Lunar Heart, Shadow Bound ✓ [...

By TheTigerWriter

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[Editor's Choice] Pinti is a fun-loving child of the blue feline race Kathula. When the shapeshifting Edgling... More

Part One: Heart of Shadow
Ch.1: Escaping Responsibility
Ch.2: Her Name Means 'Rain'
Ch.3.1: The Survivors
Ch.3.2: The Survivors
Ch.4: Under the Sun
Ch.5: A Rare Specimen
Ch.6: A Helping Paw
Ch.7: Discriminated 'Kitty'
Ch.8.1: Dealing with Deel
Ch.8.2: Dealing with Deel
Ch.9: Chaos in Syaraize
Ch.10: Everywhere a Sorcerer
Ch.11: Ancient Squiggles
Ch.12.1: An Unexpected Reunion
Ch.12.2: An Unexpected Reunion
Ch.13: Midnight Snack
Ch.14: Pain of Perilla
Ch.16.1: The Politics of Things
Ch.16.2: The Politics of Things
Ch.17: The Pawn Woman
Ch.18: One Prestigious Parlor
Ch.19: Chase and Run
Ch.20: At the Edge
Extra: Glossary & Fun Facts
Part Two: Soul of Moonlight
Ch.21: The Other Soul
Ch.22: Kathula Sorcerer?
Ch.23: Tornado and Lizlerrin
Ch.24: Tricks and Tangles
Ch.25: Tales Over Food and Drink
Ch.26: The Pawshake
Ch.27.1: Wegginfaezerie City Carnival
Ch.27.2: Wegginfaezerie City Carnival
Ch.28: Glow in the Dark
Ch.29: Unmasked Sorcerer Battle
Ch.30: Rauvuren Yava
Ch.31.1: A Rauvuren Dinner
Ch.31.2: A Rauvuren Dinner
Ch.32.1: Bound and Taken
Ch.32.2: Bound and Taken
Ch.33: A Comfort and Thieves
Ch.34: The Edgling Castle
Ch.35: Realizations
Ch.36: Into Gelid
Ch.37: Through the Tunnel
Ch.38: Lost and Found
Ch.39: Cavern of Moonlight
Ch.40: The One Soul
Ch.41: A New Purpose
A Thank You and Reading Questions
Character Aesthetics
Art Gallery
News & Other Books (updated Jan. 18, 2024.)

Ch.15: Shadows Over Fields

222 23 44
By TheTigerWriter

Edited: May, 13, 2020


Galag took Pinti to a field that overlooked a grove of trees and flower fields. It seemed like Ulk Pyne went on forever. There were swaths of forest, field, and flower beds over and over like many blankets on top of each other.

"Don't be worrying about anything being complicated. It'll be easy for you to catch on, I'm sure," he said with a smile and took off his cloak. He unbuttoned the cuffs of his sleeves. Loose at the edges, they almost hung over his hands. He shook out his arms and rolled up the sleeves.

"Are you ready? Here we go," he said in a cheerful voice. Then he made a swift waving motion, muttered one thing she couldn't catch, and disappeared.

She blinked at the spot she thought he was. When she pawed the air, she felt nothing. He had just been right there. It was like he had stopped existing but then he called her from behind and appeared again.

"The Forest Crup has all sorts of ancient magick flowing around it. Very deceptive. Things called Impossibilities happen there where, in the real world, they wouldn't because of scientific reasons and the laws of magick. That one I just did is invisibility but of the physical as well. You could walk through me although both of us would feel something rather uncomfortable." He shuddered with a chuckle.

"Invisibility is the most common in the Forest Crup." He smirked. "You didn't hear me go behind you at all, did you?"

Pinti shook her head. "But if I tried really hard, I could probably smell the..." She sniffed the air. It was already scentless magick. She frowned.

Galag shook his head. "Sorcerer magick doesn't always use potions, just like the Forest Crup." He walked to a tree and broke off a branch. "Here, let me show you. Come closer," he said, and she joined him by the tree. She immediately recognized the sweet nectar and fruity scent of the peach tree.

"And what can you do with that?" She was expecting something very convenient when Galag just shrugged.

"Just a staff that can grow roses on a peach tree if you want for whatever reason. You'll need to constantly recharge the magick with the same concoction though. It's called 'looping', but we won't get into that."

She jumped backwards when he lit it up into flames and in an instant, it turned to ashes. With a snap of his fingers, the ashes vanished. Her heart thumped against her chest reminding her how Sorcery could very well be quite destructive, too.

"What you need to do is capture the part of magick that has no recognizable scent. Get rid of the scents, all of them, and find the missing piece." He disappeared again. "Oh, and I'm also floating above the ground so you can't tell where I'm standing." His voice sounded like it was all around her.

Alright, She slowed her breathing, I'll do this. She closed her eyes. Concentrate, Pinti, She told herself. Concentrate on the scents. What do you smell?

