Auburn Ardour


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A MAFIA SAGA Is it her auburn hair? Or Is it his ardour desire? Shivaan and Naira are two strangers connec... Mehr

Welcome Note
Chapter 1: Hello, Darkness
Chapter 2: It's Mafia
Chapter 3: A Pawn
Chapter 4: A Business Proposition
Chapter 5: History Repeats
Chapter 7: WHY?

Chapter 6: Prey & Prize

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Naira's face was an amalgamation of fright, nervousness, and apprehension. I won't deny I don't understand that feeling but I can't agree that I feel her. Staying away from one's family is tough but being estranged for so long and then being forced to confront your demons in just a matter of few hours is scary. 

" Boss, it's a video call," Rian spoke. 

" Don't give him so much leeway. Tell him we will call him in a while. He shouldn't bother us more." Rian left. 

I grabbed Naira to prevent her from falling.

" Shivaan... Now, what will you do to me? Please don't hurt me. I won't try to escape. I'll do whatever you say. I'll plead to Dad to give you whatever you want. I'll help you in every possible way. I accept your business proposition and I just want to get over this. I can't face him. I don't want to. I don't love him, he's everything that I hate... I beg you, please don't make me go to him... "

" Sshhh..... Naira... Sshhh. Look at me. It's okay. Trust me, I'm not gonna hurt you but I do need you to say a few things. Don't worry, you'll never have to face him. We need you as leverage. He saw those videos and understands you're in trouble so he might even yield and then when he does you can go your way and will never hear from us ever again. " 

" Do you understand? Will you be okay?" I asked her and she nodded. Then she wrapped her arms around my waist and I carried her onto the sofa. Rian came back at that very moment. 

" He is insisting on a video chat. He says that once he is satisfied that his daughter is OK, he is ready to negotiate."

" No video call or else he'll know that we're just messing with him. And I want him to realize the power of the Maliks. Once we get what we want we ain't hurting anyone. "

" Fine, boss but I hope you know what are you doing. "

I always knew the plan but this time I wasn't sure about it, not even 1 cent percent. I just nodded. Naira's hand was still resting in mine.

" Naira... You know what you need to say, right? " I questioned looking at her and taking the cell from Rian.

" I doubt whether I'll be able to do so. I can't do it. Please..." I felt as if she might cry. Then she did. 

" But you have to Miss," Rian stated coldly. I sighed. I dialed the number.

" Yes... " We heard his viscous manly voice. The cell was on speaker mode. I could see that Naira's falling tears had intensified. I wiped them with my thumb and asked her to speak.

" D-Dad... " She whispered slowly. I had asked her to show pain in her voice so that her Dad believes us. But, I realized she was already in so much pain and it would've been effortless. 

" Naira!! Honey... Are you Okay? Naira... Please speak dear. Don't be scared. I'll get you home. Your mom misses you. "  

" D-dad! Please... I-I want to go home. I miss Mom and..." She expressed holding my hand tightly. I know she missed her house. Who wouldn't? No one likes to run away from their family.

" I think that was enough Mr. Bakshi. I hope you look into the matter yourself and don't dare act smart. " Rian declared taking the cell.

" Where is Shivaan? I want to speak to him. You can't keep Naira like a hostage. I swear you'll regret it." 

He was yelling and I saw Naira's sobs intensifying. 

" Boss has more important work to do than to negotiate with you. We'll talk when you decide to give us what is rightfully ours." I was hearing intently to the conversation.

I was aware that Kabir Bakshi wasn't a person to be fooled. He had his contacts and if he knows that his daughter is safe, then we'll lose it completely. Naira was sitting beside me with her head leaning on my shoulder and her eyes closed but her cheeks were still wet.

" I need some time."

Rian was looking at me for the answer.

I gestured that he had all the time he wanted.

" You have all the time you need. But remember that your daughter is with us. The more you delay, the worst her condition will be. I hope you understand what I mean." Saying so he hung up.

" Boss... Now what?"

" I'll speak to you in some time. Wait in the study and check out those guys. " He understood what I meant. Naira wasn't sleeping and I don't want her to know that she is really in danger and I'm not the person she should be scared of. 

" Hey!! C'mon... Let's eat. " I said trying to get her back on her feet. 

