The Other Salvatore

Autorstwa miss_lavancha

1.6M 32K 12.6K

This is a story about the youngest Salvatore, Elizabeth. No one knows she's alive, not even Stefan and Damon... Więcej

The Other Salvatore
A/N: New Cover!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - THE BALL! Part 1...
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 - SEASON 3 FINALE Part 1
Chapter 29 - SEASON 3 FINALE Part 2
Chapter 30 - Season 4 Opener
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 - THE LAST ONE!! Part 1
Chapter 46 - THE LAST ONE!! Part 2 - THE END!!
A/N: Bullies
Hybrid in Debt
"Falling for the Original Gentleman"
Fanfiction Awards
Just In Case

Chapter 21 - THE BALL! Part 2

32.6K 657 681
Autorstwa miss_lavancha

-Klaus' POV-

I was standing by the bar, when the three Salvatores walked in. The brothers both wore standard black tuxes, very presentable. But Elizabeth – she made my heart skip a beat. She wore a beautiful blue-green dress, that nicely complimented her black hair, which was pulled up, and her icy blue eyes. She had on light make-up, and she just glowed. She looked absolutely ravishing.

I set down my glass and started to make my way over to her, when I saw Kol and Rebekah already on their way over. I stopped, and then spotted Caroline. I decided to go over to her, while my siblings talked to Elizabeth. I would get my chance with her later... And who knows, maybe she would see us, and get jealous. Nothing brings to people back together better than jealousy, at least in my experience...

-Elizabeth's POV-

We walked in and all heads turned towards us. I could see how good I looked from the awe in the mens' faces, and the jealousy in the womens'. Someone stepped up and took my shawl, which I gladly handed over. I saw Kol and Rebekah heading my way, and I smiled and waved. My brothers each offered a kiss on my cheek, then went their separate ways – Damon towards the mayor, and Stefan towards the bar.

When Kol and Rebekah got to me, Rebekah pulled me into a huge hug.

“You look STUNNING!” she said. I smiled.

“All thanks to you.” I said, and she smiled back. Kol took my hand and kissed it.

“My sister is right, you look ravishing.” he said, smirking. I smiled back.

“Why, thank you Kol.”

I looked around, and noticed Klaus talking to that Caroline, the friend of Stefan's who had been so mean to me. My heart dropped a little.

Rebekah and Kol noticed where I was looking, and turned to see Klaus “flirting.”

“Don't worry sweetheart. Just a little fling. He enjoys the challenge. It means nothing.” Kol said, and Bekah hurried to agree.

“Yes, just a fling. Not even – she's just someone for him to chase while he waits for you.” she concurred. I just nodded, not able to take my eyes off of them.

Suddenly, she threw up her hands and huffed away. I saw Klaus smirk, then I could have sworn I saw him glance my way, before following her. I shook my head, clearing it, just as the doors opened again. I turned, and there stood Elena.

I smiled. I knew she couldn't stay away. She looked stunning. I looked and saw both of my brothers staring at her, speechless. Then they both made their way over to her.

“Ugh. Doppelbitch is here.” Bekah muttered. I looked at her.

“What? Why did you call her that?” I asked. She grimaced.

“They probably didn't even bother telling you certain parts of certain stories. Let's just say, I am not an Elena fan... She has stabbed me in the back, literally.”

I gasped. “Elena daggered you? When? Why?”

“When my father came to try to kill Klaus. They thought I couldn't be trusted, so she daggered me.” I shook my head, and glanced back at Elena as she wrapped her arms around both of my brothers, as I had done. Who knew she could be so ruthless?

Suddenly, a clinking was heard.

“Be back, sweetheart.” Kol whispered, then rushed to the steps. Bekah gripped my hand, then followed suit. I turned, and saw the Original family was gathered on the steps. Elijah was the one talking.

“Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom.”

Everyone started to shuffle around, and into the ballroom. Kol came and took my hand, leading me in. I turned in time to see Damon leading Elena – and Stefan looking on from afar, none to happy. I also saw Klaus leading Caroline – so that bitch was his date tonight. I hadn't really liked her before, but now, I decided I hated her.

