Short Stories

Galing kay NitNat1614

37 2 4

I find random writing prompts on different social media's. Some will be long, some will be short, and some wi... Higit pa

Lost my wallet
Quarantine and Writer's Block
Who is married to Who?
Something new

Supernatural school (not the tv show)

10 1 2
Galing kay NitNat1614

Today is a normal day for me. Well, as normal as it can get around my family. See, my mom is an angel. No, like an actual angel. But, I can't figure out what my dad is. The reason why is because I never met my father. Mom always said that he went to work at an expensive school that he and my mom used to go to. We do get a check for rent and child support once a month. But it is unofficial child support. It's called The School of the Talented. 

It was a school about supernatural creatures and them learning more about themselves. I got my letter for this school yesterday. So, today I am getting my school supplies. But, you would be able to wear your own clothes. This is so if you are a creature that can change shape, you would only have to rip your own clothes. 

Oh! I have never introduced myself yet my name is Erin Bittenbinder. Don't worry you can laugh it is ridiculous. I am half angel and half something else. Something to do with the darkness. My powers work with my emotions. You can tell when I am feeling negative emotions when my hair looks almost like black smoke. But when I am happy my eyes glow a light purple. But I keep my emotions. 

I am 5'2''. I am the shortest in my family, from what I know. I am gender nonbinary. I have always know that I was neither a boy or a girl. My family is great. Sure we are somewhat rich with my grandparents owning a law firm and a hospital, but we are kind and great people. Most people think rich people are snobby because they have a lot of money to spend. Even though that is true for most families, it is not true for mine. We give a lot to charity and help out where ever we can.

But enough about that. We got what I needed for school, like books decoration for my room, extra clothes, and school supplies. I do not like getting a lot of fancy clothes. So, I get some pants, tops, shorts, underwear, and shoes. Now I am ready for my new school life. I only have to wait two months, great.

It has been about two months and I am going to school in two days. I am kind of nervous. During the time of getting my things for school and now I have gotten ten new books for this year. I don't plan to finish them by the end of this year but it is good to have them in case I am bored. Kids who are going to WT have to wait for a bus to pick them up, in front of their house. But they will only pick up people in a 10-mile radius of the school. The rest of the kids have to take their own car. The bus is not able to carry all our luggage so we have it transported a week earlier.

The bus picks you up around 6 in the morning. Few kids would like that. A lot are night owls. Some are morning people. My family is morning people, but I'm in the middle. One day I'll go to bed late and another day I wake up at the crack of dawn. My grandparents, mom, and I have gotten used to it but my aunts and uncles have not. I scare them a bit.

I hear a yell coming from the lounge, it was my mom calling for me. I get my tie and walk down the steps. The dress code for the first day is to wear a semi-nice outfit. My idea of what it dress pants, a white button-up shirt, and a tie. There is no need to go over the top with an outfit. I combed my hair nice enough to be presentable.

I walk down the steps. "Oh look at your son, Mira. He is all grown up!" said Aunt Sharon. I kind of get annoyed when they forget that I am neither a guy nor a girl.

"I'm neither a son or a daughter, Aunt Sharon," I say.

"Oh sorry, Erin. I forgot." She responds. I roll my eye at that. I mean you have known about it since I was 10. That has been 5 years, Sharon.

"Erin, you know that it is rude to roll your eyes at your elders right. Hope that gets corrected while you are away." Aunt Sharon said.

You know how I said my family is nice. Well, they expected for one person. Sharon Miller. She married into my family with my uncle. She came from another family who works sometimes with my grandparents. She is the snobbiest person I know, and her parents agree with me. I've met them. They are way nicer than Sharon. We try to treat her but sometimes she gets on our nerves.

"Now, Sharon, that is no way to treat someone," my mom says. She then turns to me. "Now do you have everything ready?" Mom has always been so nice to people, even if they don't deserve it.

"Yes, mom, I do!" I said. My mood changing, and my eyes glowing.

"Good. Because the bus should be here right..." she looks at her watch and then hears a horn, " now. " I laugh at her timing. I then go grab my stuff bag that has my essentials so I wouldn't be able to get bored on the bus. I yell goodbye to everyone and give everyone a hug. Except for Sharon, I get her a handshake. Then I walk out into the big driveway and see the bus. The doors open and I hop in.

I find a seat and look around. I see witches, warlocks, werewolves, vampires, demons, angels, and many more. Some are looking at me so I go back to looking forward. I realized that I look time a normal human to these people. This is because I don't have anything to show for me is a supernatural being. 'Oh well.' I, ' I can make them try to figure it out.' I'm going to have some fun with this.

We finally arrived at school. We got directed to the dining hall, this is where we will get our schedule for the year. The line was not as long as I first thought because we were one of the first to arrive. I mean our route was one of the closest to the school.