" What about him? " She asked looking at me with her beautiful red-blue eyes. 

" What?" 

" He said my mom misses me. What about him? Does he not? I told you he won't yield. He doesn't..." She held her face in her palm and shook her head. 

" Naira, hey... He does, he does love you and definitely misses you. C'mon..."

" Shivaan, you don't know what has happened between us. You don't know anything. It was terrible. it might not be a big deal for you but for me it is. Seven years is a very long time and now I feel as if nothing's changed. I don't wanna eat. I want to sleep.." She stood up but then she tripped falling on me again until our eyes met.

I grabbed her from the waist and picked her in my arms.

" W-Wait... What are you doing? "

" Helping you... When you don't eat you will need help, right? " She made a face and looked away wrapping her hands around my neck.

" Anyways, you at least have someone you call Dad and Mom. You have someone to miss. Not everyone is that lucky. " I said softly and she looked at me. For a long time, we didn't say anything just letting the moment be. 

" We've reached. Can I?" I asked whether I could put her down not that I wanted to.

" Huh!! Ya. Thanks... " She said as I put her on the bed. I was about to go to study when she called me.

" Aye Mafia!!" I turned to look at her. I was starting to like it when she called me like that. 

" Thanks... I heard his voice after a long time and I realized that I missed him no matter what." I smiled weakly.

"You're welcome, always. If you're hungry you can always find something yourself. But let me tell you, you should diet often." I winked. 

" What?" She nearly jumped on the bed.

" Yeah! My hands are already sore after I picked you up twice. " I said laughing but she could see that I was messing with her but it was always fun.

Suddenly she threw a pillow at my face.

" Hey!! I didn't ask you to pick me up. I might go and just stuff myself more. I ain't fat..." I heard her shout as I was leaving the room.

" I never said that..." I shouted back.

Then I went straight to the study room. Rian was already waiting for me.

" So, what's the news?" I asked getting into a suit. 

" It's not good this time. We thought that The Silver Serpents had retreated but they haven't. Their surveillance has increased threefold. We've to guard ourselves. "

" Who thought they've? I knew they were going to wait for the right moment and I think they have got one already." I said looking at the pictures Rian and Dane had captured.

" Boss, but Sir said... "

" Dad can't be right always. And we can't trust them. After what happened I was sure that they are looking for revenge too. It's a double-sided sword. They're not gonna be relenting."

" But, you never wanted all of this."

" There are only so many choices in my life, Rian. This one wasn't a choice. I want you to inform all our people that we need to be careful. I think as we are talking they've already resurfaced and are working on how to beat us. Naira's safety is important as she isn't aware that she is the prey. I want you to bring some of our extra men here too. "

" Yes, boss... But I don't understand what Zach has to do with all of this."

" Even, I don't know. " I replied.

" Wasn't Kabir himself the leader of Silver Serpents? But, looking at the new information we have it doesn't look like that. " Dane added.

" Yeah! If they were together then he wouldn't try to kidnap Naira. I'm glad we beat him to that. But, I really want to know why is he after them. I hope you are working on it. "

" Yeah! He has become stronger than before. It's tough penetrating his organization for information. "

" Keep working. He looks so different now. His latest pictures from Bora Bora show his tremendous transformation. 7 long years have done wonders for him. " I was amazed at what I saw.

" True... And I'm sure they are after Naira for her father. Kabir surely must be knowing something that we don't know. " Rian said.

" Right, or there's something that they know that we don't. No one can be trusted. Kabir Bakshi betrayed my father once and I think he can betray anyone, even if it's his daughter. We have to be careful this time. This game ain't going to end soon. I just hope it doesn't get as dirty as last time taking a toll on several lives. "

" Boss, what is our next move?" Dane asked. 

" I've already made one. All we've to do is wait for them to make a move. Zach already knows we have Naira now. "


My mood had never been worst. I had lost my appetite though I was famished. Somewhere in my heart, I knew that it didn't look as simple as I thought it would be. A big game was being played and I'm the prey and maybe someone's prize, that's for sure.

