Denial {Shirbert Fanfiction}...

Bởi ShirbertFanFiction

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''There is nothing romantical about you, Gilbert Blythe'' ''Wouldnt even think of it'' he says with a smirk T... Xem Thêm

Authors Note!
Chapter 1- Spring Fling
Chapter 2- Welcome Back
Chapter 3- Flower Crowns
Chapter 4- Staring Contests
Chapter 5- Slate Life
Chapter 6- Blank Thoughts
Chapter 7- Feelings
Chapter 8- Confrontation
Chapter 9- Silent
Chapter 11- The Perfect Day
Chapter 12- An Adventure Part 1
Chapter 12- An Adventure Part 2
Chapter 13- Into the Woods
Chapter 14- Our Little Secret
Chapter 15- Merry Christmas
Chapter 16- Midnight Travels
Chapter 17: Saved by the Prince
Chapter 18- A lovely Trip
Chapter 19- I Don't Care One Bit
Chapter 20- The Doctor and Baby
Chapter 21- A Non Romantical Picnic
Chapter 23- Secret Dates
Chapter 24: Billy Matthews
Chapter 24- Cole Mackenzie
Chapter 25- confessed love
Chapter 26- Life at My Side
Chapter 27- Kindred Spirit
Chapter 28- Yours and Mine
Chapter 29- You're Not Leaving Me
Chapter 30- The Beginning not the End

Chapter 10- Dancing Queen

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Bởi ShirbertFanFiction

Anne's Point of View

I opened my eyes and felt a weird feeling. Then I was suddenly overcome with a thought. Today was the dance, I had been dreading this day ever since the ''accident'' but after a couple of days of me being partners with Gilbert, things seemed to be looking up. But just because we spoke a few times doesn't mean I wasn't still feeling a weird sensation in my stomach. NO ANNE, I'm not going to let a stupid boy like Gilbert Blythe ruin this beautiful morning. My blossom tree looks wondrous this morning, a little brighter than usual, it must be having a splendid morning with no problems or weird feelings, I would give almost anything to be a blossom tree today, it would be absolutely wonderful to stand beautifully tall with no care in the world just rustling calmly throughout the day.

I rose out of bed and got ready. I opened my closet door to admire the beautiful dress Diana had lent me for the dance performance, it was a pink dress with a white lace that was absolutely divine, and the best part is that it has puff sleeves! I am a bit worried that the dress would look homely on me since its pink but Diana reassured me that I would look the opposite of homely and I trust Diana dearly so I decided to wear the dress. I placed the dress neatly in my bed making sure that it has not even one wrinkle. After getting ready, I headed downstairs and was greeted by Jerry and Marilla eating breakfast in the kitchen.

''Jerry? What are you doing here'' I asked as soon as I saw him.

''Good morning to you too Anne, well we have plenty of food today so I invited Jerry over for breakfast.'' Marilla said.

''Oh how splendid! I'll go make a pot of tea'' I said excitedly

''Matthew and I are off to an errand in Charlettowns, we'll be back just in time for the performance, are you sure you can manage yourself while we are gone Anne?'' Marilla asked as she picked up her plate.

''don't you worry Marilla, I'll behave just as a mature girl would.'' I said, trying to hide my excitement.

''Also, is it okay if Diana can come over today? To get ready, of course.'' I asked with an innocent smile.

''Alright, but I don't want you girls eating anything, we all remember last time'' Marilla said with a scoff remembering the event.

''Thank you Marilla!'' I said excitedly.

Marilla picked her coat and headed out the door where Matthew was waiting. Matthew sent me a wave from afar which I returned with a smile.

''Jerry you won't mind if Diana joins us right?'' I asked, knowing the answer.

''I guess that be okay'' Jerry said subtly.

''Good she should be getting here any minute.'' I said.

''Wait did you tell Diana to come knowing Marilla would say yes?'' Jerry asked.

''Maybe...'' I responded with a smirk.

''Wait and what was Marilla talking about when she said, last time?'' Jerry asked.

''You know Jerry usually I'm the one asking the questions'' I said.

We looked over to the door as we found Diana knocking. I opened the door and greeted my bosom friend.

''Good morning Diana!'' I said as she entered.

''Oh, I didn't know Jerry would be joining us'' Diana said with a shy smile.

''I hope you don't mind'' Jerry said with a smirk.

''N-no not at all'' Diana said shyly.

I picked up the pot of tea that was now ready and poured three cups. I handed the cups to Diana and Jerry as the three of us sat in the table.

''It's nice to see you Diana'' Jerry said.

''Its nice to see you too Jerry'' Diana said almost abruptly.

We fell in to silence as the pair of lovebirds stared at each other endlessly.

''Jerry's spelling is getting quite well'' I said breaking their stare.

''That's quite wonderful Jerry'' Diana said with a smile.

We fell in to silence again and I gave Diana the ''talk to him!'' look which I hope she understands.

