De honeeylovee

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"My heart is torn between two. I love them both. I have to let one go" . . Jazmin thought she found everyth... Mais

Chapter One Intro: Sunset Views (Diary)
Chapter Two: Jacksonville (Diary)
Chapter Three: First Night In Redwood-Ville
Chapter Four: The Next Door Neighbor
Chapter Five: Senior Year
Chapter Six: Bright Stars
Chapter Seven: Late Night Thoughts
Chapter Eight: Letting Demons Out
Chapter Nine: A New Vibe
Chapter Ten: Mixed Emotions
Chapter Eleven: The Heartbreak
Chapter Twelve: Me Myself & I
Chapter Thirteen: School Project
Chapter Fourteen: War Declared
Chapter Fifteen: School Field Trip
Chapter Sixteen: The Healer
Chapter Seventeen: Take Me To Paradise
Chapter Eighteen: Facing Reality
Chapter Nineteen: Troubling Young Love
Chapter Twenty: Mending A Shattered Heart
Chapter Twenty-One: A Chance On Bad
Chapter Twenty-Two: Rumors
Chapter Twenty-Three: Rage
Chapter Twenty-Four: Burning Passion
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Dangerous Ex
Chapter Twenty-Six: Faded Memories
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Vivid Nightmare
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Aching Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Singing The Blues
Chapter Thirty: Singing The Blues (pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-One: Letting Go
Chapter Thirty-Two: An Old Friend
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Ghost From The Past
Chapter Thirty-Four: Secrets (Pt.1)
Chapter Thirty-Five: Secrets (Pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Offer
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Open Wound
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Time Heals
Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Night Of Romance
Chapter Forty: Unfortunate Event
Chapter Forty-One: A Lustful Kiss?
Chapter Forty-Two: Bad Lies
Chapter Forty-Three: The Call
Chapter Forty-Four: Deception
Chapter Forty-Five: The Proposal
Chapter Forty-Six: The Hide Out (Pt.1)
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Hide Out (Pt.2)
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Decision
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Capture
Chapter Fifty-One: Ticking Bomb
Chapter Fifty-Two: Life Goes On
Chapter Fifty-Three: Birth To A New Beginning
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Agreement
Chapter Fifty-Five: Back To A Loving Home
Chapter Fifty-Six: Birthday Surprise
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Confession
Chapter Fifty-Eight: A Passionate Night
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Halloween Party
Chapter Sixty: Calling It Quits?
Chapter Sixty-One: The Reason Comes Out
Chapter Sixty-Two: The Return
Chapter Sixty-Three: Out For Blood
Chapter Sixty-Four: The Choice
Chapter Sixty-Five: Closing Two Chapters
Chapter Sixty-Six: A New Home
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Fateful Accident
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Farewell My Love
Chapter Sixty-Nine: A Life Changing Decision
Chapter Seventy: Sunset Views In Jacksonville

Chapter Fifty: A Dreadful Death

140 6 1
De honeeylovee

Every memory of James I held inside felt like torture. The desperate anticipation of only wondering how he was..was slowly killing me. The man that was driving us to him was driving faster then other cars around us. Even though I had a gut feeling something evil awaited me, I wanted to get there as soon as possible. I imagined how James must be doing. Maybe beaten to death and possibly tied up. Jake had warned me of how dangerous his Father was. My body shook in terror as dark thoughts ran through my mind. I was willing to do whatever to save James life. Even if it meant risking mine.


Rose- John she isn't with Ashanti or Amy!!..I just got off the phone with them!!

John- I've called her phone and she doesn't pick up..

Rose- That boy!! He must've taken her!!

John- We don't know that Rose..Let's just calm down okay?

Rose- *Cries....Don't tell me to calm down!!! That's my little girl out there! We don't know how she's doing or where she's at! She took half her clothes John!..This isn't like her!..She wouldn't do this to me..

John- Our little Jaz is strong..She is a smart young lady..I'm sure she will contact us soon...(My little boxer where are you?)


Richard- Ahh our special guests have arrived.

James- You fucking disgraceful bastard!!!

