Mission of Complicated Love-(...

Por serelyly

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Luna is a girl who lost her family when a huge storm came over Alola and an ultra beast suddenly appeared out... Mais

Ch 1: First Meeting
Ch2: Partner? Festival For a Guardian
Ch3: Rotomdex! Battle with a Captian!
Ch 4: A Day Inside Team Skull
Ch 5: My Past & Verdant Cavern
Ch 6: Battle With Hala! Going to Akala
Ch 7: Akala Island
Ch 8: Water trail & Skulls! Where is Hau?
Ch 9: A Glaring Encounter
Ch 10: Eevee Users in Royal Avenue
Ch 11: Battle Royal! You Two are WhAt?!?
Ch 12: First Job with a Partner
Ch 13: New Mission & Friend?
Ch 14: Heahea Beach
Ch 15: Up and Down
Ch 17: Playing with Fire
Ch 18: Going Around 2 a Job
Ch 19: Traumatic Dream Memory
Ch 20: Going Out for a Trail!
Ch 21:Getting the Z Together
Ch 22: A Warning?
Ch 23: A Past Holding Us Back
Ch 24: A Moment With Us Three Together
Ch 25:GoodLuck Distric & Trouble
Ch 26: Fighting Our Way Out of GoodLuck Distric
Ch 28: Escape From GoodLuck Distric
Ch 29: The Past is Experiance, Present is a Present, and the Future is a Mystery
Ch 30: Kepping Things to Ourselves
Ch 31: More Questions or Answers?
Ch 32: Objectives
Ch 33: Getting In
Ch 34: Alarms Ringing Throughout!
Ch 35: Fighting in the International Police Base
Ch 36: Jumping out of the Internatinal Police Base
Ch 37: Going with the Flow or Against it?
Ch 38: Hidden Within Memories
Ch 39: Plans for the Future
Ch 40:Planning and Explanations
Ch 41:Doubts and Rising Trouble
Ch 42: Sun VS Plumeria
Ch 43: Kahuna Olivia's Trial!
Ch 44: Ruins of Life
Ch 45: Aether Paradise
Ch 46: UB-1 Symbiont
Ch 47: The Clock Starts Ticking
Ch 48: Realizations
Ch 49: Looming Trouble
Ch 50: Onward is the Only Option
Ch 51: GoodLuck Distric's Inconveniences
Ch 52: Runaway From the Darkness of GoodLuck District
Ch 53: Breaking Point
Ch 54: Out GoodLuck District
Ch 55: Burdens
Ch 56: Inside the Mi-Mansion
Ch 57: Red Lights
Ch 58: New Players
Ch 59: Hinderances
Ch 60: What is Right
Ch 61: Salvation?
Ch 62: Subconscious Explination
Ch 63: To the Electric Type Trial!
Ch 64: A Trial in the Dark
Ch 65: Against Two
Ch 66: Towards the Sky

Ch 16: Unusual?

58 1 0
Por serelyly

Sun's POV
It has been about a week since the small hang out and incident at Luna's place. After Lycanroc had taken her, we stayed for another two hours. Within that time, she didn't come out of her room. Her Pokémon were as worried as all of us. In the end, after my many protests of staying there the whole day, Rotom finally convinced me and the rest to go, that it was best to leave her alone to regain her though. 'If I ever see that guy again I will kill him!!'
Gladion did come with the Malasadas and kept his word of not bringing enough for Hau. That guy is a such a ray of sunshine. I think he will help Luna though. If I hadn't interfered with that guy then he would have, I could see it in his eyes.
I called back my Pokémon. We had been training the past week for the Fire Trial at Wela Volcano. This also kept my mind at bey.
I sighed. I don't really have any Water Types. I sat down, searching for something in my backpack. Rotom noticed and asked me what I was searching for.
"Lana's fi-oh yes!" I chirped out as I found my target. Lana had given me a fishing rod after I had completed her trail. I could use it to get a Water Type Pokémon.
