Secret Santa L.S.

Galing kay sian-elizabeth

4.1K 170 245

AU: Where Harry and Louis work in a boring office, but it becomes less boring after Harry receives his gift i... Higit pa



2.6K 85 207
Galing kay sian-elizabeth

Harry Styles was that coworker at the office that everyone had a crush on. He was that person that everyone loved and supposedly he was too oblivious to notice. Now, nobody knew if that was the truth, whether the boy was just oblivious or if he chose to ignore it. Either way, he was sweet, Harry Styles that worked in finance and melted everybody's heart, just about.

Working for a company was always awful. Everyone knew that if you worked for someone else your life was partially miserable, because you don't control your work. Working for a company is especially miserable when the company you work for is possibly the shittiest company in the history of companies.

It was December, and currently everyone in the office was thinking about Secret Santa and what to get someone for Secret Santa with a budget of only ten pounds. The limit was very clear, and the budget was decided by Karen from HR who apparently needed to make the budget extremely clear as if someone in the office was going to buy her a fucking hovercraft that cost more than their house because Karen from HR deemed herself worthy of more than ten pounds.

Honestly, everyone wanted Harry. They either wanted Harry to buy them their gift or for Harry to receive a gift from them.

It was Tuesday, meeting day. Although everyday was a meeting day, Tuesday was special because it was the day that Harry, being head of finance after gaining himself a promotion after only a month of working there, ran the meeting. In other words, he stood in front of a whiteboard at the front of the room and wrote down shit that nobody really cared about.

"Uh, morning everyone," Harry said as he came into the room. His cheeks were pink, his lips plump and his luscious locks framing his face perfectly like it was a piece of art from a museum, "Sorry I'm late I uh," He cleared his throat, "There was an incident in the lift up. It stopped working and- well you don't care lets just get on with the meeting yes?"

And then there were other people in the company. Such as HR. HR were mostly the unsociable people in the company, the people that were miserable and only grumbled while getting their coffee from the break room- apart from Karen because she deemed herself more important than everyone as you already know.

Head of HR was Louis Tomlinson. He'd been working their five years and was only just promoted to head of HR when Gary, the previous head, quit because someone kept stealing his lunch from the fridge in the break room- he even put labels on his food. This person was definitely not Louis.

Either way he got the promotion and instead of unhappily working for Gary, he was unhappily head of HR.

He was sat in his private office, lounging in his desk chair while he replied to important and less important emails he'd been sent over the weekend. He binned a lot of them and noticed one sent from his boss- the office Christmas party. Immediately he binned the email without even reading it and continued the regular tasks for the day.

It was during his lunch break that once again he was bothered with the news of the office Christmas party, "Are you going to the Christmas party?" His coworker, Niall, had asked. Blankly, Louis stared at Niall and Niall stared back, waiting for the insult about to come his way.

"Can't mate, I'm busy on... whatever night it is." Louis replied. Niall gave him a disapproving look and shook his head in disappointment.

"Have you at least signed up for office Secret Santa?" Niall raised an eyebrow.

"Does it look like I signed up for office Secret Santa?" Louis scoffed. Why would he put himself forward to buy someone he didn't like a gift that they probably wouldn't like anyway? Then, he'd receive a shitty gift that he didn't like and it would be a waste of money. However, Niall seemed to like the idea so he said, "I'm going to sign up now, you coming or not?"


"Fine." The guy huffed. Peace at last, Louis thought when the door closed. While eating his sandwich, he typed out an email to some guy who emailed him about the issue with his desk computer. He told him it wasn't his problem and to email the tech guy, not his boss, "Louis!" Niall cheerily called as he waltzed into his boss' office for the second time that Monday. Angrily, Louis spun around in his chair and didn't even say anything, just glared at the man until he spat whatever he wanted to say out of his mouth, "I entered your name into Secret Santa," Niall saw Louis get up out of his chair to leave, "And there's no backing out because the entries closed just five minutes ago and we have to go pick out a name from the bowl at the end of the day."

"Why? Why would you do that?" Louis groaned in frustration, trying to keep his voice low as he saw other people working behind desks. In the distance he noticed Karen holding the bowl with names in it as she smugly smiled at everyone who walked past her. God she was a bitch.

"Because it's fun, you never know, maybe you'll get a cool gift or even a cool person to buy for?" Niall shrugged, leaning against the door frame of Louis' office. Once again, Louis scoffed and looked around the office, seeing middle aged people all staring at computer screens. He was surprised their eyes didn't turn square, "There is nobody cool that works here, I think we're the youngest people that work here." Louis pointed out.

