Expect The Unexpected - Chim.

Από xChimx

41K 1K 107


Expect The Unexpected - Chim.
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:
Chapter Eighteen:
Chapter Nineteen:
Chapter Twenty:
Chapter Twenty One:
Chapter Twenty Two:
Chapter Twenty Three:
Chapter Twenty Four:
Chapter Twenty Five:
Chapter Twenty Six:
Chapter Twenty Seven:
Chapter Twenty Eight:
Chapter Twenty Nine:
Chapter Thirty:
Chapter Thirty One:
Chapter Thirty Two:
Chapter Thirty Three:

Chapter Two:

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Από xChimx

"Give it to me!"


"Stubborn bitch, fucking give it to me Walsh"

I slowly walked down the dark alleyway towards the voices. Tom had Kimberley pressed up against the wall, his left hand tightly wrapped around Kimberley's neck and the other holding both of her hands together so she couldn't fight back.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I shouted, causing Tom and Kimberley to jump. Kimberley sighed when she saw it was me.

"Fuck off"

"No, get off her!" I quickly ran towards him, not aware of what I was doing and ploughed into the side of him, kicking and hitting him as much as I could. I didn't even give my self chance to even think about what I was doing. He let go of Kimberley and she slid to the floor.

"I'll call the police and the bouncers if you don't fuck off right now" I threatened, whilst twisting his arm tightly around his back causing him to whimper slightly. "Are you going to fuck off?" I asked, pulling his arm tighter around his back causing him to nod quickly. "Good" I yanked his arm back swiftly once more before letting go and twisting him round to face me before punching him in the stomach. He doubled over in pain before fleeing the alleyway.

"Kimberley? Are you okay?" I knelt down beside the crying, quickly sobering up girl on the floor.


"What happened babe?"

"He, he took my credit cards, he was asking for the PIN number and he said if-if I d-d-didint give it to him he'd do something I'd regret"

"What was he going to do?"

"I don't know" she sobbed.

"Does he have your cards now?" I asked, she nodded.

"Let's get you up, you can come back to mine okay? We'll sort this" I told her, standing up and reaching my hand out to help her up.


"Here you go" I handed Kimberley a cup of tea and placed mine on the coffee table.

"Thanks" she sniffed.

"Right what we'll do, you can stay here tonight considering it's nearly 3am and tomorrow you can phone the bank, get your cards cancelled and get you a new one so your money is safe okay? Did he take anything else?"

"Okay, thank you Cheryl and just the money that was already in my purse"

"It's no problem, would you like a shower or something?"

"Erm..yes please"

"Come on then" I smiled and Kimberley placed her still steaming hot cup of tea on the table next to mine before standing up and following me out of the door and up the stairs.

"I've set the shower for you, shampoo and what not is over there. Here's a towel and some pyjamas. I'll be just out here if you need anything"

"Thank you" she smiled sincerely. "Oh..Cheryl?"

"Yeah?" I asked, turning back around to face her.

"I'm sorry I was such a bitch to you earlier I was just in a bad mood, I didn't mean to"

"Don't worry about it, happens to the best of us" I smiled before exiting the bathroom and leaving Kimberley to it.


"Thank you for letting me stay..can I get your number?"

"It's no problem, of course, here" I smiled, writing my number on a scrap piece of paper with the letter C next to it in curly writing.

"Thank you, we'll have to meet up for a coffee sometime?"

"Sure, I'll look forward to it."

"I've gotta go, my cars here..oh Cheryl?"


"You're not going to go to the press about this are you?"

"No, of course not, you can trust me" I smiled, placing my hand her arm.

"Thank you, well I best be off. I'll text you later so you have my number"

"Okay, bye Kimberley"

"Bye" she kissed me on the cheek before walking out to the car that had arrived to pick her up. A posh, immaculate black range rover with blacked out windows.

I sighed and shut the door before retreating back inside.


"Sarah, you'll never guess what"

"What?" Sarah asked down the phone.

"Guess who stayed here last night"



"I give up"

"Come round, I'll tell you!"

"Way to keep me hanging! I'm on my way"


"No way!"

"Yes way..watch it you're gonna spill it" I laughed, pointing to Sarah's glass of wine.