Richard- Such a strong word Mister Dawson. Did your Father taught you to talk like that growing up? Oh that's right you're basically an orphan. You grew up with no Father and well your Mother I'm assuming was barely around. Who else was going to feed that dirty mouth of yours.

James- Fuck You!

Richard- Save that ravaging rage for when you will truly need it.

James- (I refused to show it but I got a frightened shiver as I heard him say that..Who knew what his diabolical intention was..I just wanted Jazmin out of it)...Please reconsider this! It's me who fucked all this up! I wanted out! She has nothing to do with my decision! (He turned away from me as we heard people walking towards us)

Richard- I am profoundly grateful for you to join us Miss Smith.

Emma- We're here now Richard..Where is my son!?

Still feeling shaken I desperately looked around to see where James was. Suddenly my eyes met his. He looked pale as if he had seen a ghost. I could tell he was terrified as much as I was thinking about what this man could possibly want.

Jazmin- James!!

Guard- You can't touch the prisoner.

Richard- It's okay let her hug him. After all they both have been searched. Emma will you accompany me outside? I wish to have a word with you.

Emma- I will NOT leave my son!

Richard- *Whispers..Your son? I think the small discussion I need to have with you will interest you.

Emma- What the hell do you want Richard!?

Richard- Come take a walk with me.

James- Where are you taking her!!!

Emma- Honey it's alright..I'll be okay..He won't hurt me..

"Guard give them five minutes. That is all" Jake's Father took Ms. Emma by the arm and walked outside with her. I immediately ran to James right after he left.

Jazmin- Baby are you hurt?!?..Did he do something to you!?

James- I'm fine..I'm fine..How the hell does my mom know that bastard!?

Jazmin- I don't know..I was thrown off as well...James..How are we going to get out of this alive??

James- I don't know Tiger...But I can tell you this..I won't let him hurt you....I'll kill him if I have too..But he won't touch you..I promise.

Jazmin- *Whispers...There are a lot of guards outside James..All of them are armed..It won't be easy to escape..

James- We will figure something out alright?..Look at me..

Still holding onto him tightly I looked up at his ocean blue eyes that were now full of frightening worry. My eyes began to get watery as he started to speak, "You're the best got damn thing that ever happened to me..Ever since I met you at the beach that night..You're all I think about..I never thought I'd end up losing my mind over someone..But here you are..You took over my heart and my mind..Whatever happens today..I want you to know..You're the love of my life..I will always look for you..In this lifetime or the next..I will find you..Because you're mine..I fucking love you so much Tiger".


James- *Whispers...Ssh..Don't say anything..Just kiss me..

With hot tears running down our eyes. I lifted my head up while he leaned his head towards me. Our lips connected in such a passionate sweet kiss. Feeling him press his soft lips onto mine instantly made me forget everything and everyone. It was as if no one else was around but only us. Soon enough I felt my heart slowly sink as I detected the difference in this particular kiss. He was kissing me as if it was our last kiss. I ended it and leaned my head onto his collarbone while my entire body shook and my tears ran down his chest.


Richard- You really thought I would hurt my own son Emma?

Emma- What are you talking about!?


Emma- You gave me no choice!! You took one son away from me..I wasn't going to give up my other son!!

Richard- What decent life could you have possibly offered Jake if I left him with you? Please Emma your life was ruined.

Emma- It was ruined the moment I decided to become your wife!!!..You fed me lies and blinded me with false promises of a love that never existed!!

Richard- Is that why you went to bed with me the second time we saw each other? I told you to run and you stayed. You were always such a stupid naive girl.

Emma- I was a young girl that was deeply in love Richard!..A girl that had dreams of becoming the perfect wife and mother!..You destroyed all of that the moment I gave birth to Jake!..You ripped him away from my arms the moment he was born!! *Cries...I..I didn't even get to give him a single kiss!! You bastard!..

Richard- I gave Jake everything. He would've died of hunger if he stayed by your side and you know it.

