
Von Ficteon

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Lance a upcoming pro surfer loves the waves. He loves to show off his moves, he loves the freedom, he loves h... Mehr

Chapter 1: Waves to catch
Chapter 2: Spilled Coffee
Chapter 3: Friends argue sometimes.
Chapter 4: Slow improvements.
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6: The perfect date.
Chapter 7: Trust me.
Chapter 8: Countdown.
Chapter 9: No problem bro.
Chapter 10: Good change, bad change.
Chapter 11: Meeting.
Chapter 12: Perfect for him.
Chapter 13: It was bound to happen.
Chapter 14: Comfort
Chapter 16: How Yorak felt.
Chapter 17: Explaining.
Chapter 18 Together at last.
Chapter 19: The end.

Chapter 15: I know.

288 13 0
Von Ficteon


"Hey Pidge.." Lance walks up to his friend. He had decided to train again and he already suspended Pidge or Hunk to be here at the beach. He was right.. He saw Pidge from the distance and walked to her.

Pidge is quiet for a moment. And then she says. "You motherfucker." She slaps Lance on the head. "Where were you this week! I called you a thousand times! Hunk didn't tell me anything! Keith didn't know anything, how could he not know anything!"

Lance holds his head in pain. "Sorry sorry.."

"You better be asshole!" Pidge continues punching her friend. She won't admit that she was worried.. but she was. "You better tell me what happened!"

"Okay okay!" Lance looks down towards the sand beneath his feet as he finds the courage to tell Pidge, but he knows he will need to do it. Pidge waits for a explanation and after a moment Lance gives her that. "Allura broke up with me.."

"Wait what?" Pidge is a bit in shock and grows quiet.

Lance crosses his arms.. he feels the sadness he thought had become less come back. "Yeah.. you heard me. Allura the girl I really liked broke up with me."

"I'm so sorry Lance.."

"Don't be.. I should have seen it coming." Lance takes a deep breath. "But yeah I was out for a couple days. It is time for me to come back and train."

Pidge is confused why Lance said he should have expected it. But maybe she shouldn't ask about it now. It seems to be a sensitive subject."Lance if you need more days off then that is fine."

Lance shakes his head. "No no.. It's okay. I need to train for the championships."

"Yeah but.."

"I need to Pidge. It will calm me down too. I love being in the water. And if I don't train now I will never be good enough." Lance picks up his surfboard and walks towards the water. Lance thinks the water feels nice against his body, he missed this. Pidge looks at Lance.. she has never seen him like this. Lance is always cheerful, even when he was with Allura and wasn't himself he was still more cheerful than this. But for some reason it feels different to when Lance is heartbroken, he has been heartbroken a whole lot before. He was always telling them he wants the girl back and how he will never find someone better. No now Lance said he should have expected it.


"Lance are you sure you are okay?" Pidge walks into the water with her surfboard as well.

"I am.." Lance gives her a small smile."Allura and I didn't end things a bad way.. We will still be friends."

"Are you sure? It must become really awkward."

"Oh yeah.. it will be for some time for sure. But it will be fine." Lance says as he sits down on his board.

"Who know about it?" Pidge asks.

"I told Hunk first. And Keith found out yesterday. He broke into my house.. that bastard." Lance narrows his eyes thinking about how Keith entered his house without asking. Not that he isn't grateful that he did. "But.. well er talked and it was really nice that he was there."

"Now I think of it.. I haven't heard a lot of Allura too. But she did react to a couple of text messages. Not at the ones asking about you though, but now I know why."

"Yeah.." Lance takes a deep breath. He can smell the ocean.. the wind is going through his hair. He feels himself calming down immediately. "I'm sorry for not calling you Pidge. You did deserve to know."

Pidge shrugs her shoulders. "Hey I get it.. You don't have to apologize. You didn't even tell Keith and you two are really close."

Lance smiles at her. "Lets to catch some waves okay?"

"Sounds like a great idea." Pidge already lays down on her stomach to paddle towards a big wave. Lance follows her. He'll show her he can even beat her after a break of 6 days."


"Shiro I swear if you throw that water on me I'll take you out of my will!" Keith may have gotten better. But water is still evil incarnated.. "Shiro I mean itt!"

