The Forest and The Ocean (Les...

Da AmyliasElden

322K 4.4K 673

The Story Continues from, To Define Love. Jenna and Laura have gone away on vacation to finally explore their... Altro

The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 2
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 3
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 4
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 5
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 6
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 7
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 8
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 9
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 10
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch.11
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 12
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 13

The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story)

79.4K 608 76
Da AmyliasElden

Ok, Because my computer crashed, i thought i'd be nice to atleast provide you guys with the SEQUEL to my other story. :)

IF YOU HAD NOT READ: To Define Love, THEN DO NOT READ THIS STORY YET. Just go to my profile and find the other story, otherwise you will get confused :)

Laura's Point Of View:

Chapter One:

To Be With You

My hands traced the outlines of the amazing colours as I watched her hip move slightly. When the sun shone into the room it reflected off the stone on my ring finger. I bit my lip as I brushed my fingers higher up to her stomach where her hand lay. I felt my breath go in and out slowly as I stared at the Emerald and Ocean Blue colours glittering next to one another. My mind was wondering at that point. 'Did I make the right choice? Should I sacrifice everything to me for her? Why was everything so fucking complicated for us?' My thoughts drifted to the back of my mind when warm fingers laced with my own. I refocused my vision and noted how our fingers looked perfect with one another, rings colliding together perfectly.

"What are you thinking about, baby?" Her voice sounded so sleepy. I looked up to her and felt a grin crawl upon me.

"Nothing, just how wonderful this is." I said, half-truth, as I squeezed her fingers. I didn't want to tell her those stupid thoughts I was having. No point in telling her anyway.

"How wonderful what is?" She asked another question as she opened her eyes finally. A few seconds had gone by and I felt dizzy at the lack of oxygen.

"You and I; I'm so glad we came here together. You have no idea how happy am I because of it." I said honestly. I watched as she looked up at me with those love green eyes of hers. A sleepy smile appeared on her face.

"I know right? I've never felt so relaxed in my life. Granted, I know that's not what was on your mind. So, tell the truth please?" I bit my lip as I noted her seriousness. How'd she know?

"I don't know what-." She leaned up slightly, me being forced to move backwards.

"Please, don't even bother lying to me Laura. I could hear it in your voice that something is bothering you. Please tell me baby?" She asked as she looked me in the eye. I swear, she was looking into my damn soul when she did that. It was as if she already knew what I was going to say. I sat back more, the blanket rolling off my shoulders as I fully sat up, a hand running through my hair.

"I was second judging our relationship..." I finally said after a few moments. I felt the bed shuffle a bit as she leaned against the headboard.

"Because of our parents?" She asked steadily. I looked over my shoulder at her then back towards the front of the room.

"Uhm, I don't know. I guess? I was asking myself why do I want to put self through all this drama and crap," I turned slightly, barely facing her. "Wondering why I want this with a girl. Why Im not with some guy who treats me like shit. Then... I think about it more and my heart flutters, because the moment I saw your fingers lace with my own... I felt right. Like, I was where I was supposed to be... and I know we've talked about this before at length and stuff but ugh I don't know. It's really stupid I know..." I felt my jaw clench shut as I looked directly at her finally. Her face looked unchanged as wrapped her arms around her knees, the blanket barely on.

"It's not stupid, I know exactly how you feel. I was feeling the same way when I got my tattoo done. I mean it's going to be on my skin forever. But... as I was getting it done I couldn't help but smile as I thought about all the wonderful things that's been going on the past few months for us and all the things I hope happen with us in the future. Do you think we rushed everything?" She asked as she played with the ring. I felt my chest explode with millions of emotions as I watched the expressions change. I moved closer to her and leaned against the headboard as well, taking her hand in my own.

"We're so retarded Jenna..." I said as I kissed up her arm. She shivered as she kept eye contact with me.

"Why are we retarded...?" She asked breathless when I reached her shoulder, my teeth scraping against it.

