Immortal Mortals

Oleh moosesforgooses

68.7K 1.7K 424

She is the Immortal worlds most powerful High Goddess. He is the Immortal worlds most powerful War God, and... Lebih Banyak

An Unfortunate Meeting
Early days
A Mouthful of Wine
Mortal love
Tai and Meili
Family of Four
Growing Awareness
The Unveiling
The Unveiling 2
The Break
Blue Belt Vine
Days of Ease.
Days of Ease 2.
Playtime 2
The consequences
The Grand Kowtow
Days of Grovelling.
Wedded Bliss
The Potion
Revenge 1
Revenge 2
The Count Down Begins
The Past Returns
Love Hurts
A Shattered Calm
Facing the Truth
The Preparations
Tai and Zhou Ru
And then there was one.
The Pearl
Meili and Chiang Gui
Last Days
A New Beginning
Mount Cang Wu

Past Futures

948 32 10
Oleh moosesforgooses

With a new baby to prepare for, Ai spent as much time as she could at Tai and Rus home, so much so that like most mother in laws, her presence became unbearable for the new mother, who though polite and respectful, began to resent what she felt was an intrusion on their privacy, but Tai insisted, that as she was his mother, his wife had best learn to deal with it, which caused tension and being pregnant did not help matters.  In fact Tai learned very quickly that a pregnant women was more dangerous than a drunk one eyed Army Commander.

He paid dearly for that slip, one he promised himself to to never make again, especially considering he had entered the marriage armed with do's and don'ts he had learned from Jie, and one of the do's was to shower his wife with affection and agree with everything she said, but Ai was his mother, one he loved deeply and refused to offend,  but in the end they came to a compromise.

  Ai could visit only when he was home, but thankfully Ai was completely unaware of the tension she had inadvertently caused the couple but Jie wasn't and not wanting to be the one to inform her that her almost 3 times a day visits were a bit much for the young mother to cope with, he instead took her away for a few days to one of the many seaside villages that dotted the Eastern coastline.

He knew why she wanted to be a part of Rus pregnancy, and he fully understood her reluctance to leave, but explaining that they rarely had the opportunity to holiday alone, having had to raise the children, she eventually gave in, it was only for a few days and she would catch up with them when they returned and with Tai also needing a reason for a break, the horses would be fine.

Though for Jie, he wanted to spend their last few months together doing things only a married couple would do, and without anyone else to worry about, he ensured their last months were filled with laughter, happiness and peaceful thoughts, so her memories of their time together would forever remain with her.  So that when she returned, she would have only fond memories of a Mortal Realm marriage to look back on and remember without regrets.


The little village he took her to was sparsely populated, with only a mere 100 residents, most of whom were either small farm holders or fishermen, Jie rented a room at the only inn for 4 days.  He knew she would want to return for her visit with their daughter, otherwise he would have booked it for much longer.  The room was lovely, and the elderly couple who ran the inn, were adorable, so much so, Ai fell in love with them immediately.

"It's not often we have visitors dear, but I do have one concern." The elderly woman said as Jie moved to sign the registry book.

Smiling with a raised eye brow, Jie looked down at the small petite woman who had suddenly grabbed hold of Ais hand and protectively  pulled her a little closer.

"Now I know we're a small isolated community, and it may seem that we don't know what goes on in the large towns with you young people, but we can't allow unwed couples to be sharing the rooms." she said gently but firmly.  Then looking up at Ai, she leaned in closer and lowered her voice.  "Are you sure you two are married dear?  I know you young ones use the small village inns for all kinds of unsavory means, but if you really are married, then I won't have a problem allowing you both to share a room." she stated matter of fact while giving Jie a thorough eye lashing.  

Keeping his laughter at bay, Jie looked down at the woman who had firmly attached herself to Ais waist and bowed deeply.  "Grandmother, please rest assured that Ai and I are a married couple and we have no intention of bringing ill repute to your fine establishment." he said softly but firmly, while Ai who was unable to hold in the light chuckle, threw her arms around the small woman.

"Grandmother, Jie is my husband, we won't cause you trouble while we are here." she said affectionately, while smirking up at Jie.

Looking Jie over one more time, she raised her hand and pointed at him.  "I know shifty eyes when I see them young man, and your eyes are full of tricks.  I will be keeping a close eye on you." she said firmly as she poked his chest with her outstretched finger.

Holding in the laughter she could feel welling up inside her, Ai bit her bottom lip hard to keep it at bay, while Jie allowed the woman to accuse him of misdeeds he had yet to commit, before quickly signing the registry book and taking Ai's hand back.  Then with the arrival of the womans grandson, they were allowed to continue to their room without incident.

Though the moment the door closed behind them, Ai burst into laughter, and with tears in her eyes, she began to poke Jies chest the same way the woman had.  "Shifty eyes." she choked out laughing.

Laughing with her, he pulled her into his arms and held her tight. "I wonder where they might shift to." he said sultrily as he lowered his head to her hair and down into the crook of her neck to lightly kiss her.

"Careful Jie, she might have a peep hole in the wall." she said suddenly turning to look about the room laughing, though the way her body had slightly tensed, he could feel the suspicion which had him laughing even more.  

"I think you need to leave the Mortal Realm Plays alone Ai." he said unable to keep the laughter at bay.

Though deciding it was best that they kept any bedroom antics for night time just in case, he released her grudgingly to look about the room with her.  It was perfect.  Not overly decorated, it did have a large bed and an open fire which would be needed as the weather had begun to cool with the onset of winter and with a small shelf stocked with a selection of books which looked as if they might be of interest, they were happy with it.

