On The Scale Of

Von CheekyCheshire

431 133 106

"Play with fire and you'll get burned." Cherié Reid bit off more than she can chew when she accepted a shady... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 12

4 1 0
Von CheekyCheshire

"He seemed awfully close to you."

"He's my cousin!"


Good grief. The oh-so-happy couple from behind me just kept going on and on about who fucked who, while I, a valued customer, simply wanted to stand in this aisle for fifteen minutes to choose which brand of popcorn to buy without having to hear high-pitched male screeches caused by their caveman-like tendencies.

"What about that guy I saw you with last week at the gym?"

"That was my brother!"

Never thought I had this strong of an urge to shoot someone pointblank in the face just for being annoying. I pushed my cart across the shiny-tiled floor and picked up two liters of Coke from a nearby shelf. I was in a hurry not to stay a second longer here. I don't know what's more painful; the bickering duo or the store's broken speakers playing a crude KPOP song on loop. I paid for the items and carried them with me to the lot.

It was about seven PM when I arrived at our house. It was after I dropped off the Alfa Romeo at Zoom's Garage.

The dark skies have already loomed over the city so various lights have been turned on from all around the neighborhood, our house's entrance included. I keyed in our door and entered. The undeniable smell of meatloaf cooking hit me full force, and the face to greet me while at it was Daniel's. He had such an adorably resting bitch face.

"Didn't I tell you to pick up the glasses from the shop?" He demanded.

"Yeesh, hello to you too." I stepped in the living room where Nat was picking out a movie from Netflix. "I slept in. I had too good a dream to give up." I carried the bag of food with me to the couch. I can help with cooking, but Catherine insisted a little too forcefully that she'd rather I just 'stick to cleaning not the cooking'. I can't help but think that there must be nicer ways of putting it.

"...Where is it..." Nat muttered with determination as she flicked through the selection, not at the very least acknowledging my presence. Rude. Meanwhile, Mr Lawyer walked to the mahogany drawer near me and picked something up.

He glared me down, holding a gray rectangular case toward me. "I had to go there to pick it up. It was a terrific experience meeting with someone I had just rejected. Thank you for that. Now, try it on."

I withheld a smirk and opened the case. A new pair of dark-rimmed glasses that I had picked out were found inside. I went to stand in the front of the mirror that was hung beside the family portrait from the wall behind us. I weighed the eyeglasses in my hands before gingerly putting them on.

I shut my eyes close and pulled on the hair that got stuck behind my ears. I fitted the frame to my face and finally opened my eyes. Blinking a couple of times before completely adjusting to the change, my head flashed an ache and my vision shook a bit before coming into focus.


Everything suddenly became utterly, magnificently clearer.

What sorcery is this? I know this is what eyeglasses are supposed to do but damn, son.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, shamelessly dazzled by it. Not because I was vain, but because of the vivid colors I was able to see! My face was streaming in HD. My hair appeared to be a flaming red color, wavy and almost curly, hanging down my shoulders. Dark eyes accompanied by dark circles underneath them contrasted my pale face. But who the hell cares! I can actually see shit!

I did a turn and a new world was before me, and as dramatic as it sounds, it is what it is. Everything was just so much clearer - details that I wasn't aware of before appeared before my eyes. The living room was not as tidy as I had thought... But I was too happy to cringe. It was so disassociating at first, but after I caressed my gaze on every surface it can graze upon, it was starting to make sense. Holy shit, was I blind or something? It's the most bizarre feeling. My eyes then settled and became fixated on the man before me. I can barely make out what he mumbled under his breath upon seeing me do so. But the fact that I actually saw his mouth's small movements amazed the heck outta me.

"What?" I prompted, noticing his fluctuating expressions.

He averted his gaze and crossed his arms together. "Nothing."

When he looked away, I can't help but to ogle at his face, particularly in its texture. I've gawked at Daniel's annoyingly attractive face since forever but it was now that I've noticed something different. There were sprinkles of barely visible spots across the bridge of his nose. Claire had those too.

"You have freckles."

Daniel flicked his eyes to me in surprise. He touched his face, seemingly abashed. "I've always had these."

I was momentarily stunned at his bashful reaction. Heh. This guy's nothing but a gooey mush underneath his cold, hard shell.

"So, how is it? Does your head ache?" He asked me.

"Wow, you look like a nerd," Nat remarked from the couch, finally out of her own trance.