Shiro held a open bottle of water with seawater above his head. He wasn't really going to do it of course.. he isn't that cruel. "Then give me back the damn sunglasses."

"But I want them! I forgot mine.." Keith whines. Why did he let Shiro drag him to the beach.. He really wonders how Shiro succeeds in making him go with him everytime.

It has been a couple weeks now since the breakup between Lance and Allura. It has slowly been going back to normal except that Lance and Allura still haven't seen each other again. But the others all understand that it will take some time for them to be comfortable seeing each other again.

Lance has been training a lot again. Everytime they plan on doing something nice with the group he had canceled because of training. He wants to make up for lost time. The championships already start in two weeks, he can't slack off now.

Allura is busy too. That is her excuse for not showing up. But well she was always busy. She did decide that maybe... she is a bit too busy. That is a good thing. She started spending more time with Pidge alone, and she hanged out with other friends she already knew before she met Lance.

"You should just have brought your own. Now give me mine." Shiro orders and Keith gives him back the sunglasses.

"Okay fine here!"

Shiro sits back down next to Adam. They are so cuddly and it makes Keith feel like some third wheel. Really why did he agree on coming?
Oh yes now he remembers. Since Lance is busy training a lot these days he just.. sees him less often. But here he is having a beautiful view of Lance Mcclain training his ass off for the championships.

He's proud of him for working this hard. Keith can see how much Lance wants this.

"Watching your boyfriend again?" Shiro teases.

Keith gives him a death glare. "He isn't my boyfriend you know this. Low blow Shiro low blow."

"I just think it is cute. And I think you should tell him you like him." Shiro says.

Keith pinches the bridge of his nose. "Shiro how stupid are you? Why the hell would I tell him. For starters he is not over Allura.. everybody can see that. Second he is really busy right now. Third it will ruin what we already have and last but not least I have never seen Lance even look at guy like he looks at girls."

"Well yeah maybe you should wait till he is healed more.. but it would maybe give you more then you already have and you will both be happier. And if Lance really doesn't feel that way for you he isn't the guy to not be friends with you anymore." Shiro just wants Keith to be happy. He sees the smile on his face everytime he looks at Lance. He sees how much he cares for him.

"No is no Shiro." Keith looks down at the sand. It's getting hotter and hotter at the beach in the sun. You only have to touch the sand and you are burned. Keith hates it..

Keith sighs. He removes his shirts to cool down a little. He also asks Adam if he can have some drink water. But both Adam and Shiro look at him and shock.

"Adam?? Can I have some water." Keith repeats.

"You look great Keith.. you're starting to get your old figure back." Shiro says proudly. He knew Keith was going to the gym again, but he didn't know how much effort Keith had put into it. Now he knows though.

Keith looks down at his own body. "Thanks.. It isn't perfect or anything, but I try."

"It looks good Keith."
Adam nods and agrees with Shiro

Keith gets a bit embarrassed.. "Thank you two." Keith is pretty bad with compliments and this is just a bit much for him. Like it isn't even close to what it was before so why would they say it looks good already. Keith knows it isn't bad but like... good is something Lance has. And there Keith goes again thinking about Lance. It is a never ending circle. He thinks about Lance then he gets distracted and thinks about something else, but no no no a moment later Lance is on his mind again.

And it is very irritating.

He doesn't want to think about how great Lance's body is. He doesn't want to think about his beautiful eyes. And he sure as hell doesn't want to think about that smile.. that damn smile.

"Keith? Since when are you here?" Keith hears behind him. He turns around to look but he already knows who is talking. He'd recognize that voice even if he would be deaf.
Lance rushes to the three men laying on the beach all wet and exhausted from surfing. Keith has to swallow before he can talk. It's so unfair, why is he so good looking?

"Hey.. Lance. I saw you training, how is it going?"

Lance sits down next to Keith. "Good good. I did all my tricks perfectly. I am so ready for the championships." Lance then smirks at Shiro. "Are you ready too Shiro?"

"Of course I am." Shiro is always ready

"For sure I'll beat you." Lance challenges Shiro.

