Operation: Extermination

By So1arF1are

81 38 17

"All you need to know now is that you are at Enigma Enterprises. You are the Valencia 704. And you belong to... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

22 6 3
By So1arF1are

 Introduction: forty-two minutes into past

      Fear coursed through the body, and it shuddered. There was something seriously wrong.

      A voice came from outside of the door, but it no longer sounded reassuring. The panic spread through veins, and the figure stood up. Its eyes found the computer against the wall, sitting on top of a sleek, gray table. It would be the key to what was needed.

      Wires were ripped from walls as the computer was jerked away, and the computer was tucked beneath the arm.

      At that moment, a blonde haired woman strode in, sliding a phone into her pocket. She gasped as she saw what had happened, "What are you doing?"

      But she was knocked roughly aside, and the figure ran with the computer tucked securely beneath the arm.

      It didn't take long for the escapee to get outside, but it was met with a woman with a large gun in her hands, "Don't make me do this."

     The escapee didn't respond with anything but kicking the gun across the rain-soaked concrete and grabbing the woman by the throat until she choked, wheezing and struggling feebly. Then she was dropped, and the hooded figure ran all out for the barbed wire fence. Not even stopping, it tore through the wire, slicing itself across the skin.

      The escapee found the path to the town, and at the first place, a restaurant with a name not cared about enough to be known, it crouched against a wall in the bathroom. It hooked the wires together into the outlet. Then the computer file was hooked up to the cable, and taking a deep breath, the other end of the cable was plugged into the escapee's wrist.

Chapter 1: three weeks / two days into past

      Everything was dark. Ice ran through veins instead of blood, chilling to the bone and making artificial muscles contract and convulse in a shiver. There was nothing around to see, only darkness. There was nothing to feel but cold. And there was a strange, lingering emptiness settled in the pit of a stomach unlike that which had been felt inside.

      There was a spark, a faint light flashing once at the corner of the dark. Then voices so muffled it was as if they were beneath water. Steel pressed into soft flesh, fingernails grating across a cold surface.

      The voices faded into clarity, and they became coherent. Words danced across lips, unspoken and strange. The voices sharpened.

      Light flickered into the darkness as a sudden awareness slammed into a once-damaged mind. A hand clenched into a fist on the table, and eyelids opened.

      A bright light filled the line of vision, and eyes blinked hard. A breath rattled in a chest for the first time in memory, and the cold air penetrated deep. Anxiety flooded the mind, and muscles contracted tensely.

      "Calm down," a low voice said, and warm hands pressed onto the aching shoulders. Pain jolted through, wracking the body, but was gone as fast as it had started. Silence fell around except for the voice speaking aloud and alone, "You have just been through a series of traumatic experiences."

      A face with light skin, wavy blonde hair, and rectangular glasses perched on a straight nose swam into focus, the bright light behind it.

      "Relax," the woman said, "But listen closely."

      The fingers clenched into a fist so tightly slackened, fingers spreading against steel.

      "Your name is Valencia 704, and you are unique. First of a kind that will take root to save lives and stop wars."

      The creature called Valencia slowly raised itself into a sitting position, "What..." it rasped, "Is... this..."

     "You are a category four machine grafted with a piece of a living, human brain make you more susceptible to training," the woman speaking said in a calm voice, serene and deliberate. A white coat hung loosely off of her shoulders, falling to her knees. The woman was shorter, with shorter legs, small hands, and wavy hair tucked back in a messy bun. The eyes were dark, difficult to read.

       "It will take awhile to get situated within your body, but soon it will feel as normal as breathing. Well, as breathing is for me."

      A new figure entered the room, pushing a large mirror on wheels. The man had shaggy hair that fell into small eyes laced with green. Large hands pushed the mirror as his chipper voice echoed in the white walled enclosure, "Should she see herself?"

       "Yes, I suppose the sooner the better," the woman folded her hands neatly behind her back, and the mirror was pushed in front of the being Valencia 704.

      The newly opened eyes stared at its reflection with somewhat an amazed look. Did it really look like that?

      It was a tall, slim woman with wavy black hair falling down past her narrow waist. The eyes were pale yellow and deep like crystal pools, set lightly into a skull fixed with a sharp jaw and pronounced cheekbones. A straight nose and a scar across the cheek were prominent features, and a slim neck joined the body at muscled shoulders. Each shoulder was plated with black metal and whirring gears that disappeared beneath the skin. Hands with long fingers attached flexed in front of her, and the eyes blinked slowly.

       She wore a long, loose t-shirt that went to mid-thigh, gray in color with a symbol just below the collar. Her legs were long, and at the back of the knee were the same black gears spinning and leading into the skin of her calf. These gears lined the inside of her wrists as well, and she raised a soft hand to touch behind her left ear. There were gears there too, she could feel them brushing against her fingertips.

       "What... am I?" She tilted her head to the side, running her fingers across the sides of her neck beneath the jawline, feeling hard metal beneath the flesh.

       "You are a robot with the mind of a human. Literally," the woman sounded suddenly proud, "Created and designed by me. You turned out more beautiful than any of us were expecting. Each of your gears, lines, and wires functions flawlessly. The brain grafted perfectly with the body, creating the perfect specimen that stands before me."

    "Why," the robot woman stared at the scientist, her brows furrowed in mild confusion, "Why..."

       "Your purpose?" the woman smiled, "You shall know soon enough. All you need to know now is that you are at Enigma Enterprises. I am Loraine Crewel. You are the Valencia 704. And you belong to us."  

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