''ANNE ALMOST KISSED GILBERT'' Diana loudly blurted out.

''DIANA'' I said, I would have never told her to speak if I knew she would say that.

Jerry begins lightly chuckling , which then turns to bust out laughing as Diana joins him. The two begin acting out the event.

''OH GILBERT, YOU ARE SOO HANDSOME'' Diana says trying to imitate me which is ridiculous because I would NEVER say that.

''OH ANNE, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH'' Jerry says imitating Gilbert as the two continue laughing.

''Its not funny, and that didn't happen!'' I say with a frown.

Finally, after what seemed forever they finished laughing.

''Well I'm sure you have a lot of work to do Jerry, I'll see you later maybe. Good bye'' I say pushing Jerry out the door.

''Let's go upstairs and write some stories!'' I say as I take Diana upstairs to my room.


It was beginning to become nightfall, and Diana and I were having the most scrumptious time writing and reenacting stories but we decided it was finally time to get ready. She had brought her dress in a bag and took it out for me to look at.

''What do you think?'' Diana asked as she showed me the soft purple lace dress with a silk white ribbon around the waist.

''Its beautiful Diana! You'll look absolutely stunning'' I said with a giggle.

We both changed in to our dresses and stood in front of the mirror admiring our reflection.

''Anne, you look amazing!'' Diana said.

''And you look magnificent Diana, like a soft blossom in a field of wildflowers.'' I exclaimed.

''What a wonderful use of words, Anne'' Diana said as we both giggled.

Diana decided to do the updo Cole had once made on me and I won't lie I actually liked the reflection that was looking upon me in the mirror. As soon as Diana finished combing her hair, we left the house.

We began walking out but before I knew I had to do one thing.

''Wait let's say goodbye to Jerry'' I said

Diana nodded as the two of us passed by the barn.

''D-Diana'' Jerry said as he looked at the beautiful girl in front of him.

Diana shyly smiled.

''Well we just wanted to say goodbye before we left'' I said as I saw Jerry's gaze at Diana.

''You look beautiful Diana'' Jerry said boldly.

I faked coughed loudly.

''Oh yea you look pretty too, Anne'' Jerry said.

I locked arms with Diana as I waved to Jerry goodbye and left Green Gables heading for the stage center.

"So, you and Jerry'' I said with a squeal as we walked.

''What are you talking about Anne?'' Diana said with a smile.

''Oh please, remember who you are talking to, I am the most romantical girl in Avonlea. I know romance when I see it'' I said with a squeal.

''Oh really? If you can see romance then why aren't you with Gilbert'' Diana said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes at her comment

As we arrived, it was already nightfall and the stage center was packed, it made me a bit nervous but I'm not one easily scared by crowds. Diana and I entered through the back of the stage where we found Ms. Stacy and the class huddled together practicing.

''Good, you're here'' Ms. Stacy said as she saw us enter.

I searched the room and met eyes with Gilbert, he looked at me weirdly like if his eyes light up which was probably a trick of the light. He walked over to me

''Anne you l-look...'' Gilbert said but was interrupted by Ms.Stacy.

''No time for chitchat, let's get on the stage'' Ms.Stacy said as she clapped her hands and led us to the stage.

Gilbert and I abruptly got in position as the curtain opened and the eyes of the crowd met us.

I was a bit tense as I looked at the crowd, I didn't think I would be so nervous once I was on stage, the music began and all the pairs began to dance as so Gilbert and I

''Wow you can even make a pink dress look homely, congratulations Anne'' Josie said sarcastically as we danced.

And I suddenly couldn't feel my feet and I was frozen in place. There were a few gasp in the crowd but I just couldn't move. The music kept playing but my feet were stuck in a melancholy. Diana looked at me worried as she kept dancing.

''Looks like the carrot can't move'' Josie said as she saw me freeze up and I heard small chuckles through the stage.

''Anne'' Gilbert whispered to me.

I looked over to him

''Just breathe'' he said with a calming voice.

I don't know why but it calmed me and suddenly my feet were moving again and I continued the dance flawlessly. We stared at each other BUT only because if I looked at the crowd I would get nervous again.

You would think it was awkward between me and Gilbert but for some odd reason it wasn't, it felt like we were just where we belonged if that sounds strange enough, and it's probably my mind creating imaginations but it felt right...

As the dance ended Gilbert and I looked away and took a bow to the crowd. We left the stage and Ms.Stacy applauded us for doing a great job and we all picked up our stuff to leave.

As Diana and I were heading out, I felt someone whisper something in my ear

''You look beautiful in pink''

I looked to behind me to see who it was but there was no one there, must have been my imagination then.

Don't be a ghost reader! Make sure to vote and comment

Author's Note

Hello my people, I, unfortunately, cannot sit and write all day due to the torturous institution called school. I'm trying to find a balance between school and writing but due to homework I'm not going to be able to publish that frequently like I use to. Thanks for understanding! Hopefully I will see you soon!(Well you won't see me but you know what I mean)

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