Emma- That was a choice you took away from me!! I had all the motherly love in the world to give to him! Something you neglected him!..A word and meaning you know nothing about..Yes he grew up driving luxury cars living in a huge amazing mansion and wearing expensive clothing..But no Mother he could run off to and cry in her arms when he scrapped his knee or got a cut on his fingers!..A mother to ask for advice over what to give his first crush or how to deal with heartache!!..A Mother to confide in when his Father didn't want to listen..A mother to give him all the love his Father never gave him!!!!...Now you answer me Richard!..Did you really give him a great life!?

Richard- I made him the strong young man he is today. Just like I am planning on doing with James. They will both be my strongest soldiers. I got great big plans for both and I will not allow that whore of a girl to ruin them for me or YOU.

Emma- She showed them the true meaning of love..Both fell deeply in love with her!..I will not allow you to destroy their happiness by hurting the one person who makes them who they are! Good boys who care and love! Great powerful emotions you clearly know nothing about! I did not keep my second pregnancy a secret from you all these years for nothing!..I will not let you destroy my boys life any longer!! I am done running!! You hear me!! DONE!!

Richard- I am done as well Emma.

Guard- Excuse me but you can't be here.

"Jake??" I shockingly said as both James and I turned to see him standing by the guard.

Jake- My Father is aware of my presence here..Give me a few moments with the prisoners..

James- (Father???...He's the son of Richard!?!)

Guard- I don't think I can do that..

Suddenly we saw Jake pull out a gun from behind him as he threatened the guard "I am not giving you an option. LEAVE".

Guard- Okay..But I can only give you a few minutes..Boss will have my head if they escape..

Jake- Don't worry..It is in my best interest that it doesn't happen.

He had this cold stare in his eyes that gave me chills. I had never seen Jake act in such a careless way nevertheless carry a gun.

Jazmin- Jake what are you doing here!?

James- Isn't it clear..He is here to finish what his shitty father started..

Jazmin- Jake put the gun down..This isn't like you..

Jake- *Laughs..Who are you to speak?..Look at you..Throwing yourself at his feet like a little lost puppy..My father was always right..You're so pathetic.

Jazmin- Jake!..Please..You aren't anything like him!

James- How long have you been knowing this idiot is the son of that fucker!?

Jazmin- I just found out not too long ago..But he isn't anything like him...Jake..You aren't like your father!!

Jake- Shut the fuck up!! Don't act like you know me so well now!!..You don't know what a broken man is capable of doing!!

Jazmin- It's okay to be angry Jake..But right now we need your help!..Your father is trying to hurt us!

Jake- My father isn't the one you should be worried about.

My heart stopped as I saw him point the gun towards James head. I felt my body slowly growing numb as I desperately pleaded for James life.

Jazmin- Jake..Please stop this!!..You'll go to jail can't you see that!? It is not worth it!..Don't hurt him please I beg of you!

Jake- You think I give a damn about going to prison!? I lost the only got damn person I cared about!!..You were my hope Jazmin..You were my Light!..

He suddenly approached me and pulled me away from James. As he tightly held me against his chest I could smell the strong liquor mixed with rage in his breath. I had never seen him so hurt and broken. I was the one behind his sorrowful eyes and aggressive behavior. It was me who had provoked him to snap completely. I couldn't lose the sweet tender Jake I had fallen in love with sometime ago. "Please snap out of it..This isn't like you" I whispered in a desperate plea to his ear but it was useless. He was seeking vengeance. A way to let out all the anger and broken dreams he held inside. All that was left now was an infuriated person who didn't care about anything and was willing to do everything in his power to hurt us.

James- I swear if you do anything to her! You'll regret ever being born!!

Jake- Shut your fucking mouth up!!

"Jake relax..Please look at me!..Look at my eyes" I cupped his face with my hands and made him focus only on me. Because deep inside I still cared for him. I didn't want either of them getting hurt.

Jazmin- I still love you! I care about you so much! I don't want you getting hurt or hurting anyone else!

Jake- Don't lie to me to save that assholes life!!!