"Hey, you don't have to be young to be cool, I mean, look at Mick Jagger." Niall wiggled his eyebrows. Rolling his eyes, Louis stepped back into his office and immediately thought about what he could buy someone with a budget of ten pounds. It wasn't a lot, really. A bottle of wine would probably do the trick, depending on the person.

"Mick Jagger's a Rolling Stone he doesn't count."

"Well... what about Brenda? She seems cool?" Niall was talking about the woman at reception who called Louis 'Lewis' and Niall 'Neil' and insists on greeting everyone in the building as they arrive, "No, Niall, no."

"Fine, fine you win," Niall smiled, "See you after work to pick out a name." He cheekily grinned and left Louis' office.


It was the end of the day and most of the staff were in the break room, picking out their names for Secret Santa. Louis didn't understand why so many people willingly wanted to sign up for this. It was a disaster every time and he didn't enjoy cheap wine nor did he enjoy the person coming up to him afterwards asking if he liked the wine because there wasn't a gift receipt. Could you even get a gift receipt for wine?

It was Niall's turn to pick, so he put his hand in the bowl, closed his eyes, and picked at random, a slip of paper. Biting his lip, he unfolded it and immediately his face dropped. Louis snickered and pushed Niall to the side, not even looking Karen in the eye as he carelessly picked out a slip of paper. He waited to open it so the person behind him wouldn't see who he got in case he happened to buy a shitty present and whoever saw would know Louis was the one who gave the shitty present.

"Who'd you get?" Louis asked, walking down the hallway with Niall to the lift. After pressing the button, Niall let out a huff and handed Louis his piece of paper, wanting the man to read it for himself. Almost immediately Louis let out a loud laugh just as the lift doors opened.

"Karen," Louis read aloud, "You got Karen Jennings, lucky you."

"You were smart in thinking it was a bad idea," Niall snatched the slip of paper back, grumbling profanities as he did so, "Who'd you get?" He asked. Shrugging, Louis opened the piece of paper as Niall pressed the button to the ground floor. They felt the sudden jolt of the lift before they descended.

Once again, he read aloud, "Harry Styles."

"Lucky," Niall groaned, "So fucking lucky."

"Is he the head of finance or summit? I know the name not the face." Louis said.

"Harry's actually my mate, he's lovely and sweet and-"

"Oh shit, he's the guy that was promoted in his first month." Louis remembered.

"Yep," Niall nodded, popping the 'p', "Everyone loves him."

"What do I get him then? Does he like wine?" Louis asked, stepping out of the lift, waving to Brenda who waved back. It was dark outside, despite it only being five o'clock and the sound of traffic passed through their ears. Street lights flashed on and off while pedestrians hurried to and from work.

"He doesn't drink." Niall said.

"Uh, Chocolates?"'

"He's vegan, only eats healthy, not even vegan chocolate, you're gonna struggle mate." Niall said. Louis pursed his lips.

"Great, just great," He muttered angrily, "Fucking great."


"What does every person want, Zayn? Excluding food and alcohol." Louis asked his flatmate while they ate their Chinese food. The man looked up from scrolling through his phone and shrugged, a mouth full of noodles and a forkful of something else- he wasn't quite sure. Zayn thought about it for a minute before replying, "Sex."

"That's a bit... you're assuming everyone likes sex with isn't true."

"Listen, this is office Secret Santa, get the guy something most people like, I don't know, get him some fluffy socks." Zayn said after swallowing his noodles.

"Sex," Louis thought about it, "Why not get him sex?"

"I was kidding, you can't get someone sex as a present, especially when one, it's meant to be a secret who the present is from and two, you don't know the guy and three, how do you know if the guy is gay? Why on earth would you give someone sex as a Secret Santa present?"

"I don't know, it might be a funny joke, to just write the word 'sex' on a piece of paper, slap it in a box with his name on it and bam, Merry Christmas to you Harry Styles."


"That's Harry Styles?" Louis almost spat out his coffee. He was with Niall, as usual, when the man pointed out who Louis would be buying the gift for. And god, was he something?

He was tall and slim, his long legs seemingly never ending and tattoos peaking out from the sleeves of shirt, covering his hands, so Louis' eyes followed the trail to his slender fingers that were covered in chunky, silver rings. His hair was in ringlets around his cherubic, face, which although was very young looking, had a perfect jawline to match his other beautiful features. And his eyes... oh his eyes were a dark, forest green, focused on the disgusting looking drink he was holding with his right hand, a green colour which oddly enough, complimented his eyes as much as a drink could.