I clicked my tongue and pursed my lips. "Nerds are cool. At least I'm not short."

"You can't tease me about being short! I'm still eleven. It's only natural," She retorted. "I'm at least above-average."

"Mhm. Shorty."

"Mooooooooom! Ri's calling me 'Shorty' again!" The girl shot off the couch and dashed to the dining area.

Daniel cleared his throat. "Well?"

"It's alright." Amazing, actually. But I gotta stick to my Tsundere persona. "Thanks." I studied my reflection again. "So... Is it really OK that I don't pay for it?"

He waved his hand at me in dismissal. "Don't worry about it."

The brief encounter ended when Catherine called for us three for dinner. She cajoled then eventually berated Nat, saying that she was old enough to take a teasing. Nat knows this, but she's just a little tattletale.

The Meatloaf's aroma filled the kitchen despite the cold wind blowing through the open window. I sat down the dinner table with Nat's table arrangement laid out neatly before me. We said our grace then began to eat. I eased my hunger with the creamy mashed potatoes, green peas and meatloaf, and pineapple upsidedown cake for dessert. I don't get why people complain about meatloaf. They're awesome.

It was hard to ignore Catherine's eyes straying to me every few minutes but I tried hard to keep mine down at my plate, only participating in the conversation when prompted. There was a huge elephant in the room that needed to be addressed, I know. But I'd rather just enjoy eating without anxiety piling up inside me again.

"The glasses look good on you, Ri," Catherine complimented. I nodded at her and cocked my head to Daniel. "He bought them."

She thanked the man and we all continued to eat and idly chatted, gradually easing into a more relaxing atmosphere.

We cleaned up after we finished, with me and Daniel on dishwashing duty since the dishwasher was acting up lately. I set a reminder for myself to call the repairmen tomorrow since Catherine kept on forgetting.

"I'll be in my study if you need me," Catherine informed us, wiping her hands with a cloth and was on her way to leave the kitchen. "Ri, please be the one to tuck in Nat in her bed later."

"Sure." I threw a dry washcloth at Daniel. "I wash, you dry," I told him.

"I'll pop the popcorn!" My sister announced excitedly. "Well, the microwave will but I'll be the one to set it!"

I positioned in front of the sink and began to wipe away the food remnants from the plates. Nat input the time needed for the bag of popcorn to pop in the microwave then moved back to the living room, leaving me and Daniel alone. He waited beside me after stacking the used plates in the sink. It was then I've appreciated the only good thing I inherited from Leonard - his height. So I almost equally stood beside Daniel with the top of my head to his eye-level. His height used to be imposing but now it was more of a trivial matter.

"So ah, Tracey, was it? Why'd you break up with her?" I initiated small talk, just because I'd never let up the chance to make Daniel squirm.

I noticed that he disappeared from beside me. I thought he rage-quitted the conversation before it even happened, but he just meant to wipe the table clean.

"It just didn't work out."

Typical reply from a wordy fellow. "Y'know, Catherine's eyes sparkled the first moment you brought her home."

"Yes, yes. Everyone was 'happy' for me. But it doesn't mean it was going to work out just because of that," He responded in an aggravated tone. That pushed some buttons, didn't it?

I whistled. "Yikes."

"End of discussion."

Wasn't much of a discussion really. A small smirk formed on my lips as I started to apply soap to the plates.

"How about y-"

"No," I said.

"That about sums it up."

"Just because I don't want to tell you about it doesn't mean there isn't anything happening."

"The way you phrase it seems like there really is nothing happening."

"You're not one for small talk, are you?"

I glanced at him and caught a haughty smile forming on his lips. "Small talks are for small minds."

"Oh so you talk big, huh, big guy?"

"Your words not mine."

"But that's what you implied," I rebutted.

"Never assume. It can lead you to places you never intended to be in."

I rolled my eyes. Does everything have to be a courtroom discussion with this guy? "Rest your case."

"You can't decide that."

"I can see that your virginity is very well-protected. How do you even talk to girls?"

"With my mouth."

"Hold the brakes there, Lover Boy. Just an advice. You can't lure in girls with dry humor."

"I don't need to."

A loud pop made us swivel our heads to the microwave. Ah, the popcorn's divine scent replaced the residual meatloaf smell in the room. I continued to wash the dishes but then did a double take.

I eyed him in disbelief. "Damn, you got game. So you do know you're attractive."

"It can't be helped that I've been told so all my life."