Jazmin- I'm not lying!!..Truth is I love both of you!!..James knows this!..I..I had to choose..And I made my choice...Please try to understand..I didn't mean to hurt you..What I feel for James is just stronger then myself..But that doesn't mean I don't care about you..I always will..No matter what Jake..You'll always hold a special spot in my heart..

I then let go of him and quickly rushed towards James side. I noticed how desperate he was for someone to un-cuff him and be able to handle the entire situation the only way James knew. In a way I was glad he couldn't do much. Having to worry about both not killing each other would've been worse. I bravely stood in front of James as I said to Jake, "So if you're gonna kill him..You'll have to kill me too..Because I refuse to live a life that won't have him in it".

Jake- ...You were my fiancé Jazmin..We were suppose to have a future together..You..You were gonna be the mother of my children...AND HE TOOK ALL THAT AWAY FROM ME!!!!!

He raised the gun above his head and fired a shot in the air. I turned away and immediately hugged James. Feeling utterly terrified that Jake would indeed be capable of hurting us.


Emma- That was a gunshot!!! Richard my son!!

Richard- You over there!! Stay with her and do not let her in!

Emma- Nooo!!...Let me go!!!...James!!!!.....Please let me inside!!

Guard- I cannot do that Ma'am.


Jake- You were my whole world Jazmin and just like that you crushed it..Now..You'll feel what I'm feeling inside..The heartache..the anger..the emptiness...I really did want a life with you...But you couldn't even keep your promise...Why couldn't you just love me the same as back then!!

His eyes shed hurtful and angry tears as his hand trembled while pointing the gun towards us. "Jake I really didn't mean to hurt you".

James- Listen!..Do what you wanna do to me..But save Jazmin's life!!..Your Father wants to hurt her!..If you really love her the way you say you do then take her away from here!! It's me you and your Father want either way!!

Jake- I know his plans! I overheard the conversation you had with my Father! After seeing how they took you inside a car against your will..I decided to follow them...Answer me one question..Does Jazmin know this entire time you've been working for my father!?

Jazmin- What??..James what is he talking about!!

Jake- For all we know he could've been behind the attack on your parents!..This is the guy you chose Jazmin?..*Laughs..Can you get anymore pathetic?

James- He didn't give me much of a choice!! Either I worked for him or I would spend the rest of my life in prison!..

Jazmin- What!?..So you decided to sell your damn soul to him!?..You risked my parents life's James!!

James- No!! I wasn't part of that!!..I found out while I was at Maple City..That's why I rushed to save you while Miles helped your parents!

Jake- You know the type of man my father is Jazmin!!..He is a criminal and your little joke of a boyfriend is no different!!..So do you really believe all this bullshit this trash is telling you??

Jazmin- I-I believe him...I know he wouldn't hurt me or the people I love...Because he truly loves me!! and if you felt the same way about me then you would stop this madness Jake!!

Jake- You both really are perfect for each other..So stupid and full of shit..

Jazmin- Stop it!! You don't mean anything you're saying!!

James- (My chest tightened as I said these next words..)..Take her with you...Your father will make sure I won't be around to steal her from you...Just get her outta here and keep her safe..

Jazmin- No James!! I won't leave you!!

Jake- You have no choice..You were right after all..I am going to end what my Father started.

He violently grabbed me from the arms and threw me to the ground. As my head roughly hit the concrete. I suddenly grew dizzy while trying hard to get a clear vision of what was happening. I noticed another shadow figure of a person approaching us in a hurry.

Richard- What in the world do you think you're doing Jake!

Jake-..Here comes the big bad wolf..I'm glad you're here dad..So you can witness me making my first bones...Why that face though?..Isn't this what you always wanted?..To have a mini you?..Another monster in the family..Another dark soul!?!..Well this is it!!!..You've got what you wanted!!!

Suddenly I gained my vision back just in time to see Jake point the gun at James. I felt the universe pause for a moment. As flashes of James and I ran through my mind at lightning speed. I closed my eyes tightly visioning every moment I spend with him. Every happy thought warmed my soul. As a slight smile came across my face reminiscing the first day we had met. Suddenly my body jumped in fear as loud gun shots frighteningly echoed everywhere.