"Let's go and find something to eat Jie, I'm famished." Ai said pulling him towards the door.

The little seaside village had only one store that sold fresh produce, fish and condiments.  It wasn't exactly what she had in mind, but buying enough for a simple meal, that did not require any cooking, she quickly put together a salad with raw fish, which was adequate, but deciding it would be best to order cooked meals for the rest of their stay, they settled in for the rest of the day which had almost drawn to an end.

The following day, they walked the long beach which sometimes delved off into dense bush which the locals would sometimes enter to gather wild fruits and edible roots.  The whole area was so beautiful, they spent their days exploring the many walking tracks and lagoons that sprung up when they least expected it.

It was a lovely few days, that by the time they returned home, both Ai and Jie were refreshed and invigorated from their holiday, one they would take regularly before it all came to an end.


With only 7 months to go until they had to leave it all behind, the months were taken up with weekly trips away with Jie for a couple of days at a time and Tai and Rus child which was due in 4 months time and having made several baby outfits with the help of her friends, Ais days were filled as she awaited the arrival of her first Grandchild, while also looking forward to her weekly visits with her own baby.

And once a week Jie would leave her for a few hours, and knowing where he had gone, she didn't worry too much.  As much as she loved their final months together, she couldn't help feeling guilty for what she was putting him through, but in the end she knew it was for the best, they had given everything they had to their Mortal Realm Marriage, and it had already run it's course.  If it wasn't for the arrival of Tais child, she knew she would have prepared to leave after the wedding, but he still needed them so she had decided to remain.

Though it was when Jie left to visit their child that Ai spent the time in deep thought.  What they had planned for Mo Yuan was so huge, that the nearer they got to the day of reckoning, the more nervous she became.  Also she needed to return 2 months earlier than planned in order to birth the child.  Mo Yuan had refused the battle otherwise, which she understood and something else she was grateful for.  

The only problem was that Tais baby would cut into the plan that had already been arranged for their sudden disappearance.  As long as Ru birthed at her due date, she would make it back in time for the reverse procedure, it would be cutting it close, but there was no other way around it, she would not miss the birth of their Grandchild and she knew Jie too wanted to be there for the arrival.  It would be the last time they would have together as a family.

That evening, Ai informed Jie that she had planned a trip for the two of them a little further away in just 4 months time.  "I'm hoping the baby will be born on time, because I have already booked an inn." she informed him, which he agreed with, knowing in an instant why she had decided to end their last few days that way.  The children would not miss them, and they could return regularly to visit after their return which they would stop doing when their Mortal Realm bodies would have reached an age for dying.  After that, he would return to watch over the Grandchildren and their children, though it would be covertly.

The date also coincided with their 7th wedding anniversary, the significance of which he did not miss, but seeing as it was how she wanted to end their Mortal Marriage, he couldn't help but feel a little hurt by it, but it did seem fitting.  What better way to say goodbye to a marriage rife with mistakes and foolishness, he thought to himself sadly.  But it was what she wanted, so he agreed, he would just enjoy the time they had left.

And that time was upon them before they knew it.  No sooner had Ru gone into labor, than Chang Li arrived to inform Ai that everything was ready, but refusing to leave until she had held the child once, they stayed.  Rus was in labor for almost 15 hours, but with a little magic and an Immortal Realm potion, the birth went off without a hitch.

"It's a boy." the midwife said smiling, as Tai, Ai, Jie, Chang Li. Meili and Gui  waited outside the birthing chamber.

Refusing to be held back, Ai immediately took hold of Tais hand, and dragged him into the birthing chamber much to the horror of the midwife, but unable to stop them, she just threw her hands up into the air, and stepped aside as they stormed in, immediately taking hold of the child.

"Mother please, he is my child!" Ru called out as she almost snatched him out of her arms with Tai almost on top of her to take him back.

"Tai, let me take him out to Jie." she pleaded when he tried to take the child from her, wanting to be the first to hold him.  

Something in her eyes, had Tai moving back slowly, which she did notice, but saying nothing and ignoring Rus attempts to rise in indignation, she carried the child out to Jie in tears.  Placing him in his arms, Jie looked at the child with tears on his lashes as he took in what seemed to be a healthy boy.  "He's going to be strong." he said as he took in the childs square shaped hands and long fingers, a sign of strength and masculinity.  

He held him close to his body as Meili and Chang Li leaned over him to get a good look.  "He is so beautiful Tai." Meili whispered with tears in her own eyes.

"That he is." Jie agreed as he smiled down at the bony wee boy who had suddenly grabbed his finger and was holding on tightly. 

But it was over all too quickly.  The midwife demanded the baby be returned to the mother and going by the way her large body was shaking, they all thought it best to listen this time.

So taking the child from him, Ai held onto him for a moment longer, before returning him to his father  It was enough for the both of them.  The child represented the future that they had been fortunate to touch, but would not be a part of.

Placing him back in Tais hands, she kissed his cheek softly before giving him a long look.  It was then that Tai knew she was leaving. "One comes, and one goes." he said softly and with tears in his eyes, he handed the child to Ru, before gathering her in his arms.  

"Thank you mother." he whispered softly against her hair.  And that too was enough.

"Take care of Meili Tai." she said just as softly.  "Live well, be happy." she added, as she broke the embrace with tears streaming down her face.  Then with one last look at her son and Grandson, she turned and left.

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