Lauren and Cooper's Daddy


9.9K 820 322

(English/Unbetaed) KimBas Fanfiction. This is for the people who believed and supported me. 💕 Disclaimer: Al... Více



1.8K 109 31

"Two Iced Americano for table number three!" A loud voice resonated inside the small cozy cafe.

The jet black haired guy cleaning the table rushed his work to get in the counter immediately.

"No Khun Wayo continue your work let me handle this." A shorter guy with two cute dimples patted his shoulder and dashed to the counter to fetch the order and give it to their customer.

After serving the freshly brewed iced coffee to the customer the shorter guy goes back to his assigned work.

"Thank you P'Kit. Just talk to me comfortably. You're older than me. You don't need to be too formal. Call me N'Wayo or N'Yo please." The younger guy approached him while rubbing his button nose and smilling shyly. He always hides his nose when he feels shy.

"Sorry N' I just don't know how to start a coversation with you since you're new here. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Kit smiled sheepishly.

"It's okay P'. Please take good care of me." Wayo bowed deeply.

"Yah! Don't bow that much and return to your work before Khun Mae sees us." He chuckled and waved his hands.

After Wayo's shift, he dashed frantically to the locker room and changed his clothes. He needs to rush and fetch his nephew from the Day Care Center.

He skips and hums in delight since it's his free day tomorrow. He gets excited with just the thought of it.

Finally, he can rest in his apartment peacefully after a long dreadful week.

He walked out of the cafe not forgetting to bid his goodbye to Kit and his boss.

The center is not that far from his part time job. It's just a walking distance.

Wayo run inside the building and take the stairs to go to the service area. When he reach the front anteroom a woman greets him enthusiastically.

"How are you N'Wayo? It's been a month since you last visited us. Are you here to fetch your nieces and nephew?"

"Only my nephew Khun Min, my ever workaholic oldest sister is pulling an all nighter again." He pursed his lips and the woman in front of him just chuckled.

He can never scape from his sister's way of begging and inconveniencing him when she's unable to pick up her own child. It's really a bad decision to tell her that his part time job is near here.

"Did she used that 'it's hard to be a single mom while earning money' again?" That statement is a common thing in his life now. He can't really resist his siblings. Not once.

"I guess I just have to face the fact that I'll be their forever errand boy." Wayo smiled at her and she blushed. No one can ever scape from his sweet endearing smile.

She cleared her throat. Wayo just waited for her snap out of her trance and bring him to his nephew.

He's actually well aware of what his smile does to others so he quickly look far to help the woman snap out of her trance. Wayo thinks that the girl is almost in her thirties or as old as his older brother so he's not really surprise if he affects her in that way.

Her reverie was interuppted by another staff coming to their direction. Wayo smiled broadly when he recognized him.

"P'Beam!" He beamed at the guy who just arrived in the front foyer.

"Hi N'Yo! Your sister called a while a go to inform us that you will be the one fetching Baby Oreo today. He's still sleeping though and actually he just dozed off now, do you want to wake him up or just wait for him?" The paled skinned guy asked him. Wayo glance at the clock near them and try to think if he's busy and he can't think of any urgent or important matter so he just decided to wait for him to wake up instead. He doesn't have the heart to wake up the little bud and besides Oreo will be fuzzy if he doesn't wake up on his own.

"Okay, as long as the other two won't see me, I can wait peacefully then." Beam just cackled at the younger guy's distress.

Beam gestured Wayo to come with him leaving the girl still stunned by the guy's features. They walk and pass the lobby silently trying not to be notice by the active children inside the closed glass doors.

Wayo doesn't really want to be catch by his nieces. They will surely throw a fit knowing that he'll only get baby Oreo today. It'll break their heart not getting to be the one their lovely Yo will be taking home.

His two sisters have 3 children in total. Oreo is the youngest baby and the twins Momo and Sana are two years older than him. Fortunately his is older brother is still single so he doesn't really have any favor to ask him for now.

Wayo is the youngest in Panichayasawad Siblings. He basically became the most adored member in the family. Their parents and his siblings dotes him that it came to the point that he wants to live on his own because their love just too much.

When the two reach the common room, Beam and Wayo chat about their college life respectively, more like Beam asking how can Wayo manage to survive without going home.

"Don't you want to move back?" Beam suddenly asked Wayo.

Wayo was taken aback but answered anyway "I'm tired of my family's constant over affection to even dream about going back. I admit it's lonely and hard to live on my own and I miss them so bad but if I'll only be treated as their little bunny forever, I'm not giving up. Not in their wildest dream. You can just think that I want to learn how to live in the hard way."

