My Best Friend Is A Vampire A...

By BrittanyLeigh8

5.4M 102K 20.1K

This a story about Ashlyn and her bestfriend Chase. Summer is over and now school is back in session and Ashl... More

Chapter 1- First Day Back
Chapter 2- The Truth
Chapter 3- Explanations
Chapter 4- Someone's Not Getting It
Chapter 5- Somebody That I Used To Know
Chapter 6- No Choice
Chapter 7- Learning The Truth
Chapter 8- Bonded
Chapter 9- Revelations
Chapter 10- Crystal
Chapter 11- You've Got Some Explaining To Do
Chapter 12- Solution
Chapter 13- Relationships
Chapter 14- The Wedding
Chapter 15- Awakening
Chapter 16- The honeymoon is over
Chapter 17- Security Breech
Chapter 18- Heritage
Chapter 19- Don
Chapter 20- Surprise
Chapter 21- Getting back to humanity
Chapter 22- More Than Friends
Chapter 23- True Feelings
Chapter 25- Taken
Chapter 26- Mover
Chapter 27- Surrogate
Chapter 28- New Feelings and Information
Chapter 29- Dreams and Warnings
Chapter 30- Arrival
Chapter 31- Unfortunate Events
Chapter 32- A Mutual Understanding
Chapter 33- Almost Gone
Chapter 34- Second Chances

Chapter 24- Memories

100K 1.9K 154
By BrittanyLeigh8

(Chapter 24- Memories)


"Well it's just that last night I had a dream about being in a big white dress talking to your mom and she called me your soul mate and daughter- in- law." I said still cracking up.

Chase's face became serious as he muttered what sounded like. "You remembered."

Before I had a chance to ask what it was about he quickly grabbed his phone and dialed a number. Why do I feel like I'm missing something again? I heard Chase frantically telling his dad something but I couldn't make out the words. Downstairs I heard someone practically banging the door in down stairs before they made their way up the stairs.

"Chase we need to find Ashlyn. She wasn't at her house. What if Don has taken her-" Crystal yelled frantically then suddenly stopped when she I was standing there. "Oh crap." She mumbled.

"Umm what's going on?" I asked confused.


"Ashlyn you're here." Crystal said surprise clear in her voice. I had a feeling she wasn't expecting me to be here.

"Um...Yeah." I said not sure way it was a shock.

"It's just I thought you were at home. You called me remember?" She reminded me.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry I forgot." I said slapping my head.

I sould have called her to tell her I wasn't going to be home but I forgot. I guess I could see why she was confused now.

"You had us really worried." She said.

"Us?" I questioned looking at her and Josh.

"Yeah Josh and me." She explained.

Oh right! It's weird thinking of them as a couple now. That's going to take some getting used to. They are cute together though.

"I'm fine. No need to be worried." I said.

Crystal ran over and threw her arms around me squeezing me tight. What is with her? Was all this just because she thought I was gone? Seriously what could have really happened to me? Nothing bad ever happens here they should know that. I think she is just over reacting.

"It's ok Crystal." I said patting her on the shoulder and that's when I noticed it, the ring.

I starred over Crystals shoulder at the ring on my left hand. Where did it come from and how have I not noticed this before? It was beautiful and big and defiantly something that shouldn't be missed. What's even more strange is it feels like it's meant to be there. I feel so comfortable with it on that I didn't even notice it there. Suddenly that déjà vu came over me again and something flashed through my mind.


"Ashlyn Grace Wells, I have loved you since the first day I saw in the fourth grade even though I didn't show it. You have been my best friend, my love, my ally and my accomplice." He laughed as he said accomplice and so did I. We used to always get in trouble together and always helped each other out as well. "I could never imagine myself with anyone else in the world. I love you more than you could ever know so if you will I would like to add one more thing to that list." He pulled a beautiful ring out of his pocket before placing it at the tip of my finger. "Ashlyn will you marry me and be my wife making me the happiest person in the world?" He smiled.

"Yes." I said letting the tears fall. "Yes Chase I will marry you. Nothing would make me happier."

Chase placed the ring on my finger and stood up and hugged me whispering 'I love you' in my ear. I can't believe I was just proposed to in the most beautiful way I could imagine at my very own wedding by the man I loved the most.


I dropped my hand from Crystals shoulder and slowly backed away. To say I was freaked out right now would be an understatement. Crystal gave me a worried look and glance at Josh. They knew something and they weren't telling me.