Noticing Louis' trance like state, Niall snapped his fingers in front of Louis' face, "He's something, isn't he? And you're in luck, he's gay, and single, not entirely sure if he's ready to mingle but you can give it a go."

"I wanna give him sex for my Secret Santa gift." Louis blurted out, seeing the beautiful man- angel- disappear round a corner. Niall gave Louis a weird look. It was a look that usually, Louis would give Niall, however, considering the circumstances, Niall deemed the look appropriate.


"Yes sex," Louis smirked, "I'm gonna write the word 'sex' on a piece of paper," He whispered, "Put that piece of paper in a box and make sure when he opens it I see it his reaction. If he finds it funny, I'll ask for his number and if not, I'll leave it be and hope Karen doesn't tell me off, even though I'm her boss."

"Harry's very... quiet. I don't think he'd really have a reaction." Niall said honestly.

"Well... lets test that theory."


It was Secret Santa day and the gifts were all placed on the long table in the middle of the break room. Louis saw various people go in and out of the room, waiting for Harry to also go in to collect his gift so Louis could discreetly watch him open it while pretending to stand with Niall and open their gifts.

As for Niall's Secret Santa gift, he bought Karen a potato peeler because they were on offer in Asda and he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to buy Karen Jennings a potato peeler. Niall couldn't help but snicker as he watched Karen angrily leave the break room, potato peeler in hand as she scanned the room for the potential gift giver. However, Niall pretended to be busy at the photocopier and avoided her menacing gaze.

"Shit, I see Harry, lets go." Louis said in a hushed manner, grabbing Niall and pulling him towards the break room. The man stumbled before following Louis who followed Harry into the room, acting nonchalant as they looked around the table for their gifts.

Out of the corner of his eye, Louis saw Harry alone, eyes lighting up when seeing his gift right in the centre of the table. However, Louis' heart dropped when he saw Harry spot Niall and actually make his way over to where the two men were stood, "Hi Niall, found your gift yet?" His voice was smooth like honey and slow, lips forming each syllable carefully when he spoke. Niall jumped, startled. He nervously laughed and saw his present, awkwardly grabbing it from the table, "Now I have."

"So... what'd you get?" Harry asked eagerly. Both Harry and Louis watched as Niall unwrapped his gift, revealing... a baby outfit?

"What?" He said in confusion.

"You're not expecting a baby, are you Niall?"

"I didn't think..." His eyes widened, "Fuck fuck fuck, I need to find Sarah." And like that he was off. Harry couldn't help but giggle and Louis couldn't help but laugh as well. Then, the two of them were alone in the break room, and they finally looked at each other, "Sorry, I didn't realise how rude I was being, I'm Harry, I work in finance. Head of finance, actually." The man bit his lip innocently, though to Louis it was more than that.

"I'm Louis, head of HR," He smiled lightly, "You gonna open that?"

"I don't know," Harry shyly looked down, fiddling with the box in his hands, "You go first?"

Louis shrugged, "Sure," Not so carefully he peeled away the wrapping paper and he wasn't really shocked when he saw a box of biscuits, "Wow, what an innovative and creative gift. I'm sure the person that got this really thought well and hard about this." Louis pursed his lips.

Harry laughed again, his laugh sounding like how Louis imagined an angel's to be, "My turn, I guess." The man shrugged.

Louis felt a little guilty, he had to admit. He felt a little guilty as he watched Harry open the box, only to frown in disappointment when seeing a piece of paper. Confused, the man pulled it out and placed the box down gently on the table as though it were fragile. Louis watched in guilt as Harry unfolded the piece of paper, read the note and go bright red.

"Uh I uh." The man stuttered.

"What does it say?" Louis asked. After dropping the piece of paper multiple times out of nervousness and embarrassment, Harry handed the note to his newly found friend Louis. Reading aloud, he said clearly, "Sex."

"It's innovative," Harry said, "Think I'd prefer the biscuits to be honest." Harry muttered.

"Don't you wanna know who wrote it?" Louis asked curiously.

Harry shrugged, "Maybe," He bit his lip, "Not to actually have sex with them I don't... I would never..." He trailed off, "I don't know what I'd do with the information if I did find out, to be honest," Harry said honestly, peaking inside the box again, only to sigh when he saw that yes, that was what he got from his Secret Santa, "What an awful thing to do to a person," Harry frowned, "Never mind, you get what you're given." Then he walked away.


It was the next day, and if he was honest with himself Louis hadn't really thought about the incident that occurred the day beforehand. He assumed that Harry would get over it and hopefully forget about it. He also hadn't spoken to Harry since yesterday and maybe he was a little upset about it but he had to get over it. It was a stupid joke and it didn't work out, so what?

