Not Loved, or Not Found

Por Bethel_4444

47.3K 896 145

A mother gone. A father done. Brothers Harry and Marcel are forgotten behind the leftovers of a bakery. Twen... Más

Warnings and Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Teaser

Chapter 11

2.8K 52 12
Por Bethel_4444

Louis P.O.V.:
I woke up to a squirming movement on my chest. When I opened my eyes, I saw Harry on my chest wiggling around. He looked like he was asleep, but he was almost crying, I carefully stood up with him and walked out of the room to try and calm him down.
"Hey Hazzy," I cooed, "how about you open your pretty green eyes for me?"
I kept bouncing him around trying to get him to wake up; this only made things worse. His eyes popped open, he looked at me and screamed. I quickly took him downstairs so that he wouldn't wake up the others. I bounced him around and tried to calm him down, but nothing was working.
"Harry," I said, concern lacing my voice, "what's wrong sweetheart? Are you just so very fussy?"
I started patting his bottom to try and calm him down, and I realized that he had a wet nappy!
"Oh baby," I cooed, "let's go change this huh?"
He kept crying and crying. I brought him into the bathroom downstairs, but on my way there I saw the nappy bag from yesterday. I stopped by and grabbed his dummy from the nappy bag and gave it to him. He latched on to it and started sucking on it like a real infant. He was still sniffling, so I decided to rock him a bit before I changed his nappy.
Once he was calm, I laid him on a soft towel in the bathroom and undid his sleeper. As I was undoing his nappy, he decided to let loose a stream of wee.
"Woah," I exclaimed, "well, I guess that feels better huh silly boy!"
He giggled behind his dummy and then yawned.
"Oh, you're a sleepy baby," I said, "let's finish up here and get you another bottle."
I finished changing his nappy and fastened his sleeper. I scooped him up and carried him into the kitchen. I held him up against my shoulder where he was lightly dozing off. I heated a bottle of the half milk half formula with a bit of cocoa powder.
Once the bottle was warm, I went over to one of our recliners and laid him in my lap. I pulled the dummy out of his mouth, and before he could cry, I put the nipple of the bottle in his mouth. With the feeling of something in his mouth, Harry started gently sucking in the bottle. He drank it quite slowly, like an exhausted baby. Without him noticing it, I pulled the bottle out of Harry's unresisting mouth and cuddled him to my chest. We laid there for the rest of the night.