"What's wrong?" Crystal asked worriedly.

"Where did this ring come from?" I held up my finger to show them.

Crystal laughed nervously and scratched her head acting unsure of what to do and that's when I noticed her ring. What? She has one to? I gasped and Crystal followed my eyes until she seen why?

"Ashlyn we can explain?" Josh said.

"We?" I questioned. "Who is we?"

"Chase." Crystal yelled. "We need you."

Suddenly I started to feel trapped. I knew for sure now that something was being kept from me. I slowly backed up from them as they closed in. I kept going until my back hit the wall behind me. I don't know why but instinct told me to protect myself. I looked around frantically until I noticed a lamp sitting on the table next to me. Something about it was vaguely familiar to.

"What's going on?" Chase asked running into the room.

"I don't know you tell me." I stated still a little scared.

"She saw the ring." Crystal told Chase. He gave her a worried look before proceeding in my direction.

"Darlin' just let me explain." He said cautiously.

"No." I screamed and grabbed the lamp from the night stand. As soon as I did it another memory or vision or whatever it was came through.


The second I saw Chase's fangs I knew the truth. He was a vampire and wasn't lying, but how could that be? Vampires aren't real and I'm pretty sure he wasn't like this before I would have noticed. He was certainly never jealous before nor was he the type to be controlling or dominating. During my screaming episode, Chase raced over to me like a flash of lightning and covered my mouth with his hand.

"No one can hear you screaming so it's pointless." He interrupted cockily

He kept his hand over my mouth for a minute until he was sure I was done screaming. After he removed his hand I caught my breath. I may not be screaming but I 'm still pretty much freaked out, not really sure what to say or do I just stood there too afraid to move. I watched him cautiously. How am I gonna get out of here?


Okay now that stunned me. So not only was my best friend a vampire but a royal one at that. I was starting to feel like I never really knew him at all. It was like I was looking at a completely different person. He seemed way to calm about this to me but I guess he had the whole summer to get used to it.

"So let me get this straight. You are a vampire prince?" I said still flabbergasted by his story.

"Yep" He said popping the P.

I took in a deep breath, okay now for the rest of what I was afraid of asking. What was I in all of this? What did I have to do with it? I really didn't want to know but I knew I had to so I worked up the courage and asked.

"What does any of this have to do with me?"

"Well you are my soul mate and that's why I came back here, to claim what's mine. We are to leave for Italy tomorrow. Then when we arrive I will make you my vampire princess and then I will change you."

Okay that made me snap. I could no longer remain calm. Who the hell did he think he is?! There is no way I am going to Italy! And there is definitely no way I am going to become a vampire. I just wanted a normal life and a normal boyfriend and go off to normal college. I am not about to give that up, not without a fight. I quickly jumped off the bed and backed up against the wall. I grabbed the closest thing to me to use as a weapon. It just so happen to be a lamp. It probably wouldn't help but I refused to be totally defenseless.

"Ashlyn what are you doing?" He asked sighing in annoyance.

"What the hell makes you think that I want any of this? I can't go to Italy I have a family and friends." I Screamed.


My head was spinning from what I just saw. What the hell is happening to me? Does that mean Chase was a vampire? That can't be, vampire aren't real. Right? I don't know but either way I'm not sticking around to find out.

I slowly started making my way to the door by inching along the while with the lamp still in hand. Looks like I jerked it from the wall when I grabbed it before. I guess I was stronger than I thought. Their eyes followed me as I got closer to the door.

"Ashlyn where are you going?" Chase asked.

"Away from you." I shouted. Chase looked hurt by my words and his face fell making me feel guilty immediately. Was it a bit too harsh? I quickly shook that thought out of my head; after all he could be a vampire.

"Stop this right now!" Crystal screamed.

I was taken aback by her sudden outburst. This wasn't like Crystal at all. Why was she acting like that? She was my crazy ditzy love struck best friend not whoever this is. It seems like everyone has changed around me recently.

"Ashlyn sit down. We have a lot to tell you." She said seriously.

I quickly sat in the chair next to the door because let's face it this Crystal could be scary.

"Thank you." She said in her normal Crystal attitude. "What I am about to tell you might scare you but keep in mind you are safe here."

I nodded my head in understanding so she would continue. At this point I was growing more interested in what she had to say.

