
De MineCat58

160 8 130

My name is Skylar Assad. From a very young age, I've been different. See, I have this weird ability to see t... Mais

Chapter One - I'm Normal... Sort Of. (Prologue Cont.)
Chapter 2 - New Friendship?
Chapter 4 - My Crazy Day Continues
Chapter 5 - Chaos
Chapter 6 - Alvenia

Chapter 3 - Not Alone?

13 1 10
De MineCat58

   "So wait, you're from Germany?"

   Rylan nods as I ask this question. We've just left second period, and now we have a break, so we're wandering the halls with nothing better to do.

   "Wow, you're English is amazing," I reply.

   "Yeah, I was born in Germany, but both my parents are from America, so I never really got an accent. I know how to speak German, though, so it's kind of cool."

   "Wait, wait, wait," Madison interjects. "Say something in German. I wanna hear this."

   "Schokolade kirschen," Rylan says, smiling.

   "What's that?" Madison and I laugh as we ask at the same time.

   "Chocolate cherries," Rylan says, laughing. "I don't know why, but that's always what comes to mind first when someone asks me to speak German." (A/N: I had a chocolate cherry at the time, don't judge 😂) We all laugh at that.

   The day is going just fine, up until that point, and that's just fine by me. But of course, things started to change.

I rounded a corner with my friends, and collided with someone coming the opposite direction. I tripped back, luckily stopping myself before I could fall on my bum. I dropped my book bag, and the person I ran into scrambled to help me pick it up, mumbling an apology.

"Don't worry about it," I say, and that would have been the end of it, except then, a creature I've never dealt with before comes flying above the bush in front of me.

It looks like a tiny dragon, but instead of a lizard-like head, it has the face and long swordlike beak of a hummingbird. It's leathery, batlike wings seem to slice the air as it flies. It's eyes glow red, in sharp contrast to its bluish black body. The thing's four feet are small, but I don't doubt the razor like claws on it could be deadly.

The worst part, it doesn't seem to be targeting me, but rather the kid I just ran into.

I don't think. I just react.

"Look out!" I shout, and tackle the boy from behind. We fall to the floor, the creature slicing the air above us. The boy hits the floor with a muffled oof. When he sits up, he looks at the creature, then turns to me. In his eyes I see fear, but underlying that, some other emotion, harder to place.

But then, he says something that makes me stop dead. Something I would never have expected.

"You can see it too?"

I stay there for a moment, blinking, stunned. No. They're no way.

"Lizard body? Hummingbird head? Tiny claws?" He continues.

I suddenly feel lightheaded. I've gone my whole life believing that I was the only one who could see these things, that could figure out what was really going on. Now this kid comes around out of nowhere, and suddenly I'm... not alone? It doesn't make any sense.

Then the bird/dragon darts towards me, and I duck.

"Yeah, I- I can see it," I manage to say, feeling like I may throw up. I should have felt elated, because I now knew I wasn't alone, but instead all I feel is sick.

"I thought I was alone," I hear him whisper, looking equally as shaken (You be shooketh boi).

"Let's figure that out later!" I shout, as the creature dive bombs us again. "We have to stop this thing!"

He nods, and takes something out of his bag. At first glance, it kind of looks like a pencil, but then he flips it in his hand, and it grows like a time lapse of a growing branch. He is suddenly holding a staff about the length of my arm, with a silver double edged blade protruding from the end.

I barely have time to think, what? before the kid slices the staff through the air. The creature barely dodges it, hissing angrily. I drop to my knees, and pull my butter knife out of my bag. I jump up, only to have the bird thing come towards me so fast, I fall backwards onto my bum, the knife clattering out of my hand.

Smooth, I know.

The boy has better luck. I don't know where he got his staff, but the blade of the thing has a wicked edge. I make a mental not not to get on this kid's bad side, as he swings his staff, neatly decapitating the creature. The two pieces of the thing fall to the sidewalk, melting into ash as soon as it hits the floor.

"Nice one, dude!" Rylan shouts, giving the new guy a thumbs up.

Not possible. Too weird. Rylan... he can't have seen the thing.

"Wait," I ask, "you saw that?"

Rylan gives me a strange look. "Well yeah, I would think I saw the guy smack a bee out of the air with a pencil! Kind of hard to miss what with the two of you jumping around like maniacs trying to get it."

"Wait. A bee?"


"Yeah, Yeah, a bee! That's right. Sorry, so much just happened, I got a brain fart." Please let that work, I think desperately. I don't want him to think I'm a psycho.

"Yeah, I get that sometimes," Rylan responds slowly, though hesitantly and giving the vibe that he doesn't buy it. Thankfully, however, he lets it go.

Madison, somehow, managed to miss the whole thing, having gotten distracted by a butterfly and chasing it off down the fields. She trudged back, panting, knees covered in grass stains.

"What'd I miss?" She pants, crouching over to put her hands on her knees and catch her breath.

The new boy looks at me, and I look back. I didn't really get a good look at him before, but he has spiky, jet black hair falling in strands over his forehead, along with wide, brilliant grey eyes that look almost silver. He's wearing a black zip up hoodie and black jeans. Black seemed to be his thing, except for his eyes and fair skin.

His silver eyes meet my blue ones, and we share a silent agreement.

"Just a bee," I say, and I give him a look that clearly says, we'll talk later. He nods almost indistinguishably. "Skylar Assad," I add, holding my hand out to him.

"Jaime Colton," he replies, shaking my hand. His is cool and beaded with sweat, probably as a result of having a new and crazy truth shoved on him.

As we go our separate ways, thoughts buzzing through my mind at a million miles an hour, I barely even catch Madison's remark.

"I don't like bees," she says.

"Nor do I," I respond. "Definitely don't like bees."


Hai, everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I personally enjoyed writing this one a lot, and I hope you love it every bit as much as I do!
Apologies for the short chapter, I didn't do a lot of planning for this one, and I had a bit of a headache while writing, so I decided to keep it simple. The others should be longer!
Don't forget to comment your thoughts and suggestions down below! Have a great day, everyone.
Until next time, fellow humans!
MineCat out.

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