Ask or Dare the EEVEELUTIONS...

Av Force14Gaming2004

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Just ask or dare the eeveelutions! They are always ready to answer your questions or take on your dares! Mer

House details
We are waiting...
Dare #1
Dare #2
Dare #3
Dare #4
Author Dare
Opening Gifts
Seoul and 200 reads.
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New Names and New Character!
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Dare #10 and Chinese New Year
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1000 Reads.
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It's ON!
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Dare #17/18/19
Dare #20, Ask #4
New Technology, New Universe
Earth 2, Dare #21, 22, 23
The Chase
Newly installed tech, and warning.
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Dare #24,25 and Dare #23 Part Two
Dare #26
Freeing agreement
Freeing the Flareons
Some new characters
Dare #27, 28, 29, 30
Dare from me
And then they realized...
Ask #5
Random chapter
Ask #6
WHY!? (Also A/N)
Dare #31, 32
Dare #33
Dare #34, 35
Dare #36
Dare #37, 38, 39
Dare #40, Ask #7
Dare #41
Dare #44, 45, Ask #8
Fighting in Southeast Asia
Fighting in Southeast Asia Part II
Save the Internet!
Fighting in Southeast Asia Part III
Fighting in Southeast Asia Part IV
Where are the dares?
Dare #46, Ask #9
Y u no send me dares?
Dare #47, 48, 49, 50, 51
Ask #10
A/N and redoing Ask #10, also Ask #11
Dare #52
Dare #53, 54, 55, 56, 57
How I lost motivation to write stories
Dare #58, 59, 60, 61
Subscribe to PewDiePie Please!
Read this right NOW NOW NOW
Dare #62, 63, 64, 65 + a lost dare
T-Series has passed PewDiePie (Read this)

Dare #9 part 2 and new character

215 3 10
Av Force14Gaming2004

Eve: Hola mi amigos! Today is the day we do the play! I will be narrator, and here are the list of characters:

Ribbons: Alice

Sylvia: Alice's Sister

Shine: White Rabbit

Random Caterpie(Temporary Recruit): Caterpillar

Ruby: Cheshire Cat

Eve: Wait! We have a new character for the duchess! Meet Luna, a female  shiny Umbreon!

Luna: Hi!

Everyone else: Hello!

Luna: I will provide information:

Name: Luna

Pokemon: Umbreon

Gender: Female

Is shiny: Yes

Personality: Likes to make friends with other Dark types

Likes: Being in the dark

Dislikes: Anything bright*

Friends: Dark types, and Void.

Enemies: None

Eve: No worries, we trained her, and now she's used to being in the limelight.

Luna: That was very crucial training!

Eve: Now, Lets continue the list of characters:

Luna: Duchess

Random Buneary(Temporary Recruit): March Hare

Sapphire: Mad Hatter

Random Rattata(Tempoary Recruit): Dormouse

Amber: The queen of Hearts

Random Pidgey(Temporary Recruit): Gryphon

Jolt: Mock Turtle

Random Doduo(Temporary Recruit): Dodo

Random Ducklett(Temporary Recruit): Duck

Random Noctowl(Temporary Recruit): The Lory

Eve: Ok, thats way too much, so we will only recreate certain scenes. All temporary recruits, please leave.

All Temporary Recruits: *leaves*

Everyone: Sounds easier to recreate just certain scenes!

Eve: Lets recreate the summarized plot!

Everyone: Ok!

Eve: I will work on the new character list. *starts working* 

Eve: Finished! The list is:

Emerald: Narrator

Ribbons: Alice

Sylvia: Alice's Sister

Shine: White Rabbit

Eve: Caterpillar

Jolt: Pigeon

Luna: Duchess

Streak: Cook

Unrcal: March Hare

Liam: Mad Hatter

Void: Dormouse

Amber: Queen of Hearts

Flare: King of Hearts

Sapphire: Cheshire Cat

Lightning: Gryphon

Vapor: Mock Turtle

Atlantis: Gnave of Hearts

Eve: The cards will be puppets controlled by Ruby.

Everyone: Agreed!

Eve: The audience is opening in 5 minutes. Get prepared now!

Everyone: Aye, aye!

Auditorium Speakers: The show is starting now. To ensure a good experience, please turn off your mobile devices, or set it at silent mode. Any form of recording is prohibited, since there is an official recorder. Recording will result in a fine of no more than $25,000 and imprisonment for no more than 5 years. We hope you enjoy the show!

Emerald: *goes up on stage* *spotlights focus on Emerald* Everyone, Please stand up for a prayer.

After the prayer

Emerald: Please all remain standing for the American National Anthem.

After singing

Emerald: You may all sit down now.

Audience: *all sit down*

*the auditorium lowers in brightness*

Emerald: Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Alice. She loved to explore. But one day, she saw a white rabbit.

Ribbons: Is that a rabbit? Where's it going?

Shine: *jumps into the rabbit hole*

Ribbons: I think I have to follow it. *follows Shine*

Emerald: As she follows the white rabbit, she jumps into the rabbit hole, and falls into a weird portal.