"Ok first off you and Chase are married." She said.

"What?" I shouted.

How could me and Chase be married? I think I would remember that. So unless we both got drunk and flew to Vegas I highly doubt that happened besides I didn't even drink last night and neither did he and what airplane would we have used, his? I laughed to myself on that one, like he would have an airplane.

"Just let her finish there is more." Chase said to me.

"You and Chase are soul mates and belong together just like Josh and me." She said smiling at him lovingly. I guess I was right before.

"How?" I questioned.

"Because Chase is a vampire and so are you. He came back to get you on the first day of school but you freaked out on him apparently and tried to escape so he took you back to Italy where the Royal family lives and kept you there until you learned to accept things." She explained.

"How am I a vampire? I don't crave blood."

Crystal gave Chase a look that said for him to explain to me and he began. "Well that's because you are pregnant and the babies are human. Since we are royal our bodies work different."

"It's true? I'm pregnant?" I gasped. I had a felling what they were saying was the truth now. Crystal isn't the type to pull a joke like this or go along with it and I know Josh isn't.

"Yes." Chase smiled. "We are having twins."

I place a hand on my stomach as I took everything in. It's like there is this whole part of my life that's a mystery to me. I'm a stranger to myself. I slowly let the tears fall from my eyes as I looked at Chase.

"Ashlyn baby what's wrong?" Chase asked scared.

"I can't even remember our babies. I'm a terrible mother." I cried.

"No you're not; it's not your fault what happened." He said soothingly rubbing my back.

"Yeah and if you think about it this is all sort of romantic." Crystal smiled trying to cheer me up.

"How?" I laughed. Yep Crystal was back.

"Well it's kind of like Fifty First Dates where he has to remind her they are in love and all." She said.

I laughed a little and Crystal joined me. She always had a way of cheering people up. That's just Crystal for you. That's one of the reasons she is my best friend.

"Why can't I remember though? What happened to me?" I asked.

Suddenly the light mood was gone and everyone was giving each other hard looks. No one looked happy at that particular moment. It must have been something really bad to make them act this way.

"It was Don. He made you forget." Chase said venomously.

"Don? You mean the guy that walked me home?" I asked confused. It surly couldn't be the same one. He wouldn't do that, he was so nice.

"What?" They all screamed.

"He was here?" Chase yelled.

"Yeah he walked me home after I left here."

"And he just let you go? What happened?" Chase asked.

"Promise you won't get mad?" I said nervously.

"No but tell me anyway." He said seriously.

"He walked me home and kissed me, I was mad at you so I kissed him back. I'm sorry I didn't know anything that was going on. Maybe if all of you would have told me before none of it would have happened." I explained.

Suddenly without warning Chases hand went through the wall and made me flinch. I had never seen Chase so mad before. Should I have not told him about the kiss? Maybe I should have just said he walked me home and that's it. No he wouldn't have believed it. He knew me better than that.

Chase pulled his fist out of the wall for the third time before walking out the door. I quickly followed after him worried of what he was going to do.

"Chase where are you going?" I called.

"To find Don, he won't be getting away with this." He said dangerously.

"Chase please don't, you could get hurt." I said worriedly.

"He has to pay, he crossed a line." He yelled turning toward me.

"I'm sorry." I said as the tears came flowing out of my eyes. "I've ruined everything."

My tears came out heavier at the thought of Chase being angry with me. How could I have been so stupid? Why did I do that? It's like I had no control over the situation. What if he never forgives me? I dropped to my knees holding my head as I cried. Chase made no move to comfort me and neither did anyone else. Instead they were all starring outside in shock. I followed everyone's gaze and saw what they were looking at.

The once beautiful sky was now dark and cloudy as the rain started. Everything looked so gloomy and sad and soon it was coming an all out down pour outside. I dried up my tears and stood up as I was wondered what was happening out side. Once I sobered up the rain began letting up until it finally stopped. Everyone looked at me shocked like I had done something.

"It's her power." Chase said. "I saw it once before when we were leaving from our honeymoon."

All at once my head began to spin and I felt week. My body felt drained of all energy and I could no longer stand. My legs buckled out from under me and I fell to the ground. I braced for the hit to the ground but it never came. I looked up and saw Chase hovering over me holding me in his arms. I placed my hand on his face to show him I still cared just before I lost all conciseness and slipped into the darkness.

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