Who. I. Am.

بواسطة AudrinaoftheStorm17

347 3 1

Change is on the horizon. Good or bad? You don't know. Expect the unexpected. You never know what could hap... المزيد

Prolouge: A Peek In The Past
I Should've Known
Celestial Princess
New Experience
Extras: Runa Encyclopedia
Side Story: You're Unique Like That

Runa AlComba

18 0 0
بواسطة AudrinaoftheStorm17

Yamcha POV

I woke up with the sun blaring in my eyes through my huge window, That's annoying.
I slowly got out of bed and stretched my aching muscles. I had been training with the warriors all the previous day and it was good workout I hadn't had in a long time. Even though the training was.......different than what I was used to, but still refreshing.

As I was putting on my shirt, a knock came at the door, "Um-uh Come in»

Instead of X'hara like I was expecting( and hoping), Liyta entered the room. « Oh! Liyta, its you, sorry I thought you we-»
« The princess? No sorry to disappoint you» she said calmly.
« No no, it's fine. Uh........has something happened to her? Is she ok?» She smirked at my concern.

« She is quite alright. She and his Highakin are currently greeting our returning advisor after their morning meal» « Oh-wait what!? I missed breakfast!? How did I sleep through it? Man, I got to go apologize right now!» I quickly fastened my belt and bolted out the door.

Then I turned right back around, « Oh sorry, thanks for the heads up Liyta!»
She nodded to say ' your welcome' and I was out again.


I hurried down the stairs, across the halls, into court yard. I slowed my pace when I saw X'herin, X'hara, and a man I didn't recognize were talking.

That must be the advisor.

«Oh Yamcha, glad you could finally join us» said X'herin, I rubbed my neck « Heh Sorry, your Highakin». X'herin made a pouty face, « How many times do I have to tell you!? Don't be so formal with me!» I laughed a little, «Sorry, X'herin, habit».

Over these two weeks I found that X'herin is actually a one big soft-hearted goofball. One minute he acting like the mature king he can be and next, he's a little whiny kid. It's kinda of hilarious.

«Brother!» She playfully smacked him on the arm, «your two-hundred and thirty-nine years old, act your age!» « Like your one to talk, little sister of mine!» he shot back.

«Wait wait wait, back up! Your how old!?»  I asked, They just keep surprising me don't they? « Oops, guess we never told you did we?» said X'hara sheepishly, «A Covexian-if in good health- can live somewhere around the nine-hundreds. Although, our oldest living elder is one-thousand eighty-two» « Heh. You people never cease to surprise me. Where I'm from race that generally only live up to hundred, a little bit past that if they're lucky».

Exception of the damn turtle man of course.

The unknown man cleared his throat, « Oh, sorry, Yamcha may I introduce my advisor, Yokan». The man tall and lean with a beige and black button up jacket with drape going down the back, gray pants, and black half-inch heel boots. He had teal hair pulled into a ponytail and one bang on his left sharp orange eye.

He stared at me with an uninterested expression. Not showing any emotion. «Nice to meet you, Yokan» I said as I positioned my hand to shake in the Covexian way, Yokan shook it back, «Likewise.......Yumicha. I see you speak our language» « Yep , I had a good teacher» I briefly looked at X'hara, she blushed,« and actually its Yamch-» « Well, as much I'd love to stay and converse some more» Yokan interrupted him, « Me and Becho some further business to attend to».

« Huh........where is your nephew, Yokan?» asked X'hara, Yokan made an irritated face «That is a VERY GOOD QUESTION PRINCESS! Where-pray tell-IS MY NEPHEW!?» he shouted so his voice would carry through out the palace and you could see the frustrated vein on his forehead. The others cringed at the volume. « C-Coming, Uncle Yo!» a young man in his early twenties-or at least looked like it-came running in from a hallway. He had deep forest green hair and a gray tunic that stopped mid-thigh with a matching green vest, light beige pants and black boots.

He tried to apologize and greet us but with a sudden cry he tripped and fell flat on his face in thud. I winced as did everyone else and was about to help him up, but he got right back up with red embarrassed face. « I'm ok! I'm o-kay! » he stated quickly and sheepishly.

