Emotional Happiness

Od Zsaridjavanneh

390K 16.4K 1.3K

All Jazz wanted was to sustain a successful career without any drama in her life. Although once she met her g... Více

Chapter 1: You're Still My Friend
Chapter 2: Thanksgiving
Chapter 3: Flashback
Chapter 4: No He's Not
Chapter 5: Got Your Back
Chapter 6: Secrets?
Chapter 7: Realization
Chapter 8: Feelings
Chapter 9: Birthday
Chapter 10: I Want You
Chapter 11: New Daddy?
Chapter 12: Nooo Noo NO
Chapter 13: Cuteness
Chapter 14: No She Didn't?
Chapter 15: It Won't Stop
Chapter 16: Can't Believe You
Chapter 17: Engagement Party
Chapter 18: Mrs. Rose
Authors Note
Chapter 19: I'm Leaving
Chapter 20: One Last Visit
Chapter 21: Aller á Paris
Chapter 22: First Day
Chapter 23: Weird Feelings
Chapter 24: See What Had Happened Was
Chapter 25: Mamma Knows Best
Chapter 26: Truth Is
Chapter 28: Screwed
Chapter 29: What You Have To Say?
Chapter 30: Gossip and Sunsets
Chapter 31: Baby Shower
Chapter 32: Hello Baby!
Author's Note

Chapter 27: Clarity Makes Life Smoother

10.7K 408 72
Od Zsaridjavanneh

Here's this chapter, I honestly didn't know what to write for this one, so whatever popped up in my head is what I wrote. It actually turned out longer than I expected.

- Zsari <3


It was 10 in the morning when Jazz woke up. Although she got 7 hours of sleep or something like that, she didn't sleep well. For an hour, all she could think about was Vincent being there in her living room. She poured out all her heart to him and he still didn't return anything back. She hated that he was holding back himself from her because he never did that before.

She laid on her back and tried 3 times getting up and strolled to her conjoint bathroom and brushed her teeth. After washing her face and moisturizing she stood by her door. She took a deep breath preparing herself to see Vincent.

"Good morning Jazzy, I wasn't sure when you were going to wake up so I made you breakfast, I'm sure you're hungry." He said setting up the breakfast table.

"I am, thank you." She said sitting at the table.

It was a very simple breakfast, from the looks of it, it looked like he had just gotten fresh croissants from the bakery across the street, which were the best. He also made scrambled eggs with cheese and turkey bacon, which was the only kind I eat, accompanied with coffee.

"Thank you so much, Vince. Lord knows I should be eating breakfast in the morning, but I've just been very lazy." He told him eating a croissant.

"Oh, sweetheart, you know you can't be slacking on eating, you're eating for two." He said squeezing her cheek like a little girl. He used to do all the time back then and one time slipped up and kissed her.

She laughed and pushed his hands away from her. She continued eating while he went back to his seat and stared at her.

She was rubbing her protruding stomach while she ate which was turning him on. She was even more beautiful pregnant with his child. In truth, he was still mad that she didn't tell him all this time. Maybe if she did, he would've done things differently but right now all he wanted was to at least be her friend again.

"So, how have you been liking it here?" He asked sipping his coffee.

"I love it here. It's such a different atmosphere around here but it feels a whole lot more friendly than New York. Don't get me wrong I love New York, but I feel like it's too busy to be raising a child. Paris is a city but there are so many nice places to go around here and I love it."

Was she trying to make him feel worse about himself even more? It was bad enough that he couldn't have her and that she was with someone else, but now she was saying that New York wasn't good enough.

"You're not planning on staying here right, like raising our daughter here?" He asked her, he was really hoping that wasn't her plan because that would break her.

"Well, I don't know, maybe. I'm not trying to keep you out of her life."

"Okay, well I think it's a bad idea if you even consider that. Your whole family is back home and so am I. It's bad enough you waited 7 months to tell me about this baby and you want to stay here."

"But I didn't say that Vi-"

"You didn't have to. You thought about it and I'm not going to let you do it all because of some man." He dragged out.

Jazz slammed her fork on the table, "Wow, and you're the one to talk, you have a fiancé that's controlling your life and you don't even know it but yet you're trying to control mine. I didn't ask to get pregnant by you. I didn't want this to happen and whatever I do in my love life is none of your business, so don't tell me what to do." She stood up and stormed over towards her window sill that faced the city.

Vincent quickly followed her and stood by her. She was in the third trimester of her pregnancy and was getting so tired of being pregnant, she "accidentally" slapped him in the face.

"I'm so sorry, Vincent. I didn't mean to do that, I've been in a lot of distress lately because of the pregnancy."

He rubbed his face a little, "It's okay. I'm sorry for getting you mad."

"It's the truth, Vincent. I don't want you to talk to me about my life when you need to figure out yours." Vincent was kinda surprised at her sudden change of mood.

"I know, I know I need to deal with my own life but we're having a baby and I want to be there and see her when I want. You know how much I wanted a family." He said squeezing himself next to her.