"Because..." I kissed her collarbone, "We're thinking negatively," Her eyes closed, her head rolling over as she exposed more of her neck to me, "About our relationship," I was sitting on her lap now, my knees on either side of her hips. I pulled away from her slightly as I watched her head lean back as well her eyes staring into mine. "I know I love you... more than there are words in any kind of language... and I know for a fact that you love me too, especially if you got a tattoo with our colours. So, why are we being retarded?"

Jenna's smile grew brighter at almost every word I was saying. I smiled down at her as I leaned down slightly.

"God, you're so right." She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. She bit my lip gently as I leaned into her more. "Mm... yeah you're so right." I smiled into her lips as I laced my fingers with hers. For a few moments we kissed, our legs interlocking with each other. Hands running up sides, gripping hips, scratching down backs. Then all of sudden she rolled over and pushed off of me. She rushed to get out of bed and located her phone then cursed.

"Uhm... hello? We were just making out?" I said as I pulled the blanket over me. She looked around the room like crazy as she searched for her suitcase.

"No, come on we need to go!" She said as she threw our suitcases on the bed, tossing me some clothes quickly.

"Why... what's wrong?" I asked as I followed her process.

"We just need to go; come on it's already 9 am!" She rushed as she threw on a pair of shoes and fumbled with her keys. I finally was dressed, in a matter of seconds it seemed, and was heading to the bathroom to do my hair. "No, Laura come on we don't have time!" Before I could I even run the brush through my hair, I was being pulled out the front door.

"Jenna! Come on! My hair is a mess! What's the rush for anyway?" I asked as I pulled my hair up into a hair tie, something I was able to grab at least. She pulled her hood up over her head and called for the elevator then faced me with a huge smile on her face.

"You'll see! Now, are you hungry?" She asked as the elevator chimed for its arrival. I raised an eyebrow at her as we stepped in; her walking backwards.

"Well yeah, why?" I was confused. 100% Confused to this point.

"Because, I thought I could probably just unbutton your jeans a little... then afterwards you could maybe e-." I immediately covered her mouth as a blush crawled its way into my cheeks. Jenna looked at my eye direction and turned around. There stood a Husband and Wife with their hands over their two boys ears. Jenna turned her head back around and had a smile on her face.

"How disrespectful..." The woman whispered to her husband yet loud enough for us to plainly hear it. Jenna tried to turn her head around to probably yell at her, but I pulled her back and leaned into her.

"It's so not worth it baby." I whispered into her ear, making sure she was the only one to hear. I pulled back with a small smile on my face. Her eyebrows furrowed but she kissed me lightly.

"Excuse me? We're trying to have a nice vacation and your disgusting relationship is ruining it. Is it possible that you can go do that somewhere more... decent for your kind and leave us normal families alone?" The Woman snarled at us. I looked over Jenna's shoulder with a shocked expression. Are people really this fucked up everywhere?

"Disgusting? How is it disgusting?"

"Kissing someone of the same sex... it's just wrong and against god's intentions for us." She smirked at me. I raised an eyebrow at her. I looked back at Jenna who wore a blank look on her face. Then, an idea came to mind and my smile grew bigger. Before Jenna could even respond, I was shoving her against the elevator wall while crushing my lips upon hers. She was reluctant at first, but she finally closed her eyes and gripped against my back as I lifted her up to sit on the railing. My hands grabbed at her hips as I tilted my head along with hers, biting her lip gently. Her hands scratched down my back as she moans in my mouth.

I pulled back slowly, our lips barely touching now. Her head rolled back with her eyes still closed with her chest moving up and down quickly as she tried to catch her breath. A smirk wore on my lips as I let her down gently making sure she had her balanced. I turned around and almost laughed at the couples face.

"Cool!" One of the boys said to us.

"Do it again!" The older one said as he tried to escape from his mothers grasp. When the bell chimed the wife shoved everyone out of the elevator as fast as possible. I couldn't help but laugh my head off as we walked into the lobby.

"Jesus Laura..." Jenna said as she wiped her mouth and tried to catch her breath.