"Rotom, can you lead the way up to the hill?" I asked.
"Zzt, which one? There are many hills around all of Alola." He said. I sweat dropped. 'I should really watch my words.'
"Brooklet hill." I said a bit flatly.
"Oh...Oh!!!!! Ok, roto!!!! Follow me!!!" He chirped out and I followed. I should probably memorize the routes and everything but it would just hurt my head. I have really bad memory, like really bad. I have things repeated at me like three times before I get it unless it is really-really important.
The way up the hill, wasn't as long as I first thought it out to be. Arriving at the top, my breath was once again taken from me because of the view in front of me. 'Such a place, doesn't exist in Kanto.'
"Well hello Sun, watcha doing here?" I heard someone ask me. I turned and saw Lana.
"Hey Lana! I was just here to catch a Water-Type Pokémon for my next trail." I said.
"I see, your sister is here too." She informed. I tilted my head. 'Sister? Who was she talking about? I don't remember having a sister.'
"Umm...Lana, I don't have a sister." I said.
"Oh? I thought Luna was your sister since you two look like twins." She said. I sweat dropped. I should have guessed. How many people does that make? 3? 4?
"We get that a lot, but we aren't." I said.
"I'll keep that in mind. If you want to see her, she should be over at the higher pools of water. She said she wanted to paint, something. I don't see why you would want to paint where there is a lot of water. I don't get artists." She said shaking her head slightly with a small sigh.
"Well thanks for the info!" I said and ran up to the  water. I called out Lapras and put on my safety gear. I mounted on it and told her to go up ahead. I looked down at the water below me as Lapras swam and flinched slightly. I usually stayed away from the shore in Kanto since I was too scared to go near it. I don't know why since I was brought up from the ocean, or so says my mother.
I suddenly encountered a Pokémon. I chose Dartrix for this battle. The Pokémon was so adorable. I called out Rotom, hopping he wouldn't get wet with all this water.
"Zzt, Dewpiter, Bug and Water Type. This Pokémon crawls out of the water to search for food. It protects its head with a bubble and it also helps it to breath. If provoked, it will lunged towards its attacker with his head." He said.
"Nice!!" I chirped. When I turned over back to the battle, Dewpiter was already webbing Dartrix.
"Razor Leaf Dartrix! Don't let it tangle you!!" I said. Dartrix flew up and did just that. Dewpiter dodged the attack and used Bug Bite. Dartrix didn't have time to dodge so he took some damage. "Dartrix use Astonish!!!" I said. Dewpiter looked around for Dartrix since it suddenly couldn't see him anymore. Then Dartrix was behind him and took some damage from Dewpiter. Dewpiter looked irritated and used Bubble Beam.
"Pop the bubbles with peck!!!" I ordered and Dartrix beak popped every single bubble. Dewpiter looked at Dartrix with amazement but it wasn't ready to give up just yet. It used another Bubble Beam. I told Dartrix to do the same thing again. This time Dewpiter took the opportunity to use his web and get a hold of Dartrix.
Dartrix struggled to get out. I couldn't think of anything for him to get out. He couldn't use Razor Leaf since his wings weren't available at the moment. "Dartrix Can you stand or run?" I asked. He gave me a nod. Ok then, we only have this way, I think. "Ok then Dartrix make Dewpiter go around on a field trip!!" I said. Dartrix understood and started to run around. Dewpiter wasn't strong enough nor heavy enough to hold itself into place, so he was pulled with Dartrix.
Dartrix did that for a few minutes and then did a sudden turn and Dewpiter crashed into him. The web must not have been able to handle any longer because then it was ripped apart. Dartrix was now free. Dewpiter looked at Dartrix a bit scared. I didn't tell him to do anything though, to spare Dewpiter from any more damage. I walked up to the Dewpiter and it turned to me with worried eyes.
"Hey, don't get scared, we aren't going to hurt you any more." I said. It looked at me and seemed to let out a sigh of relief.
