Baby Transformers Prime (On H...

By WiltedS0UL

4.6K 83 70

This book is set in the world of Transformers Prime, Jack, Miko and Raf don't exist, I will stick with the or... More

.:Strange Message and Arrivals:.
< Characters >

.:New Home:.

986 18 28
By WiltedS0UL

Sparkling language is all in bold

Edited: ✔️

[Leila's P.O.V]

After all the bots had entered my home, they were all snuggled up by the fire place in the living room, blankets wrapped tightly around them as they warmed up. Some bots on both sides conversing with eachother.

Bulkhead and breakdown recalling memories of fights they had together, Arcee and Starscream mocking eachother while Cliffjumper listened, Bumblebee and Knockout about racing, Optimus and Megatron remembering the good times on Cybertron before everything changed. Ratchet was sat on my lap on the sofa as he watched everyone converse while Soundwave was getting some much needed rest snuggled into my chest with a blanket covering him. He barely rests when working on the warship.

[Third P.O.V]

Leila smiled lightly as everyone conversed with eachother, mostly happy words but nonetheless, it was something other than a fight. Leila's left hand has been subconsciously rubbing the top of Soundwave's helm for a while now and thanks to her actions, the mech had drifted off to sleep faster than she thought. She noticed how glued Soundwave had gotten to her over a couple of hours, it was cute and adorable in her opinion and she didn't mind it at all, she thought that Soundwave seeing her as his carrier would do good to him. If only the others could see how much she could help them.

Her eyes drifted towards Ratchet who was watching everyone converse too, but he wasn't in a conversation with anyone which was odd. Leila rubbed the top of Ratchet's helm to gain his attention, he stiffened at first before relaxing into her touch, too relaxed that he fell back on her leg, causing her to giggle a bit.

Ratchet quickly regained himself before huffing and scooching closer to her, lying on Leila's right side of her abdomen, finding comfort there. His back layed against her arm as he snuggled into her.

"This is a nice change from war for once. Don't you think? It's nice to see you all not fighting and being relaxed, but I don't know why you're not joining them. Unless if you are still unsure about everything, you can ask questions if you want or stay there. You don't have to converse with them if you don't want to." Leila whispered to Ratchet.

Said mech looked up at her with beautiful blue electric eyes, finding pride and adoration in them, including curiosity and astonishment. Ratchet turned back to look at everyone talking before facing Leila again.

::It is nice, we all need a break from war and this is the perfect opportunity. I do have questions, yes, but I will ask them when everyone else is listening so that you don't have to repeat yourself.:: Replied Ratchet.

Leila nodded and smiled faintly, watching Ratchet turn back to the group and grab Leila's hand, noticing how he pulled it close to him and snuggled into it. Hugging the hand as if it would disappear along with the rest of Leila's body, the woman stroked his cheek as he slowly drifted to sleep. Also being one of the few bots who ever got a decent recharge during this war.

Leila felt bad for them, she partly blamed the council for it all, they should've seen it coming but Megatron didn't need to solve it through conflict. His and Optimus' friendship was beautiful, it was a pity that it had to be ended, if only the council could see what was happening to the lower class of Cybertron, then none of this would've happened. But then again, she wouldn't have met them all as Sparklings.

Leila checked the time to see it reading 2:34pm. It had not been long since she first found them all in those woods.

Looking back at the Sparklings, she spotted Arcee and Cliffjumper talking happily to eachother, she wondered if the two were in love as they had both been glued to eachother. She watched Knockout now converse with Breakdown, they're literal opposites yet best friends which was surprising. Bumblebee was talking to Bulkhead about times back on Cybertron. Starscream was sat on his own near Leila, watching everyone.

Leila then spotted Optimus and Megatron staring at her, their looks unreadable. Leila tilted her head to the side with a confused expression on her face, Optimus' gaze went to Ratchet's form and he smiled a little, glad that his old friend was finally getting some rest. Megatron, on the other hand, raised an eyebrow at Soundwave's actions, quite surprised at how comfortable he was around Leila but he never showed nor voiced his thoughts.