When I looked at my schedule I saw that there were two teachers with the same last names as me. They're related to my dad. I have only seen a picture of him from a long time ago. Mom gave it to me. I now keep it in a locket that I wear. I am given a key to my room and code to my locker, which I thought schools did not have any lockers in them. I go to my room that I share with no one. So I started to decorate since all my stuff was here.

I hang up some fairy lights, posters, and pictures. I put my clothes and bathroom items away. I look at my four poster bed and hang up my extra fairy lights on the poles. Some of the fairy lights are regular, others have little bats or ghosts on them. I felt nice about my room so I left to go explore.

I walk out of my room and locked the door. I see different creatures in the hallway. Some of them noticed that I was there so I started walking away. I did feel a presence behind me and I turn my head around to see two kids a boy and a girl. The boy looks like he is partly an owl and the girl seems to be a ghost.

"Hi, there!" Said the girl. I waved. One thing you don't know is that I am a very shy person when it came to new people. The guy waved back to me.

"Shy, huh. Well, I am Amy Hall and this is Wilburn Halls. But we call him Will. So, what's your name?" The girl introduced.

"Erin. Erin Bittenbinder." When I said that Will snickers, but stops in pain from his sister stepping on his foot. "No, it's ok to laugh. My last name is ridiculous." I said chuckling.

Their eyes widen. I guess my eyes glowed. Then they both smiled. "Cool!" They said at the same time. I laughed.

"So are you two related or..." I asked. I don't know if they are but I have heard a lot of the Halls siblings. But I didn't know if they were twins or not.

"Nope!" said Amy."We're adopted together because we wouldn't leave each other for anything," Will said.

"Awwwwwwwwwww." I said. "I can tell." We stand there laughing for a couple of minutes until... "LOOK OUT!!" a random guy yells. Will and Amy fly up, while a used my grace to transport my body to the top of the lockers. We look down to see like ten frisbees.

"Sorry guys. Did not mean for those to get out of hand. Oh hey, Will and Amy. Who's your new friend?" The guy asks. He looks like a werewolf. Well built like one.

"Well, Lucas, this is Erin Bittenbinder. Erin this is Lucas Redds." Will said.

"Well, it's semi-nice to meet you. Now I'll be on edge around frisbees." I said, a little nervous.

"Wait, Bittenbinder? As in Professor Bittenbinder and Coach Bittenbinder?" Lucas asked. But I shrugged to that. To be honest it could be a coincidence that we share the same last names.

The bell rang and the Halls siblings showed me to my first class, which is History. They have almost the same classes as me. The reason why I said almost is that they do not have Gym or Supernatural Studies with me. The reason why History and Supernatural Studies are different is that they teach different things. History is about certain points in history, depending on the year you are in. Supernatural Studies is about facts about each supernatural creature.

"Having the same last name as the history teacher and the gym teacher is a coincidence. I mean, isn't the last name common?" I said, trying to convince myself. The siblings looked at me and shook their heads.

"It is actually uncommon. Few people have very common names in the supernatural world," Will stated. I completely forgot about that. See, if you have a common name in the human world you have an uncommon name in the supernatural world. But this only applies to the last names. Normally, but there are some last names that are uncommon in both the human world.

"Ok then," I say sitting down at a random desk and the siblings try to sit near me. When I mean tried, they tried. There was a demon on my left and a vampire in front of me. So, they had to sit on my right and behind me. Will to my right, Amy behind me. The bell rang saying that class has started but Professor Bittenbinder was not here yet.

A cloud of black smoke raced in through the door. I thought that it was one of the students, but it wasn't. It was our teacher. He was like me, a little bit. I am able to turn my hair into black smoke when I get mad, and sometimes I can transform. But that is very rare moments. See, I told you that I had my emotions under control, but I do not have my powers under control. 

But, I decided to keep my mind in a state that I can not feel that many emotions, this is so I don't kill anyone. I am able to take someone's life with, whatever the power that I have from my dad. But, I am also able to heal people if they're hurt. But it takes a lot of energy to do anything with my power.

The black smoke turned into a human. He was skinny, blonde hair, green eyes, and as white as a bone. He had a bowtie that was galaxy print on it. He had pantos eyeglasses. He looked almost like a typical nerd, but never judge a book by its cover.

"Ok I am your teacher, Bill Bittenbinder, call me whatever you want." He said, calm. "But in here there will be three rules. One; You cannot use any of your abilities in this class. Two; no eating unless you are sharing with other people. Three you can make any kinds of jokes that you want but make sure that it is appropriate."

It is after class and I am actually excited about history. But I am not excited about Gym, this is because this is my next class. Why do I have both Bittenbinders right next to each other? I sigh out loud as I walk to the locker room. I get dressed in the gym uniform. A black nylon shirt, with rosewood nylon-spandex leggings.