Ribbons: *jumps into the rabbit hole* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Emerald: The portal took her to a strange place with an evil ruler.

Ribbons: Where am I?

Emerald: She was in a long hallway filled with doors.

Ribbons: There's a table with a tiny key... and a small door, but I'm too big to fit in that door. I will have to see what's in it. *sees through the tiny door* I see a beautiful garden! But I have to get there...

Emerald: She finds a drink with a note that says "Drink me".

Ribbons; What's this? Drink me? Fine, I will have to drink you. *drinks the contents in the bottle*

Emerald: She has grown giant, but is too large to fit through the door. She starts crying.

Ribbons: I've grown larger, but still too large to fit through the door. I guess I'll never be able to go there... *starts crying* WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Emerald: Soon, she finds a cake that says "Eat me"

Ribbons: *stops crying* What's that? Eat me? Fine, I will have to eat you. *eats the cake*

Emerald: She has grown small, and she falls into a sea.

Ribbons: AAAHHH! What's this? A sea? Maybe it must have been my tears when I was crying.

Emerald: She swims to shore  with some animals and tells them that her cat can catch birds and mice.

Ribbons: *swims to land* Hey there, fellas! 

Mouse controlled by Ruby: What's up?

Ribbons: Did you know my cat has mice and birds for food?

Mouse controlled by Ruby: Oh no, I don't want to get eaten! *leaves as fast as possible*

Emerald: She travels through the woods and somehow ran into the white rabbit, who commands her to get some things.

Ribbons: *running into the woods* *encounters the White Rabbit* *gasps*

Shine: What's up, maid. I want you to go and fetch some things at my house.

Ribbons: I can do anything!

Shine: That's great to hear!

Ribbons: *rushes to the White Rabbit's house* *enters the house*

Emerald: While in there, she saw a potion.

Ribbons: What's this? A potion? I wonder what it does... *drinks potion* *becomes huge* I am huge again. But how can I become tiny again?

Emerald: While wondering how she can be tiny again, she saw a tiny cake.

Ribbons? What's that? A cake? It's so tiny, and I wonder what will happen when I eat the cake? *eats cake* *becomes tiny again* I am tiny again! Yay!

Emerald: She ventures in the woods, to find a caterpillar sitting on a mushroom.

Ribbons: *exploring the woods* *sees caterpillar* *runs to caterpillar* Excuse me, who are you?

Eve: I'm the caterpillar. I can give you very important advice.

After giving advice

Eve: Also, I have a very important tool for you. This mushroom gives you the ability to turn huge and tiny whenever and wherever you want.

Ribbons: Thanks, caterpillar!

Eve: You're welcome! Go test the mushroom out!

Emerald: She tests the mushroom out and she got stretched out. She then met the pigeon sitting on a branch.

Ribbons: Ok. *uses mushroom* I'm stretched out! *moves head between the branches* Who are you?

Jolt: I'm a pigeon, and what I can say is, you are a serpent!

Ribbons: But, that's because of the mushroom that I used! It had powers!

Jolt: Still, you are a serpent! *leaves*

Ribbons: Why did that pigeon think I'm a serpent and I'm actually not? *returns to normal size*

Emerald: She ventures through the woods again, to find a tiny house.

Ribbons: Is that a house? I'm going to go in. *uses mushroom to become small*

Emerald: When she comes in, she saw the Duchess and the Cook fighting each other verbally.

Ribbons: *enters house* *sees Duchess and the Cook fighting* What are you two doing?

Luna: The baby will be OK, I AM a good babysitter!

Streak: No you're not, you will probably just kill it!

Luna: Why would I ever do that? I AM A GREAT BABYSITTER I SAID!

Both: Huh?

Ribbons: Hi!

Both: Hi there! Who are you?

Ribbons: I'm Alice. What about you two?

Luna: I'm the Duchess!

Streak: I'm the Cook!

Luna: We've been fighting for so long now. Take the baby so that this battle will end. *hands baby over to Alice*

Ribbons: Thanks!

*the baby tuns into a pig and goes to the woods alone*

Ribbons: Why would this happen?

Emerald: She then meets the silent Cheshire cat, who helps her find the way out of the woods.

Ribbons: Do you know the way out of the woods?

Sapphire: *silent* *points at way out* (She's actually saying "The way out is this way, and be careful, as everyone you meet are mad.")

Ribbons: Thanks! Who are you then?

Sapphire: *silent* (She's actually saying "I'm Cheshire Cat.")

Ribbons: I'm Alice. Thanks for your help, Cheshire Cat!

Sapphire: *silent* (She's actually saying "You're welcome")

Emerald: She ventures through the woods again, and encounters another house!

Ribbons: What is this place?

Unrcal: *suddenly appears* Hello there! We are inviting you the Mad Tea Party!

Ribbons: I'd like to join the Mad Tea Party.

Unrcal: That's great to hear! Follow me.

Ribbons: *follows the Mad Hatter*

Emerald: Present in the Mad Tea Party are the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, and the Dormouse.

Unrcal: We have a new guest. What's your name?