But the sad part of all was I wasn't aware why? And why did I get a weird feeling about Shivaan? I shouldn't trust him but instead, I am helping him to get what he wants from Dad. I don't trust my father either. During the entire 18 years, I spend with him, all I saw were guns, bullets, and blood. We were always running from one place to another. We never were a family. I don't know what Mom saw in him that made her fall for such a guy. She doesn't even care for me. I can't believe that a mother can be so heartless. Simi was the only real family I ever had. I feel like I've lost her too.  

After about 2 hours or so I still couldn't sleep with an empty stomach. I went to the kitchen to get myself some food.

" Finally, hungry?"

" Huh!! Hmmm..." I was startled. Shivaan was already in the kitchen when I entered. This time he was fully clothed and I don't know whether I was relieved or disappointed. 

" Do you like the food? If you don't then you're free to order anything you like. Or you can ask Nina to prepare it according to your liking or if you want you can use the kitchen too. " He went on.

" The food is good."

" But, your mood isn't? Right? I know that Nina is a wonderful look. Tell me how can I make your mood better? Movie, ice cream, or candies? " He offered generously. 

I grinned. He wasn't that bad but why was he so good to me? 

" Nothing. I just wanted to ask you what are you gonna do next. "

" Eat... Sleep... Gym... Work... Repeat..." He answered in a monotonous manner.

" Arghh... Like what are you going to do to me? "

" What will I do to you Naira? Why are you asking such stupid questions? " He sounded frustrated.

" It ain't stupid for me Shivaan. You've kidnapped me. My life has turned upside down. And if Dad doesn't give you what you want what will you do to me? Will you kill me? " I asked looking at him earnestly.

He came closer to me and I moved backward until I couldn't move more because of the kitchen counter.

" S-Shivaan... "

" If you call me like this I'll definitely kill you. " He murmured coming closer to me.

" W-What... "

" Nothing... Have Dinner. Good night." Saying so he went. Of course, he didn't answer my question.


It's been about 2 weeks that I am living in this humongous mansion. I miss Simi and I don't know what she must be thinking about me. I am sure these Mafia people wouldn't have allowed her to file any missing person's report. But I will have to think of a way of running from here.

It's also been a week since I have seen Shivaan properly. He is rarely home when I am awake. Brief glances are all that we have. I spend time enjoying the luxury of his house. There's a pool, library, gym, and even a room designed to play video games. But then it feels lonely and boring at times. Nina is a sweetheart. I have bonded very well with her and some of the other staff. They are sweet considering the attitude their boss carries.

It's already evening and I am sitting in the living area reading the newspaper. Just then Shivaan entered. He was all decked up.

" Hi!! Did you forget that I live here?" I questioned making him notice my presence.

" Oh! Naira. Hi. Actually, Yes... Your Dad is very stubborn he ain't giving in so I don't think you will be free soon. That's the update. Bye..." He said leaving.

" Hey! Wait. Where are you going? "

" To a close friend's club."

" I am coming with you. " I announced promptly.

He looked at me in surprise. Of course, he didn't expect this to come from me. I had to do something. I can't sit ideally till my so-called Dad comes to my rescue.

" No. You are most definitely not. It can be dangerous." He said firmly. I know he is just trying to scare me.

" Why? Anyways what can be more dangerous than being kidnapped? Or else are you threatened that I may run away? Don't you have that much confidence in yourself? What's the use of being The Shivaan Malik." I expressed, trying to turn him up.

" I'm not that kind of person who turns up easily Miss. I don't need to prove anything. Anyways I'm late. And being killed is more dangerous than being kidnapped. Bye." The last one was scary. But I was adamant.

" Hey! Please wait... I'm really very bored. If you won't kill me, I'll die of boredom and loneliness. I haven't been like this. Please take me with you. I won't try to run away. Please... " I requested making a puppy face. Not that I didn't plan to try but I really wished to get out in the open. 

He stood still for a few minutes. Mr. Shivaan Malik, I got you. No one can say no to me.

" Fine... Only if you get ready in 5. "

" 5 minutes? "

" Of course, did you think you've got 5 hours? "

" Be considerate at least. There's a girl standing in front of you."

He started laughing.

" Really, I thought there was a naughty stubborn kid. Fine. 10 is more than enough. And it's a club. Wear something decent. Though I have a meeting there, we ain't going to have fun. "

" Whatever... Till it takes me out of this house." I said sprinting to the room.

