Sovereign Of The Dragons


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[Royalty and Omega-verse AU] Naruto uzumaki is to be married to the future king of the uchiha clan. His desti... Еще

Meeting Naruto And The Uzumaki Family
5 Years Later
The Love Confession
Talking With The Girls
A Sasunaru Chapter
The Wedding
A Horrible Crime
Itachi's Back
Itachi The Psychopath
Shits Going Down
The Baby's Coming
Where's My Baby!!!
The New Arrivals
Unsuspected Visitor
3 Years Later


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"She's been my handmaiden since the day I turned five, she was born to be mine and always at my side. She was like the sister I always wanted. The sister that Karin never was...I'll never forgive the person who did this." Naruto cried.

He kneeled down and placed a single paper flower on Konan's tombstone. It was the same as the one she had used to wear in her purple hair.

"I know, love. I won't let this treachery go unpunished, Konan was your handmaiden, I'll be treating this as an attempt on your life." Sasuke bent down and placed a paper butterfly on the tombstone.

For the short time that Sasuke had known Konan his relationship with her had been rocky. She never let her guard down around him and she would occasionally try his patience, it was something he allowed her to get away with because of how much Naruto loved her.

"I promise I'll find out who did this." Sasuke embraced Naruto and wiped the tears underneath his eyes, "I swear it. I'll kill them for you with my own two hands."

Naruto stared solemnly at the simple tombstone. His tears came out in endless rivulets, blurring his vision. He took one long last look at Konan's grave and then stood up.

"That won't be necessary, I'll be the one to avenge Konan. I'll kill the culprit myself. It'll be my first official act as an Uchiha sovereign."

Something changed in Naruto that day. He had been on the cusp of change ever since the party but now it was fully realized.

The people of fire country expected submissives to be docile and weak but Naruto would show them all that he wasn't a typical submissive, he was an omega who wouldn't be messed with. He'd avenge Konan with his own hands.


Naruto stared at the glowing fire dancing around in the hearth. The fires heat was hot enough to prickle his skin red but did nothing to warm the coldness in his heart. He was sitting in the same room where he had proposed his plan to throw a party to Mikoto, the same party that would later become the setting for Konan's death. He felt guilty. He couldn't help but think that if he had never thrown the party then Konan would still be alive.

"I'm so sorry." Mikoto said for the tenth time that day. No one else could believe it. Konan had been murdered. "She was such a capable guard I didn't think she'd die like this."

Konan's body had been found lifeless and drained of blood. It was said that her hand was reaching for her kunai as if in her last moments of consciousness she was trying desperately to kill her killer. Naruto had requested for her kunai to be brought to him, he'd keep it in memory of her.

Naruto allowed his mother-in-law to hug him. All he could do was allow this sadness to settle. Konan was dead and no matter what he did or said she'd never comeback.

The only thing that would appease him would be killing Konan's murderer but it was hard. No one had seen anything and whoever had killed her had used a jutsu so that there was no evidence left behind. It was frustrating, all Naruto wanted was to avenge her but he couldn't if there were no suspects.

"It's such a shame Konan died, but I can't say I'm surprised," Sakura's nauseating voice greeted Naruto's ears. She flitted in through the sliding door as if she were still a princess and not a maid. "Well I suppose this shows that submissives really should stay in their places. She should've listened~"

Naruto didn't even spare her a glance. He snapped his fingers at a butler.

"Escort her to her sleeping chambers. Make sure she doesn't leave for the entire day. It seems miss Haruno forgets that she's a maid."

"Oh, his highness can make orders like a real sovereign now?" Sakura laughed humorlessly as two butlers held her arms and began to pull her out of the room.

"Don't pay her any mind." Mikoto advised Naruto. She motioned with her finger to Sakura to shut her mouth.

"Konan's death must've been good for you. Without her here to do everything for you you've actually begun behave like a real ruler." Sakura chortled as she completely ignored Mikoto's urgent hand signs to stop talking.

"Sakura!" Mikoto screamed, "have some respect, you live in Uchiha territory so Naruto is your sovereign! You may have been a queen but that doesn't permit you to do and say as you please. Don't forget that you're here only because I've asked my son on your behalf."

"Do you expect me to be grateful to you? I'm only in this situation because of what you did to me, you bitch!"

The butlers holding onto Sakura simultaneously looked down at her. They couldn't believe what the ex-princess had just said.


"Mother, it's fine." Naruto turned and finally set his eyes on Sakura. Even in her simple maid yukata she looked like royalty.

Naruto slowly walked up to Sakura. He kept his eyes on hers. She glared right back. He didn't know what Mikoto and Sakura were referring to but he didn't care right now. Something else was bothering him.

"Your maid, she was found with her neck slashed just like Konan's was she not?"

"Yes, what about it. Are you insinuating I killed Konan, your highness?" Sakura said mockingly.

"Answer me. Did you kill my handmaiden?" Naruto hissed. He could already feel the surge of pressure swell underneath his hand the way it did when he tried to form a rasengan.

Sakura laughed, a hollow sound in the tense room. "My maid was a simple submissive whose only duty was to fetch me things whenever I damn well pleased. It was easy to kill her.

I used a knife. My clan isn't like yours; we do things the correct way. Submissives don't learn things like jutsus. So even if I wanted to kill Konan I wouldn't be able to. Does that answer your question, or perhaps you'll only be satisfied if I confess to her murder, your highness?"

Naruto's restraint snapped. The way Sakura had said it, he could tell she didn't care not one ounce that Konan was gone.

He commanded the required energy to form a rasengan to the palm of his hand but no matter how hard he tried the rasengan wouldn't form. He suddenly felt dizzy and like he couldn't get enough air to his lungs no matter how deep he inhaled. Sakura smiled as Naruto fell to the ground. Mikoto and a maid rushed to his side and helped him stand.

"Naruto, are you okay?!" Mikoto caressed Naruto's cheek. His eyes were blearily staring back at her.

"Looks like being a sovereign is too much work for him. Maybe Sasuke-kun should get a better submissive."

"Get her out of here!" Mikoto yelled at the butlers. They bowed and resumed dragging the shamed ex-princess out of the room.

"Mikoto-san I feel sick." Naruto murmured. His face was pale and a shiny sheen of sweat covered his forehead.

"Someone send a messenger to the doctors!" Mikoto cried. A maid nodded and ran out of the room as if her life depended on it.

"Where's my son?" Mikoto questioned aloud. She cradled Naruto's head in her lap. His blue eyes were glassed over and slowly drifting close.

"He went to a council meeting with Fugaku-sama!" The only maid left in the room answered nervously.

"Go get him," Mikoto's hands were trembling as she touched the soft fabric over Naruto's belly. She could feel the steady energy rising from it. "If this is what I think it is my son needs to be here!"


Sasuke's legs couldn't move fast enough. The second the carriage pulled up to the palace he ran out and stormed through.

He threw the door open to the room the maids directed him to, the room which housed his love. The sight of Naruto lying in bed with two doctors hovering over him made Sasuke's heart clench.

"What happened to him! Who did this?"

