Fantasy Keychain Vol. 2

By ryualarcon08

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After encountering with assassins, who were after their life because of their keychains. They began a new cha... More

Chapter 14: Piercing Winds
Chapter 15: Unpredicted Outcome
Chapter 16: A Cruel World: Part I
Chapter 17: A Cruel World: Part II
Chapter 18: Former Siblings
Chapter 19: Diverse Lessons
Chapter 20: Predicted Plot
Chapter 21: Final Home
Chapter 22: Estranging Past
Chapter 23: Ruthless Huntress

Chapter 13: A New Beginning

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By ryualarcon08

✧✦✧✦✧✦✧Rin's PoV✧✦✧✦✧✦✧

It was such a nice day. My mother is preparing our breakfast, my father is getting ready for work, I am ready to go to school, my friends are texting me about my crush, and my crush does not know I was about to confess.

As I went to school, I brought a gift and inside of it is made up of puzzles with a word of my confession, once it is solved.

My friends then bumped me, "Are you really gonna confess now??"

I replied, "Yes, and it's here in this puzzle. Just don't try to make it obvious, so that he won't notice anything else." I smiled as I said that.

My friends are Ryoko, Mitsuha, and Ai.

Ryoko is the joyful one among us, but also the most fearless. She loves to dance and recites to class, actively. My teachers loved her for her joyous aura. What makes her fearless, is that whenever someone is picking up a fight with us? She'll be the first one to confront them.

Mitsuha is somewhat neutral, but also smart and kind. She met her boyfriend from a dream and when she saw him in real life, they began dating. Her boyfriend lives somewhere in far north. So basically, they had a long distance relationship. But lucky for them, they have already been dating for 4 years.

Ai is the most heartwarming person I ever met. She's kind, loving, and never a single time she started a fight. She is the best person among us and also talented, because she sings gracefully.

I on the other hand, Asuga Rin, slightly kind, mostly neutral, but always tragic in love.

I always believed in love ever since I was young. I thought that my love with my family would be the same with loving a guy. I guess I was wrong... But I never gave up! I even taught myself that not all guys are the same.

Hiro would probably be my last crush. If he did not like me back, then my perception with men would probably change, and that maybe myself would change too...

All this day in the class, I kept looking at Hiro in different angle and different ways. I was thinking when and how will I show the puzzle to him. But most importantly, how can I speak or how will I speak once he knew my confession through the puzzle?

My heart is beating so fast every second, every minute as if I'm feeling nervous, when suddenly, the bell of lunch break, rang.

As everyone stood up to say goodbye to the teacher, I quickly walked to Hiro and asked him, "Hi! Hey, Hiro. Wanna play puzzle with me during this lunch?"

Hiro was startled, but he smiled, "Su-Sure. I mean, I'm not going to the cafeteria today since I brought a lunch box."

I smiled as if I'm speechless, I almost smiled like a creepy, awkward girl.

As we eat our lunch, Hiro was trying to solve the puzzle. I on the other hand, assists him. My friends are giggling from behind, but I am signalling them through my eyes to keep quiet and to stay back.

I don't want anyone else to distract us, so I also signal my friends that if anyone tried to come and disturb us, they will block whoever that is and just tell them to move along.

I smiled at my greatest. Watching Hiro solves the puzzle is like watching a romantic TV series in slow motion.

Hiro's eyebrows began to furrow and says, "There's a message written, I'm curious to what it says..."

"Here. Let me help you solve it even further." I put one jigsaw puzzle in its right place, and almost solved half of the puzzle.

He chuckled and asked, "Where did you get this puzzle, though? Do you already know what it says?"

"Actually, no. I just want a guy to solve this. The person that sold me this said that it's better to solve this puzzle with both a guy and a girl together."

Hiro laughed, at least he never knew I was lying about it. Of course I've seen it. It was a blank puzzle before, then I just wrote something there to make it interesting.