"You stopping for tea?"

"Sure, you cooking?"

"Am I fuck, I'll order us a pizza"

"Sounds good..fancy watching a film?"

"Yeah...How about....The Little Mermaid"

"Such a kid, Chez but go on then"

"Let me order the pizza first, you pour us more wine"

"I like the sound of that" Sarah winked, taking the wine out of the fridge.

"Hi yes, I'd like to order a meat feast pizza please"

"Large" I spoke down the phone, whilst pointing at which wine I wanted at Sarah who was holding two bottles, one red in one hand and white in the other. Pointing at the red, Sarah began to pour it. "That'll be great thanks, bye" I said, putting the phone down. "Should be here in half an hour" I smiled.

"Great!" Sarah smiled.

"Ooh Kimberley's just texted me"

"Ooo saying what?"

"She asked if I'm free now and if I wanted to do anything"

"Invite her round! I want to meet her!" Sarah shouted, reading the text over my shoulder.

"Should I?" I pondered aloud.


"Okay" I smiled, sending the text to Kimberley asking her to come round.


"Hey, come in" I smiled as I opened the door to Kimberley.

"Hey" Kimberley embraced me in a hug before entering the living room to find Sarah walking out of the kitchen.

"Sarah, Kimberley, Kimberley, Sarah" I introduced them, although they had already briefly met at the club.

"Hi, nice to meet you" Kimberley spoke up first.

"You too!"

"Pizzas just arrived, come help yourself. Chez wants to watch The Little Mermaid, she's a big kid so that's something you're gonna have to put up with"

"I love The Little Mermaid"

"Oh no, not you as well, Kimbo" Sarah dramatically sighed

"Shut it you" Kimberley laughed as Sarah handed her a plate before reaching into the cupboard for one for me and herself.

They seemed to be getting on well.


"Please, red" Kimberley answered, pointing to the red wine I had in my hand.

"Here you go"


"So, Kimberley, tell me about yourself..well what I don't already know" Sarah cackled, the wine starting to take effect on her.

"Well I'm 24, I'm from Bradford, I have two sisters, Amy and Sally and a brother, Adam. Ermm..I may be a pop singer but I adore musical theatre and I'm a real family person..I dunno what else..what about you both?"

"I'm 19, I work in a club, as you know. I have an older sister, Gillian, two older brothers, Joe and Andrew and a younger brother Garry. I'm really close to Garry but not so much the others. This nutter here is my best friend, she has been since I was like six" I grinned.

"I'm 20, I work in the same club as Cheryl..I want to be an actress when I get out of this dump. This little weirdo is like my little sister and..oh I love alcohol"

"I can tell" Kimberley winked at Sarah.

"What do you wanna be Cheryl?"

"A dancer" I grinned. I loved dancing, only I didn't find much time for if any more.

"Do you's have boyfriends?" Kimberley asked, taking a sip of wine.

"I do! His name is Mark" Sarah smiled.

"Nope, single" I replied. "What about you?"



"Are you going to tell her?"

"No, not yet, I dunno. Just don't say anything okay?"

"It's not exactly something you can hide"

"I know but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it" I whispered back to Sarah in the kitchen as we put the dirty plates and wine glasses in the dishwasher.

"Okay" Sarah sighed and dropped the subject.


"I'm gonna get off now" Sarah said standing up.

"Okay babe, see you soon" I said, standing up pulling her into a hug.

"Bye Kimbers"

"See you" Kimberley replied with a smile.

I walked Sarah to the door to see her out. "Bye Saz"

"Bye" she replied and I shut the door.

"She's so loud" Kimberley laughed.

"That's our Sarah" I giggled. "How are you feeling today? After what happened last night?"

"I'm okay, a little shaken up. I have a few bruises but that's about it. I've sorted my credit cards out so now I'm just going to put it behind me."

"Best way. As long as you're okay"

"I am, thank you for everything"

"You're welcome"

"I'm gonna get off too, fancy going for a coffee tomorrow?"

"Yeah that sounds good" I smiled.

"I'll text you what time?" Kimberley said, walking to the front door.

"Okay, see you then"

Kimberley hugged me tightly before letting go and walking out into the mild nights air. "Bye"

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