"Oh really? Well we'll see about that." Adam and Keith laugh at seeing the two surfers argue about who will win.
They keep giving arguments about why they would win. But of course it is just for fun. They both would cheer each other on when it is their time to show what they can do in the championships.

Lance puts his arm on Keith's shoulder. "But well we both know who Keith here will be cheering for."

"Yes for Shiro."

Lance gasps. "Keith! How dare you!"

"I did, I dare." As Keith says this Lance fake cries on his shoulder.

"You hurt me Keith!" Lance whines and pouts, and it melts Keith's heart. It's just too cute. "You won't cheer for me? But then I won't win! I need you to cheer for me Mullet."

"Not if you call me Mullet." Keith says with a frown.

"Then what do I need to call you? Keithy? kitten? Bestfriend in the whole universe?" Keith frowns at Lance as a answer to his question. "I'll just stay with mullet."

Adam grins. "Keith we all know how loudly you will cheer for Lance. I think you we will hear you above ever sound on the tribune." He likes to see how Keith gets all red like a tomato. "So don't worry Lance your Keithy is going to cheer for you."

Lance smiles.. and he actually has a slight blush on his cheeks as well. Adam notices.. but he decides to not make a scene, well not more of a scene then he already did. Keith looks away and says with a frown. "Shut up Adam."

Shiro feels that the mood has gone a bit awkward. "So Lance. I looked at your moves, and they look very good. I'm seriously going to have a hard time at the championships."

Lance smiles at the older male. "Thank you Shiro.. that means a lot to me."

"No problem."

Then they continue to talk about everything and nothing. Just chit chatting a bit. Lance had finished his training for today so he didn't have to go anywhere, he can stay and just relax a little. He hasn't relaxed for quite some while.

Lance leans a bit against Keith. Keith is great pillow so he had it coming.
Keith does let him.. but not because he is such a good pillow. No he just likes laying with Lance like this.

"Keithy? We haven't practiced for a while. Do you want to give it a go?" Lance asks turning around to look at Keith.

"Practiced what?" Shiro asks confused.

Keith scratches his head and says. "Didn't I tell you?" Shiro shakes his head. He doesn't remember Keith telling him anything. "No? Oh.."

Lance stands up from the towel they were sitting on. Then he says with a smile. "I'm trying to help Keith with his fear of water. We started a while ago and I think we made a lot of process."

"Lance.. I can like only tolerate standing in it till like here." Keith points to just below his knees. "For like 5 minutes. How can you call that making process."

"I think that is a lot of process. And you did more then that already!"

"I know.. but like." Keith tries but Lance cuts him off by placing his hand on his mouth.

"Pro..cess. Keith process."
Keith just rolls his eyes at him.

Shiro raises his hands. "Woah woah woah. You got Keith in the water?!"

Lance is indeed proud of this accomplishment. It seems like Shiro has been trying for years to help Keith, and he just does it. Hell to the yes right! Sorry Shiro but like.. he is just better in this stuff because of his charms. "Yeah I did."

But Keith has to ruin everything for him. "It was kind of forced."

"Keeeeiiiithhh!" Lance whines. Why can't Keith just say. 'Ohh Lance I'm so grateful that you do this for me. I'll be forever in your debt oh great Lance.' Really it would be nice to see Keith say that.

"What it was!"

"You trusted me! How is that forced?"

"You didn't let me go back to the beach."

"Be thankful I didn't let you." Lance crosses his arms. "I'm helping you here Keithy."

"I am thankful! When did I say I wasn't?'

Shiro stops the two. They act like children in his eyes right now. "Keith? Why didn't you tell me? This is amazing!"

Keith shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know..."

Adam puts his hand on Shiro's arm and says with a smile. "Well now we know. And it is amazing news Keith. We are both really proud of you. And Lance thank you for helping." ... Keith really is whipped isn't he. Just letting his crush help him with his fear for water like this. It is really cute though.

"See Adam gets it. Finally recognition for my hard work." Lance says with a grin.

Keith rolls his eyes at the Cuban surfer. "Hard work he says. The only thing you do is holding me."

"And I always calm you down. That is a tough job!"

"Fine fine! You win." Keith laughs. "But lets do it at our spot, it is too crowded here. It makes me feel watched."

