Odyssey Forces (Opening Cutsc...

De COOL1nate

722 7 3

What if Super Mario Odyssey and Sonic Forces were combined into one game? This short story shows what I think... Mais

Opening Cutscene

722 7 3
De COOL1nate

(Hey guys, welcome to this short Super Mario Odyssey & Sonic Forces crossover fan fiction. If you didn't read the description, this story is basically what I think the opening cutscene would be like if Super Mario Odyssey and Sonic Forces were made into the same game. This story was made before either game was released so I tried to find what info I could on both of the game's intros so I could try to make it true to the stories of the original games while also adding a little twist. Because of this, yes, some spoilers for both games might be shared. You have been warned. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this story. If you'd like to see this as a full story, tell me in the comments and I might do it. Thanks for reading!

PS: Both modern and classic Sonic make an appearance in this story so I'm sorry if it's a bit difficult to tell them apart at times. Also, classic Sonic can's speak. Like I said before, I got as much info as I could. Plus, this is a fanfiction after all so it's going to have its own unique little twists here and there. Again, I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading this story!

Disclaimer: This is merely a fan fiction created by a loving fan and is in no way canon to either of the games in any way. Furthermore, I do not own Mario, Sonic, or any other characters that appear in this story, nor do I own or work for Nintendo or Saga. All Mario series characters belong to Nintendo and all Sonic series characters belong to Sega.)

* * * * *

Our story begins in the skies above a city. Chaos and destruction were everywhere. The city was being reduced to flames and rubble by some giant robots that kept shooting lasers everywhere. Above them was an airship, Bowser's Airship. On board was the Koopa King himself, Mario and Peach. Bowser was wearing a formal white dress shirt and a white top hat as if he was about to get married. Peach was wearing a cute little tiara on top of her head. The tiara also had eyes and sometimes wiggled a bit.

Bowser threw a punch at Mario who just managed to jump back out of the way in time. Bowser then jumped into the air in an attempt to crush Mario. Thankfully, Mario dived out of the way of that attack too. Bowser turned to face Mario and clenched his fists. Fire formed in his mouth. He then lifted his head and then quickly moved it down causing a fireball to fly towards Mario. Thankfully, Mario managed to sidestep out of the way of that attack too.

After dodging all of Bowser's attacks, Mario was exhausted. He had been trying to rescue Peach from Bowser ever since he arrived at Peache's Castle in his fancy new white airship. It felt like it had been an hour. Mario put his hands on his knees as he breathed heavily. Bowser, realizing Mario was exhausted, laughed.

"This is the end..." Bowser said grabbing his hat with his hand. "For you!" With a quick hand movement, Bowser flung his top hat off of his head and towards Mario. Mario took a step to the side. It nearly hit his head but it did cause his hat to fly off. Mario, thinking the attack was over, got into a fighting stance. However, before he could make a move, Peach called out to him.

"Look out!" Mario looked behind to see the hat flying straight towards him. There was no reaction time. The hat hit him and sent him flying through the air off of the ship. Peach extended a hand in the direction Mario flew "Mario!" The tiara on her head wiggled a bit with sad looking eyes.

Mario's hat floated down on the ground in front of Bowser. In response, Bowser lifted a foot and stomped on the hat with a grin. He then picked up Peach and looked in the direction Mario flew. "Time for my wedding with Peach! Jealous, Mario?!" Bowser let out a booming laugh as he tipped his hat in the direction Mario flew. Peach tried calling for help but to no avail. No one could hear her.

As Bowser walked to another side of the airship with Peach, Mario's hat was picked up by the wind. It flew to the back of the ship and into one of the propellers, slicing the hat into several pieces. Mario's most important clothing item was gone... or was it? A little ghost that looked like a top hat grabbed a piece of Mario's hat. After giving Bowser's airship an angry look, the ghost looked at the piece of the hat he had caught. It just so happened to be the piece with Mario's signature M on it. The ghost looked towards where Mario flew off to and started floating towards his location.