"Be calm, Uchiha-sama." One of the doctors took off his mask. His hair was white and tied into a low ponytail. His spectacles hung low on the bridge of his nose.

"Who are you, where is my mother?" Sasuke looked around. No one but the two doctors were in the bedroom. "Who allowed you to be alone with my submissive!"

"Uchiha-sama you should listen to my assistant. You should calm down." The other doctor finally took off his mask as well. Sasuke was immediately put off by the mans off putting smile.

His lips dragged up at the end in a snakelike manner. His hair was long and black and his skin appeared pale green.

"My name is Orochimaru, and this is my assistant Kabuto. I am the Uchiha family's primary doctor. Your mother allowed us to be with Naruto-san alone. We asked her to leave because of the delicate situation."

"Orochimaru?" Sasuke tried to recall if he had ever heard the name before. "How could you be my families doctor if I've never seen you, explain yourself before I lose my patience!"

"Of course you haven't seen me, the last time I was here was when I pulled you out of Lady Mikoto fifteen years ago." Orochimaru made a sound that sounded like air being squeezed out of a sac. Was it supposed to be a laugh? Sasuke couldn't tell.

"I'm the Uchiha obstetrician. I specialize in pregnancy, which brings me back to the topic at hand. A sacred life is growing inside your submissive right now. Naruto-san is pregnant."

"Pregnant?" Sasuke repeated the word in disbelief. He dropped to his knees.

"Yes, three weeks to be exact. It seems you impregnated him the night of your wedding since it was exactly three weeks ago."

Sasuke's heart hammered in his chest. He couldn't contain his happiness. Naruto was really pregnant. His love was going to bear him a child. Sasuke instinctually touched his forehead to the cold surface of the ground.

Years ago, when Naruto had first come to the Uchiha clan Sasuke had seen his brother bow exactly like this to Naruto. Naruto had been ten back then and had belonged to Itachi but now Naruto was his and carrying his child.

He could still remember Gaara explaining to him that this bow represented the ultimate sign of respect to the submissive that carried your child. Sasuke stayed in the bow for a minute. He sent a prayer up to Kaguya for giving him this blessing.

"You're a lucky man, Uchiha-sama." Kabuto jested after a long minute had passed.

"Yes, incredibly lucky. Naruto is unlike any submissive I've ever examined before." Orochimaru seconded.

"That tattoo on his stomach seems to be a seal with the intended purpose of aiding Naruto-san during his pregnancy. It's filled to the brim with stored chakra but it appears it's only sharing the chakra with the fetus and not Naruto-san."

"Get out." Sasuke ordered the two doctors. They were speaking to him but he couldn't pay attention to a thing they said.

How could he when he had just been given the happiest news of his life? He stared at Naruto as he got up. His loves eyes were closed, he was covered up to his waist and his little hands were cradling his stomach. Even as he slept he was unconsciously protecting their child.

"As you wish Uchiha-sama. We'll be right outside discussing the situation with your father." The two doctors bowed and then left.

Sasuke looked down lovingly at his mate. He ran his hand through Naruto's hair and then touched the soft skin of Naruto's lips.

"My pretty little sovereign." Sasuke cooed.

"Yes?" Naruto murmured. His blue eyes fluttered open. He pursed his lips so that he could kiss Sasuke's finger. Naruto's voice was thick with sleep, it was adorable to Sasuke.

"You're carrying my child, I'm so happy."

"I am?!" Naruto clambered up but Sasuke gently pushed him back down. "Yes, you are. Be careful, don't make such sudden movements."

"I'm pregnant?" Naruto's eyes began to flow over with tears. The last thing he remembered was trying to form a rasengan to attack Sakura and then losing consciousness.

He never expected to wake up to this glorious news. He grabbed Sasuke's cheeks and pulled his mate down into a kiss. "Thank you." Naruto cried. He kissed Sasuke again and again until he calmed down.

Naruto rubbed his flat stomach. He was eternally grateful to Sasuke. Kaguya takes and gives. She had taken Konan but in return she had given Naruto a new life...something even more precious, something that was all his.

Sasuke's child.


Sakura hummed to herself the way she always did when she was alone. She glided down the palace halls, aimless, without a real destination. She was only doing this because she wasn't supposed to.

She had been sent to confinement in her room but that didn't matter. She'd never allow that husband stealer to tell her what to do. He could've been the damn emperor and she still wouldn't have listened.

Sakura came to a stop at one of the large portraits hanging in the hall. It was a portrait of Sasuke when he had just gained his half moon mark.

He was beautiful back then too, royal features, an angular jaw, and deep obsidian eyes. Sakura gently touched the gold frame around the painting, if she had her son would he have looked like this?

Sakura continued walking, she was getting angry thinking about her unborn child. Sasuke would've definitely loved her if she birthed a son that looked exactly like him.

She gasped when she saw the new painting hanging at the end of the hall. She ran to it and touched it frantically to check if it were real.

A month ago a painting of Sasuke and herself had been hanging here but now a newly painted painting of Naruto and Sasuke had replaced it.

In the painting Sasuke was seated on a throne and Naruto was standing dutifully beside him. Naruto's hand was resting on Sasuke's shoulder and his wedding ring was on clear display. He was dressed in a royal red kimono while Sasuke was dressed in all black.

The painter had made sure to add extra red pigment to the dots on Naruto's forehead for added effect. Sakura wanted to scream. She wasn't angry that they had replaced her portrait so fast she was angry at how Sasuke looked in the painting.

In their own painting Sasuke had looked so grim, and unhappy. Sakura had believed that that was just how Sasuke always was but no-the only person it seemed who could make Sasuke smile was that blond idiot.

Suddenly a maid carrying a mountain of pillows came barreling down the hallway. She was sweaty, the sound of her small feet pitting against the floor caught Sakura's attention.

"Excuse me!" The maid called as she skittered around a butler.

Sakura recognized the maid. She was the maid that was always eager to help Naruto. She could remember Naruto annoyingly referring to the maid as Rin.

"Oh, Sakura-san!" Rin greeted when she noticed Sakura's presence. She attempted to bow out of habit but couldn't because of all the pillows in her arms.

"What are you doing out of your sleeping chambers? If someone sees you you can get in trouble!"

"That old bat doesn't control me."

"I'm not talking about Mikoto-san! I'm talking about sasuke-sama, he heard about what happened earlier. How you provoked naruto and how he fainted! He's furious!"

"He is?" Sakura laughed. "Good maybe now he'll come visit me. He's been ignoring me this whole time as if I don't exist. He's forgotten that I was once special enough to him that he entrusted me with his child inside me."

"Sakura-san!" Rin huffed. She quickly glanced around nervously to see if anyone had heard. She sighed when she saw they were alone.

"From now on be careful what you say. If you value your life I'd stay out of sight for the next couple of days. Sasuke-sama is very angry with you. You endangered Naruto-sama's life which Sasuke-sama won't forgive since Naruto-sama is pregnant."

Sakura's reaction was instantaneous. She screamed. It was a primal yell, full on unbridled fury. Rin dropped her bundle of pillows and ran away from the terrifying ex-princess as fast as she could.