As I opened my eyes once again I saw Richard holding Jakes arms. Miraculously not one bullet had touched James.

Emma- STOP!! What are you trying to do!?..Make them kill each other!?...For Goodness sakes Richard!! Let them all go!!


Jazmin- I'll do whatever you want me to do...But please don't hurt James!!

Richard- I was never planning on putting my own son's life in danger. Your life however does not matter to me.

My head slowly took in everything I had just heard. All the similarities between Jake and James were now so visible to me. That night at the beach where I first met James. I had mistakenly called him Jake. Why couldn't I had seen it before? I shattered any relationship they could've possibly had as brothers. Now they wished death upon each other because of me. They fell in love with the same girl and I fell in love with two brothers. I felt absolutely horrible.


Jake- NO!!..This has to be another one of your shady schemes!!!

Emma- *Crying...I swear I'll explain everything to both of you..But not now...Not like this..Richard stop this madness now!! I beg you!!

Richard- Well I was not planning for things to go this way. However since they did. Now that I have both of my sons here as witnesses. We will proceed. Miss Smith will you collaborate and knee down before me.

Jake- Dad what are you doing!?


Richard- You move a single step Jake and I will end all of you right here right now. You know I am not one to challenge.

Jazmin- No please don't!..I'll do whatever you say..Just don't hurt anyone else!

Richard- To think the only person that does not know me well. Follows my orders with such perfection. This wouldn't have gotten so personal if you had just maintained your distance with my boys.

I got down on two knees looking up at him with anger and desperate hope but overall fear. I knew exactly what that man wanted from me. He wanted me out of the lives of the only two guys I ever loved. I thought of the huge possibility of never seeing my own family again. I had left them in such a cruel selfish way. I chased after who made me the happiest. I chased love and now I was going to lose it all. At least I wouldn't have to deal with the heartache that awaited me if I made it out alive.

How could I possibly think of a future with James after finding out what links him with Jake. The same blood runs in their veins. All the signs were staring me in the face this entire time. I looked towards James and Jake who both stood near each other. Both looking at me with sorrow eyes and fear mixed together. They were afraid to lose me. However I was afraid for them to commit an act towards their Father or each other because of me. So I bravely stood back up and slowly walked too Richard.

Jazmin- If you want to end my life do it now..Because only dead will you separate me from them..I love them with all my heart and I will not let ANYONE keep me away unless they want it that way!! So there you have it! If you no longer want me in their life then end mine now!!

Jake- I swear if you hurt her I will never forgive you!!!

James- (I spoke in a low voice to Jake while Richard seemed focused on Jazmin)..I know you hate me but right now this isn't about me or you..This is about her..Untie me now.

Jake- I agree..Nothing else matters but her safety right now..

"I will end your life with pleasure" Richard said as he raised the gun and aimed it directly towards me. "NOOOOO!!!" Both Jake and James alarming shout loudly echoed around me. My entire body froze as the barrel targeted my head. I closed my eyes. The gun shot echoed in my ears as loud as thunder. I felt my body hit the floor. Suddenly I visioned James and Jakes face. Both sweetly smiling at me as the three of us held hands. In my thoughts everything was alright. There was no anger nor any of us felt betrayal from one another. We just felt happy with each other. They knew how much they both meant to me. Just like I knew how much I meant to them. Suddenly loud heartache shouts made me open my eyes again only to witness a heartbreaking scene unfolding right before me.

James- Ma I-I can't lose you!..Please stay with me!

Jake- (The woman I grew up thinking that was dead..Was now really slowly perishing in my arms..My eyes got watery while I felt my body tremble in fear)...I just found you..Please don't go..

Emma- *Breathing Heavily...I..I..Couldn't let the only girl that holds both of your hearts..Die..You both would never forgive each other..This..Hatred between one another..Needs..to..stop..You are both brothers..I..I..Love you both..with all of my heart..

Jake- Please! I beg you stay! Don't leave me again!

