Sickness can be a Mysterious...

Par 1DIrishGirl5

108K 2.7K 1.1K

One Shots sickfics about One Direction; from being sick, faking sick, not believing they're sick, or their gi... Plus

Not So RockinEve Party (Niall)
No Tough Guy Zone Part 1 (Louis)
No Tough Guy Zone part 2 (Louis)
A Birthday Surprise (Harry)
Fake No More Part 1 (Liam)
Fake No More Part 2 (Liam)
I Can't Breathe (Zayn)
I'm Sorry But I've Gotta Run (Niall)
Will It Ever End( Liam, Louis, & Ed)
Faking...Not Me! (Harry)
Back To School (Niall)
Camping Trip Gone Wrong (Zayn & Liam)
Don't You Care (Niall)
Give Me A Chonce (Niall)
Swallow My Pride (Niall)
Dare Me (Niall)
Back To School Part 2 (Louis)
Can't You Wait? (Niall)
Rarely Notice (Niall & Zayn)
A Troublemaker Went Too Far (Louis)
Today Was Suppose To Be Special (Niall & Ashley)
Me Want Brother (Liam)
It's Just Hot Out (Harry)
Sleep Sleep And More Sleep (Louis)
Running Can Be Dangerous (Shenaysha)
It's Not What You Think (Niall)
It's Not That Serious...Right? (Louis)
Smile and Say...Freeze? (Niall)
A Milky Situation (Niall)
Grow Up (Louis)
We're A Team (BTR & 1D)
I Got Your Back Mate (Louis)
I Think I Might Go Bald Soon (Harry)
iReally Sick (Harry)
Wakey Wakey Sleepy Head (Harry)
Brr...It's Cold Outside (Niall)
I'm So Lost (Zayn)
It's Funny How Things Never Change In This Old Town (Niall)
Hide n Seek (Niall)
Hay Is Such A Simple Thing (Harry)
Contain The Tantrum (Liam)
Too Wise To Keep (Harry)
All I Need Is Love (Liam)
Poor Little Sis (BSM)
Such a Mummy's Boy(Harry and Niall)
Left in the Dust(Louis and Harry)
A Birthday To Remember (Niall)
Oh Not Again (Harry)
Pushed One Too Many (Louis)
Nerves Got To Me (Liam)
Just Hold On Harry (Harry)
Sometimes It's Okay To Ask For Help (Harry)
We'll Take Care Of You(Fran)
Leave Me Alone (Niall)
I Promise I'm Not Banana Around(Harry)
A Halloween Treat (Niall)
Christmas Time Is Suppose To Be Special (Niall)
Too Hot To Howl (Louis)
Nominated for The Winter 1D Watty Awards 2017
I'll Hold Your Hand (Fran and Niall)
No Happy-Go-Lucky(Niall)
Don't Drag Me Down (Harry)
Don't Worry Be Happy (Niall)
I'm So Sorry (Niall)
A Mothering Sonday (Liam)
Hall Of Fame Winter 1D Watty Awards
Coachella Together Again (Louis)
Zootastic Day (Harry)
Bite The Bullet (Liam)
Fooling Me Around (Louis)
Being Nice Come With A Price (Niall)
Chocoholic No More (Liam)
Mystery Surprise (Louis)
Shot Me Out Of The Sky (Harry)
Baby You're Fireproof (Niall)
Helping Turn To Being Helpless (Liam)
Sickness That Never Ends (All Sick)
Baby You're Giving Me A Heart Attack (Louis)
Wango Tango Surprise (Niall)
Dodge More Than A Ball(Harry)
Home Alone (Niall)
Hersey-Tastic Birthday Adventure (Liam)
Too Much Pressure (Niall)
No...Not Again (Harry)
I'm Bleeding Love (Niall)
I'm Happy, I'm Sad, I'm Who? (Louis)
When Is Enough Is Enough? (All Sick)
Do You Believe Me Now? (Niall)
Story Time Not For Me (Liam)
Wee Wee All The Way Home (Harry)
A Reflux Of A Problem (Niall)
A Friend Turn To Enemy (Nouis)
Cry Cry Alone (Niall)
Hate Is Not The Way To Blame (Niall)
Honestly I Should've Told You (Niall & Harry)
Sickness Not Too Much For Friends (Harry)
A Little Mishap...No Big Deal...Right? (Niall)

Hiatus Isn't Fun Anymore (Niall)

619 21 13
Par 1DIrishGirl5

A/N: Thank You Sincewearealone for your request and happy to write it. Hope you like it 😊

Niall's POV

I'm getting really nervous now because this Saturday is going to be the first night of my Flicker World Tour. It's going to be in Killarney, Ireland. I know I've already done the Flicker Session last year but still doesn't get over the fact of how much I miss the lads and wish I was touring these songs with them but I knew that wasn't going to be happening.  I knew why also it has been harder because me preparing for this world tour left me less time to keep up with the lads.  I'm trying to stay focus and work, work, work till I have nothing left in me to not think of how much I miss the lads, my best friends. 