What he didn't expect, however, was for someone to knock on his office door. He yelled 'come in!' and heard the door click open before he heard the door click shut again. Looking away from his computer screen, he looked up and almost jumped out of his skin when he saw Harry there. The boy was dressed in a floral shirt and black skinny jeans that hugged his long legs tightly. His hair was pulled back into a bun, little curls still falling in front of his face, not managing to stay put and thick glasses were perched atop his nose.

"Harry? How can I help you? I uh, do you want to take a seat?" Louis asked. Hesitantly, the boy nodded and sat down in the seat opposite Louis. Though they had similar positions in the office, both being head of their department, Harry couldn't help but feel intimidated by Louis. Maybe it was the sharp, harsh features or maybe it was the way he looked miserable most days.

"I wanted to ask you something." Harry said. Louis gulped, nodding his head slowly at Harry's words. Was it something serious? Did Harry want one of the biscuits he got from his Secret Santa who he actually found out was Amanda from the sales department.

"Go ahead." Louis said, acting casual when in reality his heart was beating out of his chest.

"Are you my Secret Santa?" Harry asked. Louis sucked in a sharp breath, noticing the way Harry stared at him innocently underneath those glasses of his that made him look even more innocent. He didn't know what to do, so he fiddled with the stapler on his desk and muttered out a quick 'yes'. He braced himself for an argument of some sort.

"Right," Harry gulped, "Okay."

"Right? Okay? That's all you have to say? You don't wanna shout at me? Punch me for being so ignorant and thoughtless?" Louis blurted out in confusion.

Harry shook his head, his lips quirking up into a small smile that made Louis' heart flutter, "It was innovative, I guess. I've never received a gift like that before. I'm not sure what you want me to say?" Harry said honestly, his voice quiet, but still deep and slow.

"Don't say anything," Louis said, "You can punch me for being a twat if you'd like?"

"I'd actually like your number." Harry said.

"Oh," Louis said in shock, and Harry's face fell, realising how stupid that sounded, he was about to speak but Louis beat him to it, "Oh... um, do you have your phone on you? Shit, why can't I find mine?" Louis frantically rummaged through his drawers for the device. Harry laughed in amusement and leaned forward to gently tap Louis' shoulder. The man awkwardly stopped his frantic movements and gratefully took Harry's phone, muttering a quiet 'thanks' before typing in his number.

"Thank you," Harry sheepishly said when he took his phone back, "I'll text you."

After leaving the office, Harry smiled to himself when seeing Louis named himself 'Secret Santa' in his contacts.


And that's how a week later Louis ended up on Harry's couch, hovering over the man who was staring up at him breathlessly through his long eyelashes that cast a shadow over his soft cheeks, "You're sure your flatmate won't be home for the next couple hours?" Louis asked, leaving a trail of kisses down Harry's neck. The younger man hummed and gasped quietly when Louis sucked a bruise into his neck.

"Very sure." Harry muttered out, tugging at Louis' shirt so he could pull it off for him.

During the week, Harry would come to Louis' office occasionally to steal a biscuit, they had lunch together everyday, excluding the one occasion Niall joined as well and they left together everyday. It wasn't that much of a surprise when Louis asked Harry on a date and Harry said yes. Saturday afternoon they had lunch and now it was Saturday evening.

Louis had also learned that Harry was generally a quiet, reserved person, hence why he was mainly oblivious to the fact that most of his coworkers had a crush on him or at least would admit that he was a special in a way. The younger man also revealed that it was in fact Niall that told him Louis was his Secret Santa and it was Niall that encouraged Harry to give Louis a chance.

And boy was he glad he did, "Shit Louis." Harry gasped out, his hands clawing at the man's back as he relentlessly pounded into him, the couch moving underneath them with each rock back and forth. He prayed the people underneath him either weren't home or the ceiling was thick and sound proof.

Initially Harry wasn't actually planning on having sex with Louis, even after he found out it was Louis that gave him the note in the first place. However, the tables turned and he couldn't help himself from begging Louis to fuck him. He couldn't wait for more dates, nor could he wait for any sort of relationship.

Then, Louis changed angles and Harry was gone, letting out constant moans and whines for Louis to go harder, faster, deeper if that was even possible. He wanted to feel Louis all night, though that wasn't possible because he couldn't last all night, "So good Harry," Louis said as he snapped his hips back and forth, "Fuck."

