Nobody Like You // Book #2

xMoonlightPerriex द्वारा

943 14 2

Sequel to 'Having No Regrets.' - read the first before the second, because it probably won't make much sense... अधिक

Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's/Liam's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's/Liam's POV
Luna's POV
Wishton's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Luna's POV
Luna's POV
Luna's POV
Brendon's POV
Luna's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's/Ashton's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Lundon's POV
Willow's/Ashton's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Lundon's POV
Willow's/Ashton's POV
Lundon's POV
Lillow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's/Ashton's POV
Luna's POV
Luna's POV
Liam's/Ashton's POV
Lundon's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Lillow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Lundon's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's Pov
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Lillow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Lundon's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Lillow's POV
Lundon's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's/Ashton's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Luna's POV
Willow's POV
Zunadon's POV

Willow's/Ashton's POV

10 0 0
xMoonlightPerriex द्वारा

I sat at my piano, practicing some of my songs. I decided to start with Forever And Almost Always. I wrote it when Liam and I were in a shitty place in the relationship. I propped up the sheet music and started to play the introduction notes. Then, I got into the first verse.

So the story goes on down the less travelled road 

It's a variation on the one I was told 

And although it's not the same

It's awful close, yeah

 I was a little bit nervous about getting to the chorus because some of my notes usually seemed slightly off whenever I practiced it.

So you'll be mine forever and almost always

And I'll be fine

Just love me when you can

I finished playing the song and I was proud of my progress. I knew the fans would just love hearing this one live. The tickets for the international tour dates were just about sold out and I couldn't have been happier. A ton of fans showed me screenshots of their ticket purchase confirmations. I even retweeted them and followed some back. 

"Now, who could that beautiful voice possibly belong to?" Liam smiled and sat down next to me on the piano bench.

"Hmm, I don't know." I played along. "I wonder." 

"Maybe it's the voice of the beautiful girl sitting right next to me?" Liam asked.

I giggled. "Perhaps."

Liam placed his hand on my stomach, which was now pretty big. "I'm looking forward to the day we welcome our little one into this world."

"Me too."

I could already picture us holding our son in the hospital. It would be such a beautiful moment. I knew how happy Luna and Zayn were the day Rain was born. I had no doubt it would be the same for us. We were ready for to be parents and I knew this was something that would help to bring us even closer to each other.

"I know they're a few years apart but I just how cute it would be if our son and Rain became best friends." I said, putting my hands over my chest. 

"That would be pretty adorable." Liam replied.

"I miss having company." I blurted out.

"Hey, I'm here, and so is Ariel."

"No, I mean guests. We live on the opposite side of the country from Luna and everyone else now. Plus, we haven't really gotten to know anyone in this neighborhood I just miss hanging out with all of our friends." I replied.

"I know and I do too. But we'll get to see them all again for the many weddings that are coming up. Is it Lottie's or Rose's wedding that's first? I don't remember."

I thought back to a few days ago when I looked at the rings online. I still hadn't told him about it and I really didn't want to bring it up. I was afraid he would think I was desperate or something. To be honest, I was really looking forward to all of these weddings. I wasn't really close with Lottie and never really got the chance to know her better, mainly because she lived all the way in Doncaster for so long before she finally moved to New York but I always thought that she seemed so sweet and pleasant to be around. Still, I was very happy for her and Tommy.

I was genuinely ecstatic to see two of my best friends, Luna and Rose, each get married to the love of their life. I remembered when Niall had feelings for me and he absolutely refused to give Rose a chance. Now he's marrying her. I bet he never thought that would happen.

Then there was Brendon and Luna. They're the kind of couple you look up to and wish that could be you someday with that kind of amazing relationship. He was so much better for her than Zayn was. At least, that's how I saw it. I was overjoyed when Luna asked me to be one of her bridesmaids. Dua, Lottie, Eleanor and I had been emailing each other about dress options because we wanted it to be a group decision. There were a few really beautiful ones and we still hadn't decided yet.

I'll admit, I was still fangirling very much over the fact that I was interacting with the one and only Dua Lipa. I had a very brief conversation with her at Luna's Christmas party and I couldn't stop stumbling over my words and apologizing for it just about every second. Dua told me it was ok and not to worry but still, I felt so embarrassed. 

"You know what, Willow?" Liam said, interrupting my thoughts.


"I've been doing a lot of thinking. I do want to get married again someday. I'm just not sure when."

"I'm willing to wait as long as we need to. There's absolutely no rush." I reassured him.

"I will propose to you one day. It will happen when you least expect it." 

"And I will be just as excited as I was the first two times." 

"Well, you know what they say." Liam winked. "The third time's a charm." 

"It will be a charm for us. I just know it." I said before kissing him. 

I really did know that for a fact. We had been through a lot together and our love for each other at this point was way too strong to ever let anything come between us. Liam and I were going to have our second wedding someday. This time, we were going to last forever. I could just feel it.  


Ashton's POV

I didn't even know long I'd been waiting here. Twenty, maybe thirty minutes? I texted Luna the name and address of the café and she told me she would be here soon. Did she just have a different definition of the word, 'soon'? Clearly, she did because soon to me was fifteen minutes at the most. I decided maybe calling her would be a good idea. I tapped on her contact name and called, hoping she would give me a valid reason as to why she was not yet here.

After the third ring, she picked up. "Hey, Ashton!"

"Luna, where are you? You told me you'd be here soon and that was like, what? Twenty-five minutes ago?" I asked annoyed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I should have told you. I actually can't make it." 

"You can't make it?" I repeated her words. "Why not?"

"It's jsut Brendon and I have so much work to do with planning the wedding and plus, I have Rain to take care of. I just have too much to do today."

I couldn't help but sigh. "Fine, I understand. Good luck with everything. I'll see you later?"

"Thanks and yes, we'll definitely get together another time very soon." 

We said goodbye and hung up. I had this feeling Luna was up to something. It was as if she hadn't been completely telling me the truth since I told her about what I was doing. Although, her wedding was coming up very fast so I assumed they really did have a lot of work to get done for it. I came to the conclusion that I was just overreacting and brushed it off. As long as Luna was still on my side, that's all that mattered to me. 

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