It was the fresh grass and the dank earth. These scents were the strongest as they often were after the first sunlight of the day. The peach tree was the strongest so she moved away and found other sweet nectar scents—flowers, some with a fruity scent she could not name. It was like apple pie and buttery caramel mixed together in a delightful concoction.

Concentrate Pinti, what do you smell? Pinti opened her mouth to catch more scents through the scent gland on the roof of mouth. She had to find all the scents before she could even begin erasing them all.

A breeze passed below her nose and tickled her ears, but she kept her clutch on all the scents she could identify. She soon lost herself in a maze of scents. Plants, trees, soil, wildlife lurking beneath the dirt and underneath stones that lined the way to the log house. Her sense of smell traveled to the ground on which she stood and found even her own scent which she rarely smelled despite it being herself—a lavender tinted citrus like sweet, fresh oranges reflecting some of the shampoo from this morning and some that was her own.

So, there's my scent. Delighted at the discovery, she could now construct a full map of scents just based on where everything was.

Pinti was lavender and orange. To her left, a grassy slope with the oak and pine of the log house. To her right, the many fresh and flowery smells of nature and the one distinct peach tree. In front and in back was also nature, but something was a little off. Trying to keep her excitement at bay, she slowed her breathing and erased herself, the slope, the house, and all the nature around her.

One scent remained. It was cinnamon and lemon at the same time, and it was musty with a hint of a damp woodiness. It could only be one thing—dried, crushed cherries which was probably something Galag had on his person to fool her.

"But all scents have to go," She muttered in Kathulan. "All of them." Somehow, she was afraid of letting that one go, because she knew only nothingness would be left. Having something to smell grounded her and not having that was terrifying.

Come on, you have to do this. If I do this, I can help them in the Forest Crup. I can be useful. With a word of encouragement to herself, Pinti let the crushed berries go. Nothing remained. Her heart thumped. But was it truly nothing? She sniffed the nothingness and twitched her whiskers. She couldn't open her eyes, or the visuals would bring back all the scents.

It was impossible to find Galag. It was like sniffing air but not really. Even air had a scent of whatever other scents it picked up around her. But what she had now was nothing. She knew it was going to be a waste of both their times.

Pinti didn't like admitting defeat because then everyone would know she had failed even if 'everyone' was just Galag and maybe Lalina. She wanted to be of help, and she did have a talent with her nose.

A distant sound made her ears twitch. As it grew closer, she caught the scent of Edglings and then all the scents came rushing into her nose making her sneeze. She flung open her eyes in time to see Galag materializing next to her and four dots of black Edglings appearing in the sky just below the sun.

How did they get into Ulk Pyne? She twitched her whiskers. They were flying towards them and taking the shapes of crows twice the normal size. The one in the front opened its beak and howled.

"My Saboteur." She bristled and bared her fangs in his direction. The sky darkened as clouds rolled over the sun. The wind picked up and ruffled her fur.

"We have to leave." Galag whispered. "Wait here, I'll get Deel and Lalina!" He ran up the slope to the log house. The cackling of Edglings filled the entire area and echoed in her mind, bringing back memories she had shoved away.

A fire ball hurled at the log house. Orange light warmed her fur. Pinti froze in her spot. There was nothing she could do but watch. The log house burst into flames. Charred wood scents exploded in her nose. Neither Galag nor Deel nor Lalina could she see or smell.

The Edglings were closing in, and there was her Saboteur morphing into his wolf with antlers form. He spread open his thorny wings and extended black claws on all paws and feet.

"Pinti," His growling voice resonated in her head, "you will die." His red eyes bore into hers.

"No!" Deel's scream snapped both their attentions away from each other. Out of the log house came Galag pulling Deel, but no Lalina. "No, we have to go back!" Deel was screaming and sobbing.

"We can't, it's too late!" Galag dragged him down the slope. Upon seeing Pinti he shouted, "To the cave!"

But she couldn't move. Her Saboteur was coming down slowly, knowing she was too frightened, and the memories of the attack were merging with the present. Kathula yowling as they fought an enemy they were bound to lose to. Kathula crying over the bodies of their loved ones before being killed themselves. Pinti running from the responsibility to save her clan. The blood tang, the wet dirt, the smell of Makiista Clan, and the weight of her father's head in her paws—it was all flooding back.


Galag's voice snapped her back to the present and she blinked away a tear just as a thorny tentacle lashed her way. She leapt in the air, barely dodging it, and dropped to a roll on the ground. Bristling, she swiveled her head around, but they were surrounded. Her Saboteur gave a guttural call and the Edglings morphed into black Kathula with blood red eyes.

"Let's see how you do with our latest addition." Her Saboteur instantly turned into wisp of shadow and disappeared. The black Kathula dropped down to fighting stance. Deel huddled near Pinti as she unsheathed her claws. How dare they take the form of Kathula. It was disrespectful. Kathula were never evil or did horrendous things.

"Pinti, I've got this. Take this, you and Deel go to Syaraize. The tunnel will take you there." Galag stuffed a bag in her arms. It was heavy and when she opened it, it was the book on the scepter.

