Lucky Day (THIAM)

Von PiccionaMalandrina

16.6K 644 1.4K

So, that just happened. It's his lucky day and there's now a dagger planted in his guts. This is so unfair ho... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

2.7K 112 292
Von PiccionaMalandrina

"Hey Scott! It's Liam, yes, hi, no no don't worry, I don't need anything, everything is fine, sure. We're doing great. So, how are things in college? Good, good. Listen, hypothetically speaking, if I had an unconscious hunter that wants to kill me in my basement, what should I do with him? No, no, I said hypothetically, I'm just writing down notes and guidelines for possible scenarios, I don't actually have...oh, okay, I see. I'll call you just for real scenarios then, sure. Yeah no, it's fine, it was hypothetical I swear. So I shouldn't kill him right? Hypothetically? Even if he's an asshole and he stabbed me three tim-no no, it's still hypothetical, I just pictured a very detailed scenario. All in my head, yes. Fine. Why should I worry about what to do in case things happen, right? I'll just wait for them to actually happen and react by being completely unprepared, like we always do, because that worked so well in the past. No, I'm not mad. Okay, sure, go, do your thing. Yeah yeah, totally not mad, I promise. It's better this way anyway, the sooner you learn who your real friends are the better. Okay, I'll call you later. Bye Scott."

That was so pointless. Liam is going to become an Omega one day and fuck all the bullshit about lone wolves not making it, what's the point of an Alpha if he cares more about his own education than helping his first bitten beta with hypothetical hunters that are actually totally real and tied up to a chair in front of him right now? It's been twenty minutes and the asshole is still sleeping, he's so dramatic. Liam has been stabbed and he didn't even think about taking a nap. There is also a big bump swelling his way on Theo's forehead now, with the sole purpose of trying to make Liam feel guilty, a purpose failed already since Liam just wishes for it to keep growing and growing until Theo's neck breaks under the weight of it. That would serve him right. You can't stab people with a broken neck, can you.

"Wake up." He orders, glaring at Theo's lowered eyelids.

He doesn't. Liam focuses on his breathing, which sounds fine, just like his heartbeat, and proceeds to glare at him again. He's being so dramatic, Liam wouldn't be surprised if he was waiting for his true love to kiss him back to life, he bets he's extra just like that. But he can wait forever, nobody is going to kiss him as long as he's tied up in his basement.

Liam keeps glaring, because he wants for his glare to be the first thing Theo sees when he'll finally stop overreacting, but his phone vibrating in his pocket interrupts and startles him.

He glares at his phone too, before he sees who it is. Oh yeah, he forgot he texted Mason earlier, just before dragging Theo's body home. Mrs Jenkins totally saw him by the way, but she didn't even blink, which offended Liam a lot because what the hell, has she a so low opinion of him that she expects him to kidnap people? Mr Robins saw him too to be fair, but he doesn't count because Liam always cuts his grass for free so he could murder an entire family in front of him and still be 'the nice kid'.

Received: "Liam, do you remember when you assured Scott you were going to take care of everything and be the responsible one in his absence? ...How does the picture you just sent me featuring you holding a dagger over a dead guy in a dark alley fit into that?"

Liam snorts. What is it with everyone being so dramatic today?

Time to take another selfie.

He holds his phone up in front of himself and bends a little, in order to include Theo tied up to the chair in the shot, then he smiles to the camera, because he always comes out terrible in pictures when he doesn't. He types "He's alive" and sends the picture to Mason.

Received: "Please tell me he likes it rough and you didn't kidnap that super hot guy."

Liam rolls his eyes, because of course Mason would say something about Theo being hot straight away. He can't really blame him since Mason always had a thing for pretty eyes and Theo's eyes are the most beautiful thing Liam has ever seen in his life, all big and blue and confused as they gaze at him through the screen of his phone. Liam freezes, staring at the picture he sent Mason where Theo's eyes are so unequivocally opened.

"Did you just take a selfie with me?"

And here he is, of course. Liam glared at him for the past twenty minutes and Theo decided to wake up in the five second he wasn't supposed to. What a joke.

