
Bởi Comin_Frm_Da_Getto

293 6 1

about family a love story about trust about getting hurt with love about falling in love about starting a f... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 10

13 1 0
Bởi Comin_Frm_Da_Getto

Dexdon and I have been married for three months and I love every day of spending time with him I am very happy. Our office is back to normal the student intern has finished her practicum and we signed off on her.  We also decided to hire the temp lady full time so now she works for us. Kato Jen speaks  Spanish, French, and English so now when a non-English speaking person come in she is able to assist us. We are bringing in more clients and making more money.  Our business is growing and I am enjoying it. ( the phone is ringing) Mrs.  Roen line one. Thank You, Ms. Jen. Hello mom can I come to your office I need to talk to you about something very important? Yes, Silver. I will be there in an hour.  We will be closing in an hour. Good, then I will be there. Hi, mother hi Dexdon. Hey Silver how are you doing these days?  Jezell was raped by these two boys on her way home from her friend's house. She said they were going to show her that she is not a boy. And what boys got and what they do with a real penis. Does she know who they are? No. She said they wore something over their faces. Have you taken her to the hospital? Yes. They found semen in her.  What if she is pregnant? We will have to wait and get a pregnancy test done. I am so sorry something like this happen to Jezell that is so very sad. Have you spoken to Hollister? He is on a business trip and I call him and didn't get an answer but I left him a message that he needs to call me ASAP. Mom, they took her clothes off of her and she had to walk home naked. Why didn't she call the police then? She said that they took everything she owned and they threw her phone far out into the water. Mom, they beat her up she was punched in the jaw cut her hair and one took off his belt and hit her with it. I saw about ten belt marks on her body. She said they took turns raping her and at one point one was in the front and one was in the back of her. Then they made her suck their dicks. They told her we should keep you for a couple of days but we will let you go. Then they said to Jezell to ack like a girl now because that is what you are. The people at the hospital took pictures of her entire body. What did the police say to her? They took her statement and went to the area where they were to see if they might find anything. They said they will get back to us in a couple of days. Where are the other girls? We all went to the hospital together. You took them with you? They insisted. All four of them was crying and they didn't want her to be alone. Is the hospital going to admit her? Yes. They want to do some more test on her. What did they do to her when she first got there? They asked her if she had taken a shower? She said no. They said that they will give her something to prevent pregnancy and test her for STI and HIV and other tests. They explained to her that most rapes are committed by someone she knows and they said that only about fifteen to thirty percent are raped by a stranger. I believe this was done by someone she knows someone one at her school. Her sisters are with her right now. Mother, can you please go back up to the hospital with me? Yes, baby. She is in her room and they gave her something to make her sleep. Hey, Silver, I will meet you up there ok. Sure, mom. Dexdon been left the room I guess this really upsets him. Let me go and let him know that I am going up to the hospital with you. Ok, mom, I will see you soon. Yes dear. 

Going to the hospital

Hi Silver. How is she doing? They gave her another shot because she woke up screaming and crying. They need to calm her down. Where are the other girls? They are in the cafeteria getting them something to eat. Have you spoken to Hollister yet? Yes, he is flying back now he got a friend with a plane so he is bringing him back. He should be here soon. Mom do you want to go in her room or sit in the waiting room? I want to sit with my grandbaby. Thanks, mom for being here for me. Honey I am your mother I suppose to be here we are, family and family, suppose to be there through thick and thin. Hi Hollister. Hi mother Rou. Thanks for being here. Oh, that's alright. Where is Silver? She is in the cafeteria with the girls. They are here also? Yes. Silver said they wanted to come. Oh, ok.  Mother Rou will you please sit with the girls in the cafeteria and have Silver to come up here with me. Yes, baby. Thanks. (Hugging) Silver your husband is upstairs with Jezell she is woke now. Did you get the chance to talk to her? Yes. What did she say? All she wanted to know was why did they do this to her? Do they hate me that much? I begged them not to do this. I even offered to pay them some money. They just laughed at me. Then one hit me in my face he punched me with his fist I fell then one of them kicked me and then they pulled my clothes off of me and then they start to do things to me. Grand, I hurt so bad my entire body hurts.  It's like they were waiting for me. One said it's about time you got here I am ready to party. They left me laying there on the ground naked and cold. I don't even remember how I got home. Then she asked me if you were mad at her because of what happened to her. I told no this was not her fault. Then she asked me if I would come and get you and that is when Hollister came in. (opening the door) (hugs and tears) I am sorry mother. Honey this is not your fault I am so sorry this happened to you. Where are my sisters? They are in the cafeteria with your Grand. What did they say about this? What do they think? They stayed here with you for a long time. All they did was cry a lot. Hi, dad (hugging) Honey I am so sorry that something like this happened to you honey I love you so very much (tight long hugging) I love you to dad thank you. Dad, I think they were waiting for me. Ok, did you tell the police that? Yes.  (the nurse is walking in) Excuse me but I have to take Jezell for some Xrays since she was kicked. The doctor wants to make sure nothing was broken. Hey honey. Yes, mother Grand is taking the girls home with her and your dad and I will stay up here with you. Are you guys staying all night? Yes, we are. Ok, mom well I will see you too soon. Grand and the girls came up to Jezell's room to tell her goodnight. Jezell is out taking some test that the doctor ordered if you want to wait she will be right back. Ok, we will wait. Mother is it ok with Dexdon if the girls stayed with you and him for a couple of days? Baby Dexdon don't mind. Honey, they can stay as long as you want them to. Ok, mom. Hi Jezell. Hey Hanna, Corinna, and Alina. Are you alright said, Alina? I will be fine said Jezell. We are going to stay at Grand's condo for a couple of days while mom and dad take care of you said, Corinna. Ok, girls give your sister a big hug so that we can leave. Silver do you need me to bring anything up in the morning when we come? Yes, mother. Can you stop by the house and grab some things for Jezell, please? Sure honey. Jezell is there something special that you want me to bring? Can you please bring my stuffed bear and some clothes. I will stop and buy you a new phone. Thanks, Grand. What kind of phone do you want? Grand, can you get the Inmarsat Isat Phone 2 Satellite Phone? It has everything it's the best satellite phone on the market. It's got global coverage with exception of poles, 24/7 support, GPS, Bluetooth, SMS, SOS emergency button, rugged water and shock resistant design, and the best battery life of any satellite phone. Where can I get that hone from?  The Pot they have all kinds of phones. I will have it activated for you. Thanks, Grand. Let's go girls love you. Dexdon are you in the shower? Yes dear. Well, I have the girls here with me. Ok. Dexdon did you pick up something to eat? Yes, honey. When you called me and told me that you were bringing the girls with you I went and got something to eat. Thanks, dear, I love you. I love you too. Girls go and fix you something to eat and take a shower since it's late and you all have to go to school tomorrow. I am glad we went on and stopped by the house to get some things for Jezell and you two were able to get your school stuff and a change of clothes for school. Grand can we have a hug and kiss before we go to be? Yes, babies. (hugs and Kisses) good night babies I love you. 

