Od willkillya-slytherin

2K 301 69

"I'll be careful." Jordan Fraser has caught the interest of Slytherin's golden boy Draco Malfoy, and is fight... Více

Character Aesthetics
1 / Train Station
3 / Unforgivable Curses
4 / The Champion Selection
5 / The Ferret And The Snake
6 / Dragons
7 / Serpent's Tongue
8 / Foreign Blood
9 / Three Broomsticks
10 / Dresses
11 / The Yule Ball
12 / Serpent Queen
13 / Night of The Second Task
14 / Black Lake
15 / Exam Week
16 / Passing Notes
17 / Hexed
18 / The Necklace
19 / The Maze
20 / Flames

2 / Visitors

196 17 9
Od willkillya-slytherin

Jordan rips her thoughts away from those icy Slytherin boy's eyes when Dumbledore approaches the podium at the front of the Great Hall. The tables fall silent when the great wizard opened his mouth.

"This castle will not only be your home this year, but also home to some very special guest." His voice boomed throughout the grand space, echoing off the high ceilings. The hall stays quiet, but the excitement is tangible in the air around the students. "Now please welcome, the Beauxbaton School for Witches!"

The students sat watching in awe and adoration as Beauxbatons entered the grand hall. The girls introduced themselves through an intricate and elegant dance with a beautiful girl with golden blonde hair and glowing fair skin leading them. She must have been part Veela, Willow thought to herself. The girl closely resembled Fawn, whose mother was fully Veelan.

"And now," Dumbledore rumbled, "Durmstrang Wizarding School!"

The students all howled and applauded, but Willow's excitement surpassed everyone else's. She only had one thing, one person on her mind: her brother, Oak Brodigan. Boys wearing fur coats barged through the large, dark wooden door, bearing staffs that slammed into the ground rhythmically. Willow saw her brother's curly brown hair, and waved at him. Oak winked back at her before throwing himself into an impressive aerial stunt at which brought Hogwarts and Beauxbatons to chaos.

It was a miracle that the wise headmaster managed to quiet the entire hall. Only when there was absolute silence did Dumbledore speak. "Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event - the Triwizard Tournament."

At his words, all of the students shifted restlessly. Bubbling excitement spilled out of the students in hushed whispers, and Dumbledore called for quiet once more.

"Due to the dangers of this tournament, the Ministry of Magic has decided that all of the champions must be over 17 to compete."

This time and overwhelming roar of disappointment swept the hall, and Jordan could distinctly hear the Weasley twins booing. It tooks several minutes and a sharp command to return order to the students.

"If chosen, there is no turning back." The students sober up, features ranging from worried to determined. Willow sought her brother's face in the crowd, and when she found it she saw the iron resolve in the competition.

"From this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun."

Dumbledore's voice rang over the tables, and everyone one sat frozen. Then food appeared on the tables, and like a broken spell students began to chatter as they filled their plates.

Willow felt her excitement for the competition become overshadowed by worry. Her brother could never resist a challenge, or a chance to prove himself. The glory and money were only a bonus in Oak's mind.

Her thoughts however were abruptly interrupted when a large, firm hand patted her on the shoulder making her nearly jump out of her skin. She didn't have to turn to discover who it was as the boy sat between her and Jordan with his arms stretched around them both.

"My dear sister." He said with a charming smile facing over to her.

"Oak!" She greeted in response before embracing him in a tight hug. "I've missed you!" She said to the boy.

Willow and Oak were separated into different schools of wizarding when the acceptance letters came. Their many miles away from each other made for a sad separation, but a happy reunion.

Jordan however, felt differently. She thought it best that the boy was often separated from her as she saw him as a poor influence - and it didn't help that Willow praised him for his wits and confidence despite his destructive arrogance. Jordan watches tentatively from the corner of her eye as Oak turns to his little sister saying, "You've grown to be so beautiful." He unknowingly tucks a lock of her white blonde hair behind her pointed, fairy-like ear.