"What? You didn't think that was hot?" I asked as I walked backwards now.

"No, that's the problem. I found it arousing as fuck." She said with a smirk. I smiled back at her as I fell in step with her and laced my fingers with her own. She looked at me shocked but I smiled and held on tighter.

"Now, where were we suppose to go?" I asked. She stopped in track, making me almost fall.

"Shit! Oh my god you made me forget! Come on!" She said and almost torn my arm off as she ran to her car.

"Oh my god slow down?"

"No! We have to be there at 9:30. It's already 9:10. Come on." She pulled out her car keys and jumped in. I followed suit so I didn't get my ass ran over by her already zooming out of the parking lot.

"Jesus... slow down?" I asked as I gripped the seatbelt for dear life. She just rolled her eyes as she darted through traffic. I screamed my ass off and clung to the door panel when a car honked at us for running a stop. "Jenna... baby... how about you let me drive?"

"Yeah, then we'll never get there... no offense but you drive slower than my grandma."

"Hey! There's nothing wrong with being a safe driver." I argued as I pouted. She looked over at me with a smirk.

"Yeah, you're right. There's nothing wrong with taking 50 years to drive down the street. What was I thinking?" She said sarcastically. I playfully punched her arm as we shared a laugh.

"Pft... there is no reason to make fun of your girlfriend." I said as I looked out the window.

"Aw, baby I'm just playing. I need you to put this on for me." She said as she handed me what looked to be a blue bandanna. I looked back at her with my eyebrow raised in question.

"Uh, you have to be joking." She just smiled at me as she darted in and out of traffic once more. I rolled my eyes then tied the annoying thing over so it blocked my vision. I didn't really see the point of this... I mean it's not like I know where we are anyway; I've never been to Boston anyway.

"Can you see anything? No cheating!" She smacked my thigh when I tried to lift it up a bit.

"Jesus! That hurt you jerk and no I can't see crap. What's the point of this Jenn? It's not like I know where we're going...." I swear I could feel her smiling next to me.

"I know that, I'm not retarded. It's not in case you recognize it, it's to keep you wondering and also I love that you have no idea where and what we're doing. Now, it's just about a few more minutes away so just shush." I rolled my eyes at this silly game of hers, but secretly, I loved it. This is the first time ever we've been able to be alone and not worry about if our parents are gonna catch us or our friends or just anyone who knew us. It felt amazing... granted what I thought earlier was negative.

We seemed to come to a stop as I heard the car engine turn off. She still hasn't said a word as she opened her door and came around to open mine, how lady like. When my door opened I felt my nose cringe a bit.

"I smell fish... where are we?" I asked as I let her guide me. Her arm wrapped around my shoulders and forced me to walk faster.

"Is it that obvious? Hm... well anyway just a few more minutes and then you can take the bandanna off ok?" She said as we walked somewhat faster with me almost tripping. I grinded my teeth in annoyance now as I almost tripped over my own feet. I could hear seagulls and waves lapping now. We must be at the ocean obviously, but why? Oh, she must think walking along the shoreline will be oh so romantic. I'm going to kill her for this.

"Jenna, I don't understand why you needed to blindfold me just to take me to the oc-." I nearly jumped out of my skin when an extremely loud and obnoxious horn went off. I pulled the bandanna off and gazed forward at... a boat?

"Jenna!" A very loud booming voice said up ahead as it stepped off. Jenna screamed next to me and ran up to hug the man. He has a beard and wearing boots.... Where was the huge hat and harpoon?

"Oh man Landon! It's good to finally see you again! How was the trip?" Jenna asked as she motioned for me to come closer. So, my feet obeyed. Damn you body for listening to everything she demands!

"It was a nightmare! The engine died on me a few times but hey, I got it to work you know me! Now, is this the amazing blonde you were telling me about over the radio?" He asked as he looked me up and down. A felt a blush creep up on me as I gawked at Jenna who just wore a smirk on her lips.