"I know, I'm sorry, I guess I've just been all in my feelings." She said staring at him and started to tear up.

"What's wrong now?" He asked her rubbing her back.

"I didn't just leave because of you... A few months before I left, Rodney came by, I thought the restraining order was going to completely get rid of him but it lasted a year. And the day I quit I went home and he came and tried to rape me. Luckily my brother came to my rescue but I'm not too sure how long he'd be in jail and I don't know what Sebastian did when he arrested him. I'm pretty sure that if he saw me, his stupid ass would think that this baby is his knowing we never got that far that day. And then that creep cousin of Tanya's was stalking me and beating you up, I didn't want to be near him either. But I'm scared to go home Vincent, there's so much uncertainty about who and what's going to be in my life. And what really is there for me to go home to. No one but this baby because I can't trust that Dillan is going to be there at my every beck and call. Especially since working in Europe has done good things for him-."

Vincent turned his head down as soon as she stated Dillan's name, he didn't like the fact that she wasn't focused on him anymore. "But I do love him, he's been the one good person other than Liana who's made me happy in the last two years-"

Now he was about to lose it, because he knew what she wasn't saying to him.

"I've been thinking about it a lot and I don't think I really was happy these past years."

Okay, that was it.

"So, you're telling me you never loved me these last years." Vincent blurted out.

Jazz faced him and looked straight at his face.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You've been in love with me for years now you're saying that you weren't happy." He stood and huffed.

Why the hell is he mad? She thought.

"Oh so you know, I'm guessing your mom told you."

"Yes, she did."

"And that's why you came here." She stated.

He looked like he was trying to come up with an excuse but nodded.

"You wanted to hear it yourself. You thought that if I told you, then everything will be alright and we could possibly be together. Or you wanted to know, just for your sake but still stay with Tanya because you're confused and stupid."

By now she was right in his face despite his huge stature. The man was at least 6'3" with a very broad chest. Jazz loved his muscles and it looked like he had been working out a lot since she left. She really wanted to forget about all this and just pounce on him and have her way with him finally but she was mad at him.

"I won't lie. I did come here because what my mom told me and I wanted to see for myself." He said folding his arms. She took a step back to get all defensive again.

"Vincent, how would you expect me to be happy when I was never wanted. For two years I basically obsessed over you and you never did anything. Then you had the nerve to get mad at me for getting mad that you didn't tell me about Tanya. I must admit that I was jealous, very jealous. But I stayed in my place and gave you space. Hoping that one day you'd confess your love to me and we would live happily ever after. But that never happened and you showing me a ring for another woman getting engaged was it for me. I can't live like this anymore, of not knowing. You know...Clarity makes life smoother and I want clarity, not shadows." She finished and went to the breakfast table to put the food away and clean the table.

Vincent stood there stuck. He honestly didn't know what he wanted. He did love Jazz but he had Tanya. However, once she finds out Jazz is pregnant she's going to get pissed and then leave him. As much as he was a bachelor back then, he hated breakups and being the one to do it.

"So you have nothing to say?" Jazz asked him out of nowhere.

"I do. It's just Tanya."

"What about her?"

"For one she's my fiancé and two she's changed a whole lot and we're supposed to be getting married in 2 months."

"Well in two months I'll be having your baby, so what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know." I didn't, they had to postpone it because of her new movie.

Jazz sat down on the armchair across from him and fiddled with her fingers. "Do you... do you still want to marry her?" She asked hoping his answer was no. Even if they never get together, she still didn't want him to be with a woman like her, but for him to at least find someone nicer and better than her.

He turned away from her and kept his mouth shut. She shook her head in disappointment and just when she was about to say something again, she heard a knock on the door.

He sat on the couch and waited.

"Une moment, s'il vous plait. Qui est-ça?" She said walking to the door.

"It's your favorite boyfriend!" She squealed and opened the door to see her handsome Hawaiian Beau. He had a wrapped box in his hand.

"What's that?" she asked.

"Open it."

She opened the box and laughed. "Yay, strawberry, and chocolate covered crepes! Oh, et un pain du chocolat. Merci baby." She grabbed him and smothered his face. All of a sudden all of the pain and feelings she was having for Vincent all disappeared when Dillan showed up. He came in but stopped right in front of her. She was sure he was looking at Vincent.

"Who the hell are you? Jazz why do you have this man who's not Tuan, sitting on your couch?"

She moved from behind him and stood in between the two men. "Okay, Dillan this is Vi-Vincent, the father of my baby."

The two men just sized each other up but they were both huge super sexy men, so if she had to choose not knowing either of them, she'd just take them both.

"Why's he here?" Dillan asked protectively.

"Dude, I'm right here if you want to come at me." Vincent confronted him standing up.

"Dillan, he came to talk to me. There were some things that we needed to talk about concerning the baby and stuff like that." she still stood between them.

"Baby, you know how I feel with guys being alone with you, I bet he slept here last night from what he's wearing."