The woman focused on Starscream next, noticing how his arms were crossed as he huffed in annoyance, Leila snickered a bit before looking around the room, spotting a bookshelf with a book that may interest Starscream. It would be easy to get to, but difficult for Leila, she has two sleeping sparklings on her and Starscream may get grumpy and not grab the book himself. Leila hummed in thought before noticing Optimus walk up to her.

::Is there something wrong, miss?:: Optimus asked.

Leila smiled a little before shaking her head at Optimus' attitude.

"It's just Leila, not miss. No need to be formal Optimus. Anyways, there's a book on that bookshelf to do with science, it's on the second to bottom shelf and I was wondering if Starscream would enjoy it." Leila whispered back.

The two looked towards Starscream and noticed him sitting in a ball almost, curled around himself. Optimus nodded before heading to the bookshelf, grabbing said book and dragging it towards Starscream who's head perked up at the sound and sight of Optimus. His eyes glaring at Optimus as he chirped and clicked to the seeker, handing him them book before walking back to Megatron.

Starscream looked around him before slowly uncurling himself and reading the cover of the book, his face brightening before opening the book, his eyes glowing as he got lost in the book. Leila giggled softly before mouthing a "thank you" to Optimus who nodded back and returned his attention to the conversation.

Everyone was enjoying themselves until something crashed behind Leila, making her jump and look behind her towards the doorway to the kitchen. She noticed a pan on the floor, it must've not been hanging on with the other pans securely enough. Leila tried to calm her beating heart as she spotted the Sparklings closer to her, either curious or scared. Both ratchet and Soundwave were now awake and looking at Leila.

Placing Ratchet on her shoulder, Leila stood up and walked to the kitchen, making sure to have a strong grip on Soundwave. Both bots and cons following behind her but keeping a distance, some scared at the crashing. Leila picked up the pan, checking it over before glancing around her, finding no one else nor anything else moved. She placed the pan back into place and made sure that it was secure. Checking the time again to read 2:56pm, almost 3. Leila hummed again before walking to the cupboard.

She opened it and handed everyone a single cube of low grade energon, all 'bots thankful as they dug in. They had a low reserve to begin with, barely any energon so they're thankful and glad to not starve. The 'cons didn't seem to care except Breakdown, Soundwave, and Knockout, even if Soundwave hasn't touched his cube yet. Leila thought for a second before placing some of the blanket over his helm which was still wrapped around his small frame, covering his face from everyone. Using this opportunity to remove his mask quietly and quickly as he drank some of the low grade energon.

Leila opened a cupboard by the floor and watched as everyone placed their empty cube into the cupboard that had other empty cubes. Grabbing Ratchet's and Soundwave's cubes and placing them into the cupboard with the others, Soundwave removed the blanket from his helm so that Leila could see his face but he kept some of it on top of his helm. His screen showed a smiley face on his visor, causing Leila to smile back a little.

She noticed some bots and cons yawning, remembering that as Sparklings, they needed naps and longer sleep schedules. Ratchet was curled up on her shoulder, others trying to steady themselves among eachother or leaning against objects. Leila giggled a bit before scooping up Bumblebee who looked like he was going to fall onto the floor and sleep there.

"Follow me, I'll show you your rooms." She whispered.

The others nodded and followed her downstairs to the bedrooms, some struggling as they were small and the stairs were big. Leila lifted some before placing them on the bottom step, watching as the others slid down the stairs. Shaking her head and laughing quietly as she opened the Autobots' room, all staring from the doorway in amazement and shock before stepping into the room.

Arcee headed to the berth/bed on the left as Cliffjumper followed. As long as she was comfortable, then that was fine with Leila. Bulkhead and Optimus climbed onto the berth/bed on the right, watching Leila place down Ratchet from her shoulder onto the bed and Bumblebee behind him. Leila smiled before pulling the covers over them, along with Arcee and Cliffjumper on the other berth. Optimus watched Leila's movements as she faced him.

"Sleep well, you need it." She whispered, rubbing Optimus' helm before he yawned cutely and nodded, closing his optics before going into recharge.