If I had a beverage in my mouth, I'd spit it all out. Preferably all over his smug face. Such confidence deserves a whooping if you ask me.

He continued wiping the washed plates with his washcloth, unaware of my inner rambling.

"Just be careful you don't trip and hit your head. Huge things tend to fall the hardest after all," I said, handing him the last plate.

"Don't quarrel! It's movie night. Can't you guys last one session without nitpicking on one another?" Nat chided us, coming into the kitchen. She collected the popcorn, turning to us. "As punishment, no popcorn for both of you."

"Hey! I was the one who bought them. And he was the one nitpicking on me," I whined.

After finishing the clean up, we all settled in the living room to watch Nat's pick for the night. Nat sat between me and Daniel, as if to avoid us disturbing movie night with more quarreling. She clearly mistook chatting casually to quarreling. The wide flat-screen flashed the word Netflix then the movie began to play.

"I found it! The movie I was looking for. It was under Romance and Drama. I figured I'd take a break from Action," My sister said.

"You just wanna check out Sammy Ferros because the other girls in your class are going crazy about him. You wanna see what all the fuss is about. No need to make up excuses."

"Wow! How'd you know?"

"Girls your age are attracted to faces like Sammy Ferros'. It's a given fact," I added the last bit to piss Daniel off. I know how he feels about me abusing the 'it's a given fact' phrase.

"Not you, though?"

Daniel was unfazed. Robot mode again, it seems. "Eh, Ferros seems to be your typical boy-next-door. But he played Miles in the movie pretty well."

Man, I'd really want some popcorn. But Nat seemed to be oddly strict with this 'punishment'. Tch.

We ended up watching In The End, which I've already seen last summer. So, basically the female protagonist fell in love with the male antagonist and the plot just continued to fall apart that Nat ended up dozing off in the couch despite evidently fangirling on Ferros. I gotta admit, my eyes do feel a little droopy. The characters are close to my heart even though the story is an award-winning horse shit.

"I ship them so hard," I ended up saying after seeing a tender moment between the onscreen couple. Urgh, and to Daniel no less.

"You what?"

Oh, thank goodness for his lack of internet slang knowledge.

"Shipping is an internet slang..." Nat cut in, mumbling amidst her sleep. "...where you like the idea... of two people... being romantically... involved.... " She snored loudly at the end. How is that even possible? Is this part of her weird power?

Daniel was only skeptical. "But aren't they brother and sister?"

My eyes became slits. "Yeah, but Miles is adopted."

"That doesn't make it any less wrong."

I fumed. Aw hell no. No way am I gonna let this jackass flame my ship. My ship. "They aren't related. They're in love. What's wrong with that?"

"Assuming that the 'adopted' grew up with her and then ended up being her groom is questionable."

"Does it matter? Them living together would make things easier, in fact. They've gotten used to each other."

He stared at me. "Say that again, but slowly."

"Fuck you. Did your pristine soul cry out in anguish at the thought of not even an incestuous relationship?"

"Contrary to that, the fact that you included the possibility of it being incestuous is proof enough."

"Look, it's like if you and me are together, does it really sound so wro-" An invisible force squeezed my lips shut. I stopped what I was saying, and inch by inch turned my head away from him, the heat in my face dissipating and was being replaced with an even hotter temperature. I didn't have the guts to look at his face right now. Eurghhhh.

A loud snore coming from a small body between us caused me to jump. For comic relief, amirite? Ahahahaha.

Regardless, we continued to watch the movie in silence. I tugged the bowl of popcorn away from Nat's iron grip and hugged it to me. I shifted in my seat a couple of times, nervously stuffing popcorn in my mouth.

"She felt alone."

"Wa?" I said, mouth full of popcorn.

Daniel's eyes were glued to the screen. "She said that even when we're together, she feels alone. That's why we broke up."

A million of smart ass comments circulated inside my head. So it took me maximum effort to clamp my mouth shut. He seemed kinda down, so I guess this was one of those rare moments that I do let up the opportunity to make him squirm.

I didn't know what else to do so I just opted to pass him the bowl of popcorn. He took it and quietly ate. So he did love her, didn't he? Poor fool.

"Well, for one. I don't feel alone right now. So..." I murmured.

This time, I expected smart ass comments from him, but instead he glanced at me, his cool blue eyes softening. I chose not to acknowledge this, and shifted my focus to the movie, uncontrollable heat still spreading throughout my face.

