The Pen-Pal Project (Larry St...

Door beautifulnightmare2

4M 102K 86.4K

'Hello class, my name is Miss Flack. I am the substitute teacher... So this term i have a project for you. It... Meer

The Pen-Pal Project (Larry Stylinson + Niam Horayne)
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Letters from Holmes Chapel-
-Harry and Louis-
-Liam and Niall-
-Zayn and Perrie-
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Harry and Louis-Texts-
-Instant Messager-
-This is a Song For my Haters-
-Harry and Louis-
-Liam and Niall-
-Zayn and Perrie-
-Instant messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Christmas Cards-
-Court Dialog-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Last Letters-
-The Reviews-


48.4K 1.3K 1.7K
Door beautifulnightmare2

This hospital is absolutely dreadful, it just smells like disinfectant and the walls don't get me started on the walls,

'Harold' Liam said walking into the room

'what have i done now?' i asked defensively, i didn't think i could have done anything unless he found out it was me that put his under ware on the blackboard on the first day back at school...

'nothing' he laughed, i sighed with relief as Liam sat next to me

'know when you're allowed out?' he asked i shook my head

'Nope, although i think it's soon. The nurses are getting fed up of me singing really loudly and trying to get out of the bed to go on a treasure hunt'

'Oh, Harry. You never change do you' he said laughing

'of course not, why would i change from being an awesome curly haired legend' I rolled my eyes

'did you like your latest letter from Louis?' Liam asked with a smug look, he knew how much Lou's letters cheered me up, if it wasn't for them i'd probably have died of boredom, his picture he drew me is on the wall behind me. It's awful but its from him.

'yeah, it was great' I smiled

'He got concussion at that football match you know' he said

'he what? he never said' i said pouting

'he was obviously ashamed to tell you he ran into a pole' Liam laughed

'He ran into a pole? How do you know that?' i asked trying not to laugh

'Niall told me to tell you' He smiled

'Hows everything between you two?' I asked him

'Great, we're quite similar in a really different way, i think we're helping each others problems and such' He smiled

'that's nice' i smirked

'Mr styles' The nurse called out as she walked up the ward

'That's me!' I grinned

'You've been discharged, your mum is coming to pick you up' she said before walking away

'oh yes!' I grinned as Zayn walked in

'Vas happenin'' he said

'I'm discharged' i grinned

'you have to go to school now' Zayn said

'It's better than being kept up by people farting all night' i sighed

'that is something i haven't missed' Zayn nodded

'You two are-' but what we were i didn't find out as my mother came skipping into the room

'Oh, Zayn you're here too' She grinned

'I was just leaving' Zayn said before rushing out of the door

'Mum!' i scolded her

'What?' she asked

'just- never mind' i sighed as Liam began to have a silent chuckling fit

'lets get you out of here shall we?' i nodded eagerly

'you're going to school this afternoon' Mum said

'What?' i asked pouting 'But mum' 

'no buts, i have a hair appointment and i don't want you home alone' 

'stupid school' I muttered

'We have Double English this afternoon haz' Liam said taking his timetable out

'oh nice, Miss Flack' i grinned




'oh so right' i grinned as he shook his head and sighed

'Liam would you like a lift to school, and Harry i've brought you a change of clothes' she said as i got the picture Louis drew of me and his get well soon card from the wall,

'can't wait until people point and stare at me' i muttered as i was pushed out of the hospital in a wheelchair... apparently everyone has to, but it was fun because Liam was pushing me and he ran around corners much to the doctors annoyance.

'Liam, this is the most rule breaking you've ever done' I laughed as we almost ran a man over

'i'm embracing the crazy, screw running from it, Niall was right' Liam said 'anyway, this is fun'

'Woo' i screamed as we ran out of the door and down the ramp.

'Where is your mums car?' Liam asked as i stood out of the wheelchair

'Oh em Gee Liam, look its a cat!' i said running over the road to a cat who was sitting on a fence and stroking it.

'Oh that reminds me, Louis pretended to be a cat and asked if you'd like him more if he pretended to be one'

'that's hilaripotomus' i laughed 'and i like Louis how he is, i just wish i knew what he looks like'

'awhh harry, someones-'

'shut up Liam, mums coming now lets go to school' i said walking over to mum, i was nervous as i sat in the car, what if people stared at me, i'm sure there was many rumours going around too. What if Chris did anything else to me? 

Chris wasn't punished because no one had said they saw him do it, there is no evidence, even though Zayn and i both gave our accoun of what happened.

I have loads of stitches, all over my back and stomach, a few on my arms and one on my neck... 

there's one bad scar on my arm, it spells out fag. it's been bandaged over so no-one can see it.

'We're here honey, see you Liam' mum said as we pulled up at the school

'bye mum' i said getting out of the car and pulling Liam away from my mum before she could flirt with him too. He laughed and i glared at him not looking where i was walking which was a mistake because i hit into the low brick wall and fell over it, i groaned as Liam burst out laughing,

'Ow, that hurt' I pouted

'Hey, look Zayn's chatting with Danielle' Liam said pulling me up from the floor and walking over to them,

'Harry! you're back' Danielle said hugging me, i gritted my teeth to stop me groaning in pain and hugged back slightly

'it's good to be back, the hospital sucked' I smiled walking off to my locker to grab my English folder

 I walked over to outside the classroom where Zayn as leaning up against the wall, Liam rubbing his shoulder

'what's wrong?' i asked him

'Mary turned me down' he sighed

'awh mate, well my mum will always be there' I snickered

'Yes, But i unlike you don't like the older woman' Zayn stuck out his tongue

'you'll just have to be forever alone' Liam added

'Forever alone' Zayn sighed as a loud bang made us all jump and spin around, Rebecca had dropped her bag and the contents had flown out all over the floor 'Maybe not so alone' Zayn muttered to himself as he rushed over to help her

'i don't understand that boy' Liam shook his head

'Miss Flack is starting her lesson' I noted and opened the door slipping in, Liam followed

'Sorry we're late, Harry only just got out of hospital' Liam bull-pooed

'Very well, take a seat and i'm glad to see you're better Harry' She smiled, i sent her a smirk and sat down in the front row

'Glad to be back, Miss Flack' i grinned 'didn't want to miss another of my favorite lessons, with my favorite teacher'

'have you done something bad?' She asked suspiciously

'What? No!' i said quickly as Liam burst into silent laughter, i turned away from Miss flack. What a potato.