Leila left the room and turned the light off, turning the small night light on before closing the door. She turned around to spot the Decepticons already in their room, somehow having opened the door. Some were looking around while others were in their berths/beds. On the left was just Megatron, who had already fallen into recharge and claimed the berth as his, Leila rolled her eyes before looking to the right. Spotting Breakdown and Knockout in the berth while Starscream looked at the pictures, waddling towards Leila as she picked him up and place him in the berth. Gently grabbing Soundwave to place him down as well but he wouldn't let go.

"Come on Soundwave, you need to sleep with the others. I have jobs to do around the house and I don't want to keep you awake." Leila whispered.

After some prying, she was able to get Soundwave off her and into the berth, she tucked everyone in before stroking the little mech's cheek.

"It will be alright, I'm not leaving the house, I will be here when you wake up."

Soundwave whimpered a bit as he hugged Leila's hand. She thought for a minute before looking at the toy box in the room, she eased her hand out of the grip before walking to the toy box and opening it. Grabbing a small panther plushie, walking back towards Soundwave who was watching her the whole time, handing him the plushie as he hugged it and snuggled into it while falling into recharge.

Leila shaked her head in amusement before kissing the top of Soundwave's helm. Turning the light off and turning on the night light before closing the door to, heading downstairs towards the living room. Not noticing the small heart emoji appear on Soundwave's visor.


Leila sat comfortably on the sofa as she read a book, recalling the day's events. It was 3:56pm, not long since the Sparklings had fallen asleep. But her mind drifted back to the incident in the kitchen, how did the pan fall? They've never fallen before, maybe she hadn't placed it on properly? Or maybe there is something bigger happening that she can't see. She would dwell on the thought for a later date, right now, all she wanted to do was just relax and enjoy the quietness.

Soon falling asleep on the sofa. Her book on the floor and head on a pillow. It was only a couple of minutes later that she was shaken awake, Leila opened her eyes and scanned the room before spotting Bumblebee looking up at her with a scared expression, tears forming in his eyes. Leila abruptly sat up and grabbing Bumblebee, holding him close to her as he shaked into her body. Something must've scared him.

"Shh. It's alright, you're safe now. I won't let anything hurt you, you're alright."

Standing up, she walked with Bumblebee in her arms, who hid himself into her clothes, towards the Autobots' room downstairs. She noticed the door shut and locked from the outside, she never locked the door and how did Bumblebee get out. Leila sucked in a shaky breath before unlocking the door and opening it. Finding the room in a mess and no 'bots in sight until when she felt small beings hugging her legs. Looking down, she saw all the Autobots shaking and hugging her, they looked terrified, as if they saw something.

"What happened?" Leila asked.

She crouched down as some climbed up her legs and sat on her lap, Optimus pointed towards a dark wall of the room. Seeing nothing else but that, Leila tilted her head on confusion.

"I don't see anything."

Optimus' optics widened as he flickered between Leila and the wall, obviously sensing something there. Leila hummed before scooping all the bots up into her arms, walking back upstairs and into the living room. She placed all the Sparklings down onto the sofa.

"Stay here while I go check on the decepticons."

The bots nodded as they watched Leila leave and down the stairs to check up on the others.

[Autobots P.O.V]

::What did we see in there? It didn't seem human, Leila didn't see anything when she looked:: said Cliffjumper.

::It had a dark, evil aura around it. Definitely something I haven't seen before, if I do some research, maybe I can find something:: replied Ratchet.

::We're not going back in there, right? I-I mean, what if it harms us?:: Asked bulkhead.

::We will ask Leila when she returns, for now, try to get some rest:: commanded Optimus. The others nodded before getting comfortable and trying to recharge but that thing in their room kept them awake and from falling asleep.

Soon they all heard footsteps as they watched Leila walk up the stairs with the decepticons, Soundwave on her back with Starscream in her arms. Knockout and Breakdown behind her with Megatron leading the way.

::Did something happen?:: Asked Optimus.

Megatron stiffened before walking over to Optimus.

::Something was in our room, something I have never seen before. Its presence was possibly even more..terrifying than Unicron's:: Megatron admitted. Optimus nodded in agreement as he watched everyone look around tense and scared.