Lance agrees with Keith. It wouldn't be the most private place to help Keith. "Alright.. you free now?" Lance suggests that they can leave now.

Keith looks at Shiro and Adam. "Can I go with Lance?" He then asks. He came here with the couple and just leaving without them would be pretty rude. But he does realise it kind of sounds like he is a kid asking his parents for permission.

Shiro and Adam would never say no to Keith trying to get his fear under control. They are so proud.. Keith is finally getting his life in order. He has people he really cares about. He is trying to deal with his fear, and we can't forget about Keith going to the gym again. He isn't the guy on the couch doing noting at home the whole year like he was before. No he is strong again.. and actually a whole lot better then the person before the accident.

And of course they just want him to be alone with his crush. They both ship Lance and their brother so hard.

Not much longer later both Keith and Lance are standing in the water. It's really calm here.. the busy beach can't compare to a place like this. The peace and quiet.. the nature surrounding the water. Less seagulls trying to eat your icecream. Really that is the best part. Those seagulls don't understand the word mine even though they said it a 1000 times when nemo's dad and Dory were almost dying from being out of the water.

Yeah... Keith hates seagulls.

But they are all trying to get their dinner over where little kids have icecream and dad open bags of snacks. And don't forget the french fries people throw at them... it just can't be healthy for them..

But they won't bother Keith and Lance over here.

"Keith? I know it has been long since we last done this but please work with me here." Keith has been fidgeting the whole time they stood there. He can't help it.. the water is just so.. scary. And totally too cold.

"Well excuse me for not liking this." Keith's response is a bit cold.. but well what else do you expect when somebody who is afraid of water has to stand in it.

"Okay.. sorry I know you don't like this." Lance tightens his grip on Keith's hand. Keith hopes his crush doesn't see the blush on his face. It's so unfair.. why does he get to hold hands with Lance. It just confuses everything even more in his brain.
"Why don't we talk about our days for a bit... mine wasn't that interesting though. I woke up pretty early to go to the gym, but first I had a good breakfast. When I was at the gym I first took a couple pictures for my social media... yes I know I am THAT guy." Keith laughs at how Lance says the That a little louder. But he already knew Lance was the guy that makes selfies in the mirror at the gym.. he has the body for it so why not. No Keith.. he looks good but you are not thinking about it now. Not when he is literally holding your hand.
"After that I had lunch alone.. sad life, and I went to the beach to practice. And you?"

Keith looks up a little thinking about what he did today. "Well.. my day wasn't really interesting either. Woke up.. only had a apple for breakfast before I went on a run. And after that Shiro called that they are going to the beach and asked me to join. I said no but they showed up at my house and forced me to come anyway. Adam did make great sandwiches though. That was my lunch.. Adam's sandwiches."

"And now we are here." Lance says with a smile.

"Yeah.. now we are here." Keith repeats.

It is quiet for a moment before Lance says. "Hey Keith.. thank you for being there for me. It took me a couple weeks now but I'm doing fine. And I got to thank you for that. You showing up at my house that day really did me good. You're a amazing friend Keith."

Keith blushes at Lance's kind words. Now Lance surely sees it but it doesn't matter. "Oh.. you don't need to thank me really."

"Yes I do. You were really worried because of me.. I didn't even text you back that week. But still you break into my home to make sure that I'm alright." Lance pulls Keith in for a hug.. a really sweet and comfortable hug. Keith closes his eyes as Lance continues talking. "You're always there for me."

"You're always there for me too Lance." Keith lays his head down on Lance's shoulder. It doesn't look like a friendly hug at all anymore.. not that these two idiots realise this.

"I try my best.. but we are talking about you here. You were there for me when other people that should've been there for me weren't. At the competition you were the one telling me Allura wouldn't show up. You were the one that was most supportive of me through the whole thing. Thank you Keith."

"No problem.. you did a lot for me too.."
They part from each other again. Lance looks at Keith with a genuine and loving smile as he takes Keith's hands and sits down. "Lance? Lance what are you doing?!"

"Trust me Mullet.. You will be fine."

"But Lance!"

"But Keeeiitthh. Yeah that is how you sound. Now sit down." Lance sits down in the water. It doesn't even come higher then his belly button.