After the puzzle was solved, Hiro read the message:

"You are the reason for my smiles. You are the reason for my tears and the reason for my fears. You are the reason I wake up each day and go to sleep each night. You are my life. You are the only reason for my happiness and if you see someone winked at you now, it is me who wrote this message to you and I confess, that I like you."

Hiro looked slowly at me. As he looked at me, I winked.

He smiled and was speechless at the same time, as if he is blushing. He just looked at me, but I know that deep inside, his heart is beating so fast, the same thing as mine.

He stand up and took my hand, urging me to stand up as well. As I looked into his eyes, he leaned closely to whisper, "I like you too..."

I was surprised, speechless at the same time. I was never expecting that from him. I thought he'll say; Sorry! Or I'll think about it. But no. He's into me too...

I may look calm and speechless on the outside, but deep inside? I'm shrieking!

After that, we hugged each other. My friends were all shouting and cheering at us. It's like, we're like a newlywed because of them.

After school, Hiro grabbed my hand and asked, "Would you like to have a dinner with me?"

Ryoko shrieked, makes other people look at us. So, Hiro began to run along with me as he held my hand. It seems that everything is going too fast, because he is already asking me to go on a date.

We headed to a mall. We dine in a restaurant, we shopped, we played arcade games, and through all the things that we did, we were having conversations about ourselves, interests and hobbies.

Hiro was so good at shooting and long range stuffs. He even got me a little stuffed bear, because he won it in a shooting game.

As we play a sniper arcade game, he taught me how to shoot. He was so gentle and kind, but he is someone you should never mess with, for he is really good in range. He might even put a dart in your face before you even get close to him.

He taught me how to shoot, by breathing in deeply, then as I shoot, breath it out. He told me to just focus on the target and aim at it. He makes sure that I learned it pretty well, so I showed him what he thought me and there, I hit my target.

He chuckled, "Hah! You're a fast learner."

I shook my head with mouth agape in disbelief, "I actually never thought of that. Hahaha!"

As we check every part of the mall, we headed next to the 'Kenshi No Buki' store. We examined every keychain items and in fact, they all look real. The only difference is that these weapons are very small and fit to be just keychains.

Hiro saw something and quickly showed it to me.

He smiled and says, "I want to buy this keychain as a present for you. This weapon fits to represent you."

My eyebrows furrowed, "A bow? Why so?"

He smiled widely, wrinkles around his eyes, "Because you shoot through my heart, you pierced me with an arrow word. And besides, I like long range weapons." He grinned after he says that.

But I still looked at him with a confused face, "Why it has to be a silver green then?"

"Well... I guess because you have a green hair?"

I rolled my eyes down, "It's more of a blue green..." Then I pouted.

He hugged me and laughed. He then patted my head as if he is asking for forgiveness.

I cherished the keychain he bought for me. I mean, I will treasure this, because this is the first ever present I ever received from a guy. Actually, he is the first one.

We held hands as we go home. As he guides me all the way to my home, he then say a goodbye to me, "I guess this is it. I will see you tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, of course. See you tomorrow?" I smiled.

I was wishing that he will at least kiss me in the cheeks or in the lips, but instead, he held my hands one last time and kisses me in the forehead.

"Goodnight." He said.

Then, he ran away after that. I guess I need to run too, but no, I'm just standing there like a statue. Shocked and speechless, but blushing.

It is said that when a person kisses you on the forehead, it just means that they truly loved you. I couldn't express my feelings after realizing that!

That night, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't help but to think about it and him. I was thinking, 'If I looked at the keychain that he gave me, maybe I will get to remember him in case that I misses him? So that I will also be able to sleep peacefully?'

So, I took the keychain and looked at it. I wasn't wrong...

The day after that night, as I head to school, I bumped on to a man wearing a black coat. He looked at me with a glare, after. I apologized and ran away. Not because I was scared of him, but rather because I am almost late in my class.