"Sure is. Laura, I'd like you to meet my insane Uncle Landon, Unc this is Laura, my girlfriend." Before I knew what was happening I was being lifted off the ground and being bear hugged by this man. I almost couldn't breathe. This huge man was her uncle...? My god they are nothing alike... Jenna finally made him release me. I felt my lungs collapse basically as I gulped for as much air as possible.

"It's so good to finally meet you Laura! Jenn here has talked so much about you." His booming laugh rang through my ears. I smiled up at him as Jenna rubbed my back gently.

"I'm sorry... she's never once talked about having an uncle." Specially one as large as you...

"Oh she hasn't has she?" He said as he playfully hit her on the arm. "Well I suppose not, wanting to keep this all a big secret from you and stuff. How is the family Jenn?" He asked as he turned back to her. 'Did he do that on purpose? Intentionally say that so I would wonder what exactly the big secret was?' I stood there with an annoyed glare at the two of them as they laughed at something.

"Ok, Landon, so is everything ready?" She asked as she went behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist as her head came to rest on my shoulder. I turned back to look at her then to her Uncle who didn't even... seem to care?

"Oh yeah, it's been ready since like 6 this morning. You know me; I like to get things done before they need to be. You know how to drive it?" Drive it? Drive what? Oh my god.... He doesn't mean that...?

"I've driven it a million times! Sheesh I'm not 10 anymore." She said with a smile laced in her voice. Her uncle gave a hearty laugh then tossed her a set of keys.

"Just make sure its back in port no later than 7 p.m. I mean it! Otherwise you won't be able to dock it and I'll have to pay to have it parked somewhere else for the night and I'm not doing that." He wore a smile on his face the entire time. Jenna just nodded and before I could even protest she was shoving me onto the boat.

"Ok ok Lan, sheesh you've gotten senile!" She yelled back with a laugh as she locked the side gate off. He was untying the ropes as I just stood there and watched as the boat started to back out. 'uh....' I watched as Jenn backed it out of port and steered out to the bay.

"Jenna! What the hell? This was the big surprise? To take me on a boat?" I asked as I sat next to her. She looked over to me with a smile on her face.

"No, but I love fucking with your mind anyway. This was only part 1 of the surprise. The next will shock you."

"More than an amazing hotel room and bed? Not to mention all of our clothes are still there." I pouted as I crossed my arms. She just smiled and rolled her eyes as she sped up.

"You really don't want to want to be here with me? Look around this boat baby and tell me this isn't more amazing then the room?" She said as she looked at me for a moment then looked back out of the "captains window". I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I took a look around me.

Ok... I have to admit, this boat was pretty fucking nice... looked more than my damn house. I got up and leaned over the rail; the water running along the side as it raced against us. I closed my eyes as I let the sun kiss my skin. Ok so she's 100% right... this is better.

"Well?" Her voice cracked through my trance like mind set. I blinked a few times before I turned to look at her. She was still sitting there driving. She turned her head towards me and I felt my knees buckle from under neither me as I the sun hit her eyes perfectly.

"It's... nice, but what's the second part of the surprise?" I asked as I looked away and to the water, noting that we were nowhere near Boston anymore...

"Ah, I wouldn't tell you as of yet anyway. Trust me though baby," She said as she motioned for me to sit on her lap. I bit my lip as my body obeyed again. Jesus Christ I am whipped...

"But... Jenna..." I said playfully as I sat on her lap, my head leaned down so her neck was exposed to me. I felt her shiver as she tried to concentrate on steering. I smirked as I slid my hand in her pants slowly, my teeth scraping along her upper neck. I felt one hand run down my back as I smile came to my face.

"Ok... you really can't do that while I'm trying to concentrate on where we're going..." She said as she pulled my hand out. I bit my lip as I leaned back and stared down at her.

"Fine... where ever we're going, it better have a bed... or a wall... or something." I pouted as her hand rubbed my back gently. She looked up at me, her cheeks a slight red.

"Oh... it does. That'll be the first thing we're doing when we get there."

"Good." I said with a smirk.

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