The Fox Hero

De Thunder_God_Thor

1.1M 21.7K 32.5K

During a raid of a illegal experimentation site, A 6 year old child is found by the heroes, imprisoned in a c... Mais

Midoriya Izuku - The Origin
Entrance Exam.
Class 1-A
Battle Training
The Normal Days.
USJ Invasion I
USJ Invasion II
I was Tagged.
News of Sports Festival
Sports Festival Commence
The Second Part Of the Festival.
Sports festival Ends
Stain..The Fight with Hero Killer
Starting Of End of Term Exam.
Momo and Izuku Vs All Might.
The Boot Camp
Boot Camp II
The Villains Invade
The Unwanted Guest.
Explanations and a little game.
The Battle Against All For One.
The Battle Against All For One II
U.A Becomes Boarding School
Liscene Exam..
The Big Three
Internship And Eri


79.7K 1.3K 4.7K
De Thunder_God_Thor

Ten years have passed since izuku was rescued and started living with nemuri. Over the years there were no problems with izuku's quirk, except for one time where he was about to go berserk and met someone and learned a lot about his quirk.

A serial killer had entered their house when izuku was 7 and had held a knife at midnight's neck and said " If you move, i'll kill you"

"Leave my nee-chan alone" izuku shouted seeing nemuri held hostage by the killer.

"Shut up and scram kid or i'll kill you too" he said and pressed the knife harder against midnight's skin drawing a thin trail of blood.

Izuku seeing the blood snapped as he trembled and his hair cover his eyes as he said "you hurt nee-chan, i'll make you pay"

He glared into the killer's eyes as his emerald eyes were gone and replaced with red orbs that had a black slit in it. His whisker turned deep and his nails grew as he stood on all fours. A sinister aura covering him.

The killer scared dropped the knife and tried to run but found his face slammed into a wall as a loud crack was heard signifying the broken nose of the killer.

"Grrr" izuku growled as he clawed on the chest of the killer and left marks as blood fell from the killer's chest. He then grappled the killer's arm and twisted it back with a crunch ignoring the killer's screams.

Midnight seeing her brother like this froze but then acted quickly and used her quirk and knocked out both the killer and izuku and called Eraserhead and Present Mic along with nezu.

Izuku when knocked out was called into his own mind where he met his quirk or rather the fox, Kyuubi.

He noticed that he was inside a sewer and walked along the pipes which had red lines. He reached a huge cell and called out " hello? Anyone here?"

Suddenly he saw two huge blood red eyes in front of him and then he noticed that light came in the cell as a huge fox with nine tails about 70 to 80m glaring at him.

The fox then said " So finally my new warden is here to meet me"

"W-who are you?" Izuku asked fearfully as he took a few step back falling on his butt seeing the fox.

"Me? I am the called the great kyuubi no kitsune a being of legends, with a swish of my tails i cause catastrophic level disasters, Fear me mortal" Kyuubi said in an arrogant tone.

"H-how are you here?" Izuku asked

"I am apparently your quirk, i remembered dying with my last host, the only man i would respect, but suddenly after centuries i am reborn here in the same pathetic cell as last time but this time not as a demon being sealed but being a quirk" kyuubi said.

"Wait, you were someone else's quirk before me?" Izuku asked

"No, i was an actual living being before and was sealed inside a mortal, and i died centuries ago, and have been reborn as a quirk, meant to help you, but i can't" kyuubi spoke

"W-what? Why?" Izuku asked

"Because my power brings hate, and anger, all types of negative feelings, as it is for those who have suffered, you will be able to use my powers but for that you would have to defeat me to conquer your hate and negative emotions, till then i will be locked in this cell, i will try my best to give you my power at a level that you can handle because if you go above that level then you go berserk and kill everyone" kyuubi explained

"I..i see, but nee-chan said that you were created due to those experiments on me" izuku asked curiously

Laughter was heard around the cell as kyuubi laughed and then said " me created by those insolent bugs ahaha, nice joke kid, but no, i was not, i was always your quirk those experiments magnified my regenerative abilities and now even if you lose a limb you could recreate it and it even gave you chakra and ability that was used during my time alive by ninja's to create techniques along with the fact that our negative emotions are linked, if you get angry, i get too and while i can control it you can't and this in turn causes us to go berserk and eventually you start transforming into me. "

"Oh, that's dangerous but can i use the chakra thing? Can i? Can i?" Izuku asked jumping at the thought of learning things.

"Yes you can, but only when you turn 9" kyuubi said

"Oh" he looked disappointed then he suddenly looked up and questioned "hey where are we?"

'Are you that dumb to ask this question now?' Kyuubi thought.

"You are in your mind" kyuubi answered

"What? My mind is a sewer?" Izuku asked himself shocked

"Yes, you had a shitty life so your mind is a sewer. But you can change it to suit yourself." Kyuubi clarified.

"Okay" izuku said and then focused as his the sewer vanished and the place became a grass land with lots of animals roaming, the cell containing kyuubi vanished and was replaced with a cave, and the bars disappeared.