As I get to my class on time, I just realized that Hiro is not present. Just what am I rushing for if he is not even in school?

I looked behind to see my friends, and they were there. My friends cheered for me and Ryoko says, "Maybe he just woke up late. Probably thinking about you all night, hahaha!"

I shook my head in disbelief, "But he wasn't even texting me..."

"Men are like that. Sometimes, they are a bit shy after what happens yesterday. Just wait for him to finally ease things up." Ai added.

I felt a relief and smiled at her, "Thanks Ai. I guess now I feel less stressed."

She nodded, "I'm pretty sure Hiro wouldn't leave you like that. You texted us that he kissed you on the forehead and not on the cheek. Trust him."

"Ai is right, just trust him and everything will be fine. Let him have his own time." Mitsuha said.

I looked at them with a wide smile, after. I felt so thankful for my friends who were always there to cheer me up. As in, what would I do without them? They're like the backbone of myself. Without them, I'd probably scatter into pieces...

As we all head home, I told them about everything that we did yesterday. They were laughing about it, thinking that Hiro is a little bit weird, but I guess all humans are weird though.

Ryoko proposed to use a shortcut through the alleys. However, Ai suddenly felt a shiver from her back. I bet she's afraid of empty, dark alleys. So, I tried to comfort Ai, "Don't worry. There are 3 of us ready to knock out any monster in there."

But she shook her head, "That's not what I'm afraid of."

Confused. My eyebrows furrowed as I ask her curiously, "Then afraid of what?"

"I don't know... I just get the feeling..."

"That's nothing!" Ryoko interrupts confidently. "--Come on! It's almost night now. Clearly you all want to go home now."

"I agree. Let's use this shortcut now. We still have home works." Mitsuha added.

However, Ai was still frightened.

As we enter the alley, I held her hand so that I can comfort her and to also show that I'm just right beside her. As we head deeper into the alley, something just dropped from above and hits the dumpster. Ai suddenly ran towards to me as if she was so frightened, when suddenly, it was just a black cat.

Ryoko pets the cat and laughed at Ai. She pointed her finger into the distance and shouted, "Over there! We're almost out. However, we still have one more alley to enter, for us to get close to our homes."

"No! I don't want anymore!" Ai shouted.

Ryoko suddenly got startled, "Whoa. Hey, don't worry. We can still get out of there alive just as we did in this alley."

"No! No more!"

Ryoko and Mitsuha sighed, but I smiled and looked at her in the eyes, "Don't worry about a thing, Ai. It is gonna be alright. Do you still feel that fear of something?"

She nodded, "I do... I don't know why I'm still frightened, but I still do..."

She was hesitating to enter the next alley, but it's not like she had a choice. In the end, we still entered the next alley. Ai held my hands as we enter deeply. Ryoko was leading us confidently, when suddenly, we finally made it near the exit.

Ryoko turned around to look at us with a smile, "See!? We made it--" However, a guy suddenly showed up behind her, along with a bright, flash of light appearing out of nowhere.

Our eyes opened widely in surprise. Blood splat on our uniform as Ryoko's head suddenly fell to the ground, detaching from her body. We were shocked, speechless, and unable to move. Mitsuha, then shrieked and tried to run to the other way. However, another guy showed up to block her. Slitting her throat, after. Ai and I just continued to stand speechlessly. Shivering in fear with hands held tightly.

Ai began to pee herself and was crying out loud. We tried to walk backward into the corner, when suddenly, another guy pulled me from behind, leaving Ai alone with the two guys in the front.

They ripped her clothes and started groping her. I watched her naked body gets violated by the guys. Technically, they are raping her. The guy that pulled me, joined in as well. Leaving me shocked and speechless from behind. After they used her, they massacred her, chopping each and every part of her body. I feel like I'm about to puke...

I closed my eyes and cried. They burned the dead bodies as they chant something through their weapons. But I had enough...

"Why!!?" I asked with a shout.

One of the guys smirked, "You have the keychain, you pay the price."

