Heartbreaker (Kjmila)


76.1K 1.9K 299

Well season 2 is wrapped up and season 3 is just about to start filming! Camila knows all about the rumours o... Еще

Formal Attire
Interview after interview
Clean Sweep
Night Out
Ego and Luggage
Click. Flash. Boom.
We Shouldnt Do This
Comic Con
Familiar Faces
Want Me
Too Soon?
Just Friends
It Means The World To Me
Say Something
Apology Pear
That Cute Little Place
Please Read💗
Shameless promotion
Are you?
I ship it
Dim Lights
Let Go
Hidden Messages
Be nice for a change

I Get It Now

1.6K 46 14

[PSA: I'm depressed, charmila is confirmed, kjmila is never going to happen. I've decided to keep this fan fiction relevant to current...happenings (aka cami and charles dating) it'll be depressing but unlike the real world, in this story kjmila will come through. Happy depression hours everyone]

A few weeks later...

Kj's POV
It's been a few weeks since the incident with Victor and Cami is doing surprising well. Victor ended up getting charged for what he did and then we were just swept back into the world of work. I honestly thought Cami would've taken longer to get over it but she's seemed to put it behind her pretty easily. Which is a good thing...I guess.

But she has been acting off. Suspiciously off. And I fear it hasn't got anything to do with Victor, but with me.

I mean when it's just the two of us she's been acting slightly awkward, and when we are hanging out with the rest of the cast she full on avoids me. In fact, the rest of the cast seem to be acting pretty weird around me too, like they're hiding something from me.

I've been to scared to ask if I've done something wrong, fearing that it might be what ends our relationship. I may be overstepping.

We're currently on set as usual, nothing much is happening, just shooting scenes as per usual. Season 3 is about to air so we are all pretty excited about that, we're having a get together to watch the premier on Wednesday.

I've just finished filming a scene with Cole, in which I meet him 'Mom' and 'younger sister'. We're heading back to our shared apartment, and for the most part the car ride is silent.

"So how are you and Lili?" I ask, trying to ease the awkwardness that is apparently between us. To my luck, Cole responds casually, at least one person isn't treating me like a total idiot.
"We've been really good actually. I mean of corse we have to deal with all the fans wanting to know everything, but we've found it pretty easy to just keep it between us. How's Cami going considering what happened a few weeks ago?"
"I wish I knew" I chuckled in response as we pull up to a red light. He takes his eyes off the road and gives me a confused look, his brows furrowing slightly.

"What do you mean by that?"

I know Cole isn't trying to invade privacy, or 'get the gossip'. I mean if anything I'm glad he's asking, I've needed to get this off my chest for a while now.

"Can you be honest with me for a moment?" I ask, knowing that he would be even if I hadn't asked, but just for safe measure.
"Yeah of corse, what's wrong?" He asks, his eyes glueing back to the road once the traffic light turns green again.

Huh, it's funny how Cole always knows what's going on with me. I can tell just by his question. In any other circumstance he would've asked 'what's up?' or 'what is it?' but he asked what's wrong. He knows somethings not right.

"Do you think Cami has been acting weirdly around me lately?" I ask in a sigh.

He gulps, almost nervously in response and it becomes silent again, he's probably thinking of a nice way to tell me that my own girlfriend is acting like I've got the plague or something. Literally avoiding me at all costs. I mean the other day I went by her trailer just to check in, when I knocked on the door she opened it after a minute and her hair was all ruffled, she looked like a mess, but she hadn't been crying. When I asked if I could come in she came up with some lame excuse as to why I couldn't. She then shut the door on me. It's like I'm some sort of annoying younger brother to her. And I want to know why.

"In all honestly man...yeah. She's been acting incredibly weird around you" he finally says, looking guilty about saying so.

Well. Isn't that just great.

"You don't happen to know why do you?" I can't help but ask.
"If I did then I would tell you, but honestly I haven't got a clue. I mean it could just be aftermath of what happen at that party...but really I can't be to sure" Cole suggests, trying to give me a bit of false hope that maybe I'm just overthinking this. Maybe it's alright.

We pull up to our place, he stops the car and takes out the keys, turning the headlights off, making it a bit darker. He doesn't move though. He just kind of sits for a minute and then turns to me.
"Look KJ. I love you like a brother, and if anything happens you know you can come to me right?"
I give him a small smile and nod.
"Of corse."
"And if it's any condolence, I'll ask Lili for safe measures. To see if she knows anything"
"Thanks Cole. I'm sure it's nothing, I'm sure it'll be fine." I fidget with my hands nervously.
"It will be" he gives me a comforting smile and then opens his door and gets out of the car.

I get out too. And it's not until I reach my bedroom that I let out a huge sigh. Not of relief. Just stress.

When Cole told me that if anything happens I can go to him. That means he thinks something bad is coming my way, and I can only assume that's got something to do with Camila. If only I just knew how to ask her...

The following day

Cole's POV
After what KJ said last night I knew Lili would know something about this. Her and Cami are like sisters, they tell each other everything. If anyone would know what's going on, she would.

