Greed and Despond (Ban x Sin...

0Shadow_Child0 által

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!!!WARNING-SLOW BURN!!! {Seven Deadly Sins} ~ Completed ~ The Seven Deadly Sins- a group famously known for t... Több

Reader Appreciation Chapter
Apprecaiting You!
Request Chapter!
Extra Because I'm Bored And Too Lazy To Write Another Chap
Q&A Thing!!
Xmas Special
That's All Folks!


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0Shadow_Child0 által

"Wow. Does anyone else have a really strong sense of deja vu right now?"

My voice rang out in the empty room I was in, an annoyed, but slightly amused, expression painted on my features. I can't be the only one, right? The whole kidnapped-because-I-was-knocked-out-by-some-asshole thing seemed really familiar, don't you agree?

I'm beginning to think our author has become quite lazy. Or maybe there's a bigger plan?

Eh, to lazy to think it through.

The cell I was in was quiet. The walls, roof, and floor were all made of cement, and there didn't seem to be any openings anywhere in the room, save for a large, metal door on the wall in front of me. I was in the middle, chains, which were attached to shackles, which were attached to me, held me down. I had been laying on the floor when I woke up, and now had shifted into a more comfortable sitting position. Each of the chains connected to a large, metal plate on one of the walls. The room was ridiculously large, so they were quite long, and whenever I shifted at all, a loud, jangling noise echoed in the room, just as my voice had done when I spoke.

"She's awake," spoke a gruff voice from outside the cell. I grinned.

"Oh, ho-ho!" I said loudly, ny vocie reverberating obnoxiously. "So someone is out in the realm of the living! And I was beginning to think you'd leave me here all by my lonesome! You Holy Knights really have no manners nowadays!"

"Here she is, Sir Hauser," the same, deep voice grumbled as the door opened. I quirked my eyebrow up, recognizing the name very vaguely. As the door freaked open, very slowly, I glanced down. I had chains all over me- one around my neck, around each of my wrists and ankles, around my waist, and around each of my thighs. A bit overboard, I must admit. I tugged lightly at the one of my wrist. The large metal panel it was connected to on the wall budged, small pebbles of cement from the walls falling down. Idiots. Did they really think this would hold me? I could just pull lightly and all of the panels would come crumbling down.

"(Y/N)," called a familiar voice, "Long time, no see."

I turned, finding the guy from the Vaizel festival. The Holy Knight with the obnoxiously styled blonde hair and striking purple eyes, like Diane's. Except, of course, now he was wearing armor, and holding a sword that had a swirl around the blade. I grinned wider upon seeing him, now being able to place the name and who it belonged to. I've always been bad with names.

"Yo! Hauser!" I laughed, standing up. It was easier than I thought it would be, since the chains were so slack I could maneuver my various body parts. "I knew I recognized that name!"

"Yeah," he spoke vaguely, glancing around the room. He walked up, standing in front of me as his eyes darted uncomfortably around the room.

"I should probably shake your hand or something," I grinned, "Gimme a second."

"No don't do that-!" He shouted as I pulled harshly on the metal plate that connected to the shackle on my arm. A large jolt of electricity surged through the one I had tugged off, going up my arm and making my baby hairs stand up. I rolled my eyes at the weak attack.

"Geez," I huffed, ripping the chain off of the shackles on my wrist. The electricity stopped as soon as I did so. I proceeded to rip all the others off. "Hauser, part of me thinks you and your Holy Knight friend did this on purpose," I hummed absentmindedly, proceeding to rip off each of the chains. "Holy Knights don't commonly underestimate their enemies-" my eyes darted up to meet his, a dangerous stare- "Especially when they're one of the Deadly Sins."

"Be quiet!" He hissed, diving forward and covering my mouth. He stared directly back at the door, but when he heard nothing, let out a distressed sigh, slowly letting go of my face. "You don't need to say it out loud, dumbass."

"So I'm right," I purred, ripping the shackles off of my waist and thighs. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

"That doesn't matter," he grumbled, eyes darting around. "All I need to do is get you out of here."

"Oh, no," I laughed, "Meli, Ban, and Gowther are here. And you guys kidnapped the princess, who also happens to be my friend. I got shit to do."

"There's dozens of Holy Knights outside in case you escape," he spoke hurriedly, "How do you expect to get out of that? And without my help?"

"Hauser, sweetie," I smirked condescendingly, going to rip the shackle off my neck. It didn't budge. I frowned, going to the ones on my wrists, which also didn't budge. The ones on my ankles came off, though. Probably enchanted- possibly a precaution to track me or give me some sort of handicap. Weaken me? I dunno. Maybe it was that mage chick who kidnapped me. "You strongly underestimate me. I've fought Holy Knights before- I'm not new to this."

"(Y/N) I saw that fight between you and those two New Generation Knights," he spoke imploringly, "There are tons of those guys mixed in with the group outside."