Next Day

( Dropping the Girls off at school)

Goodmorning girls, have you eaten and got dressed? Yes, Grand. Ok, get in the car so that we can leave. Do everyone have everything before we pull off? Yes, we do. Ok, we are at your school good everyone goes to the same school. Do everyone have lunch money? Oh no we forgot. Ok her is ten dollars each> Thanks, Grand. (Calling Dexdon) Good morning Dexdon. Goodmorning honey. Are you up yet? I just got up. So the girls made to school on time? Yes dear.  Dexdon I am not sure if I will make it into the office today because I am going to the hospital and give Jezell this phone and then stay for an hour or two and then I will see if Silver want's me to do anything for her. Rou I am so glad that we hired the lady from the temp service. Yes, she is very good. She opens up the office at eight then check our patients in and have their chart and everything ready all I have to do is go in with the patient. So Rou how about we met for lunch? That will be great.  Same place? Yes ok, I will see you then.  (At the hospital) Goodmorning  Silver and Hollister. Did you get any rest? Yes, they brought a bed in here for us. How is Jezell doing? She is better than what she was yesterday. Did they give you the results of any of test? Yes, they did. Everything came back negative she will be fine. When will she be released? They said they will observe her for one more day then if she is alright then she will be released. The signed her up to see a rape counselor and to go and see a psychologist to see if there might be any abnormal or mental behavior because of the rape. The doctor said they will observe her for a couple of months and see if she is ok or if she might need more help. 

Jezell going home

(Phone ringing) Hi mom. Goodmorning Silver. Mom, they are releasing Jezell today. Good. I want the girls to say with you for a little longer. Ok. Oh, and the psychologist saw her this morning and he said she might be suffering from RTS. What is that? They said it is a cluster of psychological and physical signs, symptoms and reactions common to most rape victims immediately following a rape and can also occur for months or years. Silver this is very serious we must make sure she gets the help that she needs. So we will be going back to work and I don't know what to do about Jezell. There is nothing more to do as a parent you have done all you can now it is up to her and the psychologist. She must be willing to open up to these people and let them know how she fills. Mom thanks for watching the girls for me I thought since they came back home things will go back to normal but no. I know I am not a doctor but I watch her and I have seen her in so many different ways. She exhibited signs of a behavior of like she is obsessed with cleanliness she is taking showers five and six times a day. She is blaming herself and is always walking around the house crying. If the doorbell rings she jumps up and runs to her bedroom. She is starting to distance herself from her sisters they use to have a very close relationship. And she wakes up at night in a sweat she is having bad dreams and recurring nightmares. Have you told the doctor this? Yes. They also asked me if she has developed a phobia of anything.  And after I thought about it she doesn't like to go outside she even asked me if she can do online school. They want to put her on an antidepressant. What? Yes. What is it called? Seroquel can be used to help for depression and insomnia and anxiety and is prescribed to some victims  of sexual assault to help them cope. So are you going to allow them to put her on medication. Yes I don't know what else to do for her. I love my child and I want her to get better.  And how is everyone else doing in the family? They are walking on eggshells. They don't know when to talk to her and Hollister don't know when to hug and kiss her. Everyone is so confused. 

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3.2K 12 33
Read it, trust me.
243 7 15
Open mind people living in your head, But one big bad tries to controll you
32.7K 1.4K 41
Just read it, it's a good book trust me😌.
18.2K 180 18
This shit gay asf but it's a good book so you should read it 😁😄😃