"Heh, your a cute little fella, aren't you? You are strong too!!" I said with a grin. It gave me a smile too. Then one of my Pokéballs fell from my bag. When it saw it, it went towards it and pressed the button, getting himself sucked into the Pokéball. The ball moved for a bit until it clicked in approval. I looked at the Pokéball with wide eyes. I picked it up. 'Did I just catch a dewpiter? Or did it just catch itself? I'm confused...really confused.'
"That's a rare sight." I heard a female voice say. I turned and saw Luna with a canvas in her hand while the other one had some paint brushes. Her hands were filled with different colors as well as her face. She looked a bit funny but I deceived to hold my chuckle, not wanting to upset her after what happened a week ago. "That little fellow must have really liked you." She said. Then her Rotom got out of her pouch.
"That was awesome, roto!!!!" It exclaimed. I noticed that something was dangling from his 'hand'.
"Hey, Rotom, whatcha got on your arm?" I asked.
"Ohh this, roto? Luna made it so we wouldn't get confused with each other." He said with a smile on his screen.
"I don't want you to get my Pokédex enteres." Luna said.
"Well, I am going to complete it first!!" I said.
"Good luck with that Sun." She said. I smiled. It was fun having this kind of bond with her even if she denies it. I then thought of last week. I felt concerned all of the sudden.
"Hey are you ok?" I asked. She looked away a bit annoyed.
"I'm fine ok?! I hate that people have to worry about me." She snapped. I flinched a bit with her outburst. She then sighed, noticing the way she snapped at me. "Sorry." She said a bit too quite for me to hear but I managed. I looked at her up and down. I breathed in, sinking in what I was about to do, and hugged her. Her body stiffened from the sudden contact but then relaxed a bit. She didn't hug me back, I didn't care. I the let go of her, seeing her glare a bit towards me but then sighed. "Just don't do that again." She muttered.
"I can't promise you that! Hey, want to go and get some Malasadas?!" I asked trying to lighten up the mood.
"You sure that you haven't been hanging out with the Pineapple too much?" She said. I just shook my head and dragged her to the nearest Malasada Shop. When we got there, many people turned to us. I bet they were thinking we were siblings or maybe the fact Luna had paint all over her hands and face. We sat down and she sat her stuff on the chair right next to her. The waitress came and asked what we wanted.
"Lemonade with two Sweat Malasadas." I said.
"Moo Moo milk with a Dry Malasada." Luna muttered. The waitress nodded and placed our order.
"What were you doing in Brooklet Hill?" I asked. Her chin was rested on her palm while she was looking my way.
"Don't you see I was painting." She said, stating the obvious. I sweat dropped.
"Yeah, I see that, but why Brooklet Hill? I mean you could have gone to Mele Mele and painted the Berry Fields." I said.
"Already did that, besides, I want to explore Alola a bit more. I might have lived here my whole life, but that doesn't mean I know Alola up and down." She said. Our order came and I started digging in. Luna was eating slowly, looking out the window. She must be thinking about something. She always seemed to be thinking. I swallowed the piece of Malasada I had in my mouth.
"Hey, what do you have in your mind?" I asked. She looked at me with one eyebrow raised and swallowed her last piece of Malasada.
"Nothing." She muttered. Ok now I know she was thinking of something.
"Yeah I don't think it's nothing." I insisted. She gave me a glare.
"Leave it." She said. I smirked. 'If you don't want to tell me...then I will tease you.'
"Is it about Gladion?" I asked. She was drinking her Moo Moo milk while I asked, so she began choking. I seemed to have gotten what I was looking for. "So it's about him." I said with victory in my voice.
"No. Plus, why should I care about that stupid Edgelord?" She said looking out the window with her cheeks puffed. 'She was totally thinking of him.'
"If you weren't, then why did you start chocking?" I said.
"Because that question caught me off guard." She muttered. I crossed my arms, I was not going to be taken out that easily.
