Not Made To Break

נכתב על ידי aliypop

894 19 5

How does one define a legacy like the Wayne's or the legend of the pafranians let alone balance their mistak... עוד

Once Upon a Moon
To The Moon And Back
A New Start
Growing Pains
Behind The Mask
Prim and Propper
Falling In A Flash
You And Me And The GCPD
Behind The Mask ( Part 2)
Central Disaster
A Sisters Love
Mother In The Middle
Up And Out
The Speed In Training
The Arrival
Tale Older Than Time (Part 1)
Tale Older Than Time (Part 2)
To Central City And Back (Part 1)
Back To Central City ( Part 2)
The Wedding Crisis ( Part 3)
Old Flings Narrows Things
The Change
Help From Beyond
Wonderful Wonder
The Wedding Frenzy
Double trouble
Heart Break And Changes
A Queens Love
Cats Got Your Tongue?
A New Fate

Love Lies

31 1 0
נכתב על ידי aliypop


"Rough day Ms. Yonah?" Alfred gestured his hand to her. Yonah was exhaustedly tired to the point the only thing she could do was nod and yawn, "She's back." she glared, her eyes twitching, "I can't do this Alfred." she sat down on the couch, "Those dreams keep recurring and..." she saw Lucas who was walking out from the kitchen, "Hey, how was work today?" Lucas smiled handing her a blanket,"Honestly I'd rather drink bleach.." she groaned as Alfred placed an ice pack on her forehead, "can I just say that I'd rather be in Bludhaven ?" flinching as Alfred tightened up the bandages around her ankle and her arm,"Would you?" Alfred groaned, "So you'll end up in another strip-" he just about finished the sentence before Yonah glared at him half-heartedly, "Is dad home?" she asked, "He's in his off..." before he could finish Yonah had already been gone in the wind."Tell me Mr. Pivington is Mr. Allen like that?" he chuckled, as the young man shrugged and went back to his ice cream."You know Bruce, I'm still a force not to be reckoned with so if my daughter is hurt in any way," Yazela grunted, sitting down in one of the chairs,"Well, hello to you too " Bruce rolled his eyes, giving her one of his charming playboy smiles, it usually worked, but as he saw not this time,"I don't know why I trust you sometimes Bruce.""Because somewhere there's still that pesky 17-year-old girl who fell for my charm." He laughed, "What did they call you detective Pris-""Say it, and I'll murder you right now," she growled,still trying not to look into his eyes, "Just like somewhere there's still the scared boy trying to save everyone, listen to me Bruce Yonahs my world." her eyes subtle and soft."Our world.." he mumbled, Yazela knew nothing about her daughters let alone her son. At least with Yonah, she knew her for four years,"Look I didn't come here to fight, I just got back from a war." her gaze at his lips and his eyes, Yazela never knew that he could get any more handsome than what she had remembered, and it wasn't helping that she was staring either,"Yazela ... Yazela... you're royal highness.." he laughed as she finally popped back in consciousness, "speaking of Royal duties are you going tell Yonah ?" "Bruce I am a loyal woman and a respectable queen one does not smirk at me." She blushed looking away from him "especially you." her breath hitching."Selina felt the same way." Bruce smiled, he knew Yonah had heard the whole thing, "You can come in Yonah." he groaned looking up at the bandaged woman, this was the type of worry Yazela had."I'm fine just another day at the precinct Gordon worked me like hell-o!" she looked at her mother who's tiara was shinning"Tell me is Harvey still there?" Yazela shivered at the thought of him."He is?" "Could have been a captain by now, but I had you by the time that happened.", being pulled into a hug by her, Yonah turned to face Bruce a look of annoyance on her face, she didn't want to hurt her mother, but that fire from within was rising to break out ,"Yonah you're burning up" Yazela held onto her, Yazela knew that fire from anywhere it was the gift of her brothers, "I'm here for you sweetheart. " she cooed, as only a mother would,"No, you're not you left me! you left us !" Yonah pushed her away with all the strength that she had which in her case was a lot. "That's not true.." She whispered Yazela looked at Bruce as if he had told their daughter to say that, "I left because I had to, our home planet was in danger," her eyes filled with sorrow,"Your home planet.." Yonah scoffed, walking towards Bruce "my home is here with my brothers speaking of which when were you going to tell me I had a half-brother, and don't tell me there's more of us either!" her eyes glowing a violet-pink, "You missed my prom, my big move to college, my first heartbreak my first power! " she slammed her fist on the table, as she shattered it wailing out from pent up anger, "That's Enough Yonah!" Bruce stated, He understood why Yonah would be upset, but she was being unreasonable to become so vulnerable towards her insanity specifically her rage, ever since Belle Reve, and even before she had always carried the temper of a rattlesnake it was her downfall just like her pride for her family."No, it's not enough!"."You're gonna overheat!" Yazela tried running to her rescue as Bruce held her back. "Let me go !" she sneered trying to leave his tight grasp,"You'll get yourself killed Yazela." his expression a concerned one, she began finding the problem, "She doesn't know who she truly is .""As if you did .." rolling his eyes as she held her amulet in hand. Yazela knew moonlight was always the key. Pafranians however, "I know more than you think I do ." She huffed," I know you still love me, I know you're stubborn, I know that you're trying to your best to raise so many kids, and it worries you, you'll never be good enough," She began focusing on a vulnerable spot, sending her static shock.," She'll be fine."