Sakura was hyperventilating; the air couldn't get into her lungs fast enough. She ignited her hand in a green light and slashed at the palace walls.

"I'll kill him!" Sakura wailed. She slashed the painting on the wall until Naruto's face was unrecognizable.

She was going to get Naruto back and she knew the perfect way to do it. Sasuke wasn't the only dominant in Fire Country who coveted Naruto; it was about time the blond realized that. It'd take time for her plan to come to fruition but the results would be more than worth it.


One month later

All of Fire Country now knew of the Uchiha sovereign's pregnancy. Royals from all over Fire Country had sent gifts to Naruto and Sasuke.

Even royals from Whirlpool had sent elaborate presents, it was like they were all trying to out do each other in a bid of who could send the Uchiha royal couple the most expensive present. Even the emperor of Whirlpool had sent Naruto a golden, sapphire encrusted, pacifier that had the whirlpool insignia on it.

When the emperor of fire country had learned this news he had in turn sent Naruto a golden pacifier, encrusted in brilliant glittering red rubies, that had the Fire Country insignia on it. This only made everyone else want to join in on the present giving. It was a time of celebration, the Uchiha clan rejoiced in the news that their sovereign would be giving their clan an heir.

It seemed everyone was excited for the news that was except for Naruto's parents. After Konan's assassination they had wanted Naruto to go back to the Uzumaki clan immediately but of course that was impossible since Naruto no longer belonged to the Uzumaki clan. They didn't want Naruto or their unborn grandchild to be there with a killer on the loose but they had no choice.

The only way Naruto could appease his parents was by allowing them to pick out a new handmaiden for him. Of course it was to be a handmaiden with Uzumaki blood flowing through their veins.

This decision had happened a month ago and now today was the fated day that Naruto's new handmaiden was to arrive. He didn't know who they were; all he knew was that they'd be here today.

Naruto readied himself in the vanity mirror. He felt excited, the thought of having someone from home, another person other than Sasuke who knew his language, a person who knew all of the intricacies of his culture, a person who could possibly fill the place that had been left by Konan-excited him.

Rin helped him dress into a heavy red winter kimono. Soon his handmaiden would be the one helping him do this. Naruto smiled at the thought.

Rin draped a black wolf pelt over his shoulders and then styled his hair into a braided bun and stuck a chain of dangling rubies in it.

"You look beautiful, I always love to see you in our clans colors." Sasuke said from the doorway.

Naruto turned around and flashed a big cheesy grin at his mate.

"Today's a special day. My new handmaiden is coming, Sasuke!" Naruto all but squealed. He stood up and ran so that he could smoother Sasuke's face with kisses.

"I suppose I should be thankful that your parents sent you a new one, it's allowed me to be graced with this lovely greeting." Sasuke encircled his arms around Naruto's waist and kissed Naruto hungrily back.

"I'm so excited I'm going to go outside and wait for them! I want to be there the second they arrive!"

"Absolutely not."

"Why not?" Naruto was genuinely confused by Sasuke's firm rejection of his plan.

"You're pregnant and that killer is still on the loose. You can't use any jutsus while you're like this, I can't take that risk."

"That isn't fair!" Naruto pouted. "I'm pregnant not incapable of performing basic acts, Sasuke. I can defend myself just fine. I'm not that weak you of all people should know that!"

"If I may be so bold to say that Naruto-sama has been cooped up in the palace for the last month. His new handmaiden has made the long journey all the way from Whirlpool just to attend to Naruto-sama, please consider letting him go outside to wait, Uchiha-sama." Rin said nervously. She wrung her hands together and stared down at her feet in fear that the Uchiha king would lash out at her for speaking out of place.

The tell tale signs of anger began to filter across Sasuke's face but then they abruptly dissipated.

"Fine." Sasuke reluctantly gave in. "But I'm going with you,"

Naruto tiptoed and kissed Sasuke's cheek.

"Thank you, I knew you'd give in!"


Naruto giddily watched the icy road in front of the palace. Any second now a carriage carrying his new handmaiden would come rolling down the snowy pathway.

Sasuke held onto Naruto's hand. He felt like if he let go Naruto would run down the ice-covered road until he reached the carriage.

"Look, Sasuke, there it is!" Naruto jumped up and down and pointed at the carriage with a flag of the Uzumaki clan crest on it.

"Careful, love. You might get sick if you continue to jump like that. We don't want another episode of what happened yesterday morning to happen again."

Naruto blushed and immediately stopped. The vivid memory of the bout of morning sickness he had suffered through all yesterday morning surfaced to his mind.

"Sorry I'm just really happy right now." Naruto confessed. "The thought of someone like Konan being by my side again is exciting."

Sasuke chuckled. "I know."

The carriage came to a stop in front of Naruto and Sasuke. The driver hopped down, bowed to the Uchiha king and the sovereign and then opened the carriage door.

"Naruto-nii!" A blond came running out of the carriage. He enveloped Naruto in a vice tight grip, separating Naruto from Sasuke's hold. The blond was a whole head taller than Naruto and also a bit more muscular. His blond hair was also a shade darker, almost the same color of a sunflower in the height of spring. The blond wasn't wearing a traditional kimono; instead he wore a long sleeved blue yukata and tight fitting training pants. The Uzumaki clan crest was emblazoned in bright blue stitching on the back of his yukata. From his appearance it was easy to see that he was obviously a submissive but the sun mark on the inside of his palm was clear definite evidence that he was in fact a submissive. He could've easily been mistaken for Naruto's older brother.

"Dei-kun! It's so good to see you! I can't believe mother sent you to become my new handmaiden?" Naruto was in tears now, hugging the blond as if he were his whole world. Sasuke was admittedly jealous but he'd let it slide seeing as the blond was a mere submissive. "But you're not a handmaiden, you're a royal? Why are you here?"

"I know I'm not but aunt Kushina asked me personally to come watch over you. Konan's murder has riled her up greatly. She wanted to come watch over you herself but uncle Minato wouldn't let her, he needs her help to train Karin for the throne." Deidara narrowed his deep blue eyes at Sasuke, "Kushina-san knows I can protect you from anything or anyone."

Sasuke stiffened. Was this submissive insinuating that he would harm Naruto? Sasuke wanted to laugh, was it predestined that every submissive from Whirlpool other than Naruto hate him?

Deidara took a step back and took in Naruto's appearance. "Your kimono looks so northern, you look like one of the people from those paintings Grandma Mito used to have hanging in her tea room."

"The one with the geishas in the snow?" Naruto giggled. A series of quips were exchanged between Naruto and his cousin. Their bond was obviously close; it was the type of bond that could only be shared by two people who had grown up together. Sasuke envied it; his bond with his own cousin was nowhere near this level of closeness. The only thing he and Gaara shared in common was probably their familiar bloodline.

"You look so different, you look older somehow and your scent, it's so mature! I can smell your alpha on you." Deidara exclaimed, "I can't believe that my sweet little Naruto-nii got himself an alpha and is now pregnant." Deidara caressed Naruto's stomach, "and you even did it all before me!"