And to put the icing on the cake, or a proverbial nail to a coffin, whichever works, here comes the kissing scene. I shouldn't feel weird but damn I just love it when I do. I stole a glimpse of Daniel's expression. Robot mode reactivated. Why can't I ever be as stoic as him?

"Ah by the way, where's that scotch tape you borrowed days ago?" I asked, softly scratching my neck.

"It's in my room," He answered. "I'll give it back to you tomorrow."

I placed my empty can of Coke on the coffee table and moved to get up. "I'm gonna go hit the hay now," I said, scooping Nat up and carried her to my front. Nghh. She'd gotten heavier. Must be all that cheese puffs she loves to eat.

Daniel must've noticed my minor struggle. "Let me."

"Nah, I'm good." I gathered all my strength and made my way to the staircase. I pushed with my calves and hoped to God my back doesn't give up on me. "Can you clean up though?"

"You just didn't want to clean up, did you?"

No, because it'll take me forever to actually clean this place now that my eyesight is top-tier. OCD sucks. "I'd love to clean up. But Nat's more important. Bye."

I carefully carried my kid sister upstairs. Once I reached the top, I gulped in a large intake of breath. I swear, looks can be deceiving because from the looks of it, Nat does not look like she weighed 50 kilos.

I entered her superhero-themed room, and tucked her in her pink fluffy bed. I patted her head gently, turned off the lights and exited the room. I redirected my steps and went toward Daniel's room to get my Scotch tape. I have things to tape up in my walk-in cabinet.

His room was neatly arranged albeit a little boring visually. But he's stay here is only temporary so it's understandable. Did I just feel sad about it? I shook my head and strode inside. His bed was perfectly made and the room smelled like aftershave for some reason. I opened various drawers, kinda maybe invading his privacy but it should be fine. An envelope tucked between two plastic folders caught my attention. I know I shouldn't but curiosity got the best of me. It'll kill the cat but satisfaction will bring it back, right? I have to open it regardless. The plot asks for it.

I opened the thin paper envelope and the contents were absolutely uninteresting. Two pieces of airplane tickets to LA were inside. I guess he hasn't fully grasped the concept of booking tickets online yet. That's what happens when you're senile. I was about to close the envelope when it hit me. I froze in my spot and studied the tickets. The flight schedule was next week. Hot air entered my lungs as I deeply inhaled.

"What are you doing here?"

I hadn't even noticed Daniel's entrance. I deflected his question with my own,"Why do you have two tickets to LA?"

His expression shifted to that of shock as he eyed what was in my hands.

"No," I jeered.

"Catherine agrees with how it'd be better for you to come with me to LA."

They talked about this? "Literally why?"

"You're not happy here."

Wow. Easy Breezy. Just... Damn it.

I made a face. "And you're the judge of that?

"You need a change of pace. Whatever is it you're doing now, it can't compare to what you can do if you go to law school," He explained in a controlled voice. It irritated me all the more.

"Oh, you have no idea," I scoffed at him, slamming the papers to the top of his dresser. I wish these weightless garbage would make a sound so as to satisfy my current thirst for destruction.

"And what does that mean?"

"It means that I will absolutely not board that plane with you."

"Is it about me?" Yeah, 'cause it's always about you, huh? "You could go to any law school you want. You don't have to live with me nor with Leonard."

"Why do you think that I desperately want to be a goddamn lawyer? I despise that profession!" I hissed through clenched teeth.

The visible anger in his face made my knees wobble a bit. I stood my ground as he thundered, "You wanted to be one since I've known you. The only reason you stopped that dream is because of your friend's death!"

I drew back from him. His demeanor suddenly did a full 360. That particular tone and stance... It takes me back to the good ol' days when I want to be anywhere but home. When that bastard society calls my father was still here.

"You sound just like him."

His face reddened and he hid the bottom part of it with his hand.

"And for the record," I continued, my voice lowering. "I'm doing well on my own. I'm paying for my apartment's rent and this house's bills. Did you know that? So I have a responsibility here. I have a role.

"What is it exactly that do you do, Cherié? Tell me that, and I'll leave you alone."

My eyes widened as the breath I was holding abandoned my body.

I shall not waver. Not to you, or anyone. I shall not reveal. Not to you, or anyone. I shall not stand this injustice, not even for you, or anyone.

"No. You're only gonna stop bugging me about it once I've stepped foot in LA. Which I'll never do, by the way. What I do is mine alone. Learn to take no for an answer. And stop treating me like a child incapable of making her own decisions."

