We Thought We Knew (NARRY)


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Niall thinks he knows himself. Harry thinks he knows himself. But when they both have the same dream about ea... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

2.7K 19 2

Harry’s POV

I started bleaching Niall’s Hair. I never realized just how much better he looked with the blonde instead of the brown hair. Why did I decide to do this? There was no turning back now. Though I realized what a big mistake I could be making here. He could be gone, and this time forever. I can’t lose Niall. No. Not this time. I started panicking. “ DUDE PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU’RE DOING MATE” Niall yelled at me. Oops. I kind of messed up. Oh well. I tried to fix it up, and it looked better honestly. I liked the way it looked. I was happy and proud of my work.

Niall’s POV

Why did I allow Harry to do this? This was beyond me. I didn’t want to get in trouble AGAIN. 3 days after Rejoining the boys. This could be the shortest membership within a band in history. I’ll be honest, I was more worried with this than I was coming out to the fans. The fans were amazing. I couldn’t explain enough just how amazing they were. Directioners had to be the best group of fans that you could ever ask for. 

I plugged in my ipod and started listening to music. Music relaxed me. I couldn’t help but to think about what was going to unfold in the next few days. I pulled out my phone and started to talk to Sean. He said something he found a new record company or something and that we might be interested. Uhm, but we had a contract with our current management. How could that even work. Sean said that these people weren’t as picky as our current ones were. I was tired of all this. I just wanted to sing and perform. I was tired of all this business stuff.

Liam’s POV

I don’t know why. Things kind of died down. I also felt like I was seeing Louis in a new way. I don’t know what was going on. Honestly. I kind of felt sorry for him. He had this whole Larry with Harry, now that Nialler has taken him. I don’t know. I guess I kind of felt the same way, Niall and I were Niam. Now I don’t know, Lirry is gone, Niam is gone, and nobody seems to ship Lilo. The only thing left is Ziam, but Zayn is too busy with his mirror being Zirror.

I feel like though as of late our band hasn’t been as close as we used to be. Then again we have been so busy and we can’t really hang out as much as we did when we were back recording and on the x-factor. Then again, Louis is in a happy relationship. I can’t let my emotions get the best of me. I mean look at Niall he almost got kicked out of the band if it weren’t for Louis. Speak of the devil if it isn’t Niall.

“Hey, Liam, give Sean a call, he’s saying some business-y things that I can’t understand” he seemed very confused. Him confused? I was confused. Why did I have to deal with this. My reputation is starting to get me in trouble here. I always seem to be cleaning up others messes and having to give advice or handle the hard stuff. 

Although I was surprised Sean was actually being smart. He had another contract ready for us from another management company. Sean had apparently already talked to them about us and they knew everything that was going on. The only problem was how would we get out of our current contract. We still had another 3 years left on our current contract. I gave management a call and asked them to send me an electronic company.

After looking it over. I couldn’t find anything that would suffice to get us out of it. Until I re-read it that is. Aha. I got it. Now the only thing is how are we going to make this happen. In our contract it specifically says that “A member cannot be let go of or mis-treated because of personal issues.” Which was definitely violated when they kicked out Niall. 

I felt so smart at that moment. Although I was wondering where the rest of the guys were I had no idea. I looked around the room and nobody was there. Did everybody just leave without telling me or what?

Zayn’s POV (A/N: RARE I know!)

Oh look there! Your looking good. I pulled down the mirror from in front of my face. Continued walking. 

Harry’s POV

We all decided that we were going ot go out and have some fun for once. We haven’t had a day out all together in forever. We told Liam we were going but he was kind of zoned out staring at a bunch of words on the computer screen. We yelled at him to come but he just didn’t respond. He was too focused on whatever it was he was doing. 

“I’m hungry.” Niall said. “What a surprise” I responded chuckling to myself. I put my arm around him and continued to walk. “Fine Fine we’ll get some food” Louis remarked. I was hungry myself but Niall is always hungry. That’s why I was chuckling. He just ate and ate and never gained a pound. I don’t care what he says about himself. He looks perfect. 

“OI, LOVE BIRDS STOP WE’RE OUT” Louis screamed. “I don’t want to have to bail you guys out again” he added. I did not take too kindly to that. I glanced at Louis. He seemed to know to back off at that moment. We got to IHOP. Yes I know, They love their pancakes for some reason. As we got in I just remembered that I’m supposed to be in a relationship with Kristyn that girl from IHOP. Oh god. This isn’t good. We sat down at a table hoping that we weren’t in her section, well I was hoping that none of the other boys knew about this except for me. Great. There she was. “Hey boo,” she said. Then her mood changed from Happy to furious. “WAIT A MINUTE, you’re not supposed to be with Niall.” She screamed at me. “ You two were broken up for a reason, We are in a relationship together HARRY EDWARD STYLES I’m telling management.” Oh great. GREAT. I turned to Niall at that instance. He was in tears. Oh great. I guess I should’ve explained this to Niall. Niall ran off somewhere I don’t know. But I have a feeling he wasn’t hungry anymore. I felt horrible. I’ll admit. Kristyn walked off with the rest of our orders. I needed to eat to try and calm me down. “WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT” Louis yelled at me. Wait I thought Louis knew about this. I guess not. So I told him the story about how management put me in a relationship with her to try and keep the heat off. Louis was not pleased. He was not pleased at all. He looked at me with one of those looks. Like You didn’t tell us this why. One of those looks. But oh well I mean what could I do now. Niall was mad at me, and I feel horrible. Niall’s Upset and everything. Things can never be easy can they? 

Niall’s POV

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. HARRY WAS CHEATING ON ME? I couldn’t run back to the hotel quick enough. I just wanted to lie in bed and cry until I died. I must be the most awful person. I knew I was never good enough for Harry. How could I ever think that I was. But Couldn’t Harry had just told me that he was in another relationship. 

I got back to the hotel and not soon enough. Liam was still sitting at the computer but I didn’t really care I ran into my room, my and Harry’s room. I flopped down face first on the bed and poured out my tears into my pillow. My pillow was soaking wet, but I didn’t care. I cried and cried until I had no more tears left in me. Even then I still wanted to cry and cry some more. I heard a knock at the door. Liam. “Niall, what’s wrong” he said as he sat down beside me on the bed. He started rubbing my back. I turned over. “Ha-Ha-Ha-Harry” I managed to get out. “And What happened to Harry” Liam asked. I explained to him, while being in tears. I just didn’t want to believe that Harry did this to me. At that moment, Liam started comforting me, next thing I knew, I felt his lips. On mine. 

Liam’s POV

I heard the door slam shut. I was still reading that contract. I needed to figure a way out so that we could all be happy. I saw Niall out of the corner of my eye run into his room. Next thing I heard him crying. Oh god what happened this time.

I went into Niall’s room he was crying into his pillow. I asked him what was up. After mumbling for a bit he explained to me about Kristyn and Harry are dating. I never thought that Harry would cheat on his best friend like that. Sigh. I started comforting Niall. Then I saw his eyes. I found myself leaning in and then kissing him on the lips.

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