Liam P.O.V.:
When I woke up at seven in the morning, the first thing I noticed was an absence of Harry and Louis. I wondered if they had gotten up earlier this morning since Harry will have a unique sleep pattern as a young baby. I carefully got up, trying not to wake up Marcel, Zayn, and Niall. I did my morning routine of seeing, showing, and brushing my teeth. After that, I made my way downstairs and expected to see Louis entertaining Harry, but what I saw was so much cuter! Harry was sound asleep on Louis' chest with a half-finished bottle sitting on the table. I looked at the time and saw it was 8:30 in the morning. I figured it was a good enough time to get Harry up since he was probably in need of a change and a feed. I carefully scooped up Harry off of Louis' chest and brought him to my shoulder. He started whining and squirming around, and before I could comfort him, he started wailing. Louis quickly woke up from this and looked up at me.
"Harry baby," he cooed, "I know you don't want to get up, but I think you need to get up and get started with your day baby, so why don't you go with Liam to get ready for the day?"
Harry was still crying, but it was less from hearing Louis talk. He reached over and made grabby hands at Louis, but Louis shook his head and said, "nope, we spent the whole night together, and I think Liam is lonely! You don't want him to be lonely; do you?" Harry shook his head and cuddled back into me.
We headed to the bathroom to change Harry, and I thought about using his and Marcel's nursery, but we want to make sure the paint has all dried so they won't get sick. We got to the bathroom, and I saw that there was already a towel on the floor with all the changing supplies out. Louis must have forgotten to clean up, I'll ask him later. I changed Harry's nappy and left him out of his sleeper because breakfast could get messy and I do not want to try to get baby food out of clothes. It is next to impossible to do that, so I carried him to the kitchen in his nappy.
"Louis," I asked, "what time did you and Harry come down this morning?"
"Oh, I would say about 2:30, right Harry?"
Harry looked at Louis like he was crazy.
"Oh don't look at me like that," Louis cooed, "You were the one who woke up hungry and needing his nappy changed. But, I suppose you don't have a clue what I'm telling you anymore," he looked up at me and told me in a hushed voice, "someone fell into headspace this morning."
"Oh, " I said, "is that why he has been so clingy this morning?"
"I think so, " Louis said, "he started fussing last night, so I brought him down here to change his nappy and feed him."
"Wait, " I stopped Louis, "how does this lead into him slipping into headspace?"
"I was getting there, " Louis sassed, "when we got down here, nothing would calm him down, so I found his dummy and gave it to him. When I gave it to him, he looked up at me, and his eyes started to get this innocent look on them; just like he had never seen any wrong and that he depended on me to make it better. I knew he was in headspace by the look on his face. There was nothing cuter in the world than when he snuggled into my chest and fell asleep after that."
"Wow, " I breathed out, "I guess that means that we have to explain to Marcel why his brother will be acting differently. Should we go wake them up? It is nine in the morning already."
"Yeah, " Louis said, "we can let Hazzy here wake up whoever Marcel isn't sleeping on! Boy, will that be a surprise."
With Harry cuddled up to my chest, all three of us made our way upstairs. When we got upstairs, Louis peeked inside the bedroom and said he saw Marcel asleep on Niall.
"Harry, " I asked to get his attention, he looked up at me with his big green eyes, "would you like to go wake up Zayn?"
He squealed and clapped his hands, so I took that as a yes.
"ok, but we have to be super duper quiet, " I told him in a whisper. He giggled and put his fingers over his mouth to show that he would be quiet.
With that all settled, we walked into the room with Harry trying not to giggle, and I set Harry face-down on Zayn's chest. Harry squealed and started poking Zayn's face. All Zayn did was groan and mumble, "Shh baby, it's time to sleep now."
Zayn wanting to sleep in got Harry frustrated because he knew it was time to get up. He huffed and started banging on Zayn's chest with his tiny hands. Zayn felt this, jumped, and looked down at Harry.
"Harry, " he scolded, "that is not nice at all. It is sleepy time now."
Harry glared at Zayn and pointed to me. Zayn looked up at Louis and me; then he looked at the clock that now read 9:14.
"Oh, " Zayn said with wide eyes, "I guess it is time for a wake-up call, sorry Harry."
Just then Marcel started to squirm on Niall's chest. Harry saw him and squealed and tried to get over to Marcel. Zayn grabbed his hips,  held him close, and whispered: "Hey bud, let's let Marcy wake up before we say good morning!"
Harry pouted and snuggled into Zayn's chest. Marcel sat up on Niall's chest and rubbed his eyes. He looked down at Niall and smiled. He reached out and started poking Niall's face saying, "Dada, it's time to wake up and play." He fell into his headspace too! These two have fallen into headspace within a day of being classified into their age groups. It takes some Littles two or three weeks to fall into headspace; this means Marcel and Harry trust us enough to be little.
Niall and Zayn caught on to this and grinned.
"Is Hazzy in his headspace too, " Zayn asked.
"Yup, " Louis said with a grin, "he fell this morning, and now Marcel has too."
"And, now I'm Dada! Right baby boy, " Niall asked Marcel
"Ya, " Marcel said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "you no know your name, Dada?"
Niall chuckled and said, "now I know baby, but your other daddies don't know their names. Can you help them baby boy?"