"Hey Lili" I rush up to her when I spot her at work.
"Good afternoon, I can't believe I haven't seen you all day" she smiles and gives me a short kiss.
"Is everything alright, you seem tense? I haven't done something wrong have I?" She suddenly asks with a bit of panic in her voice.
"Don't worry, you've done nothing wrong it's just...KJ mentioned something last night and I have a feeling you may know something about it." I watch her nod, slowly.
"Well that depends on what it is" she says.

"It's about Cami...look I don't want to pry into her personal life but has she said anything about her relationship with KJ recently, like anything maybe...negative?" I try to find the right words, struggling a little bit. She suddenly goes a little more tense and looks around.

"Follow me" she grabs my hand and leads me to her trailer.

"Okay so...basically...I walked in on her and Charles. Oh Cole, they were just kissing, nothing else I swear, I didn't know what to do! They ended up seeing me and it became incredibly awkward. Cami practically begged me to not tell Kj, but I made her promise she would tell him!" Lili admits all in one breath.

I really don't know what to say...it's Cami. She's always been so nice, I'd never see her as someone to cheat. This is going to break Kj's heart.

"I need to find Kj" I finally say, not really knowing what else to say at this point.
"No!" Lili practically yells, she then takes a deep breath and speaks more calmly. "No, you can't tell Kj. Cami will literally kill me. Please, just give her some time. I know Cami, she'll admit it eventually"

I let out a sigh and run my hands through my hair.
"Lili...I...I'm sorry, but I can't keep this from him. It'll be better coming from me anyways, won't it?"
Lili thinks for a moment and then nods slowly.
"I guess you're right. Just please don't mention my name, I know it's shady, but Cami would never speak to me again. I'm in a rock and a hard place" She asks softly.
"Of corse. I'll do it tonight, just at home, and I won't mention you at all" I give her a comforting smile.
"Good idea. And I'm pretty sure Cami is going out with Charles tonight so maybe it's best that they aren't around..."

My god. What have you done Cami.


Kj went home earlier and now I'm arriving home after work, expecting him to be lounging around. I close the front door behind me and head over to the kitchen bench, oh god there's a note.

Went to see what's up with Cams.
Be back soon

Shit. Cami's going out with Charles tonight. This can't be good.
I race back out of the house and hop into my car. I the try my best to take all the shortcuts to Cami and Lili's apartment.

I press the elevator button but it takes forever. Finally it lets out a *ding* sound and I hop in. Okay they're only on the 4th floor. This shouldn't take too long.

My staring competition with a 5 year old girl is cut short as I reach the 4th floor. I race out and run to Cami and Lili's apartment.

I come to a halt when I reach the door, seeing Kj standing there with a confused look on his face, with Cami holding the door open, and Lili standing a bit behind her. I'm too late aren't I.

Kj's POV
"Why are you dressed up?" I ask Cami who is standing in the door looking gorgeous in a tight black dress. But I couldn't really focus on that in all honesty.
"I...uhhh...well..." she doesn't answer, just stutters. Why can't she tell me where she's going, I thought we told each other everything...this shouldn't be a big deal.

I was going to say something but Lili pops up behind Cami, almost jumping in fright when she sees me. At almost the exact same time Cole runs into the hallway.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Cole, who is pretty out of breath.
"I was..stopping you...but...that didn't really...work out" he says in between breaths.
"Stopping me from what?" I ask, what the hell does he mean?
"From coming here...Kj we have to go" Cole begins pulling me away.
"Why? What the hell is going on?" I ask, looking back at Cami, who avoids eye contact.

Suddenly Charles comes around the corner. What is he doing here...in a tux...with flowers.


Oh. Wait.

I get it now.

"What are you two doing here?" He asks us as he walks up.
"Nothing. We were just leaving" Cole answers for me. He tries to drag me away but I shrug his hand off.

I look at Cami, who's looking at Charles, but her eyes then flicker to me. I slowly walk back over to her, so close I can almost feel her breath against my skin.
"Have fun on your date" I say, simply. Bluntly.
I then turn back around and begin walking.
"Come on Cole. We aren't needed here" I say.
He almost stops me.
"I just want to go" I say to him quietly. He nods and then walks out with me.

I follow him to his car. Once we've sat done, he doesn't do anything. We just sit in silence and darkness. The street lights let me make out his shadow for the most part. I can tell he's nervous.

She's cheating on me.


Cami's cheating on me with Charles.

That's why she's been acting so weird. My god I bet the rest of the cast know, that's why they've all been acting to weird around me.

"Did you know?" I finally speak, only quietly though, trying to hide the fact that I had a few tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Know what?" He turns to me.
"That they were seeing each other" I sigh. He waits a moment before answering.
"Yeah, but I only found out this afternoon. I was going to tell you tonight, just so that it wasn't awkward at work."

Then there's another pause.

"Look, I'm really sorry Kage. I really am. You don't deserve this." He says after a while.
"Maybe I do..." I mumble.
"You don't. If there's anything I can do-"
"Just drive" I cut him off quietly. "I just want to go home"

A/N okay cool yeah bye kjmila is cancelled I'm crying this was a depressing chapter to write. I didn't want to do this but trust me my babies I'll work it out. Also sorry for not updating for ages😂 oh also I hate to do self promo but for those of you who don't know my Instagram account randomly shut down so I had to make a new one, feel free to follow me @varchiecrew  Love you alllllll xxx

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