It was moments later that it all became too much for Harry and he let out a whine as he came between their chests, still feeling Louis inside of him. The older man continued to thrust until he also came, riding out his high before he lazily fell onto Harry, the man kissing him messily due them being out of breath.

"How," Harry panted, "Was that?"

Louis pulled out, sitting up a little due to there being little to no room in the couch if he were to lie horizontally next to Harry, "Great," Louis grinned at him, "Really fucking great." He leaned down to kiss Harry, who gratefully accepted the kiss, tongue and all.

Harry also sat up, Louis sat on his thighs, both of them naked, "Are you hungry? I'm hungry," Harry announced, he patted Louis' bare bum as a way of silently telling him to move, "Do you wanna order something?" Louis watched in awe as this angel of a man moved around the apartment, naked. His porcelain skin was littered with hickeys and his hair was a mess, but he was an angel nonetheless. Louis hummed in thought, "I'm not sure Mr Vegan, what do you fancy?"

Harry chuckled lightly, wandering back into the room, this time with a silk dressing gown on and a spare dressing gown for Louis, not silk, but still comfy, "I fancy a pizza." Harry said, picking up his mobile from the coffee table in the middle of the small living room. Louis raised an eyebrow, curiosity getting the best of him when he asked, "Do vegans eat Pizza?"

Harry rolled his eyes, "No Louis, we live on kale and tofu."

"Oh," Louis frowned, "That can't be good for you-"

"I was kidding, there's a vegan pizza place a few streets away from here, what do you want, a margarita?" Louis nodded and Harry called up the pizza place, ordering the food easily as he sat back down next to Louis on the sofa that definitely needed a wash before his roommate for got home, "Uh, no I don't want a side salad." Louis heard Harry say and he leaned back happily on the sofa, enjoying the way they were. The way Harry was.

"How long 'till the pizza gets here?" Louis questioned, watching Harry place his phone back on the coffee table. He grimaced at the used condom Louis left lying on the wood but he decided he'd deal with it in a bit. Answering Louis' question, he replied with, "Fifteen to twenty minutes they said."

Harry felt goosebumps rise on his skin when Louis kissed his shoulder blades, moving to his neck and stopping right in front of his pink, pouty lips that had been kissed quite a bit already that day, "Round two? We have time." Louis whispered, nipping at Harry's earlobe. Shivering, Harry hesitated, not wanting to be interrupted at any point. However, when he felt Louis' breath on his neck, he nodded and breathed out a quiet 'yes'.



There was a lot of it. Monday morning was usually Louis' least favourite day, however, what made it a little better was arriving with Harry after spending the weekend at his apartment. In the time he'd been there, he'd figured out that Harry's roommate, Liam, wasn't home very often and when he was he kept to himself due to his work and spending time with his long term girlfriend. Also in the time he'd been there, Liam caught Harry and Louis fucking on the kitchen counter, whatever they were cooking burned and the poor guy would probably never get that image out of his head.

"Morning Harry, morning Lewis!" Brenda greeted cheerily from her desk in reception. Rolling his eyes, Louis pressed the button to the lift after Harry politely said hello to the old woman. Huffing, he saw the doors open and the two of them stepped into the small box that would take them to their floor, "I don't get it," Louis pressed the button to their floor, "How come she remembers your name and not mine?"

Harry shrugged, unable to think of a reasonable answer. The man was looking rather sweet today, Louis noticed. He looked nothing like the Harry that he spent time with over the weekend. Thick framed glasses sat atop his nose and his hair was pulled neatly into a bun. An expensive looking button up covered his tattooed chest, paired with black skinny jeans and some brown worn out boots. He looked rather innocent, his green eyes wide and skin radiant from the moisturiser he put on every morning, "Maybe it's because I bought her flowers on her birthday?"

Once again, the older man rolled his eyes as he stepped out of the lift and onto their floor, "Of course you'd get the receptionist flowers on her birthday," Louis murmured grumpily, then he looked at Harry who'd stopped walking as well, "I'll see you at lunch yeah?"

Harry hummed in agreement, looking at his watch, "I have a meeting in twenty minutes," He said, Louis nodded, "I'd better go."

"Right," Louis wasn't sure what to do so he just stood there and waited for Harry to do something. However, Harry was awkward in situations like this one as well, so he just smiled a small smile and waved as he walked in the direction of his office; it was the opposite direction to Louis' office. Realising how stupid he looked just watching Harry's back from afar, he decided it would be best to head to his own office to get some actual work done, that he should've done at the weekend but other things, or Harry, he should say, took up his time.

