The Truth Behind The Lies {Na...

Von MidnightGalxXx

1.1M 39.8K 29.3K

My name is Rima Hatake, so I guess you can tell who my father is, the copy cat nin Kakashi. As for my mother... Mehr

The Truth Behind The Lies {Naruto Fan-Fiction}
The New Team & A Mission
You climb, I sleep
Great, another with identity issues
Going Home
My New Mission
Man, You're Observant.
Mini Gai challenges Uchiha, oh the joy.
The other rookies and Kabuto
Written Test, Excuse me while I Sleep.
A Letter From Home
Let the Second Exam Begin!
I'm twelve, I'll worry about boys when I'm sixteen
The End of the Second Exam
The Break
The not-a-date date.
I Didn't Mean It.
In the Jungle
I'll Miss You
Lord Hokage, I promise.
A mission for all
The New Allies
The Journey and Her Song
Not a chapter but important, please read!
Controlling Me
The First Attack
Sticky Situations
Memories *Filler*
Who Are You?
Give me a Reason
Sprinkle some truth on me
Beach Time
The Road Home
Team 7... anymore?
It All Becomes A Memory
Just something to say

Leaving Again.

49.3K 1.6K 1K
Von MidnightGalxXx

Here it is, chapter 3!! :D

Hope you all like it! Thank you all soo much for the nice comments, so this is dedicated to all of you guys!



Fan if you like

and most importantly:



Chapter 3: Leaving Again

I wandered into the weapons shop in a foul mood. Not glancing at any of the weapons on sale, I walked straight up to the man behind the desk.

“Can I get a dozen paper bombs, a dozen smoke bombs and two dozen shuriken?” I asked politely.

He nodded and while he went to get what I wanted, I snuck into the back room and changed into my mission outfit. I added a short poisoned blade to my right calf and strapped throwing needles to my wrists.

The owner eyed me coolly as I strolled out of the back room, changed. He handed me my supplies and I gave him the money.

As I packed the stuff, he asked, “You have a mission or something?”

“A mission,” I replied.

“Why do you look familiar?” he wondered.

“I’m Rima Hatake,” I tossed back over my shoulder as I left.

“I can’t believe the old man would be so cruel as to place me on the same team as Kakashi,” I mumbled walking down the street, heading for the gates.

“Wait until my grandfather finds out about this,” Shadow chuckled.

“Yeah, Alpha won’t be pleased,” Dawn added.

“I didn’t ask you,” Shadow snapped.

“Actually you didn’t ask anyone anything,” I inputted.

He snorted. “Whatever.”

“Huh, looks like we’re early,” Dawn said plopping down.

Sasuke’s p.o.v

I thought I would have been the first, I mean I always was.

That’s why when I saw Rima there before me; I slowed and studied her more.

She had changed from the plain black pants and sleeveless blue top she wore to a deep dark blue skirt that reached her mid-thighs and had slits on either side. She had black tight shorts underneath with fishnets that reached below her knees. She wore black ninja sandals with her left ankle bandaged.

She wore fishnets that covered her stomach under a light blue V-neck style top that reached her belly button. There was a sort of crest on the middle of her top. It looked like a ball of black flame. She wore a trench coat over all that. It reached to her lower calf muscle and was a medium blue compared to the others. Black flames decorated the bottom of the coat.

Her long jet black hair swayed gently in the breeze. It shimmered slighted with blue lights, as if her hair were like a raven’s feather.

I strolled closer with my hands shoved in my pockets, taking note of her weapons. She glanced at me, silver eyes taking in everything, and then returned to watching the trees.

“Hi,” she said softly.


“Wow, don’t make my ears bleed with your talking skills,” she muttered sarcastically.

I smirked.


I winced.

Rima glanced over and behind me, grinning. “Here comes your girlfriend.”

I scowled, “She’s not my girl friend.”

“Well she sure as hell thinks so,” she quipped just as Sakura slammed into me.

“Get off,” I snapped and turned away from her, glaring when I heard Rima snicker.

“But Sasuke-kun, “she whinged, pouting.

Rima coughed and raised her eyes to the sky. Tazuna arrived soon followed by Kakashi.

I watched as he stood beside Rima, watched as she turned from him and ducked away from his raising hand, watched as his shoulder slumped and sorrow filled his eye. I watched all this, expressionless, yet I couldn’t understand why it was happening.

What happened between them that would make Rima so cold to her father?  I wondered.

‘Because, my father isn’t proud of the fact he has me’

What did she mean by that comment?

“WOOHOO!” Naruto screamed, fist punching the air.

Wait, when did he get here?


Rima’s p.o.v

Kakashi tried to rest his hand on my shoulder when he arrived. What did he think I was going to do? Act civil and polite with him, just because I was forced onto his stinking team? Ha! Now way in hell was that going to happen.

He let my mother die; he let her send me away. He stopped others from trying to protect me. He chose the Leaf over me and mother. He didn’t care for me, so why was he acting like it does? Was it so I would accept him and then he could get a kick out of rejecting me? Was he truly that cruel?

No, I wasn’t going to accept or forgive him any time soon. He was going to have to earn it. And I didn’t see that happening in the near future.

Ignoring his wounded expression, I stepped away and skipped back to narrowly dodge being trampled over by the Blob, Naruto.

“WOOHOO!” he screamed right in my frigging ear.

I clenched my fist.