Kyuubi walked forward and said " The bars are gone, i could kill you right now if i want to"

"I know but i have a feeling that you won't" izuku said

"That is correct because we are linked, you die i die, simple as that" kyuubi replied

"Oh and the prison isn't gone, just replaced" izuku said then kyuubi saw a collar attached to it's neck.

"I did not want to keep you behind bars as i myself did not like it so i gave you a chance to roam free" izuku said grinning.

'Heh, this kid might be worthy too' kyuubi thought

"Okay last question, you said you are called the great kyuubi no kitsune but is that your real name ?" Izuku asked

Kyuubi was shocked and said " No, that is not, as you proved yourself a little worthy, i shall tell you my name, it is kurama"

"Kurama, nice to meet you, i am izuku midoriya" izuku said as he gave a thumbs up at which kurama grinned and thought 'Yes, this kid might be your second coming, old partner'

"Ah!" Izuku yelled seeing himself fade as he said " i am vanishing, kurama help"

"Calm down you are waking up" kurama said as izuku calmed down,but only a little.

Izuku then woke up and told his nee-chan all about kurama he was startled to hear kurama's voice in his head but kurama advised him to only think and kurama will hear the answer at which izuku nodded.

Quite sometime had passed since izuku had met kurama and they had become good friends. Izuku was home schooled and all the cost was covered by all might as he did not want izuku to endanger others because of his quirk.

Izuku also begun to do training as kurama advised and begun to eat healthy food so he could become strong enough to control kurama's power. He experimented daily with chakra and had made quite some moves with kurama guiding him.

Now, izuku had grown rather nicely, at 14 years he was 5'7 and he had let his hair grow some, he started wearing a black mask which covered the lower part of his face to hide his whiskers, his baby fat was gone and he had a rather athletic build with a four pack.

He was currently wearing a black sleeveless hoodie over white turtle neck shirt and red shorts along with black sneakers and was lying on the ground in a park watching the clouds.

Until he saw a familiar figure and said yawning " Hello Nee-chan"

"I...izu-chan~" she said a tick mark on her forehead as she continued " I sent you to buy snacks three hours ago and now i find you lazing around in the park watching clouds, can you explain yourself mister?"

"Huh? It's been only three hours damn, i thought it would be night time by now" he answered as nemuri eye twitched and she punched him in the head and shouted " go bring the groceries, you idiot!!!"

"Argh, you didn't have to hit me, you troublesome woman" izuku said rubbing his head.

Nemuri was seriously losing her patience and said " are you going or"

"All right i am going, damn nagging sisters and their annoying threats" izuku muttered as he lazily walked towards the store.

On the way he heard an explosion and heard kurama 'Hey kid their is trouble in that direction, let's go'

"Okay" izuku said as he ran towards the street where he saw smoke coming from.

Reaching the streets he saw a huge crowd gathered and heroes preventing them from going a little in and getting harmed.

Beyond the crowd there was fire spread here and there and a green slime looking villain had captured a blonde boy about the same age as izuku, apparently he was trying to use his quirk, which was explosion, in an attempt to escape but it was proving to be futile.

Izuku heard a wood hero called Kamui woods say " Shit my quirk is not suitable for this job"

Another hero who was bulky and wearing some type of yellow and black gauntlets said " We need to wait for someone with a better quirk to fight him"

A random civilian said " Hey, wasn't all might after this villain?"

"Now that you say it, i think i also heard that" another spoke

'The old man must've gone over his limit, kit, and the hostage kid looks like he'll suffocate any minute now' kurama said as izuku clenched his fist.

He then sighed and put his hood on and ran inside the scene ignoring the shouts from others to stop.

"You dare try to come here kid, die!!" The slime said as izuku said " Now slimy ass bastards are going to give me threats?"

Izuku dodged the incoming explosion along with the slimy hand and held out his hand as a blue ball formed in it as he said "you kill me? In your dreams, RASENGAN!!"

He slammed the ball in the eye of the villain who screamed and left the hostage there as he flew straight into a wall and fell unconscious.

Izuku seeing that his job was done, fled the scene as to not be seen. After running for a while he came to stop in front of the mart and bought the groceries and reached his home.

Entering into the apartment he shouted "I'm Home"

He went in to see Nemuri sitting on the sofa her arms crossed under her bust as she said " So where were you?"

"Uh..there was some kind of accident so the route to the mart was blocked and i had to the long way" izuku said

"Really? And did you do anything that you should not have?" She asked calmly which terrified him as he said nervously " No. Nothing"

"I see, then pray tell me what this is?" She questioned turning the t.v on to show a footage of izuku wearing his hood and defeating the villain with his rasengan.