Naruto's face burned bright red. Deidara was older than him by six years. He had always been more mature but now Naruto had beaten him to a major milestone. It was an odd feeling to say the least.

"I can imagine how heartbroken Nagato-san would be if he got a look at you now. He'd probably cry an entire river. He was so in love with you and now you're pregnant with another alphas child!"

Naruto quickly put his finger to his lips to signal Deidara to shut up. Deidara's eyes widened when he realized what had just happened.

"He understood what I just said, huh?" Deidara gasped. He bowed quickly "Please forgive me! I didn't know you understood our language! I'll speak your language from now on, I've been studying it for the last month!" Deidara tried to explain but it was obvious that Sasuke wasn't listening. He was breathing hard and his eyes had turned a strange red color.

Naruto latched onto Sasuke's arms in an attempt to calm his mate down.

"Who's Nagato?" Sasuke growled.

"No one important!"

"Are you kidding me? Not important? He was this royal alpha who was completely obsessed with Naruto-nii! It was weird because he's our cousin but you know how it is-you can't help who you fall in love wi-"

"Dei! Shut up already!" Naruto screamed. Sasuke's fingertips were each ignited with a little flame. His body was ready to battle. Naruto grabbed Sasuke's face in his hands. He forced Sasuke's face down to his and stared into Sasuke's red eyes.

"Don't get angry, you already know you're the only alpha I want." Naruto pressed a kiss to Sasuke's lips, "you're the only alpha whose seed I'd ever let enter me. I would never let another alpha have me since I am already yours." The words were like a magic spell, Sasuke instantly calmed down. His fire-tinged fingertips went back to normal and his red eyes bleed back to black.

"I can't believe this!" Deidara's entire face was red, "you really are grown up! Only an adult would be able to handle an alpha like that, you're no longer my little baby bird. God, auntie Kushina would lose her mind if she heard what you just said to your mate! Or even worse I think uncle Minato would literally implode to hear his baby princess say such things!"

"Okay I've had enough of this." Sasuke scowled. "How is a mere submissive supposed to protect my mate? Konan was a submissive and she ended up dead what's one more submissive supposed to do?"

Deidara grinned. A big and flashy smile that immediately irritated Sasuke.

"I'm quite confident in my skills, Uchiha-san." Deidara opened his palm and a white bird made of what looked like clay appeared.

"So, you're going to protect Naruto with a clay bird? Are you trying to insult me even more?"

Deidara laughed madly, his deep blue eyes opened wide. He looked like a raving mad lunatic. "This isn't an ordinary clay bird!" Deidara shouted.

"Oh, no." Naruto muttered underneath his breath. He blocked Sasuke with his body from Deidara and then covered his ears.

"This isn't just a bird! It's art incarnate! It bends and snaps to my every littlest whim! I create it and then-"

A blast went off in Deidara's hand. Sasuke instinctually wrapped his arms around Naruto and faced him away from the bomb.

"I destroy it!" Deidara finished. In his hand were the weathered clay remnants of the clay bird. "And that wasn't even a strong one! I'll protect my cousin with these little bombs I call masterpieces! So don't doubt my abilities! Auntie Kushina sent me here because she knew I'd be able to keep my cousin safe, I'm the strongest omega in the entire royal family, hnn!"

"It's true. When Deidara was twelve he protected me from a group of alphas who had wanted to defile me just so they could see what sleeping with the son of a king was like."

"Oh yeah I remember that! I stuffed one of my bombs down one of their throats!" Deidara laughed, "poor Naruto-nii, the disgusting bastard exploded all over and got Naruto's pretty yellow kimono all dirty!"

Sasuke frowned; he could already tell that he and Deidara weren't going to get along. He'd just have to find a way to put up with it though because Deidara was indeed strong and that was the type of guard he needed protecting Naruto.

"Okay, fine I'll entrust Naruto into your care when I'm not able to be with him."

Deidara rolled his eyes. "Obviously. Who else would you entrust my precious cousin to?" Deidara pinched Naruto's pink cheeks, "only I could do such a job!"

"I'm so excited Dei! Let's go I'll show you all around the palace, you're going to love it here!" Naruto pulled Deidara's hand.

"Okay, try and keep up with us, Uchiha-san!" Deidara teased as he and Naruto began the trek up the snowy pathway to the palace.

Sasuke sighed and followed behind. He was just happy that his love was happy.


"This is my bedroom, I only sleep in here during the days when Sasuke is away and I need to rest for a little, the sleeping chambers I share with Sasuke is right down the hall." Naruto kept walking, right pass his old room and continued down the hall. He was giving Deidara a tour of the entire palace; Sasuke had had to go take care of some things with his father so it was jut Naruto and his cousin walking around now.

"Down there is one of Sasuke's study rooms, although to be honest I've never seen him inside of it-"

"Hey what's in that room?" Deidara pointed to a large wooden door at the end of the hall. There were two masked man standing at each side of the door.

Naruto's eyes shone as he looked at the door. "That room is my favorite room in the entire house." Naruto smiled.

"Why?" Deidara observed the closed door curiously.

"Come, I'll show you." Naruto took Deidara's hand led him to the door.

The two guards bowed to their knee when Naruto arrived.

"Here to visit again? Our sovereign blesses us practically each day with his beautiful face, we are entirely humbled."

"Rise, it is I who is humbled by your continued service to keeping him safe."

The guards bowed again and then granted Naruto and Deidara access into the room.

The sweet smell of burning incense immediately assaulted Deidara's senses. Through the billowy smoke he could see a large bed in the center of the room. There were black sheer shawls canopied over the bed, through the semi-transparent material of the shawl Deidara could see the silhouette of a man with his head propped against a mountain of pillows and his arms laying at his sides.

Deidara hesitantly followed behind Naruto until they reached the side of the bed.

"Who is that?" Deidara asked tensely. Now that they were closer Deidara could make out the man's features. His long black hair was tied into a low ponytail and hung on his shoulder. His skin was pale and his eyes were closed. He looked like a sleeping god; Deidara was instantly transfixed by the man's beauty.

"This is Itachi-san, my betrothed before Sasuke. He was defeated in a duel trying to fight for my honor."

"This is Itachi!" Deidara exclaimed. He knew the name but he had never actually seen the face the name belonged to.

"Yes. This is Sasuke's older brother."

Deidara gaped.

"How? They look nothing alike! Sasuke's all...and Itachi's so pretty!?"

Naruto giggled, "Sasuke wouldn't like it if he heard you say that."

Deidara grinned, "Sasuke-san probably won't like a lot of the things I have to say."

"Yeah, you have a special talent for getting on people's nerves." Naruto agreed happily. "Anyways it's almost time for dinner, let's get going."

Deidara nodded and trailed behind Naruto as they left the room. Before the doors shut he got one last look at the beautiful man lying on the bed.

Itachi-san. Deidara smiled. Even the name was beautiful.


"So you're Naruto's cousin?" Mikoto asked later on at dinner.

"Yup." Deidara replied as he shoveled a piping hot spoonful of broth into his mouth.

