{Important Notice} Sports |~|...

De TrixieBunnie

7.1K 80 99

***DISCONTINUED*** Marinette Dupain-Cheng is sick and tired of her reputation as the clumsiest person in scho... Mai multe

important note!!


514 4 11
De TrixieBunnie

Ahhhhh! Has it really been that long since I updated? I am so sorry! Please forgive me. I would like to explain that I spend much more time reading than writing on Wattpad, although I write sometimes. I get writer's block way more than usual, and to top it all off, these chapters are usually really long, longer than a typical one. Thank you so much for sticking with this story even though the updates are really slow. (And I mean really slow.)


"Marinette, Marinette wake up!" Tikki whisper-shouted in her adorable voice while gently shaking Marinette as best as her tiny Kwami body could muster. Marinette groaned, rolling over to the side before finally giving in and sitting up.

"Wha—what time is it..." she asked groggily as she rubbed her eyes.

"It's late enough! You're gonna be late if you don't hurry!" Tikki reprimanded her. Marinette looked at her battery-operated clock and shrieked at the time.

"Gonna be late, gonna be lateee—!" she mumbled to herself as she rushed to change into her regular clothes. She grabbed them and then ran down the stairs and into the bathroom to change out of her pajamas and clean up a little. She grabbed her backpack and hoisted it onto her shoulders before kissing her mom on the cheek as a goodbye before running out the door to hurry to school. Sabine sighed, shaking her head at her daughter's tendency to be late before smiling and walking back inside to help her husband with the baking.


"And that's why we don't—" Mme. Bustier was interrupted as Marinette burst through the door before scrambling up to her seat.

"I'm so sorry I'm late! I had to, uh, help my parents with some baking! Yeah!" Marinette provided an excuse with her flawless lying skills.

Mme. Bustier let out a sigh. "Marinette, do try to be on time tomorrow. I am getting a bit tired of you being late every single morning, and disrupting the class."

Marinette lowered her head. "I apologize. I'll try to be on time tomorrow." Mme. Bustier smiled at her, satisfied with her response, before carrying on with the lesson.

Around halfway to lunch, Marinette was startled out of her daydreaming by Alya.

"Psst. Marinette, wake up," Alya hissed quietly to her, knowing her best friend was off in la-la land and missing information they needed to know for the upcoming test.

"W—wha?" Marinette shook herself back into the real world, knowing that this information was important.

"—and that's how you undo a multiplication problem including a variable. Now, in order to undo a math problem with coefficients, you have to use the exact same process." Mme. Bustier explained.

Marinette groaned quietly, glaring at the clock. She silently begged the clock to magically speed up time, but of course, it did no such thing. She was going to have to actually... listen to the lesson. *gasp*


After about an hour and a half of listening to their teacher drone on and on about things they needed to know for the test that was going to be handed out in the near future, the lunch bell rang throughout the school, announcing that it was time for lunch.

"Finally!" Kim said, rolling his eyes, as he heaved his backpack onto his shoulders and casually walked out of the classroom.

Alix rolled her eyes at his antics. "Classic Kim."

Marinette stifled a giggle. It was obvious that those two would work perfectly together, yet they were totally oblivious to it. (Sounds like another certain two someones we know, hmm?)

After everyone had packed up and left the room, Marinette and Alya stayed behind for a few minutes just to talk.

"Are you sure that inviting the entire class to a restaurant was a good idea?" Marinette asked Alya nervously. Her best friend rolled her eyes, knowing that she was only nervous about meeting Adrien there.

"Yes, I'm sure that it was a good idea," Alya responded. "Besides, I'm pretty sure that you're the only one who's nervous about it."

Marinette smiled nervously at her, knowing full well that her best friend had guessed that she was nervous because of Adrien.

"Alright girl, let's go. Wouldn't want to keep the others waiting," her best friend reminded her. Marinette nodded, and the two left the classroom, and ran to catch up with the others.


"Hello! How may I help you on this fine day?" the polite waitress inquired.

"Table for, uh—"Marinette counted the number of students that were in the class. "—thirteen please."
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm trying to hurry and get this chapter out ASAP because it's been delayed long enough. I don't have time for counting the students.

"Alright! Follow me!" the waitress instructed them with a pleasant smile, as she led the entire class to a very large, circular table.

After everyone was seated, she clicked her pen, asking "What can I get you all to drink?"

"A round of water for everyone, and a shirley temple for me please," Marinette ordered. The waitress scribbled that down.

"I'll have a pink lemonade!" Rose piped up.

"I think I'll just get a coke," Alya decided.

They went around the circle ordering like this until the whole class had ordered, and the poor waitress had all of their drink orders written down.

"I'll be right back with your drinks!" she said cheerily before walking off to the kitchen.