"Ah,hehe, i can explain?" Izuku said as he gulped and she said smiling sweetly " please do and it better be good or else....." she let the threat hanging as izuku gulped harder and replied " Uh, well, the villain had the kid hostage and no hero was helping him, kurama told me he was short on oxygen and would die, if no one acted quickly so i had to rush in"

Nemuri sighed as she got up from her seat and hugged izuku tightly into her bountiful mounds as izuku turned blue from no oxygen and she started " please don't worry me, izu-chan, you know i care for you and you doing reckless thing scare me"

"Sorry, nee-chan, i promise i'll control myself" he apologized hugging her back.

They then broke the hug as she said "anyways, now it's time for your studies"

"Aw man, can't i do it tomorrow?" He whined as she made a stern face and said "no, now go to your room and study young man and if i find you goofing around, i'll take your sketch book away"

Izuku paled and gasped as he said " You wouldn't "

"I would. Now go and study and remember i am watching you" she said as izuku walked to his room with a depressed aura surrounding him and she giggled seeing him like this.

After two hours, izuku had finished his studies, he sighed and popped his fingers as he said " Ha~, finally done" and then threw the books to the side.

He got up and plopped himself on the bed until he felt his door open and saw nemuri enter as she asked " izuku,i wanted to ask you something."

"Hmm?" He responded, prompting her to go further.

"Where do you want to go for high school?" She asked

"High school? Can't i study that at home too?" He asked

"No, i am afraid you can't, you have to study in a high school now and i wanted to ask you what you wanted to become" She answered

"I...i just want to live an average life, have a simple house, a fair wife and 2 kids, that's all. I like to think i am not born for greatness, seeing all the scars on my body makes me want to think that i have had enough suffering and should just live an average life" izuku explained with a lazy expression

Nemuri sighed and sat down on the bed as she said " Izu-chan, everyone has a purpose in life, you should find out yours before it's too late, think about what you want to do and decide"

Nemuri got up and left before walking out she thought 'my dear otouto, you have a great quirk and a golden heart, you could very well be the future number 1 hero if you try, i know deep down you want to be a hero, you just have to realize that and go forth'

Izuku lying on his bed, took a rubix cube and starting solving it as he thought 'What did she mean? What is my purpose? What do i want to do?'

After some minutes of thinking he grabbed his head in frustration as he shouted "Argh!! Why can't i think of something?"

'Shut up kit! You're shouting is disturbing my nap!' Kurama shouted

'You shut up, you damn furball' izuku shouted back

'What did you say you shit for brains' kurama shouted

'Why you overgrown plushie, shut up and let me think dammit' izuku yelled

'Overgrown plushie? I'll have you know i am the great kyuubi no kitsune, the mighty fox feared-' kurama started but was cut off as izuku said ' Yeah, yeah, i know'

'Anyways, jokes aside, i think your problem is not much' kurama said

'Huh? What?' Izuku questioned

'Come here and then we'll talk' kurama said as izuku went into his mind.

Izuku sat in front of kurama as he asked "So how can you help?"

"Hah, first of all kit, tell me can you watch people suffer?" Kurama sighed and then asked.

"No" was the reply and kurama asked " If you see someone suffering or in danger will you help?"

"Yes, of course" the answer came without hesitation

"Do you want anyone to suffer the same fate as you and those who were with you at that faculty?" Kurama asked

"No, but tell me what has that got to do with my problem?" Izuku questioned

"Just answer my questions and everything will be explained" kurama clarified and continued " would you, if you could prevent it from happening or if it happened help rescue those people?"

"Yes, i would" izuku answered

"And most importantly do you want to protect your nee-chan?" Kurama questioned

"Yes, i want to and even repay her for everything she has done for me" izuku replied

"Then, there you have it kit, you have a good heart, you want to save people and help them, and protect your nee-chan and that can only be done if you become a hero" kurama explained

"I..i see, i, ever since i was little wanted to be a hero and...that is what i'll be a hero, someone who saves people and gives them hope." Izuku spoke with determination and then turning to kurama he said " hey kurama?"

"Hm?" Kurama responded opening one eye to look at izuku, he was napping after all and izuku smiled at him and said " thank you"

"Heh, you're welcome, now scram and let me sleep" he said and with that izuku was out of his mind.

He then stood up and walked out of his room and saw nemuri reading a book while sitting on the couch and he said " Nee-chan"

"Yes, izu-chan" she asked

"I...i want to be a hero! And i will go to U.A" Izuku said looking at her with determination.

Nemuri went wide eyed but then calmed down and gave him a soft smile as she said "i knew you would figure it out, otouto"

"Heh, did you expect any less?" He retorted as they both shared a laugh.

The next day, izuku went out and saw a beach full of trash and said " Perfect, i'll clean the whole place, this'll be a good spot for training, wouldn't it kurama?"

'Yeah, this will be more than enough to get you to U.A' kurama replied.

"Okay. Then let's get started" izuku said grinning and jumped down into the beach, he then stood for a few seconds before he said "Huh? There are so many clouds in the sky today, i think i'll train tomorrow" with that he plopped down on the sand and began watching the clouds, with kurama face palming and shouting ' you sloth'


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