« Why must you be so clumsy, nephew? Also what have I told you about calling me that?»
«S-Sorry Uncle Yo, I never mean too, sorry. Greetings my Highakin and my Princess » Yokan sighed exasperatedly, X'hara giggled, « Hello Becho, its good to see you again» « Yes it is» said X'herin « seems you've grown a few feet», Becho did a shy blush.

« This is Yamcha, he's a visitor from a another world» he and I shook hands « he came through an Eonagin» Becho stumbled back a little and stared at me in utter amazement, with-I swear-stars in his eyes. Even Yokan's eyes widened a bit.

« Y-You.......you came through an Eonagin!? Really!?» « Yeah I did» I said a little hesitant, «Oh apologies for my behavior but........we've never had a person come through one before! Ha, my theory was right! There are other dimensions out there with living beings! Yes! This is a huge breakthrough!» he started jumping up and down like a school girl and the rest of us sweat dropped .

« Yes.........its seems you forgot to mention that, your Highakin» Yokan stated, eyes slit in his gaze. If they weren't slit enough already. «Yes well, I guess it never came up» he laughed nervously, « Honestly my Highakin, you need to be more on top of things» X'herin frowned mixed with a pout a little bit" You know very well that I'm plenty on top of things, Yokan».

« As I mentioned before, me and my nephew have further business to attend to» he turned to X'hara, «Princess, in a few weeks, I'll back to discuss something with you» she could only nod in response. Even as I was being bombarded with questions from Becho, I was still able to hear that little bit, which was a little unsettling for some reason.

« Do all your people look like you?» « Not really» « Do you know how many planets are there?» « Uh no-» « Are there any-!» «Becho! Now.» « Oh I have to go! I have more questions later!» he quickly caught up with his uncle.

« He's uh.........an interesting fellow» I hesitantly added. «Heh, yes, Becho has always been like that with something he's very intrigued by. He's always believed there was other life out there other than just the mere objects that have come before. As you can see when he saw you he just flipped out!» X'herin laughed a bit. « Flipped out? Not very formal are you, X'herin?» I smirked. He pretended to pout again and folded his arms, « Well I'm the king, I can do or say whatever I want» he stated, « Brother...» X'hara said sighing exasperatedly at her older brothers' behavior.

« Anyway, about Yoken-» as soon as he was about to speak, Clawre burst through the doors with a wild smile on her face.
« Your Highakin! Your Highakin! Please excuse my intrusion!» she shouted and panted at the same time. « It's alright, Clawre. What's the matter?» « I've just received word from the scouts» there was pause in her reply, «.................Runa Alcomba!».

The smiles on X'herin and X'hara were literally blinding me. It was kinda scary to see their faces. Then they started laughing, "This is wonderful.....fantastic.......amazing! » X'herin said «I know it only comes once every seven years, but I almost thought it wouldn't come it felt so long!» X'hara followed. «Someone wanna fill me in or am I just gonna be left in the dark?»« Oh forgive us, friend. It's 'Runa Alcomba', in your language it means " Runa Arrival », «Runa?» «Well Runa are-oh well sorry I-I don't time have to explain, X'hara can you take over? I have to be present for the hatching! Zalay! Quickly, get my Hovasho!» He called out excitedly to one of the castle staff.

X'hara chuckled lightly and me to follow her, « Com'on, I'll explain the rest on the way!» she said as we ran to catch up with her brother.


No one POV

The entire population of the planet gathered around a wide circle of grass-less plain( minus the holes this time). X'herin was on a high pedestal to looking over the whole crowd. Four Sholticon warriors escorted X'hara and Yamcha to a spot in the crowd and directed people away from us to give us space.

«The moment they are hatched, they reunite with their parents, then they go and look for a "host master". Without them, they'll die in the next few days. They look for a hosts' personality that they like and attach themselves to a persons' back in the form of a marking or a tattoo. They are very loyal and they help increase your cosmic power» X'hara finished, « Crazy, I've only skimmed books about this kinda stuff. When they........host with someone, is it......for forever?»
« Yes, for life. A bond that can only be broken by death».