Liam glares at Theo again for good measure, trying to come up with a plausible explanation of why it wasn't a selfie the one he just took. Luckily, Theo suddenly lowers his eyes on his wrists and precisely on the rope tied tight around them and gets distracted.

"What is this?" He mutters, failing in lifting his arms from the armrests of the chair. He frowns, looking at Liam. "Am I under kidnapping?

Liam nods. "You totally are."

"Really. You kidnapped me." He says and Liam is pretty sure you shouldn't sound so sceptical about your interlocutor's kidnapping abilities when you're literally tied up to a chair in his basement. This is some level pro kidnapping right there and Liam did that all on his own and without premeditation. He could kidnap the Pope if he actually committed to.

"In self defence." He specifies anyway, because he's still the good guy here, he only kidnaps hot stabbing people and that's it. The Pope can take a sigh of relief.

"Kidnapping in self defence is not a thing" Theo points out because he's pedant just like that.

Liam grins. "Say that to the chair you're tied up to." Take that, asshole.

Theo doesn't even blink. "I'm not talking to a chair."

"So you can't talk to a chair but I'm supposed to save a dog that doesn't even exist, how convenient." He snorts and Theo smells confused for awhile before shaking his head.

"Whatever, so you kidnapped me, fine. What now." He raises his brows expectant, like Liam invited him for a party and he's waiting for being entertained. Liam is sure this is not how kidnappings work. "Do you even have a plan or...?"

"I have a plan." Liam lies immediately because he'd love to have a plan.

Then as he looks at Theo staring at him he instantly has a flashback of that horror movie with the guy kidnapping hot people and cutting their faces off to use them as masks. Liam already has a face and he wouldn't feel comfortable wearing Theo's, but the flashback was disturbingly vivid.

"I'm waiting." Theo is still staring, looking bored again, and Liam is so not going to wear his face, ever. He would hate to go around looking like a smug asshole all the time.

"I'm not going to tell you the plan, asshole." He snorts. "You tried to kill me."

"I succeeded." Theo shrugs and his heart doesn't miss a beat as he speaks.

Liam frowns. "What?"

"I did kill you." He says, firm, and once again his heart confirms he's telling the truth. He killed him. Theo killed him and this means Liam is dead, because that's what happen when people kill you, you die. Holy shit. He's dead. He died and he didn't even noticed, just like it always happen in those dramatic movies. It was his lucky day and he died. His life sucked and so the day he died was his lucky day, that's what happened. Liam is so pissed now. Mason always finds money on the ground on his lucky days and that's what Liam finds, death. Fuck this. And as if being dead wasn't enough, the asshole who killed him is still talking. "Look, you still haven't healed completely because of the particular type of wolfsbane my knife was impregnated with." Liam lifts his shirt up just enough to reveal the still visible cut on his stomach. It's barely opened, almost just a scratch, but it's there and it shouldn't, because it's been twenty minutes already. "It's a rare one, you don't notice it at first because the effects are so much slower, but just as mortal." Theo continues, voice light-hearted, as Liam keeps staring in horror at his wound. "Now can you free me so I don't get stuck in here with your body?"

Liam gasps in shock before pouring out his indignation on Theo.

"Oh my god, you asshole, you poisoned me! I can't believ-wolfsbane! That's cheating, you fricking coward!"

"It's not cheating, it's being smart. You and your friends are the ones cheating, with the super strength and the claws and...are you fainting?"

Liam so feels like is fainting.

"I'm not." He lies as his sight dulls and he suddenly becomes very aware of something wrong in his body. "I'm feeling great. It's just suggestion. I was okay before you said you used wolfsbane. It's called suggestion."

"It's called wolfsbane, a very specific plant root mortal for your species." Theo retorts and Liam growls.

"Shut up you asshole! I'm going to wear your face as a carnival mask!" Theo looks more confused than intimidated, but Liam has not time for that. He needs to get the poison out of his system immediately. "Stop distracting me, how do I get rid of it? Do I burn it? I burn it, yeah, I'm going to burn it. You wait here, I'm going to set your hair on fire after I'm done. "


Liam has been stabbed three times in a row and somehow that still wasn't the most painful moment in his day, because he just literally burned his wounds open with a fricking lighter. He could have gone to Deaton who probably owns a flame thrower, but he didn't like the idea of leaving Theo there all alone with no guards, just like he didn't like the idea of having to explain to Deaton what exactly happened and having Scott calling him all worried five minutes later. He didn't like the idea of a flame thrower being used on him too, to be fair.