Willow is quick to cover up the abnormality by pulling the hair out from the sides of her face. Oak notices her frantic movement as he brings his voice to a whisper, speaking in their traditional fairy language, "Why must you still hold onto this fear, sister?"

She replies similarly, "These people are much less welcoming to our kind than Durmstrang."

Oak showed a look of sympathy for his sister as he went through the same fear of acceptance for years. He wanted nothing more for his sister than to feel the overwhelming pride that he felt. Anyone could see his assurance in his heritage, with his long shaggy hair pulled back into a messy bun - revealing his pointed ears. He had intricate brown leather straps lacing his wrists, laden with charms and traditional fairy symbols. Enchanted ink traced his skin, the wood grain pattern peeking out from underneath his dark sleeves. To draw attention to his shifting, kaleidoscope eyes that were currently a vibrant green in excitement, he had pierced his right eyebrow with a steel stud.

Oak clearly commanded the attention of many, including the pure-blooded Slytherins. Willow could already see other Slytherins exchanging glances and whispers down the table. Irritation bubbled up inside her, but she forced it down. It wasn't Oak's fault, or the pureblood Slytherins, it just was. It just was old prejudice, it was a taught behavior, it was pride - it was just plain stupid.

Oak glanced at her, sensing her change in mood the way he always did. "We'll talk about this later."

>>> • <<<

After a long trudge from the Great Hall, Draco approached the girls within the first minute of their arrival in the common room. A prideful strut and a malicious smirk decorating his features as he spoke.

"Strange language you and your brother speak, Brodigan." Malfoy curiously puzzled with a lifted eyebrow. "It's almost as if it's inhuman." He chuckled to himself. "Care to quench my curiosity?"

"It should be no concern of yours." Jordan said sternly as she took a protective step in front of Willow. "It's a family matter." Draco looked at Jordan mildly confused.

"I was just curious about his ears, what is up with that?" Draco laughed along with the two brainless friends shadowing him.

Willow shoves Jordan behind her with fury burning in her eyes, her hands clenched into painful fists as she speaks out in a sore and raspy threat. "Mind your own damn business, Malfoy."

Although instead of the anticipated growl, the Slytherin boy let out a laugh, cold and emotionless. Willow's spine went rigid.

Draco took a step in closer to the tempered girl as if to tease her; test her. She fought hard not to let her anger get the best of her.

Draco abruptly reached out, catching Willow of guard as he forcefully pulled on her delicate hair away from her face exposing her strangely shaped ear. Willow winced in pain, although Draco had no intention of letting go as he discovered that the girl had the same pointed ears as her brother.

Draco, along with Crabbe and Goyle, laughed hysterically, finding humour in what appeared to be misshapen. "What are you?" Crabbe asked mockingly.

"And her eyes too!" Goyle pointed out, "Look, they're purple!" The three boys continued to laugh until Willow had finally managed to break free and swing a punch at the snickering Malfoy boy.

"Willow!" Jordan finally spoke up, but not to defend her.

Draco reacted quickly enough for Willow's punch to miss his fragile nose, although she still managed to grazed his cheek bone which began to bruise shortly after.

However, before Willow could through another punch, Jordan stepped in front of her.

"Stop it, Willow. You'll only get yourself in trouble."

The sternness and severity in Jordan's voice caused the blonde girl to twitch in an unnatural stillness, her fists quivered under the strength of her clench until her palms became indented with the shape of her nails.

After a silent grunt, Willow whipped around, storming away to her and Jordan's shared dorm with a bitter taste in her mouth. Crabbe and Goyle could be heard laughing at her as her feet carried her away.

"You better run, freak!" Crabbe called after her.

"House elf!" Goyle laughed, at her as she reached her dorm door.

Slamming the door behind her, Willow stomped her way to the bathroom, taking a stance in front of the mirror. She watched her reflection tuck a lock of platinum blonde hair behind one of her fairy shaped ears.