Just as he sat at his desk though, Niall decided to pay him a visit and he groaned in frustration, "What do you want?" The man scowled, but walked further into Louis' office anyway, a smirk creeping onto his lips, "What?" Louis repeated.

"I see you came in with Harry." Niall sat down in the extra chair, leaning his head in the palm of his hand as if he were in school again, bored of watching the teacher ramble on about the same thing for an hour. Louis just scowled at him, "That I did."

"I saw you get out of his car." Niall pointed out.


"You're wearing the same clothes as Friday." Niall smirked.


"You stayed there all weekend didn't you?" When Louis didn't answer Niall gasped, "You little shit! You two probably fucked like animals the whole time!" He yelled. Hastily, Louis leaned over his desk to slap his hand over Niall's loud mouth. Though he couldn't see it, Louis could feel Niall's smug smile hanging off his lips underneath the palm of his hand, "Don't yell that, my door is open and people might hear."

"Why do you care if people know you and Harry have a thing?" Niall questioned.

"It's not that, I'd just rather not have everyone that works for me knowing about my 'wild' sex life." Louis made air quotes with his fingers as he said 'wild'.

"So you admit you and Harry fucked like animals all weekend?" The man cheekily grinned.

Annoyed, Louis logged into his desk computer, "That's none of your business. I spent time with him, yes, but who's to say we had sex? People do more than just have sex, Niall."

"Well, judging by the amount of hickeys on your neck it would suggest otherwise." Niall chuckled and Louis blushed, immediately reaching a hand up to cover his neck which was, in fact, littered with hickeys from: the first time they had sex on Harry's couch; the second time they had sex on Harry's couch; the sex they had in the shower; the sex they had the morning after and the short make out session they had before coming to work.

Yes, Louis was wearing clothes from last Friday, having stayed at Harry's all weekend and basically living in boxers and dressing gowns the whole time. No, Louis didn't think to go home and get clothes, or wash his clothes at Harry's. Did he regret it? A little, because his shirt didn't smell fresh and his clothes were a little creased.

"Why don't you go do some work for once, yeah? I am your boss." Louis smirked.

It was Niall's turn to scowl, "Fine," He huffed, "Be that way."


It started off small.

During their lunch break Louis and Harry would lock themselves in either Louis or Harry's office and they'd fuck on the desk where all their work was. Then, it was making out in the lift up to their floor, then it was blow jobs in the break room until eventually they'd sit in meetings and pray nobody noticed Harry wanking Louis off while they talked about business growth.

"I don't understand why you won't come," Harry pouted, "It'll be fun."

"I'm sorry Harry but office parties don't get me off." Louis smirked and Harry rolled his eyes at the pathetic joke. The younger man had tried everything to persuade Louis to come to the work Christmas party, but he refused, "But I do," Harry pointed out, "So why won't you come with me? There'll probably be alcohol there and you can get drunk."

Louis scoffed, "That wouldn't be fun, babe," He placed his hands on Harry's hips, leaning up to peck the boy's pouted lips, "I'd be off my head and you'd be stone cold sober."

Letting out a huff, Harry removed Louis' hands from his waist and grumpily went to the kitchen where he was cooking them dinner. After finding out Louis had no food in his fridge, the two of them did a shop and Harry offered to cook dinner, and who was Louis to refuse dinner? It was vegan, of course, but he was willing to give it a try if Harry liked it. So, Louis followed the man into the kitchen and saw him stood by the stove, stirring something in a pot.

Quietly, the older man walked behind him and snaked his arms around Harry's waist, moving the man's hair out of the way to kiss the back of his neck. Shivering at the touch, Harry stopped stirring and turned around in Louis' arms, "I'm going to the Christmas party alone," Harry smirked, "Our boss is quite hot, isn't he? I bet once he's had a few drinks he could be a party animal."

"No, no way you're going if you're going to stare at Robert fucking Parkin all night." Louis scowled, becoming jealous immediately.

"Then come with me." Harry smiled cheekily.

"Fine," Louis gave in, "But only for you."

"Great," Harry said, "Now sit down, we're having vegan mac and cheese."


It was late, and the party was halfway over. There were drunk people all over the place, their boss having rented out a local bar for him to throw his annual Christmas party. Harry was fairly new to the business and this was his first time, so far he was enjoying it, even if he wasn't drinking. He spotted Louis and Niall dancing to the Christmas music that was playing loudly and they were both holding beers. Niall was a little drunk but Louis was only tipsy, still being able to form proper, coherent sentences.

"Hello love," Louis smiled at him when Harry came back from his short trip to the bar after retrieving a water, "Having fun?"