Doing all this extra rehearsal since the tour starts this weekend, has taken a great toll on my body.  I've been feel a bit run down, exhausted all the time but figured I just need some extra sleep but knew there wasn't much time for that. 

I woke up the day before opening night of my tour with an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion. I slowly emerged from my bed with a tickle in my throat until I let out a cough. I felt chills run down my back while my stomach was feeling uneasy. I really hope this is just nerves because I don't want anything to mess up opening night.

I continued to get ready slowly, showering, getting dressed, and attempting to eat as I don't really have much of an appetite before heading to the airport for me to fly to Killarney. As I was walking in the airport, there was loads of fans there with cute adorable posters. I stopped a bit and took some photos and chatted before security ushered me to the door so I could get onto my flight. I waved bye as I left. It became a struggle as I was walking, having a hard time catching my breath. I thought it was from just the rush of the busy airport so I didn't think much of it.

Once I arrived, my symptoms only seemed to be getting worse so I told everyone I needed to stop and pick up some throat drops, even if I'm really looking for other things to help relieve these symptoms.  They were all confused and wondering if I was alright, I let them know it was me being cautious. 

I walked in by myself as I was going to be quick and looked at all the medicine to see if any would help ease my symptoms.  I found a couple things also grabbing the throat drops before going up to pay.  Once back in the van we where off to the hotel.  The band was staying in pairs, while I was alone.  It use to happen that way when we were five members, one always was left up to ourselves but I loved it when we stayed on the tour bus because no one got left out.  I was actually happy now to have a room to myself because of how I'm feeling, didn't want to let anyone know I'm getting sick maybe and to avoid them getting sick. 

I got settled in with everything laid out, including the medicine I just bought.  I read the instructions before taking some and got ready for rehearsals the last time before I did the sound check for the fans, being I'm letting them have an insight of what life is like before the actual show.  The lads were waiting for me downstairs before heading to the venue.  They were all giving me looks but I didn't let on anything, I just tried to act normal as I could.

At rehearsals, I was feeling a little sick to my stomach.  It could be because I took medicine without eating anything, really hadn't ate much today.  I sung through the songs but kept getting shortness of breath and messing up.  It was going to be hard to hide how I'm feeling if I keep screwing up.

" alright?" One of my band mates asked.  I couldn't tell who as I was focusing on breathing again.

"Yeah...I think I'm just really out of shape...need to build my endurance up more...I guess." Really I've been keeping up with that with the help of Mark but somehow today was not my day.

"If you say so mate...this seems a bit worse than being out of shape." I could catch my breath enough to tell it was Gerry, known to be as the captain.

"Haven't you been working with Mark almost everyday to prepare for the tour? Are you one hundred percent sure something else isn't going on?" Jake laid a hand on my shoulder as I stood up straight once again.

" also could be nerves too...this a bit bigger than the session we did last year." I explained but none of them looked convinced but left it at that.

I missed the lads from One Direction because I could tell them easier how I was feeling and we support each other, not that my band now wouldn't just closer to the lads I spent five straight years with. If only they were going to be there tomorrow, it'd make it so much better to see them.

We finished up soundcheck, after taken extra time for me to breathe. By the end of it, I felt as if I needed to be hooked up to an oxygen tank. And not to mention my stomach was in knots but I didn't lead on that anything was wrong. We headed back to the hotel where we separated into our rooms before calling it a night. We have a big day ahead and I just hope that everything goes well, especially as I'm feeling poorly.

I laid in bed for like an hour before my stomach turn upside down and causing me to rush to the toilet. I felt so weak as my body cause what little food I had in me to reappear. I fell back against the hotel tub, breathing heavily as it felt as my lungs were being restricted of air. I began to cry as I caught my breath. I always seem to get really emotional when I'm feeling unwell but I was alone in my hotel, without the lads here to comfort me. I knew they were off doing their separate things on hiatus but I prefer us together. That's why this hiatus thing isn't fun anymore.

I looked at my phone once I regained a steady breathing pattern, seeing it was only ten at night and thought I could group chat the lads to see how their hiatus was going.

