Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagin...

By kayxo8

52K 699 232

Thomas Brodie sansgter AND Newt imaginesbfor you all☺️ My first imagine book? Send requests Due to my upcomin... More

Fight (Thomas)
My brother (Newt)
My brother (Newt) Part 2
Reunited with my ex (Thomas)
My brother- argument (Newt) part 4
Taking care of you (Thomas)
Taking care of you- next morning (Thomas) part 2
You get hurt in the maze (Newt)
He teaches you to play guitar (Thomas)
You come home drunk (Thomas)
Stood Up
Will you?

My brother- in the maze (Newt) Part 3

3.3K 43 12
By kayxo8

Your POV

Things had calmed down since we banished Ben after being stung but Gally was freaking out the most about him being stung in broad daylight. The rest of us on the other hand were trying our best to get over it and continue with our lives.

To step in for Ben, Alby decided to go with Minho into the maze today to try and retrace ben's footsteps and hopefully find any clues as to what happened to ben.

"Why does Alby get to go into the maze? I thought non-runners weren't allowed?" Thomas asked no one in particular as Newt and Zart began chopping a tree whilst chuck, thomas and I stood and watched. However, thomas was supposed to be helping...

"He's gone back to retrace ben's footsteps, are you gonna help?" Newt asked curiously, stopping for a moment to catch his breath. I chuckled at his face which was scrunched up due to the sunlight being in his eyes. He caught me laughing so threw a rock at me in which I thankfully dodged.

"But why though? Alby isn't a runner" thomas proceeded to ask.

"Look greenie, when the glade was first made there had to be someone who came up here first and witnessed everything for a whole month alone. And that was Alby. As a new greenie came up in the box each month, he learnt that the most important thing was that we had each other. He's in control around here because he knows everything better than anyone" newt explained to my brother. Zart continued with his work whilst chuck stood staring between the two boys.

Thomas let out a sigh before standing up and helping the tow boys cut the tree down.

"Yeah, there you go greenie" newt told Thomas before turning to me and grinning at me.

I looked up at the sky and saw a dark grey sky forming in the distance and heading in the direction of the glade. I saw Thomas look up and notice it too, newt copied, then Zart.

"What are you all staring a- ooh okay never mind" chuck said once he followed our gazes to see the sky himself.

It wasn't long before the rain started to pour. It was light rain at first so it didn't effect anything we were doing but soon enough it got heavier and heavier and we all had to flee for shelter. Some people were chilling in the homestead whilst Newt, Zart, Gally, thomas, Chuck, a few others and I were standing underneath the shelter where the hammocks are.

Gally kept his distance from us as he rested his arms on some poles, staring out into the maze doors. Chuck was sat on his hammock staring in the same direction and I was leaning against newt who was leaning against a large pole with his arm around my waist tightly. Thomas was to the left of us but in front a little bit as he tapped the pole in front of him with his fingers anxiously.

"They should be back by now" Thomas spoke loudly, frustration in his voice as we all stared at the maze doors.

He was right. Alby and Minho should've been back by now in time for dinner but there was no sign of them. Inside I was freaking out just as much as thomas but I managed to compose myself and hide it. I looked up at newt who was staring intently at the maze doors. He didn't look down at me but he rubbed his thumb on my side to give me some reassurance.

I sighed and laid my head on his chest as I continued to watch the entrance of the maze.

"What happens if they don't make it?" Thomas asked frantically but didn't move from his spot.

"They're gonna make it" Newt replied confidently, not taking his eyes off the entrance either.

"What happens if they don't?" Thomas asked, this time coming towards us and stopping in front of us.

"They're gonna make it" newt assured him one last time. Thomas sighed and walked away. Newt placed a kiss on my forehead before resting his head on top of mine. I knew newt better than anyone and I know he's trying to hide the nervousness he had for Minho and Alby just like I was.


The doors to the maze were supposed to close any minute. They still weren't back. The rain had stopped and all of us gladers were stood by the entrance of the maze, waiting for our two friends to return. I was stood in between newt and Thomas and on the other side of thomas stood chuck, then Gally.

I took a deep breath nervously and I felt newt grab my hand. I half smiled at him before hearing the sound of the walls start to close. The sound which was just like thunder and I always hated.