"Okay, yes he did, but he came really early this morning from New York and slept on the couch. That is it."

"I still don't want him here, he hurt you many times and got you pregnant. You don't need him."

"You know what, you need to watch your mouth on how you speak to her and about me. You don't know anything that's been going on but what's she told you. But you have no right to kick me out of here, you're not giving her a baby."

"Yeah, and you're not trying to be her husband either. There are many women out in this world having kids with men they don't end up with but some aren't lucky to actually find a guy that shows them that he cares about them. I love Jazz and I'm sorry if I was being an ass to you but I'll do anything to make her happy and I'm not going to let you ruin that." He finished and kissed Jazz on the head.

"And I mean that too." He said to her referring to his confession of love. She smiled up at him and kissed his lips. She really felt bad for the PDA in front of Vincent but Dillan was right.

Vincent's jaw clenched a couple of times watching the two embrace each other.

He just found out that he was having a baby and now he's not going to be anything but a sperm donor.

But how could he possibly love Tanya again, when Jazz finally poured her heart out to him. And is giving him a baby girl. He wanted to tell her his feelings but she moved on and she moved on to someone who really expressed his feelings for her. Which he was and still afraid to do. Maybe it was time he just let her go and let Tanya be his main priority. Yes, Tanya wasn't the nicest woman all the time but she did things to him that no other woman did. Well maybe for different reasons from Jazz.

"Can I just speak to her in private for a few minutes, Dillan?" Vincent's asked hoping he'd agree.

He stared at him then said that it was okay and went inside her room.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked crossing her arms on top of her stomach.

"We need to make an arrangement about the baby. All I want is for you to come home before she's born, so we can raise her together or at least near each other. I want our little girl to know her daddy, the same way you wanted to." He said holding her hand.

She dropped her head and nodded it. "I can't leave right now but I'll most likely come back when I'm around 8 months. That will give me time to get settled and ready for her. If that okay with you."

"Yes, as long as you're home."

"OK." She said with a sad smile.

"Jazz, I just want us to be friends and at least cordial towards each other for the sake of our baby. That's all I'm asking of you. If you want to stay with this guy and.... and take care of her with him... then... you should do that." He knew every word he just said he'll end up regretting one day and hating himself.

"If you need anything as far as money, for a flight or anything for the baby feel free to contact me. I'll do anything you need me to do." He assured her.

"Okay, thank you, Vince." She smiled and they hugged each other as best as they could. Her stomach was too much in the way and he was too tall for her to even try to get on her toes.

However, their hug was longer than she expected, she just hoped Dillan didn't come out.

Vincent hugged her and kissed her cheek. Her natural hair smelled like coconut and vanilla which he loved. But she let go of him before he could lose himself again.

"Thanks for coming and uh for breakfast." He nodded and grabbed his stuff and walked to the door.

"Be careful Jazz, I don't want you hurting yourself or our baby."

"I won't, Vincent."

"Okay, bye. I'll see you later."

"K." She said and closed the door on her everything. He really was but it was more complicated.

After closing to the door, she went straight to her bedroom. Dillan was in nothing but black sweatpants, lying comfortably in her bed. She crawled on the bed and sat Indian style next to him holding her stomach.

She gave him a look which he knew wasn't good. "Okay, I'm sorry for being rude to him. I just want the best for you and I don't want you to start getting emotional or more stressed out all because of him. I know that your feelings are still there for him somewhere and I want to replace those thoughts with me. But you know I'm here for you and I can adjust my life for you and the baby. I'm super excited for this baby too." He made a Tré Melvin face.

She giggled like a little brat, "Thank you so much, Dillan. I really appreciate your support for me. You're the best, I love you."

"I love you too baby." He said kissing her while slowly grazing his hand on her stomach.

They continued to make out until she pushed him off.

"What wrong?"

"Ugh, get away from me." She said moving from him. He looked super confused and try to get closer to her.

"What did I do Jazz?"

"Nothing. I just don't like you kissing me. It's not really you. It's my hormones, sometimes things piss me off.

He looked at her like he hurt her feelings and pouted. "You're cute but I'm not feelin' it. Oh, Let's go for a walk."

"But I just got home, I'm tired."

"Well do you want me to walk alone? I need to get out of here, I haven't left in like a day."

"Okay." He said putting his shoes on while she left the room. She went to the counter and took a pain du chocolat to eat on the walk. When he got to the door she frowned.

"Whaaaat?" He whined.

"Baby, please put a shirt on, I don't want women to be goggly eyeing you." She informed him with her hand on her hip.

"Oh, sorry. I'll be right back." He left for two seconds putting his shirt on as she opened the door.

"Vas-y? S'il vous plait, Monsieur." He locked the door and grabbed her hand. Only to see Vincent outside by a black car.

He got in right before he could see them, which she didn't want to have to see him again.

Alright, you guys what do you think about everything that's going on. Things really aren't happening in Vincent's favor but that's his fault.

But do you think Dillan is here to stay or not? Do you like him? or trust him?

Zsari <3

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