He's glaring so much at Theo right now that he kinda expects him to just dissolve under his burning eyes, but he just stares back, almost relaxed.

"You missed one." He says after awhile and Liam frowns. What is he playing now?


"The little scratch on your left forearm." Theo nods at it with his head. "It's infected too."

Liam lowers his eyes, immediately spotting it. It doesn't hurt and it's barely visible, but it's still not healing. "Oh. Yeah. Thanks, I guess."

He takes care of it too as Theo shrugs uninterested. "I just told you so you won't set my hair on fire."

Liam snorts. "I wasn't actually going to set your hair on fire you idiot, I like your hair." He admits, because the pain is making him honest.

Theo smirks. "Thanks, I like it too."

Liam smiles, pleased. "Thank you."

"For what, we're talking about my hair."

Liam frowns, indignation filling his veins. "Wait, what? I thought you were complimenting me back. You're such an asshole, dude."

"I wouldn't compliment your hair, your hair is ridiculous." Theo says and he wants Liam to set him on fire, there's no other explanation. He wonders how much time it will take to turn him into ashes using just a lighter. "It looks like something exploded on your head."

"Are you kidding me? Let's see how your hair look after you have being stabbed multiple times."

"You can't blame everything wrong with your life on the fact that I stabbed you, you know." Theo rolls his eyes because buu-hu, how difficult his life must be, with his perfect hair and his perfectly never stabbed stomach. "I didn't stab your hair and I didn't stabbed your barber. I didn't stab your grades, I-"

"My grades are fine." Liam snarls because math is not really important anyway.

"I didn't stab your broom, but we're still breathing more dust than oxygen down here, are we. I didn't s-"

"Well, fuck you." Liam snaps. This is ridiculous. He can't control what his hair do on their free time on his head and he doesn't have to justify himself with this guy who probably made a pact with the devil to make his look so in order and perfect. "Your hair are not that cool anyway." He shrugs derisive, walking closer to his prisoner. Nice Liam has made his course. The time for vengeance has come. "Especially" He adds slowly, just before his hands sprint towards Theo's head, deadly. He squirms and tries to escape, producing funny sounds going from angry to begging, but Liam is merciless and keeps ruffling his hair until they look like something exploded on his head too. "Now." Liam concludes satisfied, bringing back his hands along his sides and admiring his work.

Theo is throwing daggers from his eyes but Liam's satisfaction starts cracking soon: why does he look even more hot now, with his hair all messy and soft like he just woke up after a rough night of sex. This is so not fair.

He clears his voice, turning on his back and walking to a bookcase in the corner, because it's suddenly of vital importance to invert the disposition of two culinary books. Yes, this way is so much better. Good thing he was there to save the day.

"Then what would you compliment." Liam asks shrugging and looking uninterested as he turns back to Theo, who looks very confused about his question. Liam huffs, impatient. This guy is so slow, god. "You said you wouldn't compliment my hair, so what would you compliment."

"Well, mine." Theo's faces silently adds 'obviously' and Liam silently wants him dead.

"Oh my god, no, I mean about me."

Theo blinks, astonished.

"Oh. Well, you're difficult to kill." He says after awhile and Liam thinks about it. It could count as a compliment, he considers. It's definitely a quality and it's definitely better than being an easy kill, especially when people tries to kill you on a normal basis.

"Thanks." He nods, discreetly satisfied.

"You're welcome." Theo replies very politely and then the room fall into silence because Liam still hasn't decide what he's supposed to do now or how you even turn a person's face into a mask. Does he needs to add laces on it or can he just glue it on himself? Theo is still staring at him, thoughtful, and Liam hopes he's not thinking what he is thinking. Nobody is stealing his face. "Also, your eyes are kinda pretty. Can you untie me now?"

Liam gasps, taken aback, instantly hoping he could have a mirror in front of him right now to check his eyes and see them on this new light of kinda pretty, investigating what makes them so. Is it the colour, does Theo have a thing for light blue eyes, or is it the eyelashes, does he have pretty eyelashes? How pretty eyelashes even look like? Liam has no idea.