Keith takes a deep breath but then sits down next to Lance. It reminds him of the time he last had a bath.. only then with prettier view.
But it feels just as bad. He doesn't like this. But he didn't like it either when he was standing.
"I hate this."

"I know." Lance answers.

"I hate you for making me do this."

"I know."

"I hate water.."

"I know, now stop complaining because I'll keep answering 'I know' on everything you say." Lance laughs and sits closer to Keith. The sun is burning on their faces and it makes Keith wonder if he put on enough sun protection. Lance has a tan skin so he probably won't burn as quickly.. but Keith's white as snow skin will probably be red in like 3 minutes.



"I didn't mean it when I said that I hated you.." Keith looks down towards the water.

Lance smiles and before he answers again with "I know" he lays his head down on Keith's shoulder and closes his eyes. He knows Keith doesn't like the water.. But you can't fool him. Keith is enjoying himself right now. His friend isn't trembling or fidgeting anymore, that means Keith has calmed down a whole lot.

Suddenly Keith jumps up and screams scaring Lance at the same time. "Keith?! What's wrong?"

"A fish! Fuck no no no no he touched me!!" Keith runs towards the sand of the beach and sits down on the towel Keith and Lance laid out. Lance can't stop laughing because of how unbelievably stupid Keith's face looks.

Lance stands up and says. "Really a fish!? The most Mr bubbles can do is bite you in your finger."

"Well Mr bigger bubbles bit me in my leg and that is why my life went to shit Lance!" Keith again.. was a bit harsh. But who can blame him..? cause he isn't lying.

Lance stands up and walks to Keith. "Hey.. Mr bigger bubbles can't get here okay. He also can't come into your shower or bath."

"I know.." Keith looks down at his hands. He knows that it can't happen okay.. But still he thinks about it everytime he touches water. He just imagines that he was underwater.. and the pain.

"And I think you need to say sorry to Mr bubbles.. Comparing him to Mr bigger bubbles is kind of rude."

Keith rolls his eyes.. But he also chuckles. Okay he sees what Lance is trying here and that is quite cute. "I am not apologizing to a fish Lance."

"You hurt the feelings of the fish Keith. Say sorry."




"We can do this the whole day Keith. Say sorry to the fish."

Keith tries to hold in his laugh. Lance is trying so hard to get Keith to smile... and he doesn't want to give him the satisfaction. "Nooooo"

Lance narrows his eyes. "You better fucking say sorry. Mr bubbles has a 9 till 5 job everyday to earn money for his wife and 58 eggs.. and you don't even want to say sorry. Unbelievable Keith.. really I do not know you like this."

Then Keith has enough and laughs. "Okay okay.. sorry Mr bubbles!"

Lance nods. "Good. Glad you made the mature decision here. Mr bubbles was really upset."

"Yeah.. we don't want that don't we.." Keith smiles at Lance. He really loves to have him here. Next to him just talking..

Lance looks down.. "You did a good job at the gym." He looks up again and smiles "you look good."

Keith can't stop his blush from rising... how many times has he blushed now today? He doesn't know the exact answer but he does know it is a lot of times. "Th.. thank you."

"No problem.." There actually is a slight blush on Lance's cheeks as well.

Keith looks away. "It isn't anything like your body.. So it isn't like perfect."

"Well I am a professional surfer.. Staying in shape is like my job. You look good.. you don't have to have my body." Lance looks down at the muscles on Keith's arms. He looks down at Keith's chest. He really looks good.

"I know." Keith says.

"Good." Lance smiles at him. His eyes are up there.. don't look at his body, it's rude. Why is he even still looking?He needs to change the subject like right now. Otherwise it might get weird. "Hey what about I treat you to dinner? As a thank you for helping me and being a good friend."

Keith smiles but fidgets a bit. He doesn't want to be greedy.. "You don't have to do that Lance."

"Oh but I want it and you deserve it. You know just the two of us."

How could Keith say no to that. "Okay sure.." It sounds like a date. Keith would never say no to a date with Lance.
Sadly it isn't a date. Lance clearly said friend a moment ago. Keith would have loved to go on a date with Lance.