We all got set up. I knew this dance – me and Klaus had danced it together several times. I just had to follow Kol's lead. The music started. It was “Give Me Love” by Ed Sheeran. I loved this song, and hummed softly as we danced. Kol smirked at me.

“So, I see your brothers didn't kill you when you got home last night?” he started, smirking. I giggled.

“No. They were a little upset, but they have promised to help me tame the beast within.” I said. He grinned.

“If that is what you want, and what will make you happy, you know I will do everything I can to help.” he said, pulling me closer. I smiled, and nodded.

“I know. And you don't know how much I appreciate it. We’ll have to talk to my brothers later, and see how they want to do this, and how you can help.” I said. He nodded.

“Time to switch partners. See you later.” he whispered in my ear. I laughed, then nodded. He twirled my away, and I landed in some more sturdy arms. I looked up into the grinning face of Elijah.

“Hello, Elizabeth.” he said. “You look stunning tonight.” I blushed.

“You don't look so bad yourself.” I replied, smiling. He smiled back, and we continued to dance in a comfortable silence. I noticed Elena leave the room with Stefan. Hmmm.

When it came time to switch partners again, he looked at me and smiled.

“I hope to see you again later on.” I smiled back and nodded, then I was twirled away. The next set of arms were familiar, and my heart skipped a beat when I looked up and saw it was Klaus who was smirking down at me.

“Hello, love.” he said, and I shot him a look.

“Don't.” I said.

“Don't what?” he questioned. I glared.

“You know what.”

“Actually, I have no idea what you mean.” he said, grinning at me.

“Fine. If you need it explained. First off, don't call me love.” I said.

“Whatever you say. Love.” he said, winking and smirking. I rolled my eyes, then continued.

“Also, don't act like you care about me...” I started to say, when he interrupted.

“I do care, love.” he said, still grinning. I glared and continued.

“...Don't act like you aren't here with someone else...” He interrupted again.

“Is someone jealous?” he asked, his smirk taking up his whole face. I glared, then sighed.

“...Don't act like you still love me and want to be with me. Because I know you don't. I was only ever a distraction anyway.” I whispered, looking anywhere but at him. I risked a peek and saw him frowning down at me.

“Elizabeth...” he started, but the song ended. I stepped away from his embrace.

“Thank you for the dance, Niklaus.” I said, then turned and walked away. I glanced over my shoulder and saw him still standing there, staring after me, and frowning. I watched as a new dance started and he was swallowed up in the dancers. I turned and walked into a secluded room, where I finally let a few tears escape.

-Klaus' POV-

I started dancing with Caroline, but my heart wasn't in it. I flirted a little, because she had caught my fancy, but nowhere near to the level Elizabeth always had. I glanced over to see her laughing with Kol, and even though I knew there was no romantic feelings on either side, I still felt a surge of jealousy.

Caroline caught my glance and frowned.

“That's Stefan and Damon's sister, Elizabeth.” she explained, and I glanced at her. “She just got into town, and found out they were alive.” she still had a frown on, and I heard a tinge of envy and jealousy in her voice.

“Are you jealous of her?” I asked, smirking. Of course she was. Women had always been jealous of my Lizzie. She was beautiful, but also a wonderful person. Even as a ripper, she was still one of the best people I knew.

Caroline frowned. “No!” She exclaimed. I looked at her with a raised brow.

“Alright, fine. Maybe a little...” she said. I smiled.

It was then time to change partners. I nodded and smiled at Caroline, then twirled her away. I ended up with a lady who I didn't know as my next partner, and we made idle chit-chat.

I glanced around, looking for Lizzie, and found her with my one of my other brother, Elijah. They were smiling, and looked quite content. My jealousy spiked even more. I didn't know if any romance was between them, but for Elijah's sake, I hope not.

Finally, it was time to change partners again, and I made sure I ended up with Lizzie. I smirked down at her.

“Hello, love.” I said, and she shot me a look.

“Don't.” she said, and I had to hold in a chuckle. Always so feisty.

“Don't what?” I questioned playfully. She glared at me.

“You know what.”

“Actually, I have no idea what you mean.” I said, grinning.

“Fine. If you need it explained. Fist off, don't call me love.” she said.

“Whatever you say. Love.” I said, winking and smirking. I rolled my eyes, then continued.