Theo is gazing at him expectantly and Liam defensively crosses his arms on his chest.

"I'm not freeing you just because you said my eyes are pretty."

"No" Theo unexpectedly agrees. "You're freeing me because you're not going to kill me and keeping a prisoner is too much work."

He kinda has a point, Liam has to admit. He couldn't even keep those cactus Mason gifted him last year because he was supposed to do so many things for not killing them apparently. He doesn't want to spend his time watering Theo and moving his chair in front of the window so he can get all the sunlight he needs to grow. Not to mention how much his parents will freak out if they get down in the basement to do laundry and found a guy tied up to a chair. They always overreact.

"Corey has a dark side." Liam suddenly remembers: he doesn't like milk chocolate or sugary snacks, so he must be evil, no matter what Mason says to defend him. "I think he would enjoy having a prisoner to torture. I'll just give you to him."

"I have class tomorrow, come on." Theo sighs heavily, pulling his ropes.

Liam glances at him surprised.

"You have class? You just tried to kill me and old are you?"

"Eighteen. How old are you?"

"Seventeen." Liam is so confused. Can't they at least let them finish school before sending them after him? Will he have to watch his back from infants too soon? Well, he already does that to be honest. Infants are dangerous, always full of poop or puke ready to be released on you at any time. "Why did you try to kill me?"

"Because you're a werewolf." Theo answers simply. "And I'm a hunter."

"Since when?"

"If you don't remember when you were bitten that's your probl-"

"No, since when you're a hunter."

"Years." Theo says smug and Liam doesn't even need to listen to his heartbeat to know this is bullshit. His eyes must be eloquent enough because he quickly adds. "Two months."

"And how many werewolf have you killed?" He asks sceptical. He's not even an alpha and Theo ended up tied up in his basement after he tried to kill him, Liam can't imagine him actually succeeding in killing a lot of werewolf.

"Fifteen." Theo smirks all proud as his heart misses so many beats he might as well be dead right now.

"It's a lie, I can hear it." Liam remembers him. Don't they teach new hunters anything these days? This is ridiculous, he shouldn't have to put up with such incompetence. He's so going to write a complaint to the National Hunters Organization later. They need to do some selection on their aspiring hunters or something, this is a waste of time for everyone involved. "So, how many?"

Theo sighs, irritated. "Fine, none."

"That's shocking, I mean, you're so good at this." Liam brings his hand on his heart, faking surprise.

Theo huffs, annoyed. "You were my first mission, okay?"

"Oh, so in my lucky day I just happen to be someone's first designated victim, that's great." Liam mutters and Theo frowns.

"Today is your lucky day?"

"As a matter of fact, yes." Liam confirms.

Theo looks perplexed. "I stabbed you three times and it's still your lucky day, that's what you're saying."

"Yes."Liam nods, because he can repeat it with his judging tone as much as he wants, facts don't change and facts say that his morning feelings are never wrong, except that time with the wendigo or that other time with the omega. Or the time...

"So what happened that made today so lucky that it still is even after you were almost killed?" Theo interrupts his thoughts, looking genuinely interested. But he looked genuinely interested in having a dog as well and guess what.

"Almost killed in your dreams." He points out, because he's alive and well, thank you very much. "And it's not what happened, it's what about to happen."

"What's about to happen?" Theo asks confused.

"I don't know." Liam instantly admits, because he has no idea. "But something great. Because it's my lucky day."

Theo furrows his brows.

"I don't understand."

Liam shrugs. "That makes one of you."


"Because I understand."

Theo stares at him and Liam holds his gaze lifting his chin up and hiding very well the fact that he doesn't understand either. What were they even talking about? Are Theo's eyes actually blue or green? They look green now. This is suspicious.

"Just untie me, come on." Theo sighs, suddenly speaking with a deep voice all wise and mature, like Liam is some little kid that kidnapped him for fun. "I won't kill you in your lucky day, I promise. I wouldn't have stabbed you if you told me."