« Do you have one?»  he asked, she looked down sadly, « No, I've waited fifty years for one to choose me. They only choose those are in the hundreds or above, something about our bodies not being ready to receive them yet.  Yet I've come of age twenty-eight years ago and still nothing, but Nexolar willing, this time will be the one! I have a good feeling about it....» she said enthusiastically confident, but Yamcha could easily tell by the look on her face that that confidence was short lived after so many years of disappointment.

Yamcha didn't have time to think about it before a blinding light flashed in second catching him off guard and the loud cheering roar of the entire planet. After the flash dissipated, in its place that filled the entirety of the grassless plain was a creator-that wasn't there before- was nothing he had ever seen before.

Glowing pearl-like eggs rested all together in the crater by the millions. They were about the size a base ball. Then all of a sudden, the orbs levitated into the air. Scattered about like hanging ornaments, just floating there. There was an anticipating silence were you could almost hear a pin drop, until it was interrupted by a loud ' pop' from one of the eggs.

It popped like a bubble and in its place was a baby Runa. Soon all the eggs followed suit and popped into Runas. They looked like glowing cat-like creatures and quite adorable. They were pure white with diamond shaped eyes and tails similar to the Covexians. They scattered all around-floating because somehow they could-the crowd searching for their parents. The adult Runas changed from their tattoo forms on their owners backs to greet their offspring. It was honestly a cute site to see them reunite.

Afterward they-with their parents-went searching for a host master. Yamcha quickly looked at X'hara, she was looking around expectedly at all the babies, but not too excitedly in fear of disappointment. One stopped to look at her for a whole minute, her expression rose until it proceeded to look around again. She bowed her head.

« Guess it didn't like what it saw in me,» she said sadly, Yamcha put a hand on her shoulder, « that was first time one even looked my way». Yamcha got an idea, he got in a stance and pretended to gather energy in his hands as if he was about to do a Kamehameha wave and pushed towards her repeatedly. She looked at him funny and started to chuckle a bit, « What are you doing?» « I'm sending good vibes your way so your chance will increase» she giggled a little more at his antics, « Ha ha thank you! This one of the reasons why I like you!». She paused to realize what she just said, her neck went red and so did his face.

What was that, X'hara!?/ Why do I blush around her so much!?

The awkward moment was interrupted by the crowd dissipating along with the Runa. X'hara thought she lost her chance again. He could see her tears welling in hers eyes, but instead of just clear water they sparkled black.
«Dowan! I was so sure this time!»

Sighed in defeat « Oh well. Guess there's always next time» even though she tried to hide it, she was really disappointed. The warriors escorting her started to feel bad for their princess and turned their backs to give her privacy out of respect in a her moment of weakness.

« I'm apologize. I'm acting like a child. It's just ever since I laid eyes on a Runa for the first time and seen how they interact with their masters, I've wanted that for myself. I wanted that experience» She said softly, « maybe I'm wishing too much».

Yamcha quickly sprung into action to cheer her up, hating the sight of seeing her upset, «Well you know what? You aren't wishing for too much! If anyone deserves this, its you! I think your personality is amazing! I think anyone would be lucky to be your friend, let alone know you!»

« Really?» she dumbfounded « not because I'm a princess?»
«Really. You are honestly one of the best people I've ever met. there's so many good things about you that people would kill to have, and if a....a......Runa or whatever can't see that then they don't deserve you! I mean every word! ».

He looked at her with complete determination. Not a sliver of dishonesty in his expression. Her heart raced wildly and she hoped he didn't hear it pounding out her rib cage. X'herin and Obick always cheered her up every time she was disappointed after Runa Alcomba and it always succeeded, but this time she got a whole new feeling when Yamcha did it. She felt like her heart, her head, heck, her whole body was on air. She felt like she could do anything.

Even so, she also felt completely ridiculous for feeling like one of those rich or Govern born girls she used to hang out with in her one-hundred and forties, but she could see now why those girls acted so giddy when it came to their man of interest.

She got it bad.