"Mhm," Harry hummed, "And it seems like you are too, even though you claim to hate work parties."

"Well," Louis smirked, wrapping an arm around Harry's waist, "You make everything fun."

"Do I now?" Harry giggled.

"That you do," Louis gently pressed his lips to Harry's. His lips were like clouds and Louis felt like he was floating in the sky every time Harry's lips went anywhere near his skin that was always begging to be touched by him. Harry hummed contently into the kiss, his tongue slipping into Louis' mouth with ease. Their lips were locked for a few minutes until Louis pulled away, his face still inches from Harry's face, "I have something to ask you." He said. Harry nodded, taking a sip of his water.

"Go ahead." Harry nodded.

"I know it's only  been a few weeks or whatever, but I really like spending time with you, even if at first I only asked for sex, which I shouldn't have," That made Harry chuckle and think about his Secret Santa gift from Louis, "But will you be my boyfriend?" He asked.

Harry grinned and nodded, breathing out a 'yes', before kissing Louis softly. It was quick, but nice. When they pulled away Louis sighed happily, "I'm gonna go get another beer, do you want anything?" Louis asked. Harry shook his head and waved his half full glass in the air. The man leaned down to press a gentle kiss to Louis' cheek, "I'm gonna go to the loo, I'll be back in a minute." Harry said.

Louis nodded, "M'kay baby," He kissed Harry again, and again, and again, he would never get tired of it, "See you in a bit."


The toilets were small-ish, and they were stalls, not just a row of urinals which he was glad about. When Harry was in the middle of washing his hands, someone else drunkenly stumbled in, cursing as they did so. It was his boss, Robert.

"Harry!" He yelled happily. Harry laughed and grabbed some paper towels to dry his hands, turning around as he did so. He didn't notice the small click of the bathroom door locking and he didn't notice the hungry smile on his boss' face.

"Hi Rob, having a good time?" Harry asked politely. The man was obviously drunk and Harry didn't want to annoy him or get on his bad side.

Ignoring Harry's question, his boss said, "I'm really glad I hired you, Harry," He inched closer and Harry awkwardly stepped backwards until he couldn't go any further and his back hit the wall. His boss followed him until they were around a foot apart, "You're a hard worker and you're..." He reached up to touch Harry's cheek, "Really hot."

Feeling uncomfortable, Harry moved his boss' hand from his cheek and prayed the man left him alone, "Um, I-I need to get back to Louis," He winced when the man gripped his hips harshly, "He's waiting for me." He explained. He could smell the man's breath as he came closer, attempting to kiss Harry.

"I bet he is," The man smirked, "You know the office has security cameras? I've watched it all and fuck, I wanna fuck you so bad, can I do that now?"

"No," Harry said, attempting to push the man away but he couldn't. The man reached for Harry's jeans, attempting to unbutton them while Harry tried to move from his harsh grip, "Let go of me!" He screamed. He prayed someone heard him, but nobody did. The music in the bar was loud and most people were drunk and having a good time.

"Shh!" The man clamped a hand over Harry's mouth. Harry tried, he struggled and he was strong, he thought he was strong but apparently not as strong as Robert was, "Now be quiet." He ordered. Harry felt his jeans being slipped down his legs and he cried.


It was never spoken of, what happened. Harry ignored it and got on with his life. He went back to Cheshire for Christmas and Louis went to Doncaster. They planned to see each other in the New Year, as Niall was having a New Years party.

"How was your Christmas?" Louis asked softly, pulling Harry into a warm embrace after not seeing each other for a week. Gently, Harry cupped Louis' cheek and kissed him happily. When they pulled away, Harry was smiling and biting his lip, "It was good, missed you though." He admitted.

Louis blushed and ducked his head, "I missed you too," He let Harry into his apartment and that was the first time Harry saw Louis' roommate was actually home, "Uh, that's Zayn." He scratched the back of neck awkwardly.

Harry waved, "I'm Harry, nice to meet you."

"Do you smoke weed?" The man asked,  getting up from the couch, "Wanna smoke a joint before the party?"

"Uh no thanks," He politely declined, "Can I used your loo, Lou?" Harry asked.

Louis laughed, "You said loo loo," He noticed Harry wasn't laughing and rolled his eyes, "Of course you can, love." Harry kissed him quickly before waking to the bathroom, which he knew all too well from the times he'd stayed there previously.

As soon as he shut the door behind him he locked it and slid down to the door, feeling himself bring his knees to his chest instinctively. He tried to be quiet while he cried, and he knew he could only be in there a little while before Louis would start to get suspicious and wonder what was going on.