"Mhm, " Marcel hummed, "dats Daddy, Papa, and Baba." He pointed to Louis, Zayn, and then me. Our boys have named us, well at least Marcel has. I wonder if Harry can make some sounds in his headspace. I've only heard him cry and grunt, but that doesn't mean he can't make other syllables or noises. We need to find out what he can do so we can figure out if he knows who we are now.
"Well, boys, " I said, "I think we need to get some breakfast into some hungry tummies and see if Hazzy here can talk to us at all."
The boys nodded in agreement, and Zayn stood up with Harry while Niall stood up with Marcel.
We made our way downstairs, and Louis started making breakfast of eggs and ham, with a jar of strawberry and banana baby food for Harry.
"Hey guys, " I said, "do you think Harry can sit in his high chair, or should he sit on one of our laps, " I asked as I took Harry out of Zayn's arms.
"Umm, I think he should sit in our laps for the time being. He seems young today, and I don't want him to hurt himself trying to sit up if he can't, " Louis said, concern lacing his voice. I nodded and asked, "who wants to feed him then? He can sit on my lap, and I don't want to feed him if he gets squirmy."
"I'll feed him, " Niall said, "Marcel and I have been hanging out all morning, so I think I can spend some time with Hazzy! Is that ok Marcel? Can you have Daddy and Papa help you with breakfast so I can spend some time with your little brother?"
"Dats ok Dada, " Marcel said, "Hazzy needs lots of help since he's so so little."
Niall smiled at Marcel's words, and he came over to me with the jar of baby food.
"Well little guy, " Niall cooed at Harry, "should we have some yummy strawberries and nanas? Daddy got this out for you, and now Dada is going to feed them to you. We don't even need a bib since it looks like Baba left you out of clothes for now!"
Harry squealed on my lap and stared at Niall hungrily. Niall got the jar open and put a small bite of baby food on the spoon. He started doing the airplane spoon game with Harry, and he gladly opened his mouth for his food. He put it in his mouth, but I don't think he liked it, he pushed the food out of his mouth and started fussing on my lap.
"Harry bud, " I said while turning him around in my lap, "you need to eat your nummies so you can be nice and healthy and strong. If you don't, you'll have to have formula, and you don't like the formula we have now."
Harry looked at me with confusion written all over his face; he started whining and blowing bubbles in his mouth.
"Wait, " Niall said, "babies his size usually don't eat much baby food yet. He probably doesn't know what it is right now and that's why it is making him fussy. He probably needs formula and who knows maybe in headspace he will like the formula we have here."
" It's worth a shot, " Louis said, "I'll go make him a bottle now, and you guys can try that."
Louis got up and started making a bottle of formula.
I looked over at Marcel, who was being fed by Zayn, and he had eggs all over himself. Eggs in his hair, hands, cheeks. He was grinning so wide every time Zayn brought another spoonful of eggs to his mouth; I thought he would split his face open. I wonder if he's ever had anyone do this for him, he mentions his Mummy and sperm donor being nice before his Mummy died, but that was years ago. They probably aren't used to having this much attention or love.
I was broken out of my thoughts by Niall asking, "hey Li, can I feed Hazzy? You've been hogging him all morning."
"Sure, " I drawled out, "is that ok baby? Can Dada feed you your bottle?"
"Baaa, " Harry squealed.
I grinned and spoke to him in a baby voice, "yeah, that's right baby; you're going to have a bottle with Dada. Why don't you sit with him now sweetie."
I handed him over to Niall, and he cuddled him to his chest. Louis came over with Harry's bottle, and I asked him, "is that only formula in there?"
"It is, " Louis said, "if he doesn't like it, we can make a bottle like last night, but if he does like it, then we have nothing to worry about!"
Niall laid Harry down in his arms, Louis handed him the bottle, and Niall stuck the bottle in Harry's mouth. Harry started drinking his bottle and was cooing behind the nipple. Niall had to lower the bottle because Harry was drinking it very fast. About halfway through the bottle, Niall removed the nipple from Harry's mouth and laid Harry's head over his shoulder and said, "oh shoot. Can I have a burp cloth, please?"
Louis stood up and got a burp cloth that we bought yesterday and handed it to Niall.
"Thank you, Louis, " Nial said.
He lifted Harry's head and laid the burp cloth over his shoulder. He started patting Harry's back and whispering to him to try and get him to burp. He did burp, but he also spit-up most of his feed so far. Harry saw this and started wailing. He was crying so loud that Marcel covered his ears and said, "what happened to Hazzy, Papa?"
"I think he just got sick from his milk baby. That probably mad him scared, so he started crying about it."
Niall handed me Harry so he could go clean up. I cradled and started talking to him, "hey sweetheart, does that feel better in your tummy? I bet it does; there's no more icky milk in your tummy anymore. We'll have to take him to a proper doctor so they can see if he needs a unique formula or a special diet, " I directed the last part to the other daddies in the room.
"Yeah, " Zayn said, sounding exasperated, "for now, could he have some juice, so he has something in his tummy."
"That's probably a good idea, " Louis said, "I'll go put some apple juice in a bottle for him. Or should we start with some water to see if he can keep that down? He may genuinely be sick, and the juice would make it worse."
"You're right Lou, " Zayn said, " let's try a little water with him, and we can call Liam's office for an actual appointment for both of them, and we can ask about Harry then."
"I'll give the doctor I assist a call; he'll be good for both of them since he works with all little ages. Here, can someone take this snuggle big and I'll give him a call?"
Zayn came over and picked up Harry so I could call my superior.