Nialler: Hey lads hope it's not too late just wanted to say hi and see how everyone was doing?

Payno: I'm great and it's never too late to talk to you Nialler, just hanging with the fam and playing with Bear at the moment. Writing and working on my album.

Tommo: same been hanging with my sisters and Freddie. Also working on an album to be released later.

Hazza: Went on tour last year and starting up soon with my tour this year. And the movie I did last year. You're starting your tour soon aren't you, Ni?

Nialler: Yeah, tomorrow😕

Payno: what's up?

Nialler: nothing

Tommo: we know something is up, we know you too well 😉

Nialler: just nervous 😩 miss you lads as it's not going to be the same without you up here with me. 😪

Hazza: aww ☺️ don't be upset, you'll be fine and we're here for you in spirit. You're new music is great. I have it downloaded on my phone.

Payno: same here 😁

Tommo: same as well 😋

Nialler: yeah I have all of yours as well. Everyone doing great. Do you ever think we will get back as a group when we're doing so well as solo artists? 😭

Payno: of course, like you said in interviews we will never be as successful as we were in One Direction and be crazy not to get back together.

Hazza: how come you to feel that way now?

Nialler: idk just feeling a bit down.

Tommo: are you alright because if you're not you better tell me know or I'm going to jump through this phone and make you confuse.

Nialler: lol 😂 yeah just miss you but it'd be nice if you could jump to my phone then that means you'd be here for my show tomorrow.

Payno: true but that hasn't been invited yet unfortunately so texting will have to do for now.

Hazza: well I hate to cut this short but I have big day 2row. TTYL love you all 😘 goodnight 😴

Tommo: unfortunately the same is with me too. Can't wait to see you all. 🙃 goodnight 🌙💤😴 love you all too

Payno: I can talk more if you need daddy direction.

Nialler: no I'm fine, need to get to bed anyway. Big day with my tour starting and all. Nice chatting with you all. Have a goodnight and I'll TTYL. Love yah

Payno: goodnight Ni and good luck with the show tomorrow but I know everything will go great. 👍🏻 😉

Nialler: thx 😊

Payno: no prob

After I finished talking with the lads it made me feel better, enough to have the strength to get back to bed. I took more medicine and grabbed a sick bowl incase I can't make it too the toilet. I slowly lay myself to bed, tucking the covers up to my chin as I felt chills run through my whole body once more before finding sleep.


The lads had a planned, long before Niall had text them all. They had bought tickets for his first show and all were heading to the airport for an overnight trip to Killarney, Ireland. They knew how Niall gets when he was nervous and was worried about him. Little did they know that Niall needed the lads more than anything.

They arrived at the same airport, all at different times but agreed to wait for all them make it there. They were all rooming together so it made since to wait also they hadn't seen each other in awhile, it was a great time to get caught up.

Once they settled in they headed off the venue where Niall was going to be performing later. The crew of Niall knew they were coming and had planned a big surprise. They figure out a way to sneak them into Niall's dressing room where they waited for him on his couch. They could hear Niall talking on the outside of the door, laughing a bit but all looked at each other when they detected a slight raspy in his voice but before anyone could say anything, Niall emerged into the room with the biggest grin ever that came upon his adorable face.

They all stood up and ran to give Niall a hug. Niall couldn't believe that they were there, standing right in front of them. He asked how? because he knew they were all busy. They explained they had this plan for a while and that they were in the process of getting on plane to fly here was why they were busy today.

The lads where all excited but they noticed something was off with Niall because as they were hugging, they noticed the heat coming of him and was paler than normal.

" feeling alright? You look a bit pale." Liam being his usual daddy direction checking Niall's forehead. And like he suspected, a fever was present.

"Yeah...just nervous but better now that you lots are here." Niall smiled, trying his best to cover up how he truly was feeling.

How he was actually was feeling was worse than yesterday. When he got up this morning he could hardly breathe at all. His chest was so tight as if someone stacked heavy bricks on top of him. His head was killing him and was sweating but chills kept him feeling as he was cold. His appetite was still shot, couldn't even think of put a single thing inside of him. He only had some crackers to take with his medicine but immediately after taking them could feel it wanting to make a reappearance. Niall somehow kept his stomach in check and now he was attempting to get this day over with.

The lads knew Niall was hiding that he was sick and knew tonight wasn't going to end well if he went on stage. They knew though Niall was stubborn and would push through even if he was unwell. And their predictions were correct when he said he had to do soundcheck but allowed them to stay in his dressing room if they liked, they did but gave Niall worried looks before he left.