"I actually told you, you know." Liam points out, bitter. "It's literally the first thing I told you, I'm Liam and this is my lucky day, and you proceeded to stab me anyway."

"Yes, because I didn't know you were so easily offended, the others said you guys just usually toss us around and then leave if you defeat us, nobody talked about kidnapping." Oh, here it is again, the polemic old lady at the post office voice.

"Yeah well, I'm sorry my reaction to being stabbed disappoints you, but you've been lied to." How does it feel, mh? Not good, does it. Liam was so ready to save and pet that dog. "We actually kidnap and torture people all the time. All the time."

Theo snorts sceptical. "Oh, really."

"Really. I wake up and I don't even have time for breakfast because I'm already late on my kidnapping schedule."

"Where are your instruments of torture then?" Theo asks and Liam looks around, nervous. Where are his instruments of torture?

"That's one." He eventually says pointing at a lamp on the other side of the basement.

"That's a lamp." Theo observes, because this is how he was able to stab him, nothing goes past him.

"That's what they all say right before they start screaming." Liam replies impassive, before having a brilliant idea and theatrically baring his claws. "And this is another one." He murmurs menacing, looking at his sharp claws and moving them slowly. Damn, it was so perfect and intimidating. If only he thought about doing that before he pointed at the stupid lamp.

Theo doesn't even flinch. "Yeah no, I'm curious about the lamp, can I be tortured with that?"

"You don't pick what to be tortured with, okay? It's not a game." Liam growls frustrated. Why did he even think about the lamp while he has fangs and claws anyway? He ruined everything. Theo is never going to take him seriously now.

"You say that just because you don't know how to inflict me pain with a lamp." Theo grins and Liam's mind is immediately flooded by vivid images of him inflicting Theo a lot of pain with his mom's lamp. "And you can't hit me with it, because you would break it and it would prove that you never used it to torture someone before." Fuck this, what is he, a mind reader?

"You're going to regret asking for the lamp." Liam snarls, indignant. Theo thinks he's being so smart right now, but he'll show him. He can turn just anything into a torture instrument if he wants to. "Just wait and see. I'm going to torture the hell out of you."

He angrily stomps towards the lamp and he grabs it with his left hand, lifting it and bringing it in front of Theo, who stares expectantly. Then, as soon as he lowers his guard by blinking, Liam put it on his foot, discharging its weight mostly on his shoe and keeping it in balance with just one finger.

Theo stares at his foot and then at Liam.

"What the hell are you doing."

"Oh, does it hurt?" Liam mocks him, triumphant. "Is it crushing you? Well, I'm sorry, but-"

"It's a plastic lamp, Liam. It's not even heavy."

Liam blinks, because that's his name on Theo's lips. So weird. Does it always sound like that? He doesn't think so. "How do you know my name, you stalker?"

Theo narrows his eyebrows. "Because it's the first thing you said to me? I'm Liam and this is my lucky day?"

"Oh, right." Liam concedes. He always has an answer for everything, doesn't he. But Liam will show him. Enough talking. "Well, okay then. You wanted this. We'll do it for real now."

He puts the base of the lamp back on the floor and he makes sure the plug is attached to the socket, which is not, so he does it.

Theo looks at him confused. "What are you-"

"Keep your begging to yourself, I won't stop." Liam waves him off, pointing the lamp right towards his face and putting his index on the switch. "You asked for it."

It's a little click and then the light goes on. Theo closes his eyes a little, clearly overwhelmed by the light pointed in his eyes.

"That's it?" He asks after awhile, not sounding in agony at all.

It kinda is it.

"Keep talking and I'm going to select the maximum intensity." Liam warns him, his finger dangerously close to the button. "And stop laughing!" He growls irritated because what's up with the giggles? That's not supposed to happen when you torture someone.

"Yeah well, stop threatening me with a lamp then!" Theo protests as he keeps chuckling like this was the funniest shit ever and not a war. They're at war for god's sake and he's his war prisoner!

"Fine" Liam sighs, turning off the lamp, because not even torture is taken serious these days apparently. What the world has come to. "Next time don't play with fire if you can't handle a lamp."

Theo shakes his head snickering some more and he gives Liam a strange look, like he just saw him for the first time. What a weirdo.