Zayn P.O.V.:
As Liam walked out of the room, Harry went stuff in my grasp and started trying to say something.
"Bbbbaaaaab, " he said, beginning to tear up.
"It's ok baby boy, " I cooed, "Baba will be back soon. He's going to call a nice doctor for you and Marcy to visit; he is coming back to you."
Harry sniffled and cuddled back into me. Louis came over with a bottle with about two ounces of water in it. Not a lot of water, but we don't want to upset his tummy.
I laid Harry back in my arms, and he started whimpering.
"What's wrong, Bubba, " I asked, "this shouldn't upset your tummy at all. It's just a bit of plain water to settle your tummy. Can you try a little for me?"
Harry started to rub his eyes with his tiny fists and yawn.
"Oh, " I lightly gasped, "I think your tummy troubles made you sleepy. Why don't you drink a little water to settle your tummy before you have a nap baby."
He took the bottle in his mouth and started slowly sipping the water. He only drank about three or four sips before he was pushing away the bottle and curling up as best he could in my arms. He slowly fell asleep, and I let him because he has had a rough morning. I brought him out to the living room and laid him on his back on a soft blanket of the floor so he wouldn't roll off and hurt himself. He was so cute; I couldn't help myself but take about ten pictures of him.
I walked back into the kitchen where Louis was cleaning up Marcel and setting him in the floor to play with some toys he had brought in earlier. Liam came in then and told us, "the boys have an appointment tomorrow morning with Doctor Christensen. He'll see them at 9:30 in the morning. They can come to work with me since I start at 8:30 and they will be the first appointment of the day. I need someone to pick them up after though, and maybe come with since I can't be in Baba mode during the appointment."
"I have the day off anyways Lian, " Louis said, "I can come with tomorrow, and we can walk home I think. Marcel should be able to handle it, and I can carry Harry. I've done it before so it shouldn't be a problem. They'll get some fresh air too."
"Alright, sounds good to me, " Liam shrugged, "wait, where's Harry?"
"He drank a little water and fell asleep, so I put him on the floor on a blanket in the living room to let him sleep in peace for a bit. Louis brought in some toys for Marcel here, so he's ok too, " I explained.
"Oh, " Liam looked surprised, "well, whatever works I guess."
"Well, lads, " Louis said while clapping his hands together, "how about we watch a movie in the lounge together? Hazzy can sleep and then we don't have to stay in here."
Everyone agreed, and soon we found ourselves in the living room watching "Cars" with Harry asleep, cradled in Niall's lap and Marcel watching intently on Liam's lap.

Words Count: 3333

Literally can NOT make up the word count!! Sorry, had to laugh!! Anywho, I meant to get this out on Easter, so I am sorry about that. Frohe Ostern!!

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