and they're actually nice.

"He's Mark."

"Mark..." They drawled, as one of them walked to his side and grasped one of his arms with both hands, making Mark look at her a bit surprised. Oh no, bitch, you better get your hands off him.

"Oh, Mark, you have such big arms. I guess you work out a lot?"

"Uuhhh... Yeah, sometimes." He replied awkwardly.

"Sorry, girls. He's already taken." I butt in.

They all looked at me. "Ow, really? By who?"

I crossed my arms. "You're seeing him."

Their eyes went wide and they gasped. "No way... He can't be... You're-"

"Yes. I'm bisexual and Mark is gay." I confessed. Mark looked down at his fingers, looking scared of what might happen. And believe me, I was too. Although not too much. There are already some other bisexual, gay and lesbian people here, they can't reject us.

"Ha! I told you all Zack was gay, but you never believed me!" One of the girls told the other two in front of her. "Give me my ten bucks! Each one!"

"Bitch, he said he's bisexual. He never said he was gay." One responded, crossing her arms.

"But he still likes boys! That also counts. Now gimme my ten bucks, bitches!"

Wait, they did a bet on me?!

The girls rolled their eyes before each one handed her the money. "Ow, what a shame! You're too handsome to be gay!" One of the girls told Mark with a pouting face.

"Um, sorry?" He replied.

"All the hot guys are either taken or gay." The other one said, and they all agreed.

"Whatever. Be happy with your boyfriend, you lucky boy. Ugh, I envy you!" One said before they left and we watched as they continued talking to themselves.

I guess some people also heard what the girls said, and who wouldn't when their voices are louder than a helicopter taking off. I noticed that some girls and boys looked very surprised and the whispers increased more. I wasn't really interested about what they were saying, whether it was good or bad.

"See? It's not that bad. Almost half of the students know now." I told him.

"Yeah. At least I haven't heard any insults for now." He said, looking around the room a bit nervous.

"Even if you hear them, don't mind them. Some people just want to make us feel bad with what they tell us, but we won't give them that satisfaction." I said, smiling and placing my hand on top of his, caressing it. He returned the smile and looked more relieved now.

At the end of classes, I was waiting for Mark on the lockers. It was night already and some students were taking some things and leaving through the double doors, or some of them stayed around to talk. I was leaning my back on my locker with my arms crossed, my eyes roaming around the crowd until he finally appeared out of a corner, his eyes also looking around for me.

"Mark!" I called his name, and his eyes immediately landed on mine. He eagerly made his way towards me, holding his backpack on his shoulder and leaving all the girls with lovestruck faces behind him.

"Hey. Do we leave now?" He asked me.

"Yes, but first... Come here." As I said that, I took both sides of his unzipped jacket and pulled him towards me, his chest colliding with mine. Before he could know what was happening, I already had my lips against his own, kissing them and licking them savagely. A band of gasps was heard throughout the room, and I could feel everyone's gazes on us while Mark tried to pull away from me, but instead, I wrapped my arms around his back like a chain that prevented him from doing so.

I heard a low moan escaping from his lips with the more force and passion that I added to our kisses, and after a while he started to kiss me back, albeit kind of shyly and uncertainly due to the public that was witnessing the whole thing.

I pulled away from him, only to switch our positions as now he was the one with his back against the lockers. I filled his neck with kisses and gentle bites, listening to the sound of his laboured breathing and the moans that he fought so hard to contain. He could only place both hands on my arms, too shy to touch me more. Soon I heard as people started whistling and wooing at us for the spectacle that we were making. Comments like That's so hot, Get a room, You guys go, and things like that were also heard. At least I hadn't heard the F word.

I pulled away from his neck to look at him. His chest was rising and falling heavily, his whole face had turned an adorable shade of pink all over his cheeks, neck and ears, a clear sign that he was embarrassed from all the attention we caught. But at least he wasn't sad or upset if people had insulted us. I'm glad they didn't.

"Now, we can go." I told him, taking hold of his hand and making our way out of the school, as the whistles and teases didn't stop sounding behind us.

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