"You're his cousin but you're also his handmaiden?" Mikoto was trying to make sense of it all.

"Yeah, my mother is Naruto's fathers sister. She married outside the clan so I'm technically not an Uzumaki in name but yeah, we're cousins."

"I see, well that's certainly interesting isn't it honey?" Mikoto nudged Fugaku's leg with her foot but Fugaku wasn't even listening to the conversation. He was deep in an important discussion with Sasuke.

Once again Fugaku and Sasuke had brought clan ordeals home with them. Naruto had been alternating between listening in on Sasuke and Fugaku's discussion and Mikoto and Deidara's discussion.

Sasuke looked so stressed it hurt Naruto to see his mate so exhausted.

As the new king of the Uchiha clan Sasuke had many new responsibilities. He had literally inherited all of Itachi's responsibilities. Growing up he had never been given lessons on how to run the clan, he had never had to learn the inner workings and set up of the clan, or learn about how to deal with foreign and internal affairs. Itachi had been the one to receive the lessons; it was his birthright to inherit the clans throne so from an early age Itachi had learned it all. But now Sasuke was trying to play catch up and learn everything at once. Naruto could tell that it tired Sasuke immensely.

"We need the Akimichi clans support if we want the emperor to go with the proposal we submitted. The river is on their clan territory."

"I know father I'll have the proposal written up by tomorrow morning."

"No, we need it before then. Have it ready by tonight. I want to send it by tomorrow morning."


"You also need to pay a visit to Inoichi. He plans to pick a dominant for his daughter and he wants the Uchiha clan to agree to the person he chooses. It's an honor so make sure you help him pick a capable dominant but not one who could challenge us in the future."

Sasuke nodded. There were bags underneath his beautiful black eyes. Naruto wanted to get up a kiss them.

"Oh and you also have to attend a lunch with the emperors son. He wants to discuss future projects concerning tax distribution throughout the clans."

The table occupants were now all paying attention to Sasuke and his fathers conversation. It was hard to ignore when Sasuke looked so uncharacteristically sullen.

"I guess being a king is hard work." Deidara muttered discreetly to Naruto. "Minato-san made it look easy."

Naruto couldn't take it anymore. His alpha looked ragged. He hadn't really noticed how much responsibility Sasuke now had. He was always coming home late but he'd always give Naruto the love affection that he craved. He was even nicer now since Naruto was pregnant. His poor mate had been suffering this entire past month.

Naruto got up and without giving it a second thought he plopped right into Sasuke's lap.

"What's all this?" Sasuke asked surprised. His tired eyes illuminated with mirth as he wrapped his arms around Naruto's stomach.

"I just wanted to sit with Sasuke." Naruto whispered. He leaned forward and done how he had wanted to do earlier and kissed the bags underneath his mates sleepy looking eyes. "After you're done writing that proposal I'll be waiting for you in our bedroom. You do so much; you don't have to stress on your own. I'll always be here for you."

"Thank you, love." Sasuke kissed Naruto's pouty pink lips. "You know exactly what to say to ease my mind."

Fugaku scowled at the open display of affection. He said nothing though; his son was stupidly in love with his submissive so he knew Sasuke would find nothing wrong with what Naruto had just done. His son was dumb but he'd allow it since Naruto would soon give him what he wanted. The child growing inside him would make up for all of the disgraceful habits Naruto had brought into the Uchiha clan.

The Uchiha family continued eating with Naruto snuggled right on Sasuke's lap. No one said anything except for Naruto who'd occasionally coo sweet nothings to his exhausted alpha.


For the past two months Sasuke had been baring the stress of all of the kingly duties he had inherited from becoming the new ruler of the Uchiha clan. One of the many new responsibilities Sasuke had inherited was maintaining the various relationships between all of the clans in fire country and the Uchiha clan. It was important to keep allies happy so that in the event that war broke out the Uchiha clan would have other clans to depend on. The Uchiha clan was strong on their own but having trustworthy allies to rely on just in case war broke out was important. Sasuke's father had stressed this numerous times. Which was why Sasuke was currently watching a duel between the Aburame clans heir, Shino, and the Sarutobi clans heir Konohamaru.

It was tiresome. Shino's ability to manipulate bugs to attack his opponent was disturbing and Konohamru was like a puppy, yapping about how strong he was but never actually attacking. They were both utterly pitiful. It was astounding that they could be considered heirs to any clan.

Being in the coliseum was also a bit hard for Sasuke. It still brought back bad memories. It was the last place he had seen Itachi conscious. Sasuke shut his eyes and tried to dissipate the vivid memory of Itachi after the duel. All the blood...the anger and fear in Itachi's eyes...the way he held his hands up to shield his face when Neji delivered the final blow...


Sasuke's black eyes snapped open. His heart was racing. He looked down to the arena. Shino was controlling a large purple beetle to attack Konohamaru. Sasuke sighed. He didn't know why but he had thought that when looked to the arena, Itachi would be down there lying in a pool of blood.

"Sasuke?" Naruto' called again. His sweet voice soothed Sasuke's frayed nerves. "You've been acting weird all day, I'm worried."

"Don't be." Sasuke cooed. His submissive shouldn't have to worry about him. "It's just...hard being here."

"I'm sorry. I wish we didn't have to come today either." Naruto completely understood. It was hard being in the coliseum for him too. He couldn't imagine how hard it must've been for Sasuke who had loved his brother so dearly.

"It's easier being here with you by my side though." Sasuke confessed. He held Naruto's hand and kissed the back of it softly. It was true, when Naruto was beside him; dealing with the trauma of what had happened to his brother was easier to digest. It wasn't only with Itachi's loss; it was with everything else as well. All of the new responsibilities Sasuke had inherited, including having to attend this boring duel, was easier because Naruto's calming presence enabled him to get through it.

"I'm happy that I can at least do this much for you then." Naruto blushed. He wanted to kiss Sasuke's lips but he couldn't because they were in public.

"You do much more than just that, love," Sasuke could see the craving in Naruto's eyes. When Naruto wanted a kiss he'd unconsciously lick his lips. Sasuke found the odd habit precious. "Come here." Sasuke cupped Naruto's cheek and kissed him. He bit Naruto's lips softly and then pulled away.

An outburst of cheers and hoots erupted. A crowd of commoners who were intensely observing the royal Uchiha couple up in their high up boxed seating was yelling in cheer over the beautiful kiss. For many of them, it was like seeing two gods kiss.

Naruto's cheeks flared red. Sasuke smirked. The commoners were annoying but Naruto's reaction was the cutest thing he had seen all day.

"Look at the sky." Naruto said to change the romantically charged atmosphere. It'd be no good if he let his hormones get the better of him in such a public place. "It looks like it might rain."

The clouds in the sky were gray and swollen. They looked ready to burst.

"Oh really, you've never shown such interest in the weather." Sasuke smirked as he stole another kiss from Naruto. "Are you trying to stop me from kissing you?"