"Wait. THERE!" Thomas said, smacking my arm and pointing to the end of the long corridor the walls were closing in on. We all looked at the end of the corridor to see Minho trying his best to carry albys weight towards us.

"Wait no somethings wrong" newt said letting go of my hand to get a better look of the two boys.

"COME ON MINHO YOU CAN DO IT!" Chuck yelled. Everyone else started joining in, encouraging Minho that he could make it.

"Minho you gotta leave him!" Gally yelled, earning a glare from a few of us. As the shots continued I glanced at thomas who was silent and staring at the closing walls. He looked as if he was thinking about something.

"Thomas don't" I warned him, strangely enough knowing exactly what he was thinking. He ignored me and continued to stare. Before I knew it he bolted through the nearly closed walls and straight away I followed behind, not wanting to lose my brother to the maze after just getting him back.

"THOMAS NO!" Chuck yelled.

"Y/N!" I heard newt scream as I squeezed through the walls and on to the other side, collapsing beside thomas out of breath.

"Good job. You just killed yourself." Minho told thomas out of breath as he rested beside Alby who laid on the ground unconscious.

"And why'd you follow him slinthead?!" Minho asked me.

"I didn't wanna lose my brother after just getting him back." I told Minho quietly. He gave me a sympathetic look.

"Even if it was newt running into the maze, I would have followed" I told my friend.

"Oh shit. Newt!" I said realising I'm more than likely never gonna see him again. I felt tears brim to my eyes as a hand began to rub circles on my back. Thomas comforted me as I let a few tears escape. I never cried in front of the boys, so this was the first time Minho was seeing me cry and I could tell he didn't like it.

"What happened to him?" Thomas asked Minho, nodding his head at Alby.

"He got stung shuckface" Minho retorted.

I walked over to Alby and checked for a pulse. Thankfully he had one.

"He'll be okay for about 12 hours, the changing shouldn't kick in until then" I told Minho, knowing thomas wouldn't understand.

Suddenly the sound of a griever was heard and our heads snapped in the direction it was coming from.

"We gotta go" Minho panicked, standing up. Prepared to leave Alby.

"Hey Minho!" Thomas called stubbornly.

"We aren't leaving him" I told him, crouching down beside Alby.

"Well what do you suggest we do?" He asked frantically, pacing around us.

Thomas looked up at the walls and soon came to the idea of tying alby up with the vines and lifting him up so that he couldn't be seen.

All three of us were pulling on the vine and he was about half way up when the sound of a griever was heard again. Minho glanced down the corridor and panicked.

"Is there a griever?" I asked him. He nodded, not wanting to say anything.

"Just hang on. We're nearly there..." Thomas said, pulling in the vine a little more.

"I-I'm sorry guys" Minho spoke before bolting down the coridoor and leaving us both with albys weight. We both got pulled by the vine and smacked into the wall before being covered by other vines. The sound of large metallic footsteps was heard and thomas instantly put his hand over my mouth so I wouldn't speak.

I didn't dare move, in fright of making a small sound and end up getting attacked by the griever.

A few moments passed and the Griever had disappeared. We stood up quickly and double checked Alby was secure before preparing to leave. We debated which way to go but soon enough slime dropped on our shoulders and we both looked up to see the griever right behind us. I screamed as loud as I could as thomas yelled a swear word before we both dashed.

Hearing the grieve right behind us we continued to run. I ended up tripping over my foot and falling on the ground, skidding along the way. My knee and shin stung badly but thomas didn't hesitate to grab my arm and help me up before running again.

Corridor after corridor we reached a cliff. The griever was right on our tale and we glanced at each other before nodding. As it got closer and closer to us, we jumped. We grabbed on to the vines as we smacked into the wall and jumped down the wall, losing the griever along the way.

"You two song of a bitches" Minho yelled grabbing our shoulders before making us follow him. We ran for as long as we could as more grievers appeared.

"Here, the maze is changing we can lose it down here" I nodded and followed Minho down the corridor which had walls closing on. We reached the end and turned back to see thomas still stood at the end.

"What the shuck are you doing?! Hurry!" Minho yelled at my brother. He glanced back at the griever before encouraging it to follow him down the corridor. He was going to kill it.