"Did you also happen to sense the fraction of my power that I was using?" I questioned, putting my hands on my hips and raising an eyebrow. "The only reason I wasted my breath on those idiots is to buy my teammates time. I underestimated them, I'll admit, but I won't make the same mistake again. Now, if you wouldn't mind, scream."

"What?" He asked, scrunching up his face in confusion. I sighed, exasperated.

"Scream," I repeated, "So all your little friends come running in."

"I'm not gonna screa-"

"If you want, I can make you scream."

He widened his eyes, then groaned, muttering, 'I can't believe I'm doing this...', to himself. Then he let out an ear-piercing scream. He kinda sounded like a little girl, I won't lie.

The door burst open again, and like he said, dozens of Holy Knights came rushing into the room. Both men and women of various different colors and magical signatures. It took them a moment to realize that I wasn't touching or harming him in any ways.

"Now!" My voice boomed as I took a step forward, "I'll give you all one chance to run, or tell me where my weapon is! I won't hurt you as bad if you do, so I suggest you make your decision wisely!"

"Formation seven!" One of the Knights shouted, and everyone began shuffling around, getting into attack stances. "Prepare to attack fugitive and treasonist (y/n) (l/n), the Raven Sin of Despond of the Eight Deadly Sins!"

I groaned audibly, extending my hand to them. I gave them a chance, so they can't say I didn't warn them. I grinned maliciously.

"Oh, well," I laughed, "Blaze Storm."

Y'know, I could've sworn that whenever I said then and tried to activate my magical power, it happened. Like big fireballs wooshing everywhere, coming out of my hands and destroying everyone in their path. Am I crazy for thinking that? Cause it didn't happen this time. What did happen, is that I looked like a total idiot.

"Stupid enchanted shackles," I grumbled, lowering my hand and rolling my eyes. "Making it so I can't use my fucking powers..."

"Let me help you," Hauser whispered from behind me. I just waved him off.

"I don't want you to be a so-called 'betrayer of the kingdom' like I am," I grumbled back, my voice low as I began cracking my knuckles in various ways, then bending backward to crack my back, followed by cracking my neck. "I've got this. Like I said, I can handle these guys easy. Alright, motherfuckers!" I shouted gleefully, bouncing back and forth on my feet with my hands held up in fists. I grinned at them, an evil smirk on my lips. "Let's go!"

"Attack!" The one who shouted before commanded, and everyone came surging at me at once. Various attacks of water, fire, explosions, rocks, you name it, came flying at me from all directions as, what I assume to be, the close-combat Knights came charging toward me.

"Woo!" I cheered, rushing forward as adrenaline began to course through my veins. Two boys who looked to be twins ran in sync at me, their bodies doubling to become four, then eight. I bent down, sweeping my foot under all of them. Seven disappeared, leaving the one to fall flat on his back. He charged his sword in my direction, but was too slow. I jumped up, ramming my heel down so it impaled his chest.

A sword came hurtling at me, and I swiveled to the side to avoid it, throat-punching a female knight as I did so, my fist going easily through her neck. I glanced in the direction the sword can from, finding a girl who had various forms of weaponry surrounding her body (ERZA?!). I rolled my eyes, weaving through the waves of long-range attacks. I kicked another guy, who was covered head-to-toe in armor into the group of knights at the back of the room firing endlessly at me, my foot piercing through his armor and body. He knocked a good portion of them over, narrowing the mayhem down slightly. His sword, which was still clutched in his deceased hand, shot through one of his companions's stomach, stopping half-way through and leaving them wheeze in pain and die slowly.

As I approached weapon-lady, three girls and two boys stopped me, holding up their swords or fists. One chick and a guy stepped forward and threw relatively fast punches and kicks in my direction, while the other three swiped with their swords with equal speed. I was almost impressed. I stopped one of the girl's kicks, twisting her ankle until a loud crack echoed from it. I yanked her backward, sending her barreling into one girl and two guys. I grabbed one of their discarded swords, swiping it in the direction of the last standing girl and cutting her completely in half. I then threw in the direction of a long-range knight who was throwing particularly annoying beams of light at me, almost hitting me a few times, as I ran toward the pile of two girls and two boys. It caught him right in the chest, making him stick to the wall. I jumped, stomping down so my foot crushed down upon the group of four, loud cracks echoing in the room as their lives ended.

I jumped away from them, doing a backflip just to show off. Rule number one of sinhood- being a badass requires constant "humble" bragging during fights. Lots of making fun of other people too. I was just to excited to finally have a warm-up to make fun of everyone, and they were all dying too fast to hear my quips anyway.

I ran toward sword-girl, speeding behind her quicker than she could see. I grabbed two battle axes from her collage of weapons before jumping and spinning mid-air. I threw one across the room, it chopping through two of the long-range bois before clattering to the ground, then, once I was facing downward, dug the second one into sword-girl's face, a sickening, but also satisfying, crunch echoing as she fell limply to the floor. The weapons surrounding her fell to the ground as well, clattering against the cement floors as the metal made contact. I grabbed two of the swords, flipping them upward in my hands before racing across the room.