Beam just laughed at him not telling the fact that he'll really bet his own allowance for the month on the matter that Wayo won't last a year living alone.

Wayo's out of the Panichayasawad's family house for half a year now. Beam didn't really expect him to last for this long and he even had given Wayo a limit of only three months but the younger one proved him wrong.

He's strong willed after all. Stubborn if you ask his parents.

"How about you P'? Why are you still working? I heard Med Students don't rest yet you still want to work part time here. I know you have a soft spot for kids and you want to be a pediatrician in the future but it's not that. Isn't it?" Wayo asked the guy sitting in front of him.

"You know I'm not rich enough to afford studying medicine without a hassle. I need to help my mother to earn extra money since my worthless father left us with nothing but a headache." Beam simply stated the cruel reality as if it's nothing to be worried about.

"Besides, I'm only working every weekends. So don't worry." Beam rubbed his face gently.

The two are close since Beam is his senior in High School and he's in the same faculty as him. He's his not-so-secret intellectual crush's best friend.

Wayo just smiled sadly and didn't pushed the subject further because he knows that his P' doesn't really want to talk about it now.

A loud shriek cuts the heavy atmosphere that surrounds them.

"I think that's Cooper. Poor boy he's been crying non stop ever since they came here this morning." Beam explained and Wayo just frowned. The baby's cry kind of bother him and he can't help but be curious.

Beam stopped talking for a while. He's evaluating if he really should disclose that matter to Wayo.

"Cooper and Lauren had been drop here everyday for almost a month already. Their parent was looking for a babysitter to take care of them but Cooper is really handfull and no one can tame him so no one wants to take the job ever since it was offered." Beam explained briefly.

Wayo tilt his head while thinking about the babies' situation.

"What's the problem? is he sick? What about Lauren then?" Wayo ask in curiosity. Never in his life he has encountered a baby like Cooper.

"No he's not sick he's just fiesty and always irritable. Lauren is a year older than him and she's more calm than her brother."

Wayo laughed in relief. He thought the baby was suffering from some kind of disease that makes him behave like that. Good thing he's not.

"I should really help them N', wait here okay?" Wayo just nooded his head and signed him to go and check the baby.

Like a cue, the door burst open and three distress looking staff entered the room.

They are holding two babies. A girl and a boy. Wayo's gaze was fixed at them. The baby boy's loud wail died but he's still sobbing hard and tried to squirmed out of the staff's arms. The staff put him down and let him crawl.

The babies' eyes were fixed on Wayo.

Baby Cooper crawled in his direction with all his might.

When Wayo saw the little one eagerly wanted to be picked up by him, he scooped him up and look at him closely.

Wayo's heart broke when he examined the baby's tired eyes and tear streaked face. Cooper stopped crying but didn't stopped hiccuping though.

He stood up while hugging him and begun soothing his back. The precious bud immediately wrapped his tiny arms around his neck and burried his face in it.

The baby girl sitting on one of the staff's arms begun sobbing too while reaching her arms to Wayo who's already holding her brother.

They all thought she wants to be near Cooper so they move her closer to them but to their surprice she also jump inside Wayo's arms and laid her head on his shoulders while crying silently.

He look at the Staff and his P'Beam only to be amused by their reaction.

Jaw dropped and mouth agape while staring at him in disbelief.

"What?" Wayo asked nonchalantly.

"Do you need extra money?" One of the staff blurted out all of a sudden which made the baby boy in his arms squirmed a little.

Wayo automatically rocked and swayed his body to coo the two in his arms. Besides, this scenario is not new to him. He does this often, whenever his twin niece throw a fit at the same time.

He knits his brows as he digest the question. Instead of giving the hopeful woman a clear answer Wayo just question her back.

"Sorry but why are you asking if I need extra income?" He's tempted but last time he agreed without asking he almost end up being a pornstar. He already learned his lesson so he's being careful now. He doesn't really want to make money using his body. Though he knows he'll be super rich if he does it.

"You're the first person who made him calm down and besides his sister seems likes you too. They badly need a baby sitter."

Wayo just sighed and adjusted the babies in his arms. He sat down carefully and shifted all of the weights he's holding on his lap.

"Even if I agree with you now I don't think their parents would want to have a male babysitter. wouldn't they?"

"Not really, as long as you won't harm my children." A new voice interjected. The staff, including Beam tense up and become nervous at his sudden appearance.

Wayo just stared at the source of their discomfort.

A tall man, dressed smartly and emitting an intimidating aura is standing on their back.

He looks matured wearing those pieces of corporate attire but seeing his lanky stature and chinky eyes make Wayo's imagination see beyond the guy's work setting and be in a domestic scene.