I walk into the gym and I see Lucas. I yell to him and his ears picked up. He turned to me and smiled. "Hey, Erin! Good to see you in the same class as me!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Yeah, it is good to see a familiar face. Anyway is this a class of multiple grades? I'm only asking because this is a big class and a lot of these people look like they are older than Freshmen, like me." I question.

"Yes, it is. I am certainly a Sophomore here, so are Will and Amy." Lucas states.

"Really? You guys look younger than your age." I said, surprises.

"Why thank you. Now come on, we need to sit down before we get marked tarty." He says and grabs my hand. He then takes me to the bleachers and his friends said hi.

I return the gesture and we start up a friendly conversation. Not long after Coach Bittenbinder walks in. I look like him as he takes a role. He looks like my dad in the picture that my mom gave me. I grab the locket around my neck and hold it while I look at him.

"Erin Bittenbinder." He loudly states."Over here!" I say just as loud. All of the students, that are older than me, look at me like I just caused the end of the world. Coach Bittenbinder just laughs.

"Good to see that you have some spirit in ya kid!" He says, still laughing a bit. He soon goes back to the role.

"I cannot believe you did that," Lucas stated in disbelief.

"Did what? All I did was tell him that I am over here. Also, I was caught off guard." I stated simply.

"You did something no one else was able to do. Have the same voice level as the teacher." He said. I look at him weirdly. This is because my family is known for being loud if we want to.

I give him an 'are you serious' look, which he responds with a nod. I put my attention back on the teacher as he tells us what we would be doing after this week. This week is only about getting to know your fellow students and teachers. But, we have to tell the staff what our powers are. This is so the gym teachers can plan out the year with certain students.

My family knows the principal here. So, since angels are rare creatures and I have another rare supernatural creature in my blood, then we would allow people to guess what I am. So, for gym, I have to be above the strongest creatures in the school. I mentally sigh. The 5-minute bell rings and we are dismissed. Everyone goes to their respective lockers to change and get their things. 'Why did they make us change into our gym clothes?' I wonder to myself.

I grab my bag and head off to Supernatural Studies. I heard about good things from my family about this class. The teacher is really chill and the homework is not hard. Also if you like the history of the supernatural then this class would be fun. Suddenly the bell for the class being over rung. I got scared because I wasn't expecting that. I head into the classroom and I see Mr. Alexandrite. He's been a friend of my family for generations. He is 3/4 of an elf and 1/4 of an Orc. He is a water elf, so that means that he is a pacifist. If there is a fight in school he is the one to talk to everyone. This makes them calmer than before.

I go and sit near the front, Mr. Alexandrite finally notices me.

"Ah. Erin, so good to see you again! You are looking more and more like your father. How're your powers working for you?" He asks. The reason why he knows about my powers is that he helped me control them. He taught me breathing techniques, certain powers, etc.

"I've been good. My powers are the same as the last time you came over. Also, what do you mean I look more and more like my fath-" I was cut off by the very loud bell. I sit down and wait for other people to walk in.

Everyone walks in. Turns out I will not have anyone to talk to in this class. Great. Mr. Alexandrite starts introducing himself and then started to take role. I take out my book on the war of the supernatural and the humans. I have no idea why humans hate us. Sure there are a few of us that hate humans, but the rest of us want to meet them. Time goes by fast and I am almost done with my book, that is when the bell for lunch makes its presence know. I grab my book and my bag. I exit the classroom and head to my room. See, this school is like a college. You get to have certain classes on certain days and at certain times. So, I have all of my classes in the morning and then I train in the afternoon.

How I train is in the training room. I have unlimited access to that room for me to hone my skills. I mostly got my basic abilities down. Like how to summon something, like a book, flying, shapeshifting, and many more. ing, shapeshifting, and many more. I get a few snacks and water from my small pantry in my room. After that, I grabbed a towel from my bathroom cabinet. Then I head off to the training room. I get to the door and use the key to get in. I close the door and put my stuff down. I stretch my limbs out and put the hand wraps on. I head over to the climbing wall. I think that I could start out with this. I started to climb. I want to try to see if I can get up there, without the harness, and try to see how far my powers can go.

But, I am not talking about my angel powers, I'm talking about my other powers. I need to start figuring out what I am. I am almost halfway up when I heard the door open. I turn into black smoke and hide, darn instincts. I hid in a vent and look to see who is there. I look out and see Lucas, Amy, Will, and a few other people.

"I cannot we have never seen or been in this room before." The mystery person said.

"This looks like it was just built, but on the outside, it looks like it has been here for a while," Amy said. I roll my eyes. Of course, this part is new, they just put it in for me. This is the only room that can handle my powers.