After a while, he stopped crying and just sat on the floor, trying to mentally prepare himself for the stupid party he didn't want to go to. He wanted to go home and he wanted to be alone. All he wanted was to wash himself clean, but no matter how hard he scrubbed everywhere that man touched, he couldn't get rid of the feeling of the man's hands on his skin, touching him in places he didn't want to be touched and telling him to be quiet about it.

"Harry, you okay in there?" Louis asked, knocking on the door. The younger man's breath hitched and he tried to compose himself.

"I'm fine!" He yelled, "Just give me a moment!"

"Okay." Louis said, moving away from the door.

"Okay," Harry whispered to himself, "You're gonna be okay," He looked at himself in the mirror. All he could see was him. All he could feel was him, "It never happened," He told himself, "It never happened."


"I forgot how amazing you were at kissing." Louis mumbled against Harry's lips, licking into his mouth messily as he pushed him against the wall. The party was a mess, as expected. There were a lot of drunk people and a lot of people in general. They were in Niall's kitchen, making out sloppily as party goers came and went to collect drinks from the fridge. It was great, everything was great and Louis was thankful to finally have someone like Harry in his life.

"I missed you so much, fuck." Harry admitted, pulling away for a moment to take a breath, before attaching his lips to Louis' once again. Their tongues danced between them and Louis' hands gradually moved further down Harry's waist until he reached the small swell of Harry's perky bum. Smiling against Harry's lips, eyes still closed, he gave it a small squeeze and asked, "Wanna go upstairs?"

Harry nodded and the two of them stumbled into what looked like Niall's room. Louis immediately felt a little guilty but he supposed Niall should've put a sign up if he didn't want anyone to fuck in his bed.

"God I missed you," Louis sighed out as he shut the door behind him, hoping nobody came in during the time they were in there. Harry giggled and shuffled onto the bed, doing a fake sexy pose as he waited for Louis to join him, "Very sexy." Louis wiggled his eyebrows, crawling onto the bed after he slipped his shoes off. Harry observed and quickly kicked his own shoes off as well. The younger man thought Louis was going to kiss him but instead Louis just blew a raspberry into his neck. Harry immediately laughed and shrieked, smiling goofily up at him when he pulled away "You're silly." Harry said.

Louis hummed, leaning down to gently kiss Harry's lips. It was gentle at first, until the kiss became more feverish and desperate, both of them craving each other like drugs. Louis was addicted to the taste of Harry's lips, the feel of Harry's touch and the sound of Harry's little whimpers that he let out when Louis kissed the column of his neck.

Hastily, Louis pulled off his white shirt, blue eyes staring at Harry as he did the same, revealing both of their inked chests. Green eyes stared back at him with lust, "Does Niall have lube, condoms?" Louis questioned, opening Niall's bed side drawer. He smirked when he saw both items there. The lube bottle was half empty and the box of condoms contained only three, "Dirty fucker, these are almost gone." Louis tossed the box aside and unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them down his legs to reveal the soft skin of his thick thighs and perfect bum that made Harry jealous.

Harry locked his arms round the back of Louis' neck and pulled him down for a deep kiss, their tongues brushing against one another. They tried hard to keep their lips locked as Harry pulled both his jeans and underwear down at once. It was hard because Harry's jeans were really, really tight.

However, Louis had to pull away to open the bottle of lube and coat his fingers in it. He leaned down to kiss Harry's lips again, "You're okay with this? Promise me you'll tell me to stop if you want to stop?" They did this every time. Louis said the same thing every time and every time Harry agreed.

It wasn't any different this time, so Louis pushed his fingers inside of Harry, feeling the boy tense up, "You sure you're okay, Harry?" Louis asked hesitantly. The man bit his lip and nodded, his eyes closed and head flush against the pillows. As Louis fingered him, he could feel his dick twitch as Harry let out little whimpers every time Louis brushed a certain spot, "You're so hot," Louis breathed out, "I wanna fuck you so bad." I wanna fuck you so bad.

And Harry freaked out.

He screamed and instinctively pushed Louis away, getting off the bed and going to the corner of the room where their clothes were. He didn't put anything on, but he sat in the corner, his knees pressed up to his chest.

"Harry?" Louis asked softly, "Harry what's wrong baby?"

Harry could feel him. He could see him.

He didn't want it. He didn't want it one bit. He said no, he tried so hard to say no.

Louis heard the count down.


Harry could feel him everywhere.


Places he didn't want to be touched.


Pain he didn't want to feel.


Sex he didn't want.


"I was raped."

"Happy New Year!"

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