'So it has come to my attention that half of you are really getting into this writing project, and i'm extremely impressed at those who are writing three or four days a week' I exchanged a smug look with Liam 'but, as for the rest of you i a not impressed by the little seriousness you're putting into this. I have your marks so far, i will hand them out before we write our next letter' 

Half the class groaned, i grinned.

'Now in December, Holmes chapel will be hosting a performance. Dancers, Poets, Musicians the lot! and the guests you ask? Your pen-pals from Hall Cross. I expect you to write to your pen-pals but for now, i'll hand out your marks so far' she walked around the room talking to everyone one by one.

I'm not going to lie, i was already feeling nervous about meeting Louis, what if he wasn't what i imagined him to be. In my head he was perfect. And in a way that's how he was so special to me. I really hoped he was the same in person as his letters. Miss Flack walked over to me and smiled,

'Harry, an A* i'm very impressed with your dedication to this, not only are you writing three or four days a week, but they appear to be long and detailed letters, not only that but you still managed to continue this project while in hospital, you are an inspiration' I smirked

'Yes, an inspiration' i grinned

'get a room' Liam coughed next to me in a murmur so Miss Flack wouldn't hear

'Shut up Liam' i said as the door swung open and Zayn walked in

'You're Late Mr Malik, care to explain' She asked

'Well i was helping Rebecca in hopes to not be forever alone, but it turns out she has a boyfriend so it sucks to be me'

'Just sit down and do some work'

'oh you see, i walked in here to buy some orange juice' Zayn said sarcastically

'Mr malik, enough of your cheek' She said pointing to the spare seat by Danielle

'Zayn's a bit grumpier than usual' I noted

'Yeah, the whole house incident is getting to him i think' Liam sighed

'Liam, an A*, you like Harry have been writing three or four times a week, your letters look long and detailed, and you took letters to harry, i see how much you two have got into it, and for that, you both can have the afternoon out in the field in the sun' She said smiling

'that usually would sound amazing, miss' I said looking at Liam slightly 'But, i'd rather write a letter'

'Me too' Liam smiled

'So grown up' She sighed moving on to Zayn. i picked up a pen and paper and began to write.

Dear BooBear (i capitalized the other B because otherwise it could be BoobEar...)

I loved your picture, however awful it was :) I put it on the wall above the bed, and one of the nurses asked me if it was from a baby brother or sister... I said yes to stop any humiliation. 

I can't believe you called your toaster a douchebag! how mean, it's only a toaster. poor ickle toaster. But it set you on fire, so it has to pay for hurting you :p

I'm out of hospital, i've been out a whole hour now, and i'm already at school. Mum had to have a hair appointment, i hope they dye her hair green and burn it all. She won't stop flirting with Zayn, no matter how many times that he rejects her. It's quite sad actually, he refuses to enter my house if my mum is around.

You know what the first thing i did when i got to school was? I fell over a wall onto my face. I swear i'm as clumsy as a.... melon. But someday when i'm a unicorn, i will manage to go a day without falling over. Spontaneous unicorniousness happens quite a lot did you know? but i'm hoping that with the other set of legs, i won't fall over.

i probably still will.

English has just finished now, and it's break time. Liam is being all fun, and its.... fun. He's wrestling with Zayn, and i'm watching while sitting in the locker.

Liam won!!! 

So i kind of just got stuck in the locker, and i started to panic, and the locker fell on me. Great, Melonitus again. -_-

Liam and Zayn have dared me to go around asking people to... 'Stroke my ferret', and i'm assamed to say that quite a few guys have tried to take me up on that offer, less girls than guys. Says a lot about me right :(

So you asked me what my perfect Christmas present would be, well it would have to be duct tape, a cat and a piece of toast. what about yours?

what are your thoughts on cabbage? the lunch lady insists on giving everyone a small bowl, everyone throws it inconspicuously on the floor, the dinner hall ends up looking like a swamp. i swear i saw an alligator in it a week or so again, i called it Boris.

i'm not going to lie, i let out a girlier scream than i should have when i found out that we'd be meeting in December! the nurses thought i was in pain but i told them i was excited for Christmas.

 As for Eleanor, i'm not sure what to say. I don't know her at all but if i were you i'd talk to her about it, see what's on her mind. I wouldn't piss her off any more with the stickers, but a distraction is always good. 

I wouldn't like you anymore if you pretended to be a cat or not Lou, i like you how you are already :) Yes Niall told Liam to tell me, and Yes you're secret about running into the pole is out. But we can be melons together :)

You are awkward! but yes strippers taking off their clothes is, but repulsive yet so... exciting, and awkward!


Thank you to everyone who is reading this, it means so much... over 12,000 view in what... 3 weeks? I LOVE YOU ALL

I'm really sorry for this slow upload, but i've been on holiday in Paris and only got back at 11 pm on tuesday and my sister went into hospital on Wednesday :(

I'll be uploading lot's like i was before my holiday, i have it all written out :) 

Thanks again


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