He adorns a typical rich and powerful look. His presence overwhelms the people inside the room but Wayo's actually not bothered with it since he has been mingling with these kind of people ever since he was little.

He's the youngest son of Panichayasawad Enterntainment's founder and CEO after all.

He looked straight at the man's eyes not unnerve by his cold and scrutinizing gaze.

"Can you do household chores?"

Wayo blinks once then twice with his oddness. Curious very curious.

"Why ask if I can do that instead of if I can take care of a baby?" Wayo asked and the man just eyed him.

"The way you handle the situation earlier already proves that you have experience in taking care of a baby." the man stated plainly displaying only a single emotion.

"Do you know how to cook baby food?"

'Boring' Wayo thought while continuing to hold the babies in his arms gently. He just snorted and ignored him. The people around them gasped with little Wayo's boldness.

"Can you answer the questions properly." The man doesn't really ask, he commanded him to behave properly. Wayo pouted at his attitude.

"Fine Cooper and Lauren's Daddy. I'll call you that since you didn't even tell me your name before interviewing me." Wayo scoff as if talking to someone not important.

"Yes I can. Happy now?" Wayo thank himself since he really loves to cook.

The cold guy ignored his side comment and continued asking him questions.

"How old are you?"

"Just turned Nineteen last September."

"Still studying? what course? what university?"

"Hold up! Am I in fast talk or what? Is this a survey? If you're asking me to join and be your downline in a networking, no thanks."

The taller guy didn't answer his sarcasm and give him a firm gaze but Wayo didn't waver at all.

He sniffs the babies scent to calm his nerves. He's kind of getting irritated to their father's lack of emotions.

"Yes I'm a college student. Barely breathing but surviving. I'm currently taking up a pre med course but it's bringing me closer to my death so I'm thinking of shifting to a pre law course since my father said I really love arguments and I'll do a good job in it but thinking of mandatorily taking up math subjects in that course makes me want to cry. Math and I doesn't really go well together. So yeah should I shift Lauren and Cooper's Daddy? any suggestion?" Wayo blubbered unconsiosly causing a chain of amused chuckle from the employees but quickly stopped when the cold man glared at them.

"Do you want the job?"

Silence filled the room.

"What's in it for me?" Wayo asked confidently.

"Name the price." The man aswered him with equal confidence.

"You're asking a complete stranger to take care you're kids. Are you okay with that set up? You even let me be the one to set my own salary rate. Seriously? Are you nuts?!" The babies on his arms shifted when he raised his voice. He cradled them closer to his chest and continue lulling them to sleep.

Wayo doesn't really want to believe anyone could let some stranger take care of their children without checking their background first.

"By just watching how you constantly soothe my children the moment you held them and seeing them being comfortable with you is already a proof that you're not a threat. You've been protecting them even if you don't know them either so why shouldn't I hire you even if you're a guy? You appear to be from some well off family by just how you behave and with that piece of limited edition watch wrapped on your wrist. The way you speak without thinking is kind of a little off but that doesn't mean you're careless and clueless and it made you rather smart. You're also oddly brave for a guy this short... so does my profiling missed anything?"

Wayo was too stunned to react fast.

"Short? Really? I'm 178 cm!" He shouted causing the two babies to wake up and look at him.

"not tall enough." The guy muttered and Baby Lauren looked for the source of his voice.

"Dada!" Lauren jerk her head towards his father's direction. Cooper reacted fast when he heard his sister's words.

Wayo lean forward to give Lauren to him but Cooper stayed in his arms.

"Hi baby Cooper. Don't you want to go to your Daddy? He's waiting for you big boy." Wayo baby talked and the people around them gush at their cuteness. They somehow see the similarities of the two.

"Mama~" Cooper bable while squishing both of Wayo's cheeks using his hands.

The staffs gasped and Wayo's eyes widened.

The man quietly walks in front of him and picks up Cooper easily.

He handed Wayo his calling card before turning his heels back and walking out of the Day Care Center.

Wayo reacted fastly and stopped the man from walking any further.

"Why did he call me Mama?"

"You look like their Mother."

The guy continue striding out without waiting for Wayo's response.

Wayo stared and read the business card in his hand.

Mingkwan Daechapanya
Corporate Executive Officer
Daechapanya Corporation'

(A/N: Hi!

I hope everyone will enjoy this story. I've always been playing with my style and this 3rd person's POV is really the most comfortable style for me. I hope you don't mind me changing it.

I'm hoping for some kind of reactions too so that I'll know if I should continue this or just go back and update the other story.

Please don't forget to comment and vote. Thank you 💕)


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