The crowd cheered when the Uchiha king kissed his beautiful sovereign again. They all shouted praises of joy; they knew how lucky they were to witness such a rare public display of affection between a king and his submissive. Naruto gave in and let his self be swept up with the flow. Sasuke's advances were irrefutable and he loved it. He languidly moved his lips back against Sasuke's, even when he heard the delicate sound of raindrops thumping against the arena ground Naruto didn't stop.


The duel finally ended an hour later. The day had turned cold and wet and Sasuke wanted nothing more than to go home and be at peace alone with Naruto. But one of the annoying things about being a king was that unlike the rest of the commoners who could leave right after the duel was done, he had to go personally congratulate the winner.

"It's an honor that you attended my duel, Sasuke-sama." Shino Aburame bowed. He was the heir to a low level clan; his short black hair and dull brown eyes were unimpressive, just like his clan.

"It's an even greater honor that you allowed Naruto-sama to attend as well." Shino bowed lowly to Naruto who was standing demurely beside Sasuke with his hands folded over his swollen stomach. The sweet scent of pregnancy that Naruto gave off was intoxicating. It made the hairs on the back of Shino's neck stand. "I've never seen a sovereign this up close before so I have to thank you for the opportunity, Uchiha-sama."

"Really? Then you should come by my palace sometime. You can get your fill of seeing my sovereign while we discuss business."

"Yes, of course! I'll tell my father, he'll be so elated!" Shino replied enthusiastically.

"I'm glad. Hopefully we can deepen the bond between our clans in the future." Sasuke forced a smile. He didn't know why his father made him attend this duel. He didn't understand how a weak clan like the Aburame clan could ever be an ally they could rely on. He understood the importance of having alliances but what were the Aburame clan going to do to aid them during a battle? Release a thousand bees and sting the enemy to death? Sasuke laughed. He could vividly imagine it.

"What's so funny, Sasuke-sama?" Shino questioned. Confused by the Uchiha kings sudden laughter.

"Nothing." Sasuke swallowed his mirth. "It was also an honor for me to attend your duel, I can now see why my father thinks so highly of your clan." Sasuke lied effortlessly. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to not laugh again.

"Thank you, when I become ruler of my clan in a years time I'll remember your kind words."

"In a years time? It's so soon, congratulations." It was Sasuke's duty to at least appear like he cared about Shino and his clan.

"I hope to be a king like you and find a submissive just like yours." Shino said sheepishly. His brown eyes glanced back nervously in Naruto's direction. Shino wanted to run his hands against the stiff fabric of Naruto's red obi and fell the swell of his stomach. A pregnant submissive, especially one as pretty as Naruto, was such a tempting sight he could hardly contain himself.

"Oh, just like Naruto?" Sasuke's chest swelled with pride. There were many dominants that wanted his submissive but none of them would ever have a taste. He wanted to laugh in Shino's face. He'd never find a submissive like Naruto. He'd end up with a low level, unimpressive submissive just like himself. If Shino were a higher ranking dominant Sasuke would've been angered by Shino's admiration for Naruto but since Shino was nothing Sasuke found Shino's admiration for Naruto amusing.

Shino nodded. "Yes, I want someone exactly like Naruto, with hair kissed by the sun and eyes as blue as the sky. Someone who can carry my child inside them and look beautiful while doing it." Shino was too embarrassed to look in Naruto's direction as he revealed his hidden desires. "Naruto is perfect in every single way."

"Yes he is, isn't he?" Neji entered the small-boxed seating room.

There was an unknown submissive holding tightly onto his arm. The submissive was small, like a child but the way he held himself was like someone who had lived many years. His eyes were light brown and his hair was black and fell to his waist. His kimono was a dark gray and on his white kimono collar there was a stitched on clan symbol that Sasuke had never seen before. It was four slanted lines. It reminded him of falling rain.

"There isn't a submissive in this world who can compare to Naruto." Neji admired Naruto openly. The brown eyes of the submissive attached to his arm narrowed. "Congratulations on getting Naruto pregnant by the way, he smells ravishing."

"Cut the shit what are you doing here, Hyūga?" Sasuke growled. He had to physically restrain himself to not attack Neji. Unlike Shino, Neji was a high status dominant, which meant Sasuke was greatly offended by his admiration for Naruto.

"I came to watch the duel, same as you, your royal highness." Neji replied sarcastically. "My betrothed was bored, he wanted some entertainment so I brought him here to see a duel. Is that a crime?"

"Betrothed?" Sasuke blurted out. Since when did Neji have a betrothed? He didn't care that Neji was getting married, what he cared about was what Neji getting married meant. Neji would no longer be the heir of the Hyūga clan; he'd become the ruler of it.

"Yes, my betrothed." Neji glared down at the submissive attached to him. "This is Haku of the bloody mist, he's the son of the emperor of Mist country."

An emperor's son? Sasuke wasn't jealous. Naruto's blood was just as pure as any emperor's offspring. What bothered him was that the Hyūga clan had seeked out a bride for Neji outside of Fire Country. It was suspicious.

"Haku of the bloody mist?" Shino asked. Amazement radiated across his bland features. "Its an honor to meet you, your brothers are legends!"

"Thank you, I'll be sure to tell Kisame and Suigetsu you said that." Haku smiled. It was an unnerving smile. Almost unnatural, like he hadn't had much experience in doing it.

"You're a lucky man, Neji-san," Shino looked between Haku and Naruto, his cheeks colored slightly, "I can only pray to Kaguya that she blesses me with a submissive of high quality like the both of you."

"Thank you, Shino-kun!" Naruto smiled cheerfully. "I'm sure she will."

"Thank you." Haku said simply. He looked boredly away from Shino as if Shino hadn't spoken at all. It was like Shino's compliment meant nothing to him.

"There are plenty of high quality submissives in Fire Country, I'm certain Kaguya will bless you with one of them!" Naruto added happily.

"Yes, there are many but none quite like you." Neji interjected. His eyes hadn't left Naruto's face since his arrival.

Haku glared. It was obvious that his betrothed fancied the blond haired submissive. He found it laughable. The blond looked weak, too soft to bear a strong heir. Whatever clan the blond was ruler of was probably a weak one and the child he'd birth would probably be just as weak as well. Was Fire Country full of only weaklings? Haku had been in Fire Country for only a month and had met only a handful of clan heirs so far but all of them had been pitiable. He hated Fire Country and he hated his betrothed.

"My betrothed actually just lied to you," Haku suddenly stated monotonously. "He didn't bring me here to entertain me, we're actually here to invite royal families to our wedding next week." Haku snapped his little fingers. A tall, bronze colored man with a large sword strapped to his back, stalked into the room.

"Zabuza, give me the bag of invitations."

Zabuza grunted. He handed the small submissive a white satin bag and then left the room.

Haku untied the bag and opened it. His brown eyes glanced up to Sasuke, "these invitations were all handwritten and addressed specifically to royal families by a calligrapher, what is your family name?" Haku asked impatiently, he wanted to get this over with and leave already.

"My names Sasuke Uchiha, king of the Uchiha clan." Sasuke replied proudly.