* * * * *

On the ground below, a blue hedgehog looked out over the destroyed city. He could see a total of three giant robots searching to see if there were any more survivors. He tightened the grip in his fist and gritted his teeth. It was time to stop running away and to start racing forward. Sonic got in a ready to run stance and then sprinted off of the building he was standing on. He jumped into the air and then went into a spin dash to quickly land on the ground. He looked up just as some rubble was about to fall on him. Sonic then started running as fast as he could towards the giant robots while also avoiding any rubble that tried to land on him.

Sonic slid, spin dashed and side stepped out of the way of several pieces of rubble. He then jumped into the air to avoid another. But in doing so, he set himself up to be hit by another large piece of rubble. However, before it could hit him, another blue blur jumped in and smashed the rubble into several tiny pieces. The blur broke out of a spin dash to reveal that it was a classic version of Sonic. Modern Sonic gave his classic self a thumbs up.

The two Sonics landed on the ground next to each other and continued speeding towards the giant robots at sonic speed. Two of the robots noticed however and started firing lasers at them. Because of how speedy the little hedgehogs were tho, the attacks missed. When they got close enough, modern Sonic jumped up to one of the bot's heads and stuck out his tongue in front of its big red eye. The robot readied another laser and fired. Sonic jumped out of the way and the laser almost hit the other bot. It looked like it was about to fall down but these robots had a lot better balance than they looked like they had.

"Sonic!" Sonic looked over in the direction his name was called. He saw Tails hiding behind some rubble holding some kind of tablet. He quickly went to him to see what was up. "Well, did you find any new recruits," Tails asked.

"Sadly, no," Sonic answered. "To be honest, who else would be brave enough to go against something as big as these guys?"

"Well, there has to be at least one other person out there who can help us." Tails looked up at one of the robots. Classic Sonic was trying to attack it but his spin dash was doing nothing. The robot turned towards modern Sonic and Tails and readied another laser attack. "Look out!"

Sonic quickly turned to see the attack ready to fire. Thankfully, Knuckles appeared and hit the robot's head causing the attack to miss. Classic Sonic jumped down to modern Sonic and Tails while Knuckles jumped onto another one of the robots and tried putting a dent in it. But its armor was super strong. He barely even left a scratch. Seeing his attempt was useless, he jumped off of the robot and landed next to Tails and the two Sonics.

"Hey, Tails, shouldn't your little device there be able to tell us how to destroy these guys," Knuckles asked.

The robots looked down at them and fired. They all started running.

"Well, I did do a scan," Tails responded.


"The only weak spots I can detect are below the armor. But it's going to be impossible to defeat them unless we have a weapon on their scale."

"How do we create a weapon of that power," Knuckles asked.

"I'm not sure..."

"Let's just get back to the others," Sonic said. "Hopefully they're all doing alright."

* * * * *

Mario slowly opened his eyes. He had taken quite a fall and was feeling a bit hazy. He looked around. He was surrounded by a bunch of different creatures. Most looked like humanoid animals while others looked like fairies or squids. Mario sat up and put his hand on his head. However, he didn't feel his hat. He then remembered what had happened. He quickly got to his feet and searched around to see if the airship was nearby. He had to get Peach back! He had to stop Bowser! But how?

Tails, Knuckles, and the two Sonics quickly arrived. They all looked at Mario surprised to see him. Mario looked at them too. Modern Sonic grinned as he walked towards Mario.

"Hey, man! What's up? I haven't seen you since the 2016 Olympic games in Rio. So, how are things going with Peach?" Mario froze at his question for a second before turning his head and looking at the ground. "Hey, where's your hat?"

Mario didn't respond. He just looked up into the sky, hoping he would see the airship. It became silent for a second. However, Knuckles decided to step forward and break the silence.

"Well, since you're here, can you deliver a message to Master Hand for me? I tried asking Sonic to do it but he won't do it."

"Now isn't the time, Knuckles," Tails said.

"What? I'm sure he'll let you join too if you also ask."

Sonic walked up to Mario and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll get Peach back and free this world from Eggman's evil reign."