“Also, don't act like you care about me...” she started. I interrupted.

“I do care, love.” I said, still grinning. And it was true. She just glared and continued.

“...Don't act like you aren't here with someone else...” I interrupted again, smirking at the tinge of jealousy and distaste in her tone. So not only was Caroline jealous of her, but she was jealous of Caroline. Or was it just that I had brought someone that made her jealous

“Is someone jealous?” I asked. She glared even harder, and I had to fight back a chuckle. Then she sighed, and looked away.

“...Don't act like you still love me and want to be with me. Because I know you don't. I was only ever a distraction anyway.” she whispered, looking down at her feet. I frowned, and felt guilt engulf me.

I never should have said that. I didn't mean it – she was never merely a distraction – she had been my whole world. I was broken when she left. I had spent some time looking for her, until Elijah convinced me she didn't want to be found. I had given up hope, and had turned into the monster I was now, a hollow shell of the man I used to be with her by my side.

I did still love her. I did want her back. And still, she could not see it.

“Elizabeth...” I began, but the song ended and she stepped away. My arms ached for her to be back in them.

“Thank you for the dance, Niklaus.” she said, and turned away. I watched as she walked across the ballroom, frowning and thinking to myself how stupid I had been to let her walk away, both now and back in 1910.

A new dance started, and I saw her glance back in time to see dancers surround me. When I could finally see that direction again, she was gone. I sighed, and rubbed the back of my head, walking out of the crowd, and towards the gardens. What had I done?

-Kol's POV-

As I danced with the mayor, who was chatting away about something I was not paying attention to, I glanced over and saw Elizabeth and Klaus dancing together. I smirked, and listened in.

“...Don't act like you still love me and want to be with me. Because I know you don't. I was only ever a distraction anyway.” she whispered, looking down at her feet. I frowned along with Klaus.

“Elizabeth...” he said, just as the song ended, and she stepped away.

“Thank you for the dance, Niklaus.” she said, then walked away.

I sighed, then turned and smiled at the mayor, thanking her for her dance and walking towards Lizzie. Those two just couldn't seem to get back together.

Maybe this was partially my fault for all those rampages I had gone on in the early 1900s. If I had killed less, I might not have been daggered, and Lizzie and Klaus might be together still, not fighting against their connection.

As I stepped out of the room, I saw Klaus head towards the gardens. I sighed, and tried to locate Lizzie. I didn't, so I went up to a balcony. I saw the quarterback Rebekah was so found of, and decided to have some fun. Just as I started crushing his hand, one of the Salvatore brothers, the one whose neck I snapped – Dante? - came out and stopped me.

We exchanged some nasty comments, when he rushed to me and snapped my neck. Everything went black.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I had just wiped my tears, when I heard a commotion outside. I walked outside, and say Kol laying on the ground, unconscious. I screamed and rushed to his side, kneeling by him. More tears escaped my eyes, and I hoped that my mascara was waterproof – otherwise I definitely looked like a raccoon by now.

I saw Damon standing a ways away, looking emotionless, but I noticed a hint of guilt in his eyes. I saw Elena rush over to him, and saw some heated words. I didn't listen in, because I was worried about Kol, but I heard enough to realize it was Damon who had done this to him.

I snapped my head to glare at him.

“YOU?! YOU DID THIS?!” I shouted, causing Elena to stop talking, and both of them to glance my way. More people had gathered, especially the Original family. I saw all of them casting worried glances at the woman in the middle – who must have been Esther – and glares at my brother, along with glances at me to watch my reaction. Klaus had a hint of a smile on his face, as if he looked forward to my reaction.

Damon flinched, but quickly controlled his reaction and glanced at me, trying to look emotionless.

“Yep.” he replied, nonchalantly. I rushed to him, and punched my hand through his chest, gripping his heart.

Most people gasped, mostly Elena. I could see both Bekah and Klaus suppress a grin out of the corner of my eye, but I paid them no mind. I was too furious with Damon. He fell to his knees, and groaned in agony.

“HOW COULD YOU?!?” I yelled, gripping his heart more securely. He groaned again. “YOU KNOW HE'S MY BEST FRIEND, AND YET YOU DO THIS?!?” I was seeing red, and tears of both sorrow and anger were slowly leaking out.