Haku's eyes doubled in size. Uchiha. Haku had heard of the clan before. He had thought the Uchiha clan was merely a legend. He didn't know that they actually existed. They were supposedly gifted with the powers of dragons. His grandmother had told him tales about how the Uchiha's could breath fire and drive a man to insanity with a single look into their eyes. Power was something Haku was attracted to. Dominants should be powerful. Unlike his betrothed, Sasuke's powerful aura was attracting.

"Uchiha?" Haku picked out the invitation and handed it to Sasuke. He "accidentally" let his fingers linger on the skin of Sasuke's palm. "I've heard many great things about your clan, Uchiha-sama."

"I'm pleased to know that an emperors son has heard of my clan." Sasuke smirked. It would've shocked him more if Haku hadn't heard of the Uchiha clan.

"I've been in Fire Country for four whole weeks and I thought I'd never meet a powerful clan who would be able to compete on my clans level-but you've proved me wrong."

Neji jerked his arm out of Haku's hold. "You dare insult me like this? Are you insinuating that my clan is weak or have you forgotten that my clan will become your clan in one week? Why don't you act like the submissive you're supposed to be, huh?!" Neji bellowed.

Haku didn't even flinch at the dominants verbal attack. He snapped his fingers and Zabuza came trudging back in.

"Escort me to the carriage, my betrothed is embarrassing me in front of the king of the Uchiha clan."

Sasuke chuckled at the submissives arrogant behavior. He liked it, Haku's attitude was befitting for someone as annoying as Neji.

"It was a privilege to meet you Sasuke-sama, I can't wait to see you again." Haku smiled that odd smile of his then walked out the room with Zabuza trailing behind him.

Neji looked furious. His hands were clenched tightly into fists. Sasuke loved it. He couldn't have picked out a more perfect submissive for Neji. The bastard deserved a submissive that didn't know how to properly submit or listen.

"I can't wait to see your beautiful wedding, Neji." Sasuke said mockingly. He waved the wedding invitation back and forth in Neji's face.

Neji scowled.

"This might be bad timing I invited to your wedding too Neji-san?" Shino spoke up nervously.

Neji snapped his white eyes at the forgotten Aburame clan heir. "Do whatever you fucking want!"

"And you-" Neji pinned Sasuke with a menacing gaze. "You better not speak a word of what just happened to anyone."

"I don't answer to you," Sasuke laughed, "I hadn't even thought of telling anyone but now-" Sasuke feigned a shocked expression, "if someone were to ask me what Neji Hyūgas betrothed is like, I'm going to have no choice but to tell them aren't I?" Sasuke hitched up his last word to stress the false innocence in his voice.

"I'll kill you if you say anything!"

"You could never kill me, I've been dying to murder you ever since you cheated in the duel against Itachi. If you ever try to fight me I'll show you no mercy."

"Cheated? You saw the fight, I won fairly!"

"Then let's have a re-duel and see who-"

"Sasuke, I feel sick!" Naruto suddenly exclaimed.

Sasuke dropped what he was about to say and looked down at Naruto worriedly.

"What's wrong, love?" Sasuke activated his sharingan and scanned his eyes over Naruto's stomach to check for anything abnormal.

"I don't know. Lets go home." Naruto hid his face in Sasuke's chest and clung to him.

"Fine." Sasuke glared at Neji. "We'll finish this conversation another time."

Neji said nothing. His angry expression said it all.

Shino watched Sasuke leave in silence. The world of high-level clans was vastly different than his own. It both intrigued and terrified him. They were all so full of anger and power. Even high-level submissives seemed different.

Except for Naruto. Naruto had remained a perfect angel through out the entire conversation and had yet managed to end the tense fight by uttering only one sentence. He was in a league of his own, no body had noticed it but Shino sure did and now he was certain that if he ever did find a submissive -they had to be someone exactly like Naruto.


"Are you sure you're feeling better? Is the pregnancy getting to you?" Sasuke asked worriedly later that night.

They were in a palace in the capital; the coliseum was only a few blocks away from their new dwelling. Naruto's proclamation of feeling unwell meant that they couldn't make the two-day carriage ride back to the Uchiha palace in their clan's territory. The palace they were staying in had been bought for this exact purpose. If any member of the Uchiha royal family was in the capital for whatever reason and couldn't or didn't want to make the two day journey back home, they could stay here.

"I told you, I think the cold got to me, I'm fine now. It isn't the baby." Naruto snuggled deep underneath the covers. His back was turned to Sasuke.

"Then why are you acting so weird?"

"I'm not." Naruto replied simply.

"Yes-" Sasuke encircled his arms around Naruto's waist and dragged him closer so that Naruto's body was pushed up against his, "-you are."

Naruto stiffened. He closed his eyes and tried to not let Sasuke's sudden closeness affect him.

"Come on, love, please tell me. I hate not knowing what's wrong with you. You're mad at me, I can sense it. When I hold you like this you usually give off a sweet smell, but right now there's nothing."

Naruto sulked. Sasuke was a fool if he didn't know why he was mad. He turned his body around and sat up.

"You were flirting with that black haired submissive! I was standing right there next to you and you still flirted right in front of me like that!" Naruto cried. "I had to stand there quietly like some statue while he fawned all over you!"

"I flirted with Haku?" Sasuke repeated out loud. He was confused. "I would never do that, love."

"Yes you did!" The tears Naruto had been holding back fell one after another. "We've only been married for a few months and I've already heard of your playboy reputation!" Naruto had heard a lot during his morning walks through the Uchiha clan streets with Deidara. He pretended he couldn't hear what people were whispering but he heard it all. Every single little thing they said. Not only about him but about Sasuke as well. "You've slept with courtesans, concubines, even geishas!" Naruto yelled, he was so angry that his words came out faster than he could think. "You've been with so many whores, I thought that you loved me so I stupidly thought that you'd stop your playboy behavior even though I'm pregnant with your child you're still at it! I can't believe you flirted with that poor excuse of a submissive in front of me! He's not even a submissive, he's a beta! An omega would never act the way he did! But if that's your type then maybe I should-"

Sasuke quickly sat up and kissed Naruto's rapidly moving lips. Naruto instantly stopped talking but the scowl on his face remained.

"I'll admit, in the past I was a bit-"

"-of a whore." Naruto finished heatedly.

"Yeah," Sasuke sighed, "I was young and angry. I was in love with you but I couldn't have you. I wanted to make you mine but I didn't want to hurt my brother. I didn't know what to do with my self. I was also under the impression that you loved Itachi too. I felt bitter. I chased my anger away with pleasure,"

"Why would you assume how i felt about you or Itachi if I wasn't even there!" Naruto sniffled. "I hate Sasuke!"

"Don't say that." Sasuke's inner beast couldn't take Naruto saying such a thing. "I love you so much, all those people I fucked were meaningless, I always imagined that they were you, even when I used to fuck Sakura, I'd imagine she was you."

Naruto blushed. The tears were still slowly falling but there was a small smile stretched across his plump lips. "Really?" Naruto asked skeptically, "you thought about me?"

"I don't think you understand how in love with you I was and am." Sasuke wiped Naruto's tears away as he spoke, "there's no one else I want but you, all other submissives don't even compare."