Daniel examined me with a frown. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I promised you, Ri." His voice dropped down to a whisper.

"It's not a promise if I never asked for it."

"You didn't need to. Please think about it."

This... This guy! Did he not hear a word I just said? It goes to show that my opinions are far below his concerns. Typical Daniel. I may have grown taller but he keeps looking down at me like I'm at the same level as Natasha. "Just get out!" I yelled at him, finally letting out my pent-up anger.

"This is my room." He sounded so fucking calm and collected, forgetting that he just blew a fuse earlier.

"Then stay here!" And with that, I stormed out of his room, feeling like my entire body should be on fire, but instead I felt very cold. I bit my lip, drawing blood and stumbled upon Nat in the hallway. Her eyes were as wide as saucers as she stared up at me. Shit.

"You're leaving?" She croaked out. I almost lost count at how many times I shook my head in denial. I put my hands on her shoulders and directed her to the inside of her room, with me coming along with her. I kneeled down in front if her and clutched her arms.

"I'm not going anywhere," I began to say with full resolve. "I promise. Daniel's just being a jerk."

"Why does he want to take you to LA so badly?"

I puffed out a breath. "I don't know."

"Maybe he's lonely there? His girlfriend did just broke up with him."

"Well then, he better find another girlfriend because there is no way I'm going with him."

"Maybe he wants you to be his girlfriend," She mused, then grinned cheekily. "Like Miles and Franziska in that movie!"

My right eye twitched in annoyance, remembering what I'd said earlier. "N-no. Absolutely not. Nada. Nein." I stood up and ruffled her brown hair. "Sorry I woke you up."

"It's fine. I wasn't sleepy. The movie was just boring."

"True. Let's watch something different next time."

She wrung her hands together and looked up at me with shining eyes. "Can you sleep here tonight? In my room?"

I gazed at her, puzzled. "Why? I mean, you stopped asking for me years ago."

"Well, yeah! But it's..." Her eyes darted from left to right then back at me, shining once more. "Please?"

I wanted to cool off by distancing myself from this house as much as possible but... "Sure."

I washed up and changed to my nightwear. I took my eyeglasses off, being reminded of that jerk again, and hastily put it inside its case. I went into Nat's room and laid down on her bed. I felt exhausted. I was about to doze off when-

"Tell me a story."

I raised an eyebrow at her. Why is she being so... Child-like? Wasn't she the one who keeps telling me to treat her like a grownup? I already told her I won't leave.

"Like one of your assassinations."

"No way. Are you crazy?"

She smiled and cuddled with me more. "I don't care what you do, Ri. Just please don't leave."

"I won't, Shorty. Believe me, I won't."

"Don't... " Yawn. "call me... short..."

She quickly fell asleep and soon after, I followed.

The day after...

The first thing I saw in the morning when I opened my eyes was a bewildered Natasha.

I rubbed my eyes. "What time is it?" I asked in a groggy slur.

"I haven't checked yet," She replied. "You killed Miss Lawrence."

I still had trouble processing so early in the morning. Why is she in my room? "Who?"

"She used to be our next-door neighbor. She baked us cookies a lot back then. Don't you remember her?"

I blinked my eyes at her. A plump woman in her late fifties, with curly brown hair and overly-tanned skin. Except that she hadn't been as tanned as she was now. How was that an important factor in remembering her? That's why she was so familiar. Jane Brinkley was Susan Lawrence. That woman was a scammer? She was so homely and nice and not at all seemed like someone who'd steal thousands of dollars from a dangerous organization.

I was speechless.

"Was she a criminal?"

Yes, otherwise, she would have still been alive. "She became one, Nat. People change." Bullshit. I was totally bullshitting my way out of this one.

"I see."

I laid back down in bed and put an arm to hide my eyes from the light streaming through an open curtain in the window. "Is there any way to stop those dreams? You're really not supposed to know that."

"It's not like I haven't tried to stop them! They come whether I like it or not."

"Maybe psychotherapy would help..."

"Nuh-uh. Those things are creepy. Psychiatrists tear your mind apart, dissect it and claim it as their own."

"Have you been reading about conspiracy theories again?" I droned on.

"It's true! There was this theory about cheese... "

Ugh, I'm not prepared for reality yet. I closed my eyes and pleaded for sleep to take me back to sunshine, rainbows, and butterflies. And a world without Girlie and Leonard in it.


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