Jurassic Universe

Oleh Crede24

234 0 7

a Jurassic Story Lebih Banyak

Final Chapter


8 0 0
Oleh Crede24

  Inside the emergency bunker, Grant was walking in circles around a large table waiting for Ellie and Muldoon to get back.

"Grant calm down. They've only been gone for a few minutes." said Gray.

"Actually kid they've been gone for a half hour." said Barry looking at his watch.

"Oh. Never mind then." said Gray.

Just then the door burst open and Ellie came in, she looked like she had just ran a marathon.

"ELLIE!!!" everybody shouted.

"What happened out there!?" asked Claire. "We heard a loud screeching noise from your walki-talkie and we suddenly lost touch with you!"

Ellie quickly explained what happened at the maintenance shed, how she saw one of the Raptors kill Muldoon, and how she had trapped another inside the maintenance shed.

"So it's just four raptors now, right? You're sure the 5th one's contained?" asked Grant.

"Yes, unless they figured out how to open doors." joked Ellie.

What nobody knew was that Ellie's little joke was about to really happen. Echo, who was still inside the maintenance shed, placed her hand on the door handle and turned it. Echo pierced her eyes through the widening crack as she pushed the door open. Once it was fully open, she stepped outside and sniffed the air catching Ellie's scent. Echo called out to her siblings and began to follow the scent back to the visitor center.

At the visitor center, the group was racing back to the control room to reboot the last of the security power. They were just passing the DNA extraction lab when they heard a familiar voice.

"Well... Well... Well." said the voice.

The group stopped and looked to see Hoskins holding a piece of amber.

"Hoskins!" snarled Owen.

"Excuse me but.... who are you?" asked John.

"The man who thought it was a good idea to perform a field test with my raptors and forced us to set them loose!" replied Grant.

"WHAT!?" yelled John.

"Oh cool your jets gramps, it was just a little test." sneered Hoskins.

"Yea, a test that ended up killing several people!" snapped Owen.

"Okay, I'll admit that you might have been right about the Raptors." laughed Hoskins. "So that's why I'm gonna use the other Dinosaurs instead."

"What the hell are you talking about?" asked Billy.

"I'm glad you asked." replied Hoskins. "You see all your animals...... all have different techniques and abilities they have to survive. I thought, 'We could use these creatures to help us defeat our enemies in war', which is why I ended up funding the Raptors here and hired Owen to train them. Of course I didn't think any of you would let me prove they can be used on the battle field, so I hired one of your employees, a guy named Dennis Nedry I believe, to steal the DNA you use to create the dinosaurs here."

Everybody gasped horror.

"So THAT'S why he turned off our power!" said Vivian.

"Well frankly I didn't really expect him to do that, I just told him to do whatever it takes to get that DNA." said Hoskins.

"You're a sick bastard!" snapped Sarah. "When the public hears what you did, you'll be sent to prison for life!"

"And I suppose YOU all are gonna be the ones to tell them?" sneered Hoskins.

He suddenly pulled out a gun. Everyone jumped back in horror.

"How can you even tell the world if you're all dead?" Hoskins laughed.

But before Hoskins could pull the trigger, Blue the raptor suddenly leaped right beside him and roared. Hoskins was so startled he dropped his gun by mistake.

"OH SHIT!" he yelled, facing the beast.

Hoskins slowly backed into a corner.

"Easy. Easy, boy." he said to Blue.

The predator purred calmly as she stared at Hoskins.

"Hey, hey. We're on the same side, right? Right?" said Hoskins nervously.

Slowly, Hoskins held out his hand in front of Blue, hoping she would listen to him. Grant, Owen, and the others all stared at the two of them.

"Easy. I'm on your side." stuttered Hoskins.

Blue remained calm for a moment, but suddenly lunged out and bit his hand. Hoskins screamed in pain as Blue pinned him to the ground and brutally killed him. Blood splattered all over the walls.

"The control room! GO!" yelled John.

The group quickly ran off to the control with Blue and the other Raptors close behind.

In the control room, Lowery was half way done rebooting the power on his computer.

"Think I'm gonna go use the bathroom." he said to himself.