"Evil reign? Hohohoho! You sure know how to tickle my funny bone, Sonic."

"Eeeek! It's Eggman," one of the civilians said full of terror. Everybody turned and, sure enough, there was Eggman in the little mobile he's always in.

"Eggman! What do you want?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just thought I'd check in to see what my little blue pal is up to. I didn't know you were trying to start a rebellion."

"That's right," Knuckles said. "What are you gonna do about it?"

"What? Me? Stopping your little tea party? O-ho no. I'll leave that to the professionals. You know, you're not the only one who's trying to start a team, Sonic!"

All of a sudden, Shadow, Metal Sonic, Chaos and Zavok all walked onto a small hill of rubble. The two Sonics, Tails and Knuckles prepared to fight. The civilians backed up behind the heroes. Mario just watched as everything was happening.

"You've got a team of your own? So what," Sonic said. "We can take them on easy. We've defeated them before, we can do it again!"

"Oh, can you now," a mysterious voice said. from behind everyone. Sonic didn't recognize the voice, nor did anyone else. everyone turned around and saw a dark figure on top of a building. He was glowing red and wore a mask that only allowed his left eye to be seen. The unknown being raised a hand towards modern Sonic. "Let's see if you can defeat this."

Without warning, a laser shot from the figure's hand towards Sonic. He quickly sidestepped before it could hit him tho. Not wanting the civilians to get hurt, Sonic ordered classic Sonic and Knuckles to take them somewhere safe.

"No way, Sonic," Knuckles protested. "If you're staying to fight these guys then I am too."

"Knuckles, their safety is my number one concern right now," Sonic said in an almost demanding sounding voice. "Get them someplace safe."

"What about mister Italian."

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind taking a couple of these guys on, would ya bud?"

Mario went to grab his hat to tilt it towards Sonic but then remembered that he didn't have it. So, instead, he gave him a thumbs up. Knuckles shrugged and rolled his eyes and then helped classic Sonic escort everyone else away. The villains started walking towards our now three heroes. Three against five? This didn't look like it was going to be easy. Either way, Sonic, Tails, and Mario prepared themselves to fight.

"Alright," the unknown villain said teleporting in front of the group. "Let's see what my speedy blue nemesis can do. Unless you don't think you have what it takes to defeat me which, in this scenario, would be a wise thought."

"Can't stop talking, just like the rest of them." Without warning, Sonic dashed towards his new rival. However, his rival sidestepped so quickly that you could barely see him move. "Huh?"

"Woah, this guy is faster than Sonic!"

The enemy rose into the air and shot a laser at Sonic. In response, Sonic sidestepped out of the way and then spin dashed towards his enemy. However, his enemy moved out of the way and then kicked Sonic into the air. He then teleported up to where he kicked his blue rival and kicked him into the side of a building, causing some rubble to fall.

"Nice," Eggman said clenching his fist.

"Tails," Sonic said standing up, "I need to know what's going on with this guy!"

"I'm trying, Sonic," Tails said fidgeting with his little device, "but these readings are all messed up! They don't make any sense!"

Just as Sonic got back on his feet, his new rival instantly appeared in front of him and tried kicking him. Sonic, however, managed to somersault out of the way. But his rival just appeared in front of him again and kicked him again, causing Sonic to fly into another building.

Seeing his blue hedgehog friend wasn't doing so hot, Mario decided to step in to help. He pulled a fire flower out of his trousers and used it to turn into fire Mario. He created several fireballs and started firing them at the enemy. However, with a quick hand motion, all the fireballs disappeared. Mario put both of his hands together creating a giant fireball that he fired towards the enemy. However, before it could even touch them, he raised his hand causing the fireball to stop just a couple short inches away from his face.


He then shot the fireball back towards Mario who sidestepped out of its path. However, the villain teleported next to Mario and shot him into the air. He then teleported up to where he hit Mario and kicked him towards Sonic. The two collided causing a couple of rings to fly out of Sonic and causing Mario to lose his fire flower powers.

"It's no use," Sonic said. "This guy is too powerful."