Ribbons: Alice.

Unrcal: Meet Alice, our new guest at the Mad Tea Party!

Emerald: Both Alice and the March Hare sit down and talk to each other.

Ribbons: Mad Hatter, what happened to you?

Liam: Time has stopped working for me, it has always been 6:00, and that time is tea time, so therefore, it is always tea time for me.

Ribbons: What kind of creatures are you?

Void: We are some of the most argumentative creatures in all of Wonderland.

Ribbons: So this place is called Wonderland?

Unrcal: Yeah, this place is called Wonderland.

Emerald: When the Mad Tea Party ended, Alice saw a tree with a door on it.

Ribbons: I wonder whats inside... *looks inside* Hey, so that was my starting area. I'm prepared this time.

After solving the puzzle

Ribbons: FREEDOM AT LAST! Where am I?

Emerald: She was in a garden full of red roses.

Ribbons: *asks one of the cards working in the garden* Whose garden is this?

Card controlled by Ruby: This is the Queen of Hearts' Garden. We paint the roses red, because we are actually planting white roses. If the Queen of Hearts finds out that we plant white roses, we are goners.

Emerald: The Queen of Hearts arrives, and found out that the cards planted white roses.

Amber: *appears* Cards, how are you doi-, WAIT! YOU PLANTED WHITE ROSES? Thats it! You are goners.

Cards controlled by Ruby: No, we don't want to die.

Amber: You have to.

Cards controlled by Ruby: NOOOO!

Ribbons: Don't worry, cards. I'll protect you. Hide in this flowerpot.

Emerald: The Queen of Hearts invites Alice to play croquet.

Amber: I will invite you to play croquet.

Ribbons: What is croquet

Amber: It is a sport. Follow the normal rules of croquet but flamingos are mallets, hedgehogs are balls, and cards are the hoops.

Ribbons: Sounds hard.

Amber: It is one of the hardest games played in wonderland. Now go to your side.

Emerald: Alice and the Queen of Hearts played Wonderland-style croquet, until Cheshire cat interrupted the game.

Sapphire: Goes to the middle of the field

Amber and Ribbons: *stops playing*

Flare: Hey! I don't want that game to be interrupted!

Ribbons: Who are you?

Flare: I am the King of Hearts.

Amber: This game shall be called off, but I will take you to the Gryphon. *takes Alice to Gryphon*

Emerald: When Alice went to the Gryphon, the Gryphon sends her to the Mock Turtle.

Lightning: I shall send you to the Mock Turtle. Follow me.

Ribbons:*follows the Gryphon*

Lightning: Here is the Mock Turtle.

Ribbons: Hi, Mock Turtle.

Vapor: Hi. I will tell you a story about our school under the sea.

Emerald: The Mock Turtle tells stories about their school under the sea. The Mock Turtle then sings a song about turtle soup.

After the story

Vapor: Now I will sing a song.

After singing

Emerald: The gryphon then drags Alice to the Knave of Hearts' trial.

Lightning: I will bring you so you can see the Knave of Hearts' trial. *drags Alice to trial*

Emerald: The Knave of Hearts was accused of stealing the Queen of Hearts' tarts.

Amber: Knave of Hearts, you stole my tarts.

Atlantis: No, I didn't

Amber: Yes you did, and now you are going to get killed.

Ribbons: How ridiculous. *grows larger*

Emerald: As Alice grows larger, she is called to the witness stand, replacing the Knave of hearts.

Ribbons: I refuse to be intimidated by your terrible logic.

Amber: You can't refuse. Cards, attack that woman!

Cards controlled by Ruby: CHAAAAARGE! *attacks Alice*


Emerald: The dream ends, and she wakes up.

Ribbons: Where am I?

Sylvia: You are beside a river.

Ribbons: I dreamed about a place called Wonderland.

Sylvia: So you are asleep and adventurous? Now, tell me your story, Alice.

Ribbons: Okay, I will tell you my story and adventure in Wonderland.

Sylvia: I can't wait to hear.

Emerald: Alice tells the story of her adventure in Wonderland to her sister, and they lived happily ever after. The end.

Audience: *cheers and claps*

*everyone goes on stage to bow*

Emerald: Meet the characters!

Audience: *cheers and claps*

*the curtain closes*

With the actors

Emerald: That was a great story! You all did very well.

Ribbons: Was I outstanding?

Emerald: Everyone was outstanding.

Actors: *cheers and claps*

Emerald: For our aftershow party, we will all go to our base. Everyone who participated in research, acting, and setups can join. That includes Me, Sapphire, Ruby, Void, Luna, Unrcal, Liam, Bloom, Gwen, Freeze, Streak, Amber, Flare, Vapor, Atlantis, Jolt, Lightning, Ribbons, Sylvia, Mia, Mio, Eve, Erica, and Shine.

Everyone joining trip back to our base: *cheers and claps*

Emerald: Sapphire, transform into a dragon.

Sapphire: *transforms into a dragon* Get on my back everyone!

Emerald: That's it! Send us more dares. Bye! And holy crap, over two thousand words!

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