"Then go have it! You do not need to kill my friends! It's not like they know anything about it and neither do I!"

"You do not need to know anything. We just want to see you suffer and die." The second guy replied.

I looked at them with a glare. I then looked for my keychain and was thinking of throwing it to them, when suddenly, my bow keychain becomes real...

I don't know what just happened, but the other guy saw me and attempts to hit me with his weapon, however, I blocked it with my bow. Now I'm curious with what else can my keychain do.

I used my bow keychain to block all of his attacks, but like I said, I had enough. My rage makes me strike back with the tip of my bow. I used it like a pike to strike into his mouth. I pushed it further and further, 'till I kill him ruthlessly.

The rest of the guys, gnashed and prepared a ready stance to attack me. But so as I.

We were glaring and gnashing with one another. But while doing that, I was also thinking, 'Where are the arrows??'

One of the guys laughed and says, "I guess you are using a shitty weapon after all."

The other guy replied, "You fool. Have you forgotten why we're here? If she pulled the bowstring, an invisible arrow will appear out of nowhere. Making it a powerful weapon!"

I bewildered, but feeling thankful, "Wow. I guess you two are a fool. Thanks for letting me know how to use this." I smirked after.

I then pulled the bowstring and aimed at them with haste. I don't know which one of them to target first, that is why I just quickly released my so called invisible arrow, unknowingly. Both of them got hit by an invisible object, after. Like a wind piercing through their bodies.

I couldn't believe I just killed another guy. In fact, I almost kill three guys overall with just this keychain.

Soon after two of the bad guys died, their weapons became keychains. I do not know what is happening, that is why I tried interrogating the last surviving bad guy whom had a minor hit from my invisible arrow.

I gnashed as I pull his cloth, "Who are you?"

He smiled, "No one..."

I smirked, then glared as I forcefully pull his cloth again, "No one? Fine! I can't wait to tell this to my parents. I'll make sure you will face justice!"

He chuckled, "Who says you have parents?"

My head bolted upright in shock from what he said. I think they are going to my family... I must haste or they will face the same fate as my best-friends!

I quickly killed the guy cold-bloodedly and ran as fast as I can, after.

As soon as I made it home, I saw one guy in a black leather jacket with red hair, smiling while standing on top of my parent's dead bodies.

"Your parents wouldn't believe that I am a friend of yours, so instead, I killed them. It was their fate after all." He said.

I gnashed and replied with a shout, "I am not your friend!"

"Oh? But I was a friend of your boyfriend. In fact, he was going to be a hoarder of the dark."

I raised an eyebrow, "Was?"

He shrugged, "Well sadly, he is eager to meet you. When I told him I am going to kill you, he began to rebel against us, eventually leads to his death."

My heart broke for a moment. I feel like my hands are shaking nervously. I couldn't speak for a moment as I stood like a statue.

He then laughed hysterically right in front of me. I know that he killed Hiro himself, but my anger is building up every time he laughed. It irritates me...

"What are you gonna do no-" I quickly shoot his loin in just a quick second out of anger, making him shout in pain, "--Ahhh! Sly move for a beginner! You could be a great weapon, but ahhh! I bleed!"

I shout angrily, "I will never be used as a weapon by the likes of you!"

I began shooting at him. He on the other hand, ran as fast as he can away from me and from the house.

After that, I fell on my knees and began to cry... I just lost everything and everyone I loved...

I looked into my bow as it turns back into a keychain, 'I guess this keychain is my only memory of them, especially Hiro...'

It's been years since it all began and started a new beginning. I will make sure that the death of my parents, my best-friends, and Hiro are avenged.

I am Asuga Rin and I'm here on the roof, waiting for the right opportunity to shoot these hoarder bastards, but wait, someone entered their room and they're both armed. I guess I knew these two...

How about I shoot now from this range? What is it again that Hiro once taught me? Breath in, aim, then as I shoot? Breath out...

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