Willow fought to keep down the tears that were rising up in her eyes. She hated them, how the slightly pointed tips seemed to catch the attention of every prying eye, how they made her stick out from everyone else, and how it made her feel so out of place. They were a constant reminder that she could never be normal, that she would always be different - never to fit in.

She always wore her hair down, concealing them from people of prejudice, from people like Draco. Although her efforts weren't enough as her secret was now revealed.

Her heartbeat was a vicious pulsing in the heat as the raging blood flooding her limbs. Willow felt as though she couldn't control her body as she let out a yell before pulling her wand out on the mirror. Brilliant white-blue sparks lit the room as the looking glass shattered into a million pieces.

>>> • <<<

"That was cruel, Draco." Jordan remarks with a glare as she listens to Willow march up the stairs.

The boy apathetically shrugs, "I guess you're right. I'm just curious is all. You must tell me what type of breed she is." He finished with a snicker.

Jordan crosses her arms disapprovingly, "Draco, I'm serious."

The boy grabbed a gentle hold of her elbows that were still crossed in front of her, "You're right. Accept my apology, Jordan. It won't happen again."

Jordan nodded, slightly surprised by his sincere apology - at least as sincere as a Malfoy could muster.

"Now," He spoke out after Crabbe and Goyle had left, "Would you care to have a seat with me? We haven't had much time to talk since the Quidditch World Cup this summer."

The frustration against him that lingered in the back of her mind became less and less overpowering with every moment that passed between them. She soon gave in. "I guess it couldn't hurt." Without a second thought, Jordan lowers herself onto a lavish sofa in front of a crackling fireplace.

The soft, evergreen velvet sunk slightly beside her a Draco joins, and she breaks the hesitant silence. "So," She started, "the Triwizard Tournament, huh?"

"What a year it's going to be." He chuckled and shook his head, his white blond hair flopping in his face ever so gently.

"That it is, especially with all these students from other schools here." Jordan could feel Draco's pleading eyes on her, begging to be seen. She looked intently at the fire to rid her mind of racing thoughts and keep her from being charmed by his gaze; Draco had the grace of a prince and the cunning of a serpent. Instead of looking at his hypnotic eyes, Jordan admired how the flames danced with grace and elegance; how the tips licked every corner of the surrounding stone and how something so peaceful could so easily grow to be something so violent.

"Would you enter? If you could I mean."

She blew a strand of red hair out of her face, shaking herself from the trance. "No, I've never been one for eternal glory. There is better things to do with my time than avoid dying for it anyways." She turned to look at him then. "Would you?"

Draco's reaction was as she expected. "Of course." He scoffed, but then tilted his head in thought. "Well, I might reconsider if there was someone who was truly worried about me. Some people are worth more than eternal glory."

Jordan's answering smile was genuine, as she examined his features; they seem softer in the firelight. The shape of his eyes and the way his lips curled in the slightest way made her feel like someone truly appreciated her. She decided how nice it was to have someone show genuine interest in her in the simplest of ways.

The two of them stayed in the companionable quiet until the hearth was only smoldering embers, and they were the only ones left in the common room. Reluctantly Jordan rose to her feet, feeling the icy blue eyes on her form.

"I really should go. I still need to get settled in, after all." Jordan smiled softly, heading up the stairs despite Draco's protest.

After a short goodbye, she quietly entered the dorm room to the sound of the shower running behind the bathroom door. Jordan gave little thought to Willow however as she smiled to herself, reflecting back on her conversation with Draco. Thoughts of him flooded her mind as she sat down on her bed.

She suddenly felt guilty, for thoughts of Michael overcame those of Draco. Despite the boy's intentions with her being so unclear, a part of Jordan still hoped for something between them. Yet here she was, developing feelings for this snake.

She knew that the Malfoy boy could never accept Oak, or Willow for their heritage. It made her mind spin to the remainder of her friends, with Tessa being a halfblood, Fawn being a Veela descendant and Toby being born a mere mudblood, she came to the startling realization that Draco would never accept any of them! He was just like her parents, a filthy purest.