"Can you order pizza?"

Liam is busy glaring at Theo and trying to come up with a solution to him being there when the other distracts him from his thoughts. "What?"

"If you're going to force me to stay for dinner, can you at least order pizza? I'd like some." Theo explains simply, like it's a normal thing to do, stabbing people and then asking them to buy you dinner. This guy has no manners, really.

"When exactly did I invite you for dinner?"

"When you tied me up to a chair in your house. Now feed your guest please."

"You're not my guest, you stabbed m-"

"Oh god, I was there, I know it" Theo rolls his eyes, exasperated. "Stop repeating it, it seems like you were never stabbed before."

"For your information, I wasn't." Liam mutters offended, because what does he have, the face of a baby gang fighter or something? "Not three times in a row anyway."

"Well, then it was a new experience for you." Theo shrugs, not showing any kind of remorse. "New experiences are a good thing, that's why it was your lucky day. You're welcome. I'll take a pepperoni pizza by the way."

"Yes, of course you'll take pepperoni pizza, why wouldn't you." Liam snorts. "You're so banal and predictable."

"That's how you predicted my knife in your stomach so well?"

"Shut up or I'll feed you pineapple pizza."

Theo has the decency to take at least that threat serious and he finally shuts up. For two seconds.

"A diet coke too, thanks."

"No diet cokes enters my house." Liam makes it clear because there is a limit to everything. "You'll take a salad if you want to be all healthy and shit. Do you want a salad on your pizza?"

Theo frowns. "No."

"Then shut up." Liam snaps and walks to the door. He stops with his hand on the handle, hesitant. "Are you going to try to escape while I talk to the pizza delivery man?"

He focuses on Theo's heartbeat, but he just shrugs.

"Probably. But I didn't ask pizza for that, I just really love pizza."

Liam stares at him some more, suspicious, and then he sighs, pulling the door open.

"Whatever. I'll just eat you if you run."

He closes the door behind his back, but he still hears Theo's answer.

"Fine by me."

Yep, definitely a weirdo.


"Hey Mason, what is it?"

"What do you mean what is it? You can't just send me pictures of you kidnapping people and then disappear, I was ready to come over if you didn't answer. What are you doing now?"

"I'm waiting for pizza."

"No, I mean what are you doing with the guy you kidnapped."

"He's waiting for pizza too."

"He's what?"

"Don't worry, I didn't let him order his stupid diet coke."

"That's so not what I'm worried abou-"

"It's the doorbell, Mase, I have to leave you. I'll call you later to let you know how the pizza was, I never tried this pizzeria yet."


Liam hangs up just before opening the door. The strong paradisiacal scent of cheese – because that's what good people take on their pizza, cheese, all type of them – hits him strongly as the guy handles him two boxes and asks for money right away, not even trying to pretend he gives people pizza to see them happy.

"So, if someone really hot stabbed you, what would you do?" Liam asks as he searches his pockets for coins. Casual conversations are important to show people you're polite and friendly, his mother taught him that.

The guy looks like he wants his pizza back now. "I don't know, I'd call an ambulance? And the police?"

"Yeah, clearly." Liam agrees, handing him the money. "Because look is not everything in life. You don't just get past attempted murder because of a pretty face. And eyes. And all the rest." He pats the man on the shoulder, respectfully. "You're so right. And wise. You should do that as a job, being wise and all."

"Good evening sir."


Liam hasn't decided yet if he wants to tell Theo that his face is all covered in tomatoes sauce now.

A part of him doesn't, because it serves him right looking so ridiculous, the other wants to tell him and mocks him because now that both of his hands are tied up again he couldn't clean himself even if he wanted to.

But as often happens to him, when he opens his mouth he ends up saying a total different thing.

"Why did you tell me about the wolfsbane?"

Theo glances at him surprised, before scanning his eyes through the room, as if he was looking for the answer in Liam's mom culinary books. He stays quiet for so long that Liam wonders if he'll have to use the lamp on him again, but eventually he shrugs.

"You talked too much."


"You talked too much." Theo repeats as if this clarified things. What does he mean he talked too much? It's not something people usually don't say about Liam, but if nothing, they threaten to kill him for it, not the other way around.