"Yonah. " a sing-song voice called her name the pressure of someone holding her hand in her sleep, "Yonah you still love me, right sweetheart." the person began saying, walking towards her, her beautiful hair glistening in the sun as she turned around, "Myra?!" Yonah shrieked, feeling her fingers in her hair and that beautiful gleam in her eyes she once had as she sat on her bed pictures hanging up from the cases she was working on in her classes."Shush baby it's just an exam." Myra laughed, watching Yonah scatter around panicking,"If I don't pass this exam I'll be known as the laughing stock in my family. her eyes wide as she began flipping the pages in her color-coded notes, "What are the legal rights again! " she squeaked feeling Myra's hand feeling up her thigh from under her skirt,"You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against your will of pleasure." Myra began laughing, leaving butterfly kisses on her upper thigh feeling her squirm,"That's not how the Miranda rights go, Myra," pushing her glasses back upon her face, All around her all she saw were Princeton flags and the sweet smell of Myra which smelt of Gotham in the fall, "Let me finish!" she pushed her back on the chair, as it began to lean closer and closer onto the floor, now a black hole swallowing her as she fell into it screaming for her dear life, as Myra laughed and watched her fall." Yonah you get back here!""You should be asleep your Highness " the voice approached her again,"Yet I am not, for the fireflies wish to play, and as do I." an older woman who looked like her said, twirling her finger around her curly hair, "So be it that mother so wishes to speaketh, to me may she withdraw her tongue tomorrow!" her hand on her heart, "Tantu withhold your wits to thy self." She glared, sitting down " My sister writes about her travels yet again." she groaned rolling her eyes."She is one for adventure." a woman who looked likeYazela mumbled under her breath, before hearing rustling in the leaves grabbing her sword from around her waist, "Show thy self unless you fear too!" her face prepared for battle, Yonah had looked slightly pale in the face standing up with her hands in the air, she had seen enough Doctor Who to handle this situation,"Yonah ..." She replied, tiara still on her head "ruler of.""I know who you are.." the older version of herself smiled, "This sent you here." pointing to the Crystal on her necklace "The amulet of our ancestors who rained before me." looking up into the moon, Yazela had felt a certain surge of power. "Do not be feared by the news I bestow upon you, For we know what we are, but know not what we may be.""Shakespeare?" Yonah gasped,"Never have I heard of such a fool." Yazela scoffed laughing "Those are my words in which he took." Yonah began to giggle, as the woman fixed her crown, "Each reigning queen posses time in her hand, she uses it wisely amongst the Time-Turners, they know every outcome possible to live." she gestured, still walking."So I'm a princess?" Yonah blinked, still surprised,"Technically you become a queen." the queen said as Yazela groaned at her daughter," But why me why not Lucas. " she sighed, "I know nothing of this place," she huffed looking around the beautiful kingdom."You have speed from the fastest star." she smiled " there you'll find speed faster than any speed god." Yazela smiled."Speefora? what does that mean." Yonah questioned the name sounded familiar almost as she had heard it before but said differently.Lighting had cracked across the sky seeing that it came from the palm of her mother's hand, her eyes were wide as she felt a gush of wind blew past her face. "Your majesty ." he kissed her hand, his emerald eyes mesmerizing "I was summoned in the middle of oh .. " he paused seeing the younger Yonah."Barry.." she whispered their resemblance to each other uncanny laughing out of straight fear from what she had seen w"My love must you complain amongst me." kissing him on the forehead."You look as if the gods have kissed you perhaps one can?" "Mhmm.." clearing her throat, Yonah had begun to ask her questions slightly weirded out, "What exactly is going on?" "You were sent into a lucid dream of a could be future." "Is there any way to wake up from it?" she asked,"Take these?" Yazela said handing her a pair of star earrings, "Trust me they'll be of importance to you," "I think she's dead.." Lucas poked at her."I agree with Pivington," Damian stated,"I can't lose her," Barry said, holding a tissue,"Hey, guys her eyes are opening !" Barba smiled watching Yonah's breathing become normal again. Yonah had been out for almost 12 hours, they all started to move away as she blinked her eyes, Barry, holding onto her hand her other clutched around a pair of star-shaped earrings encrusted in jewels, Yazela knew where she had been and who she had met a dear friend of hers in the near future."Where am I?" she questioned looking around seeing the curtains, and the blankets and Alfred"Home where did you think were ." Jason laughed,"You know what it doesn't even matter," Yonah replied holding onto Barry's hand harder, she knew that things were about to change, but would they be for the better? she looked up towards her mother and father who both seemed worried about her. "So is anyone gonna explain who this is ?" Jason pointed to Yazela.

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