"Then why turn your-"
"Speaking of the devil." She muttered, interrupting me. I then turned and saw Gladion buying some Malasadas.
"Haya, Gladion!!!" I half shouted. He flinched and looked at me with a glare. Maybe I should have just gone up there and tapped him or something. He walked up to us.
"You can't quite down, right?" He said flatly.
"Not really." I admitted.
"Hey, want to sit down and relax a bit?" I asked. He was about to deny I was sure of it but I pulled him down to the seat next to us. He glared at me but decided it wasn't time for an argument. He looked at Luna, who was still spacing out.
"Why do you have paint all over you?" He asked. She looked at him, snapping out of her trance.
"It's none of your business Edgelord." She said. I then saw from the corner of my eye that her bag was moving. She seemed to notice and started to panic.
"No,no,no,no You can't come out! Not now!" She whisper yelled, getting her bag. I tilted my head. She searched through her bag and then found something that I couldn't quite make out. It was silver, that's for sure. She took it and tucked it into her pocket. "Soko ni anata no chīsana pokemon ni todomaru." She muttered. Wait.
I tried to remember what that meant. When I need to know Kantonese, my mind goes blank! I know she said something about a Pokémon but still!
"What was that about?" Gladion asked suspiciously.
"Doesn't concern you Edgelord." She snapped.
"Ok yeah whatever, but how did you speak in Kantonese?" He asked. She then tilted her head.
"I didn't." She said. Then I must be deaf.
"Umm...I'm from Kanto and I know you just said something in Kantonese. Translating it will be hard for me." I said while tapping my chin. Then it hit me. "I remember!!!! You said-" She stuffed my second Malasada into my mouth.
"Shut it." She said. I swallowed the Malasada whole. 'Good thing they forced me to participate in those eating contests.' Gladion snorted. I glared at him.
"What? You look hilarious." He said.
"I agree." Luna said while holding a laugh. She then took out Rotom. I heard a camera snap a foto. "There, that way I can black mail you even more." She said with a smirk.
"Zzt thiz iz a great photo!!!!" Rotom said.
"Hey!!!" I said.
"You still need to send me the one with him and the Malasada Boy." Gladion said with a smirk. 'Ohh Arceus, why do I always meet the crazy people?'
"I don't have your phone number, idiot." Luna said.
"Then I'll give you it right now so you can send it." He said.
"No! Don't send it to him!" I begged. Her smirk grew.
"Then shoot the gun Edgelord." She said. 'Nah-ah.' I tried to snatch Rotom from her but without making a scene, which was impossible of the Pokémon floated. Gladion told her his phone number and sent it. 'Arceus, my life is ruined.'
"You dug your own grave Sun." Gladion said. I looked at him with narrowed eyes.
"Says the one who is the Enforcer of Team Skull." I muttered while crossing my arms.
"You really want me to post it, don't you?" He asked. I looked at him wide eyes. 'Post it, like online? I don't need that there! They will see it and then what? Oh, Arceus.' I shook my head quickly. After I was done shaking it, I felt dizzy. I shouldn't have shook it so hard.
"N-no. Just don't post it. Also don't show Lillie." I said without thinking.
"Yeah Yeah we will-wait. why put my sister into this?" He asked now glaring at me. I stayed silent.
"Sun?" Luna said narrowing her eyes.
"It's not what you think!" I squeaked making my hands go in front of me for protection. Gladion glared at me more now. I'm so screwed. To make matters worse, my Rotom came out about to say something that will surely make me die from Gladion's hands.
"Zzt, What do you mean Sun? You have a huge c-" I slammed him on the table. Nope!!! Not going to have that. I chuckled nervously while Gladion and Luna glared at me. If looks could kill, I would be more than dead already.
"Rotom is just saying stuff that are irrelevant." I said nervously. Rotom was trying to move, but I stopped him from doing so. I don't want to go with Arceus before I accomplish my dream. It was hard keeping him on the table though, without me moving. I am totally making a scene now, but I am not going to risk myself checking.