He got up and went out the door. Seconds later, Grant, Owen, and the others arrived. Grant smacked the door open and everyone ran inside.

"Where's Lowery!?" cried Vivian.

"I think I saw him heading for the restroom." replied Ian.

"Can we call for help!?" asked Lex.

"We gotta reboot the system first!" said Claire as she rushed over to Lowery's computer.

"Looks like Lowery already did half the job!" said Vivian.

Grant noticed a lock on the door and quickly ran over to it. The lock worked a bit like an elevator door, only the buttons to operate it were in the computers.

"The door locks!" said Grant, trying to push the lock into place. "Guys boot up the door locks!"

Grant looked up and saw Fern staring right at him through the window on the door. Grant looked down and noticed the door handle moving, he realized what Fern was doing.

"NO!" he shouted, and placed his hand on the handle trying to keep the door closed.

The door swung open suddenly but Grant slammed it closed again. Blue, Charlie, Delta, Echo, and fern began pushing and slamming their heads on the double door, trying to get it open. Everyone looked at Grant and Owen, Claire, Ellie, Billy, Ian, Sarah, John, Barry, and Vivian joined in to help keep the door closed.

"Guys..... Get back and boot up the door locks!" shouted Grant.

"You can't hold all five of them by yourself!" shouted Ian.

Grant knew that Ian was right. Just one Velociraptor was as strong as two to three men; he would never be able to hold five of them off without help.

The kids all stood back watched in fear.

"What do we do!?" yelled Gray.

Suddenly, Zach remembered something Lex had said just before they were chased by the stampede of Gallimimus.

"Hey Lex, didn't you say you know how to hack computers?" he asked.

"Yea." said Lex.

"Well..... Do you think you can reboot the power!?" asked Zach.

"I.... I can try." stuttered Lex.

"Alright, I'm gonna help them keep the door shut while you fix the computers." said Zach. "Tim, Gray, we might need your help to."

Zach, Gray, and Timmy ran over to the door to help the adults keep the door shut.

"BLUE! DELTA! CHARLIE! FERN! ECHO! NO!" shouted Owen, trying to get his Raptors to stop.

But the Raptors wouldn't listen. Lex jumped into the computer chair and began examining the computer.

"It's a Unix system." said Lex to herself. "I know this. It tells the files for the whole park. It tells you everything. I've got to find the right file."

"COME ON LEX HURRY!" yelled Gray, looking over at Lex as he pushed his back against Billy.

"I'M DOING WHAT I CAN!" shouted Lex.

Lex continued browsing through different folders and files, trying to find the one that would restore the power.

"This might be right, no this isn't it." she said to herself.

Fern stuck her hands through the door crack as Blue and Charlie tried to push the door open for her.

"Okay, maybe this one. Oh wait, no that's not it." said Lex.

The group finally managed to close the door again as Fern pulled her claws out of the door crack.


The door opened again slightly and Fern stuck her claws through the door crack again. All hope seemed lost when finally-

"Wait a second!" said Lex.

Quickly she moved the mouse over a file and clicked on it. A message popped up saying 'Reboot System Loading'. Lex's jaw dropped with happiness and soon enough, systems began to go from red to green saying 'System Secured'.

"I GOT IT! I GOT IT!" shouted Lex.

The group made one final push and closed the door yet again as Fern pulled her claws away. The lock quickly activated leaving the Raptors trapped outside.

"YES! YES!" screamed Lex.

Grant, Owen, Claire, Ellie, Billy, Ian, Sarah, John, Barry, Vivian, Zach, Timmy, and Gray all sighed in relief.

"What works?" asked Billy.

"Phone security systems, you name it, we got it!" smiled Lex.

Owen picked up a phone and began to call someone.

"Finally I can finish some unfinished business." he said.

On the mainland, the man Owen had called for help earlier was arguing with another man about the mysterious S.O.S call when his phone on his desk rang and he picked it up.

"Hello?" he said annoyed.

"Is this the coast guard?" asked Owen.

"Yes and-...... wait, are you the guy who try to call us about an emergency but hung up!?" said the man, recognizing Owen's voice.

"Yes. I am." said Owen. "I apologize for that. We had a bit of an incident that made me hung up."