"COME ON THOMAS YOU CAN DO IT!" Minho yelled at him. I glanced down at my leg to see blood dripping all down it from when I fell over but I didn't see right, I looked back at thomas and started yelling too.



Newts POV

The doors closed and I felt my heart break into a million pieces. How could she be so stupid? Why did she follow him?! She's killed herself. And I didn't even get to say goodbye. I didn't get to hold her one last time, nor kiss her one last time, or tell her I loved her, for one last time...

Everyone fell silent. No one knowing what to say. We had just lost four gladers, all whom meant a lot to each of us.

Alby, our leader. The one everyone could trust, the one who could keep everyone in place.

Minho, keeper of the runners. One of my best friends and one of the funniest people in the glade.

Thomas, the greenie. He may have only been here a few days but I'd grown to like him a lot. He wasn't like any other newbie. He was curious and i liked that.

And finally Y/N. The girl I've fallen in love with the past two years she's been in the glade. The girl who's smile can brighten up my whole day, the girl who's laugh was insanely contagious and she'd always blabber on about something stupid which doesn't make sense. She was my rock. Not only for me but I'm pretty sure she was a rock for most of the gladers. She kept us all seine, but I was the lucky one to get to call her my girlfriend. But now she's gone because she ran into the maze and is trapped there over night.

No one survives a night out in the maze.

"There's still hope guys...they might make it" chuck spoke, hope filled in his voice.

"Face it chuck. They're not coming back" I told him before walking away to the homestead.


It had gotten dark out and I couldn't sleep knowing that Y/N and the others were out in the maze more than likely suffering right now, or even worse be dead already. I left my room and the homestead to get some air and looked towards the entrance to the maze. I saw a figure sitting on the ground, staring st the maze walls.

Walking towards the person I saw it was chuck. I sat down beside him and thought about what to say.

"Couldn't sleep either huh?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"No" I said quietly.

"I'm sorry this has happened newt. I know how much Y/N meant to you..." he told me gently.

"It's okay chuck. I know she meant a lot to you too...she always saw you as a little brother to protect...that was another thing I always loved about her" I chuckled to myself for a moment, remembering the time she punched Gally on the arm for teasing chuck.

"What are we gonna do without Alby?" He asked worried.

"Have some faith in your second in command chuck" I joked, pushing my shoulder into his making a small laugh escape his lips.

"What about the runners? We've lost our keeper...everything they've ever found is probably gone now and we're back to square one again" he explained, considering we lost Minho.

"That one I'm not sure chuck...I can't say anything in case it doesn't end up being true" I told him honestly. He nodded and looked at the ground.

I patted his back before feeling another presence sit beside me.

"We'll figure this out chuck" Gally told the boy calmly. I looked at him and gave him a small smile with a nod. Gally never made an effort with many of us therefore I'd never seen him be so nice to chuck before. Right now I was thankful for it because I was barely being able to keep myself together.

"She's a fought girl newt...I don't know what it is, but I've got faith in her" he told me.


We all crowded the entrance as the walls began to open. My heart started beating faster and faster the wiser they got. Could they have made it? No one ever has but after what Gally told me last night a small bit of hope lingered in my gut that they'd make it out alive.

The walls were now fully open and my heart dropped. Nothing.

"Told you chuck. They're not coming back" I told the boy sympathetically, turning around with the other gladers. I was intending to walk back to the homestead and cry, for the first time, in a long time.

"No way" I heard Zart say. I turned around and looked at him, I followed his gaze to the entrance of the maze.

"Yeeaahh!!!" Chuck cheered as he saw the same thing. Minho and Thomas dragging Alby and behind them was a girl, limping with her head down, trying to keep up. Y/N.

We ran towards the entrance and waited for them to reach us. She made eye contact with me and forced a grin, I held my arms out, ready to embrace her as she entered the glade. Thomas and Minho set Alby on the ground with help from the other boys as Y/N collapsed into my arms, slightly shaking. She gripped me tightly and I held her just as tight back.

"What the bloodyhel were you thinking?" I whispered to her.

"Did you see a griever?" Chuck asked the boys.

"Yeah" Thomas nodded, sounding out of breath.

"He didn't just see it" Minho told us.

"He killed it" Y/N finished, her arms still wrapped tightly around my torso as I held her up.

A/N- long chapter for you all! Hope u liked it xx
Part 4 anyone?

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