Naruto's cheeks burned red. "Really?"

"Yes." Sasuke said earnestly. He kissed Naruto's wet cheeks. "I don't want anyone else but you." Sasuke caressed Naruto's stomach, "there isn't anyone else who I'd want to carry my son."

Naruto smiled adoringly at his mate. He kissed Sasuke's jaw. "I'm sorry I got so mad."

"It's okay, there's so many hormones coursing through your body because of your pregnancy that you can't help it," Sasuke chuckled. "And besides I think it's cute when you're angry, you get so riled up that you actually switch to your mother language. You've done it once before when you were cumming while I was inside you. It's adorable."

"I really can't help it!" Naruto exclaimed embarrassed. He hid his face in Sasuke's chest.

"I know it's cute." Sasuke laid back and pulled Naruto down with him so that he was still lying on top of his chest. "So, do you feel better now that you've told me what was bothering you?"

"Yes." Naruto smiled. "Much better."

It was a lie. Sasuke had only alleviated only one of the things that had been bothering him. The other thing on Naruto's mind was something much deeper than jealousy but Sasuke didn't need to know that. Sasuke never needed to know. As long as he was by Sasuke's side he could prevent it from happening.

Naruto closed his eyes as Sasuke played with his hair. He internally vowed to keep Sasuke safe. He couldn't save Itachi but he'd do everything in his power to save Sasuke.


"So this is where we'll be staying tonight?" Haku's brown eyes took in the unimpressive room before him. "I heard the Uchiha's have an entire palace to themselves and yet we have to share this palace with other royal families? Fantastic." Haku huffed out and angry puff of air as he entered the room and looked around.

"You should be grateful you're sleeping in such a luxurious room. I could've had you sleep with the maids." Neji replied morosely.

"There's only one bed where will I be sleeping?" Haku demanded, completely ignoring what Neji had just said.

"You'll be sleeping with me obviously."

"I will do no such thing!" Haku screamed then fell into a laughing fit. "Isn't it against your silly countries rules for a submissive and dominant to be alone together if they aren't married? Wait do you think if we do sleep together our betrothal will be called off because if so then I'll definitely sleep with you." Haku asked expectantly. He sat on the edge of the bed and opened his legs invitingly. He trailed his pale hand against the shiny fabric gathered between his thighs. "If sleeping with you means I'll be free I'll gladly let you bed me."

"Close your legs, don't prostrate yourself like some cheap courtesan!" Neji snapped. "My father would obviously never allow that to happen. He has eyes and ears in this palace. He'd know it if I did anything to you and would put a stop to it."

"That's too bad." Haku deflated. He shut his legs and sprawled them out. "If I didn't have to marry you I could've married someone much stronger than you. Someone like-"

"Shut up." Neji growled.

"Sasuke-san." Haku continued. Unbothered by Neji's warning. "He's such a strong dominant I could sense it." Haku closed his eyes and recollected the masculine aura the Uchiha emitted earlier. "That weak submissive of his is no match for him. He could do much better-"

Neji wrapped his hands around Haku's little neck before he could say another word. "I told you to shut up. Do you think you can sit here and insult me like this and I'll just allow it? You forget that you're no longer in the hidden mist, in this county submissives are supposed to worship their dominants!"

A wicked smile suddenly adorned Haku's doll-like face. He placed his hand over Neji's and instantly Neji's hand was covered in ice.

"What the fuck did you do to me!?" Neji roared as he used his byakugan to analyze what had happened to his hand. "Is this ice!?"

"Stop panicking you look like a crying child. It's unattractive." Haku said with a distasteful expression on his pretty face. "Sasuke-sama would never act in such an undignified way."

"I'll punish you for your insolent behavior!" Neji banged his fist against the wall and the ice shattered off of his hand.

"You and I both know that isn't going to happen." Haku snapped his small fingers and immediately the hulking body of his bodyguard appeared at the doorway. Thick layers of armor covered his tan skin and there was a mask covering the lower half of his face. The large sword strapped to his back was almost as big as him. Anyone who looked at him would be able to tell that he was a man trained to do only one thing and that was kill.

"Zabuza," Haku greeted his bodyguard, he beckoned Zabuza towards him.

"Yes, master?" Zabuza grunted.

"Stand guard outside tonight. My future 'dominant' is acting strange tonight. I fear for my safety without you there." Haku said as he ran his little fingers against the shiny silver steel of the sword on Zabuza's back.

"Is that all, master?" Zabuza asked evenly. He could see right through Haku's innocent act. He knew Haku better than anyone else, his master feared nothing.

"No, also bring me my luggage from the carriage."

"Very well then, I'll be back, master." Zabuza announced then left.

"Try something like that again and I'll freeze your entire body until you resemble an icicle and then I'll have my guard shatter you to pieces with his sword." Haku said in a fake sweet tone when Zabuza left. Haku got up off the bed. "I'll be back, don't wait up."

"Where are you going?" Neji demanded.

"Obviously I'm going in to bathe. Just because I have to share this palace with lowly royals like some beggar doesn't mean I'll act like one. Only a poor commoner would go to bed filthy."

"There's a tub right over there you don't have to go anywhere."

"Do you expect me to bathe with you in here?" Haku laughed.

"I am your future dominant your body will belong to me in the future so yes I do expect you to bathe in here. There are many submissives who'd kill to be in your place so stop misbehaving and do as I say."

Haku rolled his brown eyes. "You could never truly dominant my body, your words hold very little meaning to me. Don't wait up, I'll be back whenever I please." Haku left the room and slammed the door behind him.

Neji hissed. He was so heated he wanted to wring Haku's neck until he couldn't breath anymore. He couldn't of course on the account that Haku was the submissve his father had chosen for him. It wasn't fair; Haku was the most irritating submissive he had ever met. He deserved a submissive of high quality just like Naruto! Someone who'd worship him and attend to his every littlest desire.

There was a knock on the door. Neji got up to answer it. He already had a pretty good guess who it was.

"I knew you'd come back, you wouldn't wander around this palace without your beloved body guard." Neji opened the door expecting to see the annoying face of his betrothed but was stunned to see jade green eyes staring back at him. The person staring at him was cloaked in a robe, their head was covered by a hood and there mouth was covered by a mask.

"Who are you?" Neji ordered.

The hooded person pulled off their mask, revealing pink lips. "I knew you'd be here, Neji-san." The figure spoke and then took down their hood. One look at the unveiled bright pink hair and Neji knew who the person was. "I knew if I waited for a day that Sasuke-kun took Naruto to a duel you'd show up as well since you've been dying to see him."

"What are you doing here, Sakura?" He had hadn't seen Sasuke's old submissive since the wedding. "How you'd know I'd be here? Did Sasuke send you here!?"

"Please lower your voice, no one knows I'm here. I don't have a lot of time but I have a proposition for you. It involves you getting a chance to fuck the submissive you love so much. If you want to hear my plan then let me in."

Neji took less than a second to make up his mind. "Come in, but hurry up I don't have all night."

"You should learn to be a little patient, Neji-san," Sakura smirked, "After all good things always come to those who wait."

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