" Make it fast. I ain't waiting for a lifetime. "

" I heard it already... " I shouted.

In about 15 minutes I got into a short blue dress with netted sleeves. Along with a sling and mid-high heels. That was all I could find in my makeshift closet. 

" Hey! I'm ready... " I walked downstairs.

He turned to look at me passing for a while at once until I was standing right in front of him.

" Hey! Are you fine?" I inquired waving my hand in front of his face.

" Huh!! C'mon, we are late already." He pulled me out of the house.

We got in his Aston Martin. I noticed him looking at me from the corner of my eyes.

" What?" 

" Don't try to be smart. Stay close to me because it's dangerous out there. "

I nodded. I know he was trying to scare me. But I already have made a plan to escape. As we reached the club, before I could get out of the car Shivaan got out and held my hand. This guy has no chills. 

We entered through the VIP entry gate without any introductions and for a second I shivered as I looked at the people staring at us. They will have to wait while we got in easily. Shivaan held clout and his actions made that clear. 

The club was full of youngsters dancing and drinking. They seemed so free and for a moment I realized I wasn't. 

" Stay close..." Shivaan said in my ears.

" Hmm..." I hummed.

I saw just looking at the crowd when I noticed someone familiar.

" Just a minute," I said.

" Where are you going?" Shivaan came behind me.

I didn't stop. I went straight to the guy in the red shirt. He looked familiar and he was.

" Fred?" I called him. He looked behind and was equally surprised as I was to see him. He had his entire lips covered with lipstick.

" Baby..." He said and at once I felt anger gushing through me.

" What the hell are you doing here with her?" I asked.

He stood up and came nearer.

" Baby... Where were you? For two weeks I've been searching for you. You didn't even answer my calls and then your phone was switched off. I was so worried. Even Simi didn't know anything either. "

" Really, so you thought I was dead already? That sure as hell gives you the right to cheat on me except that I'm not dead. " Just then Shivaan came.

" What happened Naira? " His aura can make anyone go numb for a while. I feel there is something in the air that surrounds him. As soon as I heard his husky voice my heart relaxed and I was relieved for some reason that I can't state. 

" Who is he? " Fred asked.

" That shouldn't be your business. We are done already. C'mon, let's go. " I declared holding Shivaan's hand.

" Huh! Naira... You don't have a right to comment on cheating when you've been doing the same thing. Bitch. " I heard Fred say that. I looked at him.

But before I could realize what happened Shivaan had punched him black and blue and I spotted blood oozing from his mouth. He shouldn't have done that but then I was happy he did it.

" You don't know that. So, shut up. " He thundered. I smiled weakly. A commotion was created.

" Boss, what happened?" It was Rian. 

" Nothing. Let's go. We still have a meeting to attend." Shivaan pulled me away from the crowd.

Rian was walking in front of us and we were passing through a passage.

" Sorry, Naira. Too bad you lost your boyfriend." He spoke. I had to laugh given the situation we were in.

" Ha! You're not sorry for kidnapping me but this makes you feel guilty? Never mind. I should thank you. I knew he was a cheat and I wanted to get rid of him sooner. It was due to Simi that I had to tolerate him." I said.

" Kidnapping you was business." When he said that I felt my stomach flip. It sounded wrong and I think he knew that too because he flinched too. There was some weird energy between us this evening. 

" Or else I'd definitely think that you really have a bad choice..." He added and I smiled. 

Just when I was to jab a retort I felt a hand cover my mouth from behind. I tried to shout but I was pulled back at an amazingly swift rate. I was hitting hard on the arms of that guy but it was in vain.

" S-Shiv... " But I doubt my voice reached him.

Aye Mafia. Please Turn Back. God! Save me again... Am I really being kidnapped, again?

For the third freaking time. 

For the love of the great God above, this has to stop. And if this is Shivaan's doing, he's so dead but in my heart, I knew it wasn't him.

What the hell is wrong with my life? 

Am I the prey or a prize or both?


Hey Guys!

I'd like you to know that there is some glitch with Wattpad and because of that Chapters 4 and 5 are interchanged. I'm not able to change them despite numerous attempts.

Request you to please help me if you guys know how to correct it.

Thank you for reading and supporting me. Please vote, comment, and share.

It keeps me going.

Luv... ♥


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