"What happened?" asked the coast guard man.

"It's a long story." replied Owen. "Anyways, to finish off what I said earlier, our location is Isla Nublar, latitude 10 degrees north, longitude 94 degrees west. We've suffered more casualties since our first attempt to call you for help and our situations here have gotten even worse. I need you to send rescue boats immediately."

The man quickly began to right down their location.

"Alright, we'll send rescue boats right away, expect them to arrive around 1-3 a.m." said the man.

"Thank you, thank you very much." sighed Owen.

Owen hung up the phone. Suddenly, there was a loud crashing noise followed by a loud scream.


"This way! Quick!" shouted John.

He climbed up a ladder and went into a crawl space above the ceiling. Quickly everyone followed John up the ladder and into the crawl space above. Barry was the last person climbing up the ladder; he looked over at the windows just in time to see Charlie break in. Barry vaulted himself up into the ceiling, and kicked the ladder down with his feet.

"Follow me!" said John. "I know an exit through the air ducts!"

Confused on where the humans went, the raptors jumped back out of the hole in the glass and left the room to find their prey. A few seconds later, Lowery finally finished up in the bathroom and was heading for the control room. He stopped suddenly when he noticed the broken window.

"What the hell!?" he said.

Everyone followed John into the air duct. They crawled through the duct for several yards till they came to a gate, blocking off the main lobby from the air duct. John and the others crawled out from the vent and landed in the dig pit with the fake fossils for kids to find. As the last person (Barry) crawled out, everyone heard a loud screaming roar. They looked behind them and saw Fern running straight towards them!

"GO! GO!" shouted Ian.

The group ran for their lives as Fern chased after them. The group ran straight through the holographic display in the center of the main room, quickly thinking, Sarah pressed a button on the hologram control panel and a hologram of a Dilophosaurus appeared right in front of Fern. Sarah's trick worked, Fern thought the Dilophosaurus hologram was a real animal and she began to roar aggressively at it. Fern jumped forward and lunged a bite at the hologram but went straight through it. Grant, Owen, and the others darted through the front door and ran outside. They were halfway down the stairs in front of the building when Blue suddenly jumped out in front of them.

Everyone stopped dead in their tracks. Fern pushed the front door open on the visitor center and roared at the humans as Delta, Charlie, and Echo jumped out on their sides hissing aggressively at them. Alan, Owen, Ellie, Claire, Billy, Ian, Sarah, John, Barry, Vivian, Zach, Gray, Tim, and Lex were surrounded.

"That's how it is huh?" said Owen.

Gently, Owen placed the rifle on his back on the ground and held out his hand in front of Blue. Blue hissed at him, telling him to back off, But Owen stood his ground and remained calm.

"Easy." said Owen softly.

"Blue it's us." said Barry as he moved next to Owen. "Remember?"

Owen began to smile as Blue purred softly at the two of them.

"I think she does." whispered Owen.

Gently he placed his hand on Blue's neck and softly petted her. Blue began to chirp at the two of them, suddenly there was a loud roar. Both the humans and Velociraptors looked up to see the Indominus Rex stepping onto the middle of the main street. The I. Rex slowly crept up to them and let out another roar, everyone stepped back a bit. The Indominus began to bark at the Raptors, telling them to attack the humans. Blue looked back at Owen and nodded her head and chirped. Owen smiled.

Blue looked back at the Indominus and roared at her. The Indominus roared at them furiously, hearing that Blue and her siblings were betraying her. Charlie, Echo, Delta, and Blue all roared right back. Owen whistled at them, signaling them to attack. Delta, Charlie, and Echo all leaped onto the Indominus and began viciously attack. Owen picked up his gun and he began shooting the I. Rex. Blue was just leaping into the air as well when Fern suddenly leaped onto her and pinned her to the ground.

"FERN!" shouted Barry. "GET OFF YOUR SISTER!

Fern looked back at him and hissed angrily.

"Hey!" shouted Barry. "Don't you hiss at-"

Fern lunged out a bite at him causing him to jump back.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" snapped Barry.

Fern hissed at him and slowly walked towards him and the others.

"Fern don't do this!" said Barry.