Emma- Jake...I never..wanted to let go of you...He took you from me..I should've fought...But I was terrified..He would've..Eventually found out about James..I hope...One day..You could..both...forgive..*Voice Faints

Jake- ....I forgive you...I forgive you!!!..MOM PLEASE OPEN YOUR BEAUTIFUL EYES!!...Please don't leave me again!!! Please!!!

I stood aside as tears streamed down my face while watching both brothers hug their Mother tightly. She vanished in their arms while they wept in deep heartache. "You fucking asshole!!! You killed my mother!!!" James suddenly shouted with rage as he stood up.

Richard- She got in my way! That bullet was suppose to be for that girl! Can't you both see?! She is the real killer! All this happened because of her!

Officer Thomas- PUT THE GUN DOWN!!

Richard- What are you doing here!?

Officer Thomas- I'm an Undercover..Surprised?..Officers arrest him!

Richard- You can't do this to me!! You know who I am! I will destroy you traitor!!

Officer Thomas- Where you're going for all the crimes you have committed including this one..The only one that will end up destroyed for the rest of his miserable life is you!

Richard- How did you know I was here!?

Jake-..I told him..I've been working with him to have you captured..

Richard- I am your Father Jake!! How dare you betray me this way!

Jake- Throughout my life you made sure to take away any possibility of me ever finding love..You took the only chance I had to get to know my mother in just a couple of seconds and just like I know she is finally resting in peace...I HOPE..You never find your peace and rot like a miserable rat that you are..

Officer Thomas- Take him away officers!

Richard- James..My son..

James- I AM NOT YOUR SON!!! I NEVER WAS...I NEVER WILL BE!!!...Take this piece of shit outta here before I take his life away the way he took my mothers!

I saw as the officers took Richard cuffed. My eyes drifted back to Jake and James who were holding Emma's lifeless body in their arms. My heart broke knowing she had giving her life for me. She had pushed me out of the way as the bullet hit her instead of me. Both had lost their loving Mother and a monstrous Father in one night. I wanted to show my affection but somehow I felt accountable for everything that had happened. It was all my fault. I got everyone tangled in this terrible mess. Even my own family's life was put at risk. If only I had kept my distance with both of them maybe none of it would've happened. It was too late to even bother thinking of the what if's. I had to show Jake and James I was going to be there for them regardless. I didn't want them to feel alone. I would always be there for them but as I approached them. James angrily snapped at me.

James-...Don't come any closer!!!!

Jazmin- But..James..I..

Jake- Just leave..

Jazmin- Jake..I just want you both to know how sorry I am...

Suddenly James walked towards me and furiously grabbed me from the arms. "MY MOTHER IS NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT DIED TONIGHT...THAT INTENSIFYING STRONG LOVE I FELT FOR YOU?...LEFT ALONG WITH HER...YOU'RE NOW DEAD TO ME!!". He turned away from me but I immediately grabbed onto his hand. "James...Please don't push me out of your life this way!..Please don't do this to me..I am begging you!!". I got on my knees grabbing onto his legs tightly not wanting to let go. Afraid of what was yet to come.

James simply pushed me off him as Jake stood up and walked towards us. He pulled me back up and said "Jazmin leave now". I saw James weakly walk back to his mom with a defeated expression on his face that broke my heart. "Jake..I truly am sorry..I didn't want this..I-I should be the one dead..Not her!". He suddenly roughly grabbed me by the arms and while shaking me he screamed "Can you stop thinking about yourself for one got damn moment!!..That woman laying there lifeless now...Was..was my Mother..She gave up her life for you!!!..That was a choice she made!!..This is our choice!..Let us grieve alone...You're the last person we want to see right now....Please...Just go".

Holding my shattered heart in my hand. I left with an officer who was waiting for me outside to take me home. Through the entire ride I replayed their words. Dancing around in a taunting voice that haunted my mind. I was being blamed for a death that I couldn't prevent. It was suppose to be me. It should've been me. I rather have died then to live with their hatred upon me. I shed silent tears and looked out the window. The sky was shining with bright tiny stars. The moon was bigger then usual. It was a beautiful night that unfortunately carried a tragic ending.

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