"That's what happens when you mess with the new ruler of your new world," Eggman said with a chuckle. "If I were you, I'd give up fighting and start using that speed of yours to run. Unless, of course, you think you can defeat me."

"Sonic, he's right," Tails said. "There's no way we can win this, not without more help."

Sonic let out a growl. He knew Tails was right. But who would even have the guts to go up against someone as powerful as this? Sonic turned to Mario. Mario wanted to help Sonic fight them too but he also knew Tails was right. They needed lots more help. Sonic turned back to his new rival and wiped his nose with his thumb.

"Look, as much as I like making new friends, I think we should hold off on our friendship for a while. Tails, Mario, let's go."

With those words, Sonic, Tails, and Mario dashed off leaving the villainous team behind. The new villain hovered two fingers over his forehead.

"If Sonic thinks he can stop me this time then he's cranking the gears in his head too quickly," Eggman said with another chuckle.

"He wasn't lying tho," the black and read floating villain said. "I sense that you all have been defeated by him at least once before. I usually don't like joining teams where I have to do all the work. You better prove to me that you have what it takes to stand up against him this time, or else..."

* * * * *

Sonic, Tails, and Mario continued running until they caught up with classic Sonic, Knuckles, and the rest of the group of rebel fighters. They all took some deep breaths.

"Well, did you beat him," Knuckles asked.

"Are you kidding," Tails responded. "That guy is stronger and faster than Sonic. We're gonna need a lot more help than just the people we've got here."

"Mario," a mysterious voice called out. Mario looked up and saw a ghost that looked like a top hat floating down towards them. It stopped just a couple inches away from Mario's face. "You are Mario, right?" Mario Nodded.

"Wait a second, who are you," Sonic asked.

"Oh, my name is Cappy. I hail from the Cap Kingdom." Mario then noticed a piece of his hat in Cappy's hand and pointed to it. "Oh, yeah, this. I saw your whole fight with Bowser. I'm sorry about your hat."

"Alright, what do you want," Sonic asked.

"Well, I'd like to help Mario get Peach back. Remember that tiara on Peach's head? That's my sister. If you help me save my sister, I'll help you save your princess."

"Uh, sorry for all the questions but, how exactly are you going to help? To be honest, you don't look like you can do all that much."

"Then you underestimate me." Cappy started spinning rapidly and, in the blink of an eye, transformed into Mario's hat. Everyone let out a collective awe. Cappy landed on Mario's head. Mario grinned. He had his hat back. Mario then grabbed Cappy and flung him just a couple feet away. Cappy spun and then returned like a boomerang. Mario grabbed him and then put him back on his head. "And that's not all I can do. Try tossing me at enemies and see what happens."

"Amazing," Tails said scanning Cappy with his device. "The closest creature I've seen with readings similar to Cappy's are Wisps. But Cappy's readings are like several times greater!"

"Well, if he wants to help and is able to awe us, I don't see why he can't join our little team," Sonic said. "But we still need more help if we're going to stop Eggman."

"Don't worry," Cappy said. "I know of one location Eggman hasn't taken over yet. I bet there are a few people there who wouldn't mind helping us out. And the best part is, I know of a quick and easy, and also safe, way to safely travel there."

"Sounds great," Sonic said. "So, what's your "quick and easy way" of getting us there?"

"It's a small ship called the Odyssey. It's quite a ways away but it will get us to where we want no problem."

"Alright then, Knuckles, Tails, stay here and wait for our return. See if you can find anyone around here who might still want to join our team."

"Alright, will do," Tails replied.

"Good luck out there," Knuckles said.

Classic Sonic stepped forward. Modern Sonic and Mario nodded that he could come with. A smile grew on his face as he moved a little closer to them.

"Alright team," Sonic said putting his hand forward. Classic Sonic and Mario did the same. Cappy put himself on top of their hands. "Let's do this!"

And with those words, our heroes raced off to find help, everyone cheering them on from behind. What crazy adventure awaits our heroes? What dangers will they encounter? Will they be able to save their worlds? There's only one way to find out.

To Be Continued... (Maybe)

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