"Let go of Rotom and let him finish his sentence Sun." Luna said firmly.
"And why should I listen?" I retorted.
"Because you are an idiot and the Edgelord here will kill you before you even have time to call for help from someone." She said. I gulped turning to Gladion who was giving me a death glare. Rotom was moving more now as if he were trying to warn me of something. I looked down at my hand and saw that I spilled my lemonade. I quickly let go of him and started to clean me mess. 'The lemonade was so good too.' Luna helped me. When we were done, she let out an annoyed groan and ran her hand through her bangs. Some of the paint she had on her hand went on her face. I snorted.
"What?" She asked.
"You might want to clean your face right now." I said. She groaned and got a napkin cleaning most of it, except for one spot. "You missed a spot." I said now leaning and cleaning it for her. I then grinned seeing that her face was now clean. "There." I chirped.
Gladion's POV
When he leaned back from cleaning her face, he grinned.
"There." He chirped. I clicked my tongue. For some reason I got annoyed for him touching her. I gritted my teeth in annoyance. I saw Luna glare at Sun but then sigh in defeat.
"Don't do that again Sun." She said and looked out the window. 'The irony.'
"Why do you look annoyed?" Sun asked.
"Nothing. Plus, I should get going since I was going to take these to my Pokémon." I said standing up so I can leave them alone.
"Aww come on Gladion... don't get jealous." He said with a wink. I twitched.
"Jealous? What the hell are you talking about?" I asked.
"I mean you looked annoyed when I helped Luna." He said her smirk growing. 'Ohh for arceus fucking sake.'
"I got annoyed because you two are all lovey dovey. It's annoying." I said.
"Achem, I don't see Sun that way, or any other boy. If he does dare to touch me again or think of me romantically...I'll kill him." Luna said, narrowing her eyes towards Sun. He chuckled nervously. "Plus boys are annoying." She said.
"I'm not taking that personally." I said flatly and walked out the shop. While I was walking I could see Luna come out of the shop and turn, telling something to Sun. He nodded and walked away to the opposite direction I was going. She walked towards me. I turned and continued walking, hoping she would just ignore me. The scene of her and Sun kept replaying in my head over and over again, which I was starting to get me irritated.
"So why did you get annoyed?" I heard someone ask. I jumped and turned around, seeing Luna. Her Rotomdex was by her side. I regained my posture seeing it was only her.
"What do you mean?" I asked bluntly. She raised an eyebrow.
"You know what I'm talking about." She said.
"Tch, no I don't." I said turning my head.
"Zzt, Luna, we have to beat Sun from doing the Fire Trail first." Her Rotom informed. 'So they are competing? Wow...how childish.'
"Yeah I know, but he said he will go two days from now, so why the hurry to Wela Volcano?" She said calmly.
"That is really childish." I muttered. She glared at me.
"It's called, rivalry." She said.
"You really need to be in Team Skull." I said.
"Why? So we can see each other everyday? Wow, you really crushing on me." She said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.
"As if I would feel anything for you." I said.
"That just tells me you do Edgelord." She said with a smirk.
"No it doesn't." I said.
"Let's prove that shall we?" She said. I turned to her confused. 'What does she mean?' She then leaned towards me and kissed me on the cheek. I felt myself burn up. She leaned back, her Rotom going crazy in the background. She rolled her eyes and grabbed him, going away. I stood there. She did not just do that, and the bad thing is that I actually wanted more. Ohh for arceus sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Null came out of his Pokéball. He seemed to have a smirk.
"Ohhh shut the fuck up Null!!" I snapped. He growled at me. "Wipe that stupid smirk off your face already! I don't like her that way." I said. He seemed to say, 'but you like her in you own way, you are just denying it.' I groaned annoyed and continued walking with him teasing me behind my back. That Pokémon is so annoying.

A/N: Chapter 16, done! I'm so tired. Online school for me is stressful. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and stay safe!

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