One of them was a longsword- please note that I have absolutely no knowledge in swords (because, you know, I fight with a whip most of the time), and am calling it a longsword because it's a sword that's longer than all the other ones- and the second was a regular sized one. I took the longsword, driving it through the stomachs of three knights until the front one's stomach made contact with the handle. I left it there, hearing them all thud as they fell onto the floor. I took the other sword, spinning around and I sliced and kicked through the various other knights, impaling one as I kicked another's head off, then launching the one connected to my sword into three other knights. I drove the sword down until all of them stopped moving. Following that, I took the sword out, and proceeded to both stab and punch, or kick, the remaining nine or ten knights, who went down with relative ease. Across the room, the last three knights stood, staring fearfully at me. I chucked the sword at the biggest guy, it making contact with his shoulder. He grunted, stumbling backward.

I ran, them jumped up, turning sideways so that both my heels made contact with his stomach, causing blood to come spurting out of his mouth as he was rammed backward, slamming into the wall so hard his body splattered into a mess of gore. I turned, preparing to attack the last of my enemies, but stopped before throwing the punch. The other two were small boys, legs shaking as they stared up at me, holding their swords up in a less-than threatening manor. I flinched, them reminding me vaguely of children being forced to fight- like how it was during the Holy War. It didn't sit right with me. Wanting to keep up my 'dangerous fugitive' thing, I stared down at them with the insane, menacing grin I had been wearing most of the time.

"Get me my whip," I grinned, bending down to their height. They were really short. "Then get the fuck out of here."

They both stood in place, nodding their heads vigorously before running off and out of the room. I heard loud rustling, causing me to cross my arms and tap my foot impatiently. I was never a patient person. I need to work on that. That and remembering names.

"H-here," one squeaked as he came running in, holding my whip. I smiled, taking it from him and ruffling his pink hair.

"Thanks, kid," I grinned, then frowned slightly, looking around at the mass of bodies and endless pools of blood in the room. I turned back to him and the other guy, who had bright yellow hair. "Do yourselves a favor and get out of here. Me and the other Sins don't want to kill you guys, but your forcing our hands. You don't know what the demon race can do."

"Grandmaster Hendrickson said-"

"I don't care what that asshat said," I grumbled, waving him off. "Just get out of here- protect some small town that needs saving. If you run into any of the other Sins, tell them I let you go."

"W-why?" One asked, and the other pulled at his arm, looking at him with wide, scared eyes. His mouth was covered by a large, scaly scarf, but I could tell how terrified he was even without his mouth to assist in his expression. "Why did you let us live?"

I paused for a moment, my lips pursing as I dug in my mind for an answer. "You guys look like kids," I spoke finally, "I'm sorry you had to see that."


"Get outta here!" I demanded, rolling my whip up and placing it on my hip. "This room'll collapse any minute!"

"C'mon, Loxus, lets go!" The pink-haired one shouted desperately, eyes wide as he looked hurriedly around the room, frightened. The other boy, Loxus, spared one look at me before following his companion out, booking it out of the room. (I'm in a Fairy Tail moood)

"Holy shit," a voice said from behind me. I turned around, thinking I missed one of the bad guys. However, it was only Hauser, standing there and gawking at me. "Y-you killed all of them..."

"Not the kids," I corrected, grabbing one of the dead Holy Knight's shirts and wiping my bloody hands on it. All it did was smear the red liquid, making me frown.

"Y-you killed them," he repeated, eyes wide and horrified as he surveyed the room. Speaking of the room, there were several large cracks and craters in both the walls and floor, which were growing larger by the second. I realized quite quickly that they were centered around me. I was in the back of the room- no way could I get out in time.

"Shit!" I shouted, loud cracks echoing more frequently. I ran forward, grabbing Hauser by the neckline of his chest-plate and chucking him at the doorway. Just as I did so, the floor collapsed beneath me, causing me to let out a shrill scream as I fell. I figured I was going to fall at least a few stories, but the rubble around me landed with loud thuds, my body doing the same. It seemed that I had only fallen for a short amount of time, which was strange.

"Ow!" I whined, dragging my leg out from below a large piece of the cement floor. I stood up, gradually, "Ow... ow- ow! Jesus fucking..."

"Would you really take a demoness like her over a saint? Is that truly what you wish for in life?"

A voice I didn't recognize at all was speaking, causing me to look in the direction of its origin. There was a large horn, glowing a bright magenta across the expansive room I had fallen into. It seemed to be bigger than my previous containment. That, however, was not what surprised me. In front of that horn was a pig, huffing and stomping its foot, and a tall man in crimson clothing with pale blue hair. I could hear my voice ring out, but the confused thoughts churning in my head nearly drowned it out.


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