"Did I talk you out of killing me?" He tries. "With my reasonable explanation that I never attacked a human be-"

Theo shakes his head. "Not that, in general. I mean, you were not supposed to talk that much, saying all those weird stuff. You were supposed to growl and roar and that's it, my first kill." Liam is very confused by this imaginary world Theo lives in where he's capable of stabbing werewolves without being kidnapped in return, but he still tries to follow him, because his heartbeat is steady as he speaks. "I don't need to remember that my first werewolf kill wanted to cut ribbons and bread with my dagger. That's anticlimactic."

Liam doesn't know what's anticlimactic about that because ribbons are great and what's really anticlimactic is being stabbed by who you had just picked as the future father of your children, but point of views are a thing, so.

"Well, probably" He starts slowly, trying to find the logic in it. "But you're a lying little shit, you could have just said that I did roared and that was it. You lied about the dog, why couldn't you lie about that too?" Liam shakes his head, hit by the inspiration. God, he's so smart, he could be a detective if the teacher career went wrong. "No, I'll tell you what, it wasn't because it was anticlimactic, me talking bothered you because it showed that I'm just like you and you don't like the idea of killing another human being."

And there you have it. Detective Dunbar at it once again.

"You're not human." Theo points out after a little silence, clearly avoiding the truth he's just been illuminated with.

"No, but I talk a lot and so I still am."

"That doesn't make an-"

"Shut up, you basically admitted it." Liam snorts, walking towards him and pulling out his claws. The ropes hit the floor, chopped. "Now move, you can go. I mean, you have to go, I'm so not inviting you for the night, dude."

Theo doesn't move, looking astonished at his now free wrists. "What?"

"You're not dangerous" Liam explains and it sounds like an insult, which is good because Theo still deserves to be insulted. "First of all, you suck with the dagger and second of all, werewolves just have to talk to you and you can't kill them anymore apparently, you're basically harmless, they just have to scream my favourite colour is blue or I like painting and bam, you're done."

Theo looks incredibly insulted by this.

"I just hesitated okay! And I was tied in your basement, who knows how long until someone would have found me if you just died there for the wolfsb-"

"Do you want to be freed or not." Liam cuts him off, eyeing eloquently at the ropes on the ground. He vigorously hopes Theo says yes because he doesn't actually have others intact ropes he can use and he needs the laces of his shoes.

Theo stands up, disdainfully pushing the chair back with his thighs. "Yes, but I'm still an hunter, don't get strange ideas." He says with a challenging look in his eyes. His heart is beating fast and Liam can't really tell if he's lying or not. "I'm walking out of that door in the vest of an hunter."

He walks past him and Liam's eyes automatically follow him. Leather jacket and white converse, is that the official hunter uniform now? Are all of them going to try and kill him and his pack in those thigh black jeans? Liam hopes so.

"Can I have my dagger back."

Theo stopped at the door, that's why Liam was still able to admire his ass, he realizes.


"So you're stealing it from me." Theo observes quiet, glancing back at him.

"I'm not stealing shit, you gave it to me, three times." Liam grumbles, because fuck that, if something enters his body, than it becomes his, end of the story. "Now go and if I'll ever see you again I promise I'll stab you with my fangs."

"Bite is the word you're looking for." What a prig.

"Bite my dick!" Liam snaps irritated. He's not going to let incompetent hunters correct him on his threats in his own house.

Theo smirks, opening the door and turning back one last time. "I'm pretty good, you wouldn't feel the teeth, trust me."

Liam blinks astonished, because what the fuck, but Theo is already gone.


"Hello? Hi Scott, how...oh. Well, no, it was, yes, hypothetical, Mason just enjoys himself with Photoshop lately, yes, it wasn't even a real guy, didn't you see his eyes? Who has eyes of that colour in real lif-oh, you know him? You two went to school together? That's weird, I don't know what to tell you. Never heard of a Theo in my life. Mason was just helping me illustrating the hypothetical scenarios I talked to you about and he got so excited that he wanted to test if they could look real, that's bullshit, you can't hear my heartbeat through the phone, I don't believe you for a secon-okay, fine, goodnight Scott. Yes, I let him go, 'night."


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