"I can fight." She insisted through clenched teeth. Did he not think she was very much capable of defending herself against her own enemies?

"I know, but only you can read the book, and you can't risk your life here. And I'm not just any Sorcerer. I'm a Professor rank." He straightened his back and lifted his head. "I'm your opponent! Fight me!" He yelled and out from his back emerged a red and orange snake with horns on its head. It's body enlarged until it was taller than Galag.

It lashed its tail out and hit the two Edgling Kathula that were closing in behind Pinti making an open space.

"Go, now! Go!" Galag said urgently with wide eyes. "Go, Pinti! Run!"

Feeling a dreadful sense of déjà vu, Pinti grabbed Deel by the wrist and ran through the opening. The black Kathula tried to pursue her, but the snake latched around them and pulled them away, making them yowl in frustration. She looked over her shoulder as the Edgling Kathula closed in on Galag. With a burst of red and orange light, they were thrown away from him and their Kathula disguises melted away transforming them into the shadow blobs of Edglings.

"Go, Pinti! I'll catch up. I'm alright." Galag gave her a firm nod and whipped around just in time as an Edgling came barreling towards him with a sword. Sparks flew as the two swords met. Tearing her eyes away, she found Deel had already made it the tunnel and was running in place waiting for her.

"Hurry, let's go!" He grabbed her paw to pull her along.

"What about Lalina?" She snatched her paw away, not liking to hold paw and hand with a fake Human.

Deel shrugged. "It was too late."

She frowned at how unbothered he now seemed. It had seemed like he and Lalina were close and that's how he reacted to her supposed death? But now was not the time to think about that. She could hear her Saboteur's guttural calls and knew something had changed. Running through the dank, cold tunnel, she could only hope that Galag was okay.

I'm worried about him? The thought startled her. Just yesterday, she didn't trust him, but had been kind to her and now he was putting his life in danger for her and Deel. How much more did he have to prove to her?

Orange light from a fire leaked in, coloring the black walls. Cobwebs obstructed the way and she slashed at them with her claws, curling her lips as the webs stuck to them. Flicking her paws, she soon stumbled out into Syaraize with Deel at her heels.

It was early morning here and the sky was still pink. They had come out near the Umbrella Shop, but there were no citizens out yet. It felt like another world. Only the distant sound of a horse pulling a carriage could be heard. It was so peaceful, but Pinti still had her claws unsheathed and her fur was bristled. Ears alert, she listened for Galag. The doorway had now disappeared and turned into a stone wall.

After a few moments, the wall morphed into a door and a battered Galag came out of the tunnel. His cloak was torn here and there, his hair was disheveled, and there were a few scratches on his face. Deel ran over and jumped into his arms to let out a short sob.

"Just shut up!" He cried out although no one had said a word.

Pinti wondered if she should be sad or angry for Lalina, but she felt nothing. She didn't have a connection with Lalina. Death was inevitable in the world they lived in now. Pinti couldn't let herself be sad for every death or she would wear herself out. She had to keep going, keep moving, and keep strong.

"I sealed the door from inside the tunnel," Galag said at last, his voice hoarse. "But Edglings will come out of Ulk Pyne if they knew how to get in. We need to go to the Forest Crup quick. Ferk Nort Citadel has the Portal Station. Follow me. We must get there before Edglings." He walked out of the alleyway in brisk steps, wiping his eyes with his sleeve while the other had Deel attached like glue.

With a jerk, Deel twitched and nearly flung himself off of Galag. He fumbled with his hands and touched the back of his necklace. His left hand grabbed his other arm and yanked it away so hard his Human nails scratched the back of his neck, making him wince.

"I saw what I saw!" came the low deep voice Pinti had heard a few times in Nuaka.

"Stay away." He squeaked. "You're a liar."

A hint of lemongrass tickled her nose. She stiffened, recognizing that smell.

"He's try—"

The almost desperate-sounding low voice was cut off when Galag rested his hand on Deel's head. "We'll get you all sorted out, don't worry." He smiled down at Deel who nuzzled his head against Galag's arm. Pinti sniffed the air, but the lemongrass was gone.

The lemongrass scent came out when Deel was low-voiced Deel. She was certain the scent was connected to some kind of magick. It couldn't be PTSD or Deel's special way of coping with trauma. There was something fishy about Deel. She narrowed her eyes at his Human back and spotted the necklace. Somehow, she knew taking that off would reveal his truth but one thing she wasn't sure about was how important or not it was for finding the scepter.

A moment of weaving through the streets soon brought them closer and closer to the portal. She could tell because it made her fur tingle with anticipation and she felt the hum of the portal beneath her feet.

Little by little the streets became more populated. Not yet awake sleepy residents of Syaraize milled about and made their way towards the portal that could now be seen peeking over the tops of wooden and glass skyscrapers.

When they rounded a corner, Galag pointed to a towering structure up ahead.

"That's the Citadel."

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