He noticed Leila placing down Starscream and prying Soundwave off her back, placing the two with the others. Leila glanced back at the stairway leading downstairs before standing up and walking into the kitchen. Optimus looked at Megatron who shrugged and followed Leila, Optimus looked back at the others before following after Megatron and Leila.

"What is it child?" The voice asked.

Optimus' optics widened, he recognised the voice instantly as Primus when he walked into the well of Allsparks when he became a Prime.

"Something is here, in the house, I can't see it but the bots and cons can. They all look terrified and I'm unsure as to what to do, I can't see it nor know what it is. So far it hasn't hurt them, more like scare them."

"Hmm, as long as it hasn't harmed anyone. I will come visit and check how things are tomorrow, I am fairly busy and I'm sure that you can handle this yourself."

"Of course, I will keep them safe, those rooms downstairs are staying locked until your arrival."

Primus nodded before thanking Leila who sighed before placing the phone back down, leaning against the counter in thought before finally noticing the sparklings, Megatron and Optimus by her legs.

"Is something wrong?" Leila asked the two in a calm and soft voice. Both shaking their heads before standing a bit closer to the female.

Leila picked up Optimus and Megatron, who was squirming in her grip, and walking into the living room. Placing the two little ones down and heading down the few stairs which led to the downstairs part of the house, locking the sparklings room and placing the key in her pocket. On the right of the hallway was the Autobot's room, beside it was the gym and then a bathroom. On the left was the Decepticon's room with the master bedroom beside it where Leila stayed.

Leila returned to the living room shortly after and sat down on the sofa, sighing before dragging her right hand through her hair and lying back on the sofa. Bumblebee and Soundwave climbed up onto Leila as they snuggle into her torso before falling asleep again, Starscream soon joined the two and layed by her side. Leila hummed in thought before scooping up Starscream and holding the three bots close and securely to her body.

"Let's head to my room, you all can stay there instead." Optimus nodded as him and the other autobots followed him towards the stairs which led you down a floor, Knockout and Breakdown followed behind and then Megatron shortly after. Leila stood up and walked ahead of the others a bit, waiting at the bottom of the stairs for the rest of the 'cons to arrive.

Once everyone was accounted for, Leila led the lot past the little one's rooms to the one besides the Decepticon's sleeping quarters. Opening the door to the room next door and allowing the little ones to enter first, they all stood in the doorway with their mouths open.

"Welcome to my room." Leila said, snapping everyone out of their thoughts.

They all walked in and got themselves comfortable on her bed after chucking some pillows causing Leila to laugh a little. She placed down the three bots in her grip and tucked them all in, Soundwave was once against hesitant to let go of his newfound carrier but soon complied when she stated that she was going to collect his black panther plushie.

Leila left the room after turning the light off and closed the door to, not fully so that some light is let in. Walking across the hallway to the Decepticon's room and unlocking the door before stepping inside. Noting in her mind how dark it was even with the light from the window. She had promised Primus that she would keep the doors locked but Soundwave had left his plushie and Leila wasn't about to allow the little one to sleep without it. Promises were meant to be broken anyways, yet she felt guilt for breaking hers.

Closing the door behind her to, she walked slowly towards the bed on the right in hope that the floor beneath her doesn't creak and wake up the sleeping Sparklings, grabbing the plushie in one hand as Leila looked at it.

Turning around to walk out the door, not even making it past the bed before being thrown against the wall hard! Leila's vision blurred as her head started hurting like mad, feeling something wet trickle down it.

Leila looked frankly around her, trying to find whoever had broke into the house and hurt her, finding no one but herself and the plushie which was 2 feet away from her own feet. Her legs sprawled out in front of her with her back to the wall, sitting down as she leans against it.

Unable to stay awake any longer as she finally closes her eyes and falls unconscious...


Words: 3242

Well.. err.. that ending was a bit of a turn of events.. I also left it off with a cliffhanger! Dun dun duuuun.
Anyways~. This ending wasn't entirely my idea, I had some help from latios-is-bae
I gave them two options to pick from and they decided on a near death experience xD woops. Welp, enjoy the rest!

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