Lance took Keith to Arus again. A couple weeks ago he took him here as well.. but he doesn't have the greatest memories of that day. Look.. it was the day Allura broke up with him. So coming here again with Keith is good since he can redo the time that they spend together here.

They had a great time actually. The food was great and there were no uncomfortable silences. If it were a date it would've been the perfect date.

They decided to not have dessert but just go for a cup of coffee instead at the cafe. Lance usually loves desserts but today a delicious warm cup of coffee somewhere in the back of the cafe sounds better to him. Totally if Keith is going to complain about how he can drink the sugary mess he drinks. Like he drinks it all black, how can he talk about what is delicious and what is not.

As they walk towards the cafe side by side it is already getting darker outside. Luckily the cafe is open till pretty late.

Keith takes a deep breath. The ocean does smell nice. At their right you can see the sea with the sun sinking in it slowly. And to the left all sorts of different buildings. Keith looks towards Lance.. he seems to be looking at the sun going down. Suddenly Lance breaks the silence and says "It looks beautiful.."

"Yeah it does.." Then keith is quiet till Lance starts talking about some other random things. But Keith can only think about one thing.. how he didn't say 'You are more beautiful.' It would've been the most perfect cheesy line to throw at Lance.

Not that Keith would have really done it of course. He doesn't want to ruin their friendship.

They arrive at the cafe and look for a nice place to sit. There they drink their coffee both looking at each other's cup like it is filled with poison.

Lance narrows his eyes. "I can't believe you drink that.."

"Oh you mean the most natural way? No yeah I think I'm doing it the right way here." Keith replies.

"No you're not.." Lance will never say that black coffee is better than what he drinks.

"Yes I am.."

This continues for a while. They go back and forth between yes I am and no you're not. Till at one moment Romelle the owner of the cafe stands next to them. "Hello good evening! Sorry to bother you two on your date but could I ask some questions?"

Keith gets all red again. He really does blush a lot, Keith doesn't like it. "Oh this isn't a.."

But Lance cuts Keith off.
"Sure Romelle you can ask us somethings."

"Ah thank you very much. You see we see you two come in a lot and we as cafe just want to know one thing. What is better at our cafe? Drinking your coffee black, or our special drinks?"

Then of course the arguing started again. Romelle couldn't take it and after like 10 minutes she left them alone arguing with each other.


Keith and Lance almost have finished their cup of coffee. They decided that after this they will just go home. They both wouldn't have minded staying with each other.. but what else can they do together. No it's okay like this.

But then the door to the cafe opens.. and they hear some voices they know very well. Yeah it are their friends. Lance would recognize these voices from miles away. But one of these voices is making the smile on his face that just appear disappear again. It is a sweet voice with a British accent. He hasn't heard it in weeks now.

It doesn't take long before he and her stand in front of each other. Seeing each other for the first time after what had happened.


"Allura.. hey.."

Allura looks at Keith.. then again at Lance. So he did it? Did he and Keith finally? She hopes they did. But at the same time she feels weird.

With her came Pidge and Hunk. They finally got contract with her again somewhere this week. They had asked her to come to the cafe to talk about everything.. but they didn't think Lance would be here.

"We can leave.." Allura says a bit embarrassed.

Lance smiles at her. "You don't have to.. sit please."

"What but?" Allura is a bit confused why Lance is so calm about everything.

"We're still friends Allura. And we are adults. I think we can handle this. Just please sit down." Lance says pointing to the empty places his friends could sit in.

Allura looks at Keith. "Wouldn't we interrupt anything?" Allura asks.

Both Keith and Lance deny it. But yeah she kind of was. But it doesn't matter. They are with three really amazing people at the moment.. And they had their alone time already.
So the other people sit down next to them. And they actually have a pretty good time. Yeah with Allura and Lance it still can be a bit awkward. But Lance has said it already.. they are still friends.

After these couple weeks. And totally the time he spent with Keith he is really ready to be with Allura again, but then as a friend.

And he knows everything will be okay cause he has his friends supporting him every day.

End of chapter 15...


Hope you guys liked this chapter! Lance is getting over Allura slowly yaaay.

Next chapter will be at the first round of the championships! What will happen?? Who knows??

Please leave a comment and some kudos!!


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