"She's a good waitress!" Marinette remarked.

"I agree," Alix chimed in. "I wouldn't even try to take orders from a party of 13." The class had a little laugh at that.

With each classmate engaging in conversation with another, the class patiently waited for their drinks. They gave the staff a little bit of grace for the time it took, because, after all, they were a party of thirteen.

The waitress soon returned with their drinks, and set down each of their drinks in front of the person who had ordered it while walking around the table.

"Would you like some time to decide on what to order, or have you already decided on that?" their waitress inquired, whipping out her notepad and clicked the pen to be ready to write down their orders.

"Uh, actually— I think I'll get just a grilled cheese," Kim told her with a shrug. The waitress wrote down his order on her notepad.

Pretty much everyone else ordered a simple meal, but Chloé, being spoiled as she is, had to have a nice, expensive fish for lunch, so she decided on teriyaki salmon with mashed potatoes.

"Will that be all?" the waitress asked after each of them had ordered.

"Yup!" Marinette confirmed. The waitress then walked back into the kitchen.

"Uh—so, what's been happening with you all lately?" asked Nino, trying to start up a conversation.

"Just helping in the bakery and stuff, as usual," said Marinette, drumming her fingers on the table. "Not that I don't enjoy it, it just takes away a lot of my time."

"The majority of my time spent nowadays is definitely spent on the Ladyblog. Like I've mentioned before, it's a full-time job," Alya added.

"The people who don't have a busy schedule don't know how lucky they have it," Juleka mumbled, just loudly enough so everyone could hear her.

"I have a pretty busy schedule. Training, working out, you get the idea," Kim told them. Alix rolled her eyes, just knowing this was another excuse to brag about how fit he was.

"My schedule is pretty empty, and I'm thankful for that. I mainly just hang out at home and all that stuff," Alix informed them.

The waitress brought each of their meals, and the thirteen teens happily ate theirs. After they had finished, they split the check, and all of them walked in a group all the way back to school.


After the bearable-ish school day had ended, as usual, everyone in the tennis class went to their respective homes, changed, grabbed their equipment, and returned to the tennis court. After around ten minutes of waiting and several questions as to where she was, all of the students' phones dinged simultaneously.

To: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Nino L...
From: Louise Arquette

Dear classe,

I am very, very sorry for not informing you all of this sooner. I have caught a terrible cold that hopefully won't last that long, but I won't be able to make it. Be sure to practice your rallying to the point where you're confident in that area of skill!
(You can pick your rallying partners.)


"She's sick? I hope she feels better soon!" Marinette looked worried. She sent her a feel-better-soon text to let her know she was worried about her. Most other students did the same.

"Sooooo... are we just gonna rally or..?" Alya broke the silence.

"Guess so," said Alix with a shrug.

"Not me! I'm going home!" smirked Chloé. She did a hair flip and walked out of the court with Sabrina following close behind.

"Good riddance," mumbled Marinette.

"You got that right," agreed Nino.

Everyone chose their partners, either their best friend or the person they were most comfortable rallying with if they didn't have one. Alya tried to convince Marinette to ask Adrien to team up with her, but she refused to.

The rallying was rather uneventful, aside from the fact that there were way less flying tennis balls. Although, one did hit Nino right on the top of his head.

Most people left before the tennis class officially ended, as they had the freedom to do so, but Marinette, Adrien and their best friends kept rallying till the end of class.

"Hey Alya, are you free after class?" Marinette asked while wiping sweat off her forehead with a towel.

"Yeah, why?" Alya responded, packing up her tennis balls and racket.

"Oh, I was wondering if you'd be willing to come over to my house to chat afterwards," Marinette told her.

"Alright! That sounds good," Alya agreed, slinging her racket holder up onto her shoulders and grabbing her tennis ball container.

"Okay, let's go!" Marinette said with a grin as the two raced to the front of the school.

"Those two are great best friends," Adrien commented.

"Yup!" Nino agreed. "Speaking of which, do you want to come over?"

"I definitely would if I was able to, but I can't. I have a photo shoot in an hour," Adrien informed him with a shake of his head. "Sometimes I really don't like being a model."

"That's fine, dude! Maybe some other time?" Nino suggested with a shrug.

"Maybe, if my dad would ever let me," Adrien said with a sigh.

The two walked to the front of the school together, then waved to each other and parted ways for the day.


Once again, I have a very overdue chapter. I know you don't appreciate waiting for new chapters, but I hope you have other fan fictions to keep you company while you wait. I have totally ditched the writing schedule, because in all honesty, it wasn't really helping at all.

I feel like it would be better to just discontinue this story, but no. This is my very first story, and also, I don't want to let down all you readers! I'm not going to discontinue this, I promise.

That is all.

Trixie out!

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