But Fern just ignored him and continued to creep up to him. Barry was beginning to feel a bit scared.

"Fern!? Are you listening to me!?" he said.

"I don't think she is." said Gray. "I think she wants to remain loyal to the Indominus!"

Fern crouched and got ready to pounce on them.

"FERN DON'T!" yelled Barry horrified.

Fern leaped into the air and was just about to land on them when Blue leaped into the air and slammed into Fern, knocking her to the ground. Seizing their opportunity, Barry, Gray, Sarah, and the others ran off to get away. Ellie, Billy, Ian, Sarah, Barry, Vivian, and John ran and hid in a large grill restaurant, while Grant, Claire, Tim, Lex, Zach, and Gray darted into a small gift shop stand.

Fern got back on her feet and roared angrily at Blue. The two Raptors began hissing and growling at each other, until Fern suddenly leaped onto Blue and the two began fighting. The battle situation with the Indominus wasn't any better, despite being bitten, scratched, and shot by Owen, Charlie, Delta, and Echo; nothing seemed to be hurting her.

"That thing's unstoppable!" whispered Grant, peaking out of the hut.

Gray began whispering to himself.

"74..... 15..... 26.... We need more." he said.

"More what?" whispered Claire.

"Teeth." replied Gray. "We need more teeth."

"Carnivore or herbivore?" asked Timmy.

"Carnivore." replied Gray.

Claire thought for a moment when she finally got an idea by looking at a plush doll of a T. Rex. Quickly she pulled out her phone and grabbed a flare from a first aid kit.

"Grant?" she whispered.

Grant turned and looked at her.

"Watch the kids for a minute. I'll be right back." said Claire.

"Where are you going?" asked Grant.

"To get us some more teeth." replied Claire.

Quickly she jumped out of the gift shop hut and ran through a mysterious area where tourists normally weren't allowed behind a large skeleton of a T. Rex.

Blue and Fern were literally at each other's throats. Fern leaped into the air and pounced onto Blue knocking her down on her back. Fern was just about to bite her head when Blue countered attacked by kicking her hard in the face, knocking Fern down. Blue was just about to perform another attack when she heard one of her sisters roaring in pain. She looked over just in time to see the Indominus smack Charlie into a building wall with her tail, knocking her unconscious. Blue was just about to jump in and help when she noticed a large skeleton in front of a monorail station next to the visitor center. The skeleton was huge, whatever it was had a crocodile shaped head and a large sail on its back. Blue knew that it was only a skeleton, but perhaps a living version of this creature was strong enough to match the Indominus's power. Quickly she raced away to find the living creature, but just as she was leaving, Fern had gotten up and noticed Blue running away. Determined not to let her get away, Fern quickly raced after her.

Owen darted behind a large amber statue to reload his gun. Delta pounced onto the Indominus's back and began biting and scratching her, hoping to do some damage to her. But Delta didn't realize that she had latched herself too close to the I. Rex's head, the Indominus reached her head over and bit Delta's tail and threw her into a street lamp, knocking her unconscious.

Echo was the only raptor left fighting the Indominus. Owen had finally reloaded his gun and continued to shoot the Indominus. The Indominus spotted Owen behind the amber statue and attempted to swipe him with her tail, Owen ducked his just as the I. Rex's tail swung over destroying the glass amber statue. Echo attempted to leap onto the Indominus, but the I. Rex swiped Echo with her claws, tossing Echo onto the roof of a small building. Echo rolled on the roof and smacked her head into a pole, knocking her unconscious as well.

Realizing he had no chance against the Indominus alone, Owen darted into the gift shop hut Grant, Zach, Gray, Tim, and Lex were hiding in.

"Shhhh!" he whispered, placing his pointer finger in front of his mouth.

The six of them remained quiet, hoping the Indominus wouldn't find them. Suddenly there was a loud growling noise; everybody slowly looked towards the large open window to see the Indominus's large teeth slowly revealing themselves.

"Oh no!" whispered Lex.

The Indominus moved her eye in front of the open window and spotted Owen, Grant, Lex, Tim, Zach, and Gray inside. It roared at them and began snapping at the window attempting to reach them.

"CRAP!" shouted Zach.