« Thank you, Yamcha, that really means a lot to me»  More than you'll ever know she thought. « Alright, lets return to the palace, my brother is probably worr-» She stopped herself. She could almost feel something coming towards them. Yamcha asked her what was wrong. She turned around to see she was right. A small glowing object was floating towards her. As it got closer,  you could finally make out its shape.

A baby Runa.

It flew right in front of her to look at her. It's gray diamond shaped eyes looking right through her in her soul. Her parents a little bit above waiting for their child's decision.

Please please please....X'hara chanted in her head looking directly at it with anticipation as well as Yamcha and guards. Finally the Runa chirped a noise which signified ..........that she had accepted her.

Yes, she.

Tears of joy cascaded down X'hara face as the little Runa nuzzled into her face like a kitten, then attached it self to her back in flash. Her parents return to their owners. The guards smiled at their princess's happiness. Yamcha laughed and congratulated her, « You see!? I knew you could do it! I knew you were too good for one of those things not to accept you. They were probably waiting so long to find the right one they would actually fit somebody like you!» « S-stop stop! Your going make me turn red again» He just smiled her, happy that her wish came true. She hugged him out of excitement and gratitude. He blushed again even redder than before.

« I'm glad I met you, Yamcha» he hugged her back, securing her in his muscular arms, « Thanks, I'm glad I met you too».

Their tiny celebration ended unexpectedly when another baby Runa appeared before them only this time, in front of Yamcha.
« Wha-? It's......wha-.......it's looking at me?» he said dumbfounded, « It would appear so» she said just as shocked. « I don't believe it! It's looks like I'm not only one with hidden luck today».

Yamcha lifted hand-completely enamored by the Runa- with two fingers up as if he was holding a butterfly. The Runa landed right on his two fingers and just looked at him.

He finally could take a good look at one of these magnificent creatures up close. In that moment, they made the connection that was expected between a Runa and its new host master. A bond made so quickly yet he knew that it would last a long time.

Amazing how I can just look into its eyes and have this..........bond so suddenly. I guess that's what it means to be connected.

« Well.......I guess you want me, huh little guy?» he asked in soft voice, it made its accepting 'chirp' in response « wait it is a guy right?» «Yes, the males have bigger eyes while the girls a smaller more slit eye-shapes»          « well alright then, of course your going to need a name» the Runa chirped again. « Hmm.......how about I call you........Tsume» he seemed to like it as nuzzled his cheek, then proceeded to attach itself to his back. « This is great! Now we both have Runas!» « Yeah, I'm kinda happy one liked me enough to choose me, but I don't know how to take care of one» he said a little worried.

« Oh! Don't worry, I'll help you. I've studied Runa Encyclopedias for years so I could best master possible when one would choose me, trust me I know everything......».

They all headed back to the palace while X'hara was explaining everything Yamcha needed to know about Runas. When they made it back, they were greeted by a stressed out X'herin in the throne room. He yelled at the both of them for taking so long to get back that he almost ordered a search party. They chuckled nervously, apologized, then explained what held them up.

After they finished, there was a pause for a moment, X'herin grabbed his sister in a hug and swung her around and around laughingly congratulating her over and over. Also to Yamcha for his surprise gift of a Runa as well. X'herin explained he never considered Yamcha might be chosen because of him being a non-Covexian- no offense to him he added. It was another amazing discovery.

Afterward, the planet threw the annual party to celebrate the Runa. It lasted for three days straight, it didn't seem like it was going to stop anytime soon. Smiles decorated everyone's faces, dancing was non-stop, games were played, and food and drinks were passed around. If there's one thing Yamcha has learned from them, is that these people knew how to party.

Nothing but happiness all around Covexis.


Runa Alcomba: The Runa are the common pet/companion choice on Covexis. Every seven years, is the event of their hatching ceremony. Thousands upon thousands of Runa are born (hatched) in one hatching. Every single person on the has planet gathered for this monumental event. 

Dowan: Covexian for Damn

Yes! Another filler edited chapter down! Please give me feedback and it helps a lot. Yamcha has been on Covexis for half a month now and the next chapter will mention he's been there a week after the end of that month. I'll try not do too many time skips, but.......yeah.

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