He said nothing, just looked up at me with guilt and pain in his eyes. I looked and saw Elena looking at me with fear, both for Damon and of me. Slowly, I started to think straight again, and slowly released his heart and pulled my hand out of his chest.

I stepped back and pulled a handkerchief out of my clutch, wiping his blood off my hand. Damon fell to the ground, groaning. I kicked him, and he grunted.

“Leave now. Before I change my mind and do something we both will regret. Or I let one of them...” I trailed of, looking towards the Originals, whose expressions ranged from amusement, sorrow, interest, and disappointment, “ what they will to you.” I finished.

He looked at me, at the Originals, and lastly at Elena, before he slowly stood up and ran away, blood covering his shirt.

I took a slow breath, then went back over to where Kol lay, still unconscious. I looked up in time to see Stefan lead Elena away, and most of the people leaving as well. Looks like this had ended the party. I sighed, then stood up again and looked over to the Original family.

“I'm sorry my family caused such a scene, and destroyed your family gathering.” I said. Elijah was the one who stepped to me and put an hand on mine.

“It is not your fault, Elizabeth.” she said, and I smiled sadly and nodded.

“Of course not, child.” a new voice said, and I looked over to see Esther looking at me. I smiled at her, and extended my hand.

“Elizabeth Salvatore.” I said. She gripped my hand, and sort of smiled at me, though something was off about it, as though she didn't really mean it.

“I know. I have seen you from the Other Side. I am Esther.” she said.

“It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mrs. Mikealson.” I said, stepping back. She continued with the fake smile.

“Please, call me Esther.” she said. I nodded. “And it is a pleasure to meet you as well.” I sent her another small smile, then looked at the man standing next to her. He had longer hair, something from a long time ago.

“You must be Finn.” I said, smiling and extending my hand to him. He took my hand and planted a kiss on it.

“I am.” he said. “It is nice to finally meet you, after hearing many stories about you.”

I blushed and chuckled.

“All good, I hope?” I said, and he smiled at me.

“Of course.” he said. I nodded, then looked back at Kol.

“Elijah. Would you please take Kol to his room?” I asked softly. Elijah looked at me and nodded. He turned and picked up Kol, taking him into the house. Rebekah sighed.

“Well, I'm going out.” she said, turning to look at me. “Would you care to join?” she asked.

I shook my head, still looking to the house where Elijah had disappeared with Kol.

“No. I think I'm going to stay here and look after Kol.” I said, then looked at Esther. “If that is alright, ma'am?” I asked.

“Why are you asking her?” Klaus butted in. “It is my house.” he proclaimed.

I barely offered him a glance as I said, “Yes. But she is your mother. Therefore, she has permission to allow whomever she wants into your house, as she has final say over all you do.” Esther looked at me, slightly shocked. About what, I wasn't sure.

“It is nice to see someone appreciate my authority.” she said, and I smiled.

“Of course.” I said. She offered me a more genuine smile, and said, “Of course you may stay and watch over Kol. You may stay for however long you like.”

I nodded, and looked at Bekah.

“Maybe next time...” I said. She sighed and nodded, then disappeared, running off to wherever – probably the Grille. I looked back at Esther.

“I will probably just be here for tonight. I want to make sure Kol is okay – plus I can't stand to see my brother at the moment.” She nodded, and gestured to the house, indicating I should go if I wanted. I nodded at her, and shot Finn one last smile. I didn't look at Klaus, as I walked into the house towards Kol's room.

-Esther's POV-

I watched as she walked into the house. She seemed like a nice girl, but she seemed fairly attached to my family, especially Kol. Even Niklaus, whom she claimed to hate. Though she did respect that I was the authority figure over my family, she would never approve of my plan. After I succeeded, she would be no threat to me as she would die along with the rest of the abominations on this planet. I just had find out how to distance her from them for a short time. I had tonight to mull over a plan to keep her away – they all died tomorrow.

A/N: Okay, so I know it took forever for this update. However, it is nice and long, and involves a bunch of action and point of views. Please let me know what you think! Comment and vote away. All comments are appreciated!! And as always, recommendations are welcomed too!! Until next time!

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