"TIM! LEX! NOOOOO!" shouted John as he watched in horror.

"WE HAVE TO HELP THEM!" shouted Ellie.

"HEEEYY!" shouted Billy, trying to get the Indominus's attention. "OVER HERE YOU OVER GROWN LIZARD!"

Ellie, Ian, Sarah, John, Barry, and Vivian soon began shouting at the Indominus, trying to lure it away from Grant, Owen, and the kids. But the large white predator didn't seem to be listening.

Inside the hut, Grant and Owen shielded the kids while the six of them all pressed their backs against the wall. Things went from bad to worse when the Indominus suddenly smashed a hole in the wall beside them with her hand. Grant, Owen, and the kids all darted towards the wall farthest away from the hole. The Indominus shoved her hand in the hole and tried to grab them with her claws. The kids all screamed in fear.

Meanwhile, Blue's search for the large predator had pushed her deep into the jungle, between the maintenance shed and the destroyed aviary. Blue suddenly came to a stop when she heard a roar she had never heard before, perhaps it was the creature she was looking for. As she began to sniff the air, Fern suddenly leaped out and attacked Blue! She slammed her head into Blue's side knocking her into a tree; Blue quickly shook off the pain and roared at her sister. The two of them charged towards each other and began biting, and scratching each other, until finally, Fern ended their one on one battle with a slash to Blue's face with her claws. Blue backed up into a tree and was cornered. Fern slowly crept up to her, hissing violently. She was just about to pounce when suddenly-


A large red and grey crocodile looking snout jumped out of nowhere and snatched Fern up with its teeth. Fern kicked and struggled, trying to break free from the massive jaws. But the giant predator bit down on Fern again, crushing her bones killing her. Blue looked up at the large predator. The creature had a red and grey crocodile like snout, large hands with three fingers on each one, and a red and blue sail on its back. Blue had finally found the animal she had been looking for, SPINOSAURUS AEGYPTIACUS! Now all she had to do was lure it back to the Indominus. Blue began to bark at the Spinosaurus to get its attention. The Spinosaurus turned towards Blue and Blue roared at her intimidatingly. The Spinosaurus roared at Blue and began to run straight towards her; quickly Blue turned around and began to rush back to the main street.

At the main street, Claire had ran behind a large enclosure and was looking for the gate that led into the cage. She picked up her phone and called Lowery.

"Lowery, are you still there!?" she asked.

"Hey, where are you!?" asked Lowery. "I left to use the bathroom and when I came back the windows in the control room were destroyed!"

"I know, I'll tell you what happened latter!" replied Claire. "Listen! I need you to open Paddock 9!"

"Paddock 9?" said Lowery.

He pulled up the gate to paddock 9 on his computer and was horrified when he saw what dinosaur paddock 9 had.



Lowery could see Claire from a security camera by the paddock.

"Why do you have to make it personal?" said Lowery.

Lowery hesitated for a moment, worried about what could happen if he opened the paddock gate, he knew that paddock was made out of solid stone and steel for a reason.

"Alright!" said Lowery.

He pressed the enter button on his computer and red spinning lights at the gate flashed on. Claire looked back at the paddock gate just as it started to open. She lit up her flare and held it beside her. The gate opened up half way when Claire began to hear loud stomping. She looked down at a small puddle in front of her and watched the water vibrate with every stomp, when she looked up again; she saw two large eyes in the dark getting closer to her.

"Hello Rexy old girl." breathed Claire.

Out of the darkness, emerged a twenty-foot tall and forty foot long, female Tyrannosaurus Rex! Claire slowly began to back up as Rexy approached the gate; finally Claire turned around and quickly made a run for it.

"HAAAARRAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAAAW!!!" bellowed Rexy as she chased after Claire.  

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Kamu Akan Menyukai Ini

7.2K 272 34
Anticipated for jurassic world well the basic plot line right here and a lot of fun I hope you all like it.
125K 1.9K 11
you are a friend to Owen and helped him record his sessions when bonding with his raptor squad during all that time Blue a female velociraptor during...
596 54 27
this is a story about me going to camp cretaceous it's a crazy story I hope you like it💙
152K 2.5K 23
Description broken, don't know premise of story yet