“What’s with you, Naruto?” Sakura asked.

“This is my first time leaving the village! I am on official ninja now, believe it!”

“Am I really going to be safe with this nutcase?” Tanuza asked Kakashi.

“I am a Jounin and he is with me, so you will be safe,” Kakashi smugly replied.

“I believed I’d be most safe with just the girl on her own then with all of ye,” Tazuna retorted.

I smirked to myself as Naruto spun and pointed a finger at the bridge builder.

“My name is Naruto Uzimaki and I am going to be the Hokage! So you have to respect me, believe it!” he shouted.

“I wouldn’t believe it if I saw if a hundred times over,” Tazuna snorted.

“Why you!” Naruto took a threatening step forward.

I intercepted him. “You lay a finger on him and I’ll break it.”

Naruto gulped and whirled around, racing ahead.

“See what I mean,” Tazuna nodded at me.

“That was mean Rima-chan,” Sakura chastised.

“Do I look like I care?”

She shook her head.

“OK, so don’t chastise me like you were my mother,” I snapped. “Sasuke, control your girlfriend,” I added with a grin.

Sasuke got an anime vein and glowered at me while Sakura seem to float off on cloud nine.

“She is not my girlfriend,” he spat.

“Uh huh, denial isn’t a pretty thing,” I tutted.

“Enough Rima,” Kakashi said and I stiffened.

I shrugged and jogged ahead to catch up to the Blob as Sakura began to ask Kakashi pointless questions about the Mist village.


Wow, criminals today are a bunch of idiots, I thought as I strolled past a puddle.

I glanced over to see if the rest had noticed and wouldn’t you have guessed, Naruto was off in his own little world, Sakura was too busy kissing Sasukes ass (not literally) and Sasuke...well his head was to far up his own ass for his own good.

Kakashi caught my eye and nodded slightly just as two ninja appeared out of nowhere and sliced him in two.

“Huh? Alrighty then,” I muttered to myself noting the little shards of wood that fell to the floor.

One of the ninja appeared behind Naruto. I waited for him to do something but he was frozen. Shaking my head, I stood back and watched as Sasuke intervened and knocked the ninja back pinning him to a tree with a kunai in his metal rope thingy.

“Stay behind me!” Sakura ordered Tazuna as the second ninja headed for them. She was quivering and held her kunai unsteadily before her.

“You know you could help!” Tazuna shouted at me.

I grinned and flicked my wrist just as Sasuke jumped in front of Sakura. The ninja plonked on the ground face first and the soil wrapped around him.

Kakashi appeared behind him holding the other guy. He glanced at the rogue on the ground, then at me then back again.

“What the-?” Sasuke began.

“KAKASHI-SENSEI!” Sakura shrieked right in Sasuke’s ear. He got another anime vein and stepped away from her.

“Sorry about being late, I didn’t think you’d freeze like that Naruto. Nice jog Sasuke, Sakura. Rima, well done,” he said dropping the ninja beside his pinned friend.

“Sensei, are you ok?” Sakura asked.

“I’m fine, it’s true I could have taken them out by myself,” I snorted at that. “But I needed to see if we were the targets or if it was the Tazuna.”

I tuned them out and stepped in front of the ninja trying to sneak away. Slowly, he lifted his head and gulped. I grinned and flicked my wrist.

Roots sprung out of the ground and wrapped around him. They also twisted the other rogue into sitting position and set them sitting back to back.

“You guys are pathetic, ya know that?” I asked casually.

“Naruto,” I glanced up as Sasuke paused beside the Blob. “You’re not hurt, are you...scaredy cat?”

Low, Uchiha, that’s low, I thought as Naruto shut his eyes and growled this long speech that I ignored in favour of kicking the rogues. It was quite entertaining.

The stench of blood stained the hair and I gazed over to see Naruto nursing a wounded hand.

 He didn’t do what I think he did, did he?  I thought, sighing as Kakashi went over and told him he could die of blood loss.  What an idiot.

A hand grabbed me and yanked me back just as I was going to kick the rogue again. I growled and whirled around.


Sakura cowered back and pointed to the path where the others were walking. “W-we are leaving.”

“Oh, OK. Well thanks then,” I smiled which seemed to freak her out more. She raced ahead and clung to Sasukes arm as I plodded along after them.

“You scare her,” Dawn noted.

“I scare myself,” I replied.

“That’s what makes you a good ninja,” Shadow said as the trotted alongside me.

“Scaring myself?”

“Being able to become cold hearted and not care in battle,” he corrected. “It will save you in the future from hesitation at a crucial moment in a fight and could possibly save your life.”

“Yeah, well I got my father to thank for that,” I answered sullenly.

“I’m curious about that,” a new voice said.

I peered over a Sasuke. “Curiosity? Isn’t that against the Uchiha code?”

 “Funny,” he said deadpanned. “What’s with you and Kakashi-sensei?”

“I don’t see why it’s any of your business anyway, so stay out of it. You don’t see me prying into your private life.”

“You already know my past,” he replied coldly.

You have no idea...

Out loud I answered, “So, it doesn’t matter. I’m not quizzing you on your life and how you feel.”

“I’m not asking you how you feel,” he stated.

“Whatever, just leave it,” I hissed and Shadow echoed it.


Rima's just plain cruel..hehe it's fun XD

Oh, by the way, that's Shadow over there ----->

Another chappy on the way...


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