With a small guilty sigh, she shook the unsettling feeling from her mind and brought her attention to the unopened mail sitting on her bed. She had received a daily prophet, and a letter from her parents with a small package. Curiosity spiked at the sign of their names on the white envelope, it was not often that she received any recognition from her Mother and Father. She tore open the letter and immediately recognized her Mother's neat cursive writing.

Dear Jordan,

We are writing to you to as a crucially important task of you; you will do as we say if you hope to gain honor from us and bring pride to your family, as well as keep yourself safe. Your Father and I are demanding that you get closer to Mr. Draco Malfoy; he must come before any other acquaintances you may have. We believe that him and his family will help you later on in the year. All you must do is wear the ring attached to this letter so that him and the other students involved will be aware your place in the movement and with who your allegiance lies. If you have any questions, ask him, he will assist you. Please do this for us darling, make us proud.

Sincerely, your Parents.

A tidal wave of questions came crashing down on her. Why would they ask this of her? Who were the other students involved? Why must she wear the ring?

Willow pierced through Jordan's thoughts as she exited the bathroom wearing her pajamas with wet hair dripping down her shoulders. Jordan frantically struggled to hide the letter.

"What's that?" She asked pointing to the package. "Who's it from?" She asked curiously. Even though it was a relatively normal question, Willow had an undertone of annoyance in her voice. Weather it was from the previous incident or her secrecy, Jordan didn't know.

She hesitated before saying, "It's from my parents."

"What about?" Willow questioned immediately. She knew that her parents rarely wrote to her, only at Christmas. She assumed something must be very wrong if her parents would write to her at a time like such as this.

"It doesn't matter." She threw the letter in the small fire they had at the head of the room where it was quickly swallowed by the flames. Her Mother's words turned to ash in a matter of seconds.

Willow was taken aback, "So what, you're just going to start shutting me out?" She scoffed. "I'm your best friend, Jordan. I know better than anyone that your parents don't write to you - not unless they want something. I know that must be frustrating and I can't always help, but I still want you to tell me." She said frustrated and slightly angry, but beyond that, she was more hurt than anything.

"Not this time, I'm sorry." Jordan whispered, unable to look at her friend. She figured she needed to talk to Draco: to get some answers before dragging her friends into the mess.

And as if Willow could read her mind, she stated flatly, "But you're going to tell Draco. Aren't you." Willow knew by the wavering of Jo's stance that she had guessed correctly.

Jordan's heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. How was she supposed to respond to that?

"Even after he exposed my heritage and mocked me for it!" Willow raised her voice. "All because you fancy him! You even had the nerve to spend quality time with him afterwards, not giving a second thought about me."

"It's not like that."

"Then what is it like, Jordan? There's something off about you. You've been acting different ever since you met him. Please just talk to me." Willow look both hurt and confused, her face a mask of betrayal.

Jordan sighed, not out of frustration, but because she knew she couldn't hide this from her best friend. "Look, Willow. My parents are just pushing their expectations on me again. I just need to figure this out for myself before I start dragging my closest friends into it with me." Jordan cautiously took a step closer to her, unable to decipher Willow's emotions at the distance. "I hope that you'll respect my privacy, Will. I promise, I'll tell you when I'm ready. I just need time."

Her heart pounded violently against her rib cage, waiting in suffocating silence for Willow's response.

"Okay, Jo." She finally said. "I trust you."

A breath of relief escaped Jordan's lips. "Thank you." They exchanged gratifying expressions, indicating that the argument was over.

The girls then turned away and started getting ready for bed in tentative silence. They slipped under their sheets, and Willow leaned to blow out the bedside candle. Before the room was plunged into darkness, Willow murmurs, "Just remember, Jordan, I was your friend before Malfoy."

With that breath the flame flickered out, and Jordan lay in the darkness for a painfully long time, tossing and turning in her sheets with the echo of her unspoken words thundering around in her skull.

'I know. I know. I know.'

Word Count: 3118

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