I decide to get out of the vents and go on top of the climbing wall. "Well, since we don't have that much time left before our next class, we should probably get to work." Will states.

"I agree with Will. The last one to the top of the rock wall has to buy everyone dinner!" Lucas says, loudly. Everyone starts climbing. The mystery person is just staying at the bottom. I hear him say that he has to buy dinner anyway. I look down at the guy, and I see he is staring back up at me. I wave and he returned the gesture. Lucas, Amy, and Will are almost to the top, so I decided to jump down to the ground.

"Yo," I say while walking over to the guy.

"Hey. Let me guess Freshman?" The guy asked I return with a nod.

"Yeah, I have never seen you around those bunch." I point at the three on the wall.

"I only hang out with them when I have the energy for it. My abilities take away a lot of energy. Oh, by the way, my name is Ace." He says with putting his hand out to shake. I take it and tell him my name. We talk for a little until the trio of idiots notice that Ace wasn't with them and still on the floor. They look at me and I wave.

"So, why are you in here, Erin?" Ace asked me.

"The principal is a family friend and my power is really strong. They got a warlock to make a room for me to train in on my past time. Also, I am trying to figure out what I am. I know I am a half angel and half something else, but I don't know what. Don't tell anyone I told you that, I want them to figure it out." I say.

"And you are telling this to someone you just met?" Ace said.

"At least I didn't ask you to marry me. Now, that would be concerning." I said while laughing. I hear someone fall to the ground and a laugh. I look at it turns out Will fell. Well, it was more like Lucas pushed him off with the help of Amy. I go to help him up.

"You okay, man?" Ace asked with concern.

"I think I landed on my wrist wrong, but everything else is fine," Will said while holding his wrist. Ace tells him to go to the nurse and then he went with Will.

"Are those two close?" I ask.

"They are thick as thieves." Amy said, "They have been friends for a long time. This is because they both are from the same orphanage. After Will was adopted they talked less. But when we came here, Will was so happy. He finally got to see his best friend more."

"That's cute," I said, "I wished that I had a friendship like that. When I was a kid I wasn't allowed to go outside that much. But, that is Shanon's fault."

"Shanon?" Lucas questioned.

"My aunt from hell." Amy laughed at that. "I am not kidding. She was the worst. The only reason why she is apart of our family is that she married my uncle. She is only nice around him and a monster when she is not with him.

"I sigh. The bell rings and I waved goodbye to Amy and Lucas. I get my stuff and go back to my room. I didn't feel like training anymore. I drop off my stuff in my room and walk off to go to the library. I want to get some books on really rare monsters.

There should be a lot of books on creatures. But, I don't know about rare creatures. No one talks about them unless they are learning about them and sharing information. I look at where I am and I notice that I am nowhere near the library. I am on the other side of the school from it. I think of how I want to be in the library. I close my eyes, and when I opened them I was in the darkest corner in the library. I go to the front. I look at the librarian. He looked back at me with a questioning look.

"Um... do you know where the books on rare supernatural creatures are?" I ask nervously. God, I hate talking to adults. The librarian pointed to the west wing of the library."Thanks." I say. Then I walk off to that area.

I grab the books that look like they have a lot of information. I get 5 thick books and 10 slightly smaller books. I walk back to the library and I check out the books. The librarian did give me a worried look by I just smiles to him. I then grabbed my things and said goodbye. I then start walking to my dorm. I have to get there fast before the bell rings. I decided to transport myself and the books to my room. I look around I see no one and I sense no one, so I transport myself.

I land on my bed. Now I have the books ontop of me. I sit up and get the books on my desk. I go to change into some sweat pants and a long sleave Supernatural shirt. I start reading the books. Now for me, it looks like time is going by normally, but it is going by 2x slower.

I get to the 5th big book and I found an article on something called Shadow Hunters. They are these certain people that are the highest rank in the supernatural creatures. They work under the Dragons. They are the Kings and Queens of the paranormal. Apparently, they were the knights and assassins for the Dragons. Then, the angels are the healers and the purifiers of evil things. They were the most respected creatures in the world. Then the humans came and started hunting everyone. The angels went to the sky to hide. The Shadow Hunters made themselves look like humans. But, they still use their abilities for certain things. Then it goes on and on about their powers.

These Shadow Hunters have the same powers as me. I put time back to normal speed. I run out of my room and go to find Mr. Alexandrite. I ran into him in the hallway.

"Hey, Erin? Is something the matter?" he asks but noticed that I ran out of breath and I could not talk. "Come on kid. Lets go into my office."

A/N: Sorry there will be a cliffhanger here because there is already 4382 words in this story and that is the longest part or chapter of something I have ever made. There will be more parts to come, but if you like this, then give a vote and share it with other people! Have a good night/day, everyone!

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