Niall's POV

I was so shocked that the lads showed up and surprise me. It was a delightful treat to see them and was so grateful they took time to come support me. I wished I felt better but that couldn't be help now just have to push on for the fans. Besides it'd be terrible to cancel on the first night of the tour, what kind of person would I be if I did that.

I made it through soundcheck and answered the fans questions. One girls asked me if I was alright and told I was just nervous which was halfway the truth. Once I did the soundcheck it came to meet and greet which I hope I could make it through, I was still having a rough time breathing. The fans were all excited to see me and I was happy as well. Their happiness help me forget how I was feeling for a short bit.

I met back up with the lads before going on stage to perform. I told them I had a few surprises I wish they could share with me. I was planning on doing a couple of our songs, wishing they could sing them with me. They all wish me good luck before giving me one last hug. They came to the side of the stage to watch me perform.

Everything was going well as can be but didn't let the fans know. I wanted to give them a show they never forget. I knew the lads were aware of how I truly felt because we've know each other for close to eight years and tour together for five. Kinda creepy how well we know each other but thankfully we did all at the same time.

I announce my band so the fans could get to know them. "How is everyone enjoying the show?" I said cheerfully into the microphone, getting an instant response.

"Great!" with loads of screaming involved. What they didn't know it was hurting my already aching head.

"Well I'm happy you came and enjoyed the show...I have one more song to sing for you all and I'm sure most of you know this song...but also got some special guess with me here tonight that might want to sing with me as well." I fanned to the lads to come out, they looked hesitated and turn to whisper to each other first. They nodded their heads before coming up onstage with me. Once they were standing beside me the fans erupted into a sonic of screams. Some I could see were fan-girling, shouting all our names.

"Would you lads like to sing Drag Me Down like old times?" The crowd screamed yeah, jumping up and down in excitement. The lads couldn't resist and if they truly meant what they said last night of getting back together, singing this song will prove it.

"Sure!" Harry said grabbing a mic.

"Why not!" Louis agreed, joining Harry.

"It'll be like old times!" Liam lastly said grabbing a mic.

"'s Drag Me Down, joined in if you know the words."

We sang our same parts we did as a band with my band playing the music for us. Everyone was having a good time, singing along to a much familiar song when I became short of breath again but pushed on anyway. The song ended and the crowd screamed once more. I told everyone to have a safe trip home and thank them for coming.

As I was walking off stage I stopped and cough a bit, my air way becoming closed again. Everything started to spin causing my head to hurt. I began to stumble as I tried to focus on exiting the stage. And it wasn't helping my stomach decided to do flip flops. It became unbearable for me to stand, I doubled over as my balance was off. Legs becoming to weak to support myself as leaned over to the side, I felt someone catch me. I heard voices and screams but they were becoming faint as if I was in a tunnel. The sound of everything around became mute and my sight went dark.


The lads were all exiting the stage after the show ended. They were happy Niall including them on stage. They didn't want to steal his spotlight though but agreed to do the song because then they could keep a better eye on him as they saw him struggling throughout the show. They noticed Niall wasn't himself as he walked and they all stayed close to him. Louis was behind while Liam and Harry in front. He began to sway and loose his balance before he bent over in pain. He was struggling to breathe before his body gave out and toppled over into Louis. He laid him gently on the stages, trying not to make big scene as the fans were still leaving. But unfortunately some fans saw and started to scream out causing whoever was left to noticed the lads up on stage still with an unconscious Niall. Liam tried to keep them calm as Harry went to get help. Louis stayed with Niall, not taking his eyes of him, till the ambulance came. All the lads including One Direction and Niall's band came to the hospital. They a waiting for a while as they examined Niall before the doctor came out.

The doctor explained that Niall had what you call Walking Pneumonia, where it can go undetected but if not treated turn into actual pneumonia. The doctor said his became worse because of not treated properly and the medicine he was taking wasn't the correct kind. He also was badly dehydrated from lack of appetite and unable to keep anything down. He said he shouldn't have been performing tonight as it only escalated his symptoms which in the end what caused him to pass out and become hospitalized. They said Niall would need a week at least of bed rest to recover properly and then be back on his feet.

All the lads went to his room with balloons and a big teddy bear to cheer up Niall. They all thought he looked so weak and helpless and wished he would've told them the truth to avoid this happening. Niall apologized with what little voice he had and him still struggling to breathe properly. Niall was in the hospital for two day before he was released and the lads clear what ever scheduled they had to help Niall get back to himself. After a week and a half they got their wish and he was back to the Niall they love.

Continuer la Lecture

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