
Da Linxi00

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A mischievous girl who gets into trouble all the time.Then she meets a furious guy in her new school. complet... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Pay Attention!!
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Not an update!
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's note
Authors note!
Chapter 26 ( last chapter)

Chapter 15

136 25 86
Da Linxi00

"Why are you calling me!" I stuck the phone between the ear and the shoulder making sure it won't fell off while struggling with cutting vegetables.

"Taehyung is bored. What are you doing?"

"Making dinner"
"Whatcha making?"

"......rice and... OUCH!" I put down the knife and squeezed my hand while cursing under my breathe.

"What's wrong?"
"Nah I just cut my hand... umm it hurts!... anyway what are you doing?" I hoeld my hand to the sink opening the tap.

I almost fainted when I saw the cut! It wasdeep and bled badly!

"Tae are you there?.." I tried to hide the tremble in my voice.

"Tae?.. hello?"
And then..

someone slammed the door and I startled for a moment.

Who the heck is coming to a house at this hour!?

I walked to the door and opened it slightly peeking outside.

But the guy outside pushed the door making his way in and grabbed me.

"Oh god! You are bleeding!" Taehyung muttered.

I started at him.
"......so....your here because I cut my hand?? And you brought a firstaid box!?? Seriously? Are you really Kim Taehyung?"

He frowned and pushed me to a chair kneeling infront of me.

He started applying medicine to the wound.
"Owwwww! It hurts!!" I yelled and squeezed his shoulder.

"Serves you right!" he said harshly and applied more stinging stuff on the wound.

"There! It's done!" he got up.

"You hurt me! You filthy coconut.."
"Can you please stop with that coconut thing!? At least say a name of an animal that exists!" Taehyung cut me off rudely and walked to the kitchen rolling his sleeves up.

"I'm gonna make you dinner"

"WHAT! NO!!!" I held him from his shirt , he turned and gave me a death stare.

"Stay!... here!! Am I clear!" he pushed me back to the chair.

I folded my arms and sighed.

"Good!" Taehyung yelled as he walked to the kitchen.

I waited for few minutes and Taehyung came out with...

"Pancakes!! Taehyung! Who eats pancakes for dinner!?"

"You" he placed the plate on my lap and waited till I eat'em.

I sighed and took a bite.

OMG! I felt like I saw the whole galaxy in a split second!
Pancakes were burnt and tasted AWFUL!!!

Taehyung asked whether those were edible and tried to read my face.

I looked at his face. He was studying my face curiously! Maybe he didn't mean to burn the pancakes and I thought I shouldn't ruin the mood. So I gave a fake smile.
"Yeah... really good"

He smiled and sat on the floor taking one pancake to his hand but I stopped him.

"Are you gonna eat that!??"
"........yap Why?"
"B..but that's mine! Don't eat it!"
"What the heck! There are five pancakes and let me eat just one!" he grabbed one and started chewing it.

I chuckled watching his face got changed in a second.
"How's it Tae? Good?" I asked with a smirk.

"Hmm.....fantastic... but I'm not in a mood to eat.." he got up and rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"There's a pizza in the fridge. Put it in the microwave" I said.


So I ate pizza for dinner and Taehyung just watched me eating probably because he lost his appetite after eating his own pancakes.

"You know what? I'm kinda happy about my life " I tried to take Taehyung's attention but he didn't take his eyes off the phone.

"Why?" he asked without looking at me.
"I never had friends before I came to this school. But I met Eun ha and she's my first friend. And I have you"

Taehyung stared at me.
"I can't believe you said something cheesy" he smirked.

"Me too! but I felt like saying oh! And Jimin! He's one of my friends.... totally forgot about him!"

"Who is Jimin?"
"The one who sits infront of me in the class "

"Really?" Taehyung said like he didn't even care but I saw the dissatisfied look on his face which was pretty weird. Maybe I won't lose to Jiyeon!

"Hey do we like each other?" I asked strightly because I couldn't take it anymore.

Why is he always get jealous when I'm with Jimin and why does I get jealous when he's with Jiyeon??

Taehyung let out a chuckle and leaned back being very surprised. His face kinda lit up and he took a desperate effort to hid his red tinted ears.

"What the heck! Are you alright?" he asked.
"Just give me an answer!"
"Hmm maybe... maybe not"

"But your ears are getting red!!"

"They are not!"

"Yes they are!!!"

Taehyung got up and stared at me for a moment. I narrowed my eyes and got ready to run away since I sensed something bad was going to happen.

He swiftly put his hand around my neck before I escape giving me a headlock!

"Say that again and I'll choke you to death!!"


Taehyung smirked and ruffled my hair aggressively. I half yelled and half whined but he had no mercy. But at the same time I couldn't stop laughing.

"You are laughing??!!" he then lifted me up. I screamed when he threw me over his shoulder.

"You wanna sleep with me again??"

"NO!!! PUT ME DOWN!!" I slammed his back with my fists and twisted my body helplessly trying to get off.

"Then don't ever talk about my ears being red! arasso??!"

"Neh neh your majesty!"

He put me down and looked into my face holding back his laughter.

"So..is something wrong with my ears air head?" he asked and bit his lip.

I rolled my eyes at him.
"Your ears are.......... RED!!!"


Next day I sat on my seat and turned my painstaking neck from side to side. Taehyung nearly killed me the day before. Luckily I got escaped.

I looked for Eun ha , then I saw Jiyeon stareing at me nervously but she looked way more calm and happier than I was.

Today is the last day and tomorrow our deal will be over!
And how can she be so calm and happy!!

"Hey Yu na!" she came to me with her usual smirk paststed on her face.

"What?" I opened my science book hiding my face inside it.

"Tomorrow is the day right? Hope your ready!" she patted my back and went away with her gang.

I sighed and layed my head on the table.

"Stupid! stupid! stupid!" I hit my head on the table continuously thinking how stupid was I to agree to such a deal.

"Yah! Stop it Yu na!" Eun ha grabbed my shoulders pushing me back.

"What the heck are you doing!?"
"Go away Eun ha!"
"Well....i was trying to help you if you are in some kinda trouble anyway listen.... a boy is getting beaten up near the garden.... can you save him??"

I jumped out of my seat!

"WHAT!! Is it Taehyung!??"

"No some bullies are attacking a senior boy" Eun ha said bitterly.

"Ash these bullies! Hope that boy's not dead yet...." I said to Eun ha as we ran to the garden.

Twenty or thirty bullies beating up a one senior! How unfair!

"Please save him!" Eun ha begged me.

"There are too many of them.. I can distract them and you can pull the senior boy to some where else. Can you do that?" I asked.

"What about you?"
"I'll hide some where "
"Are you sure about this Yu na?"
"Yeah......kind of...." I saw the gardener who was watering the plants with a hose.

"I have an idea get ready" I said to Eun ha as I walked near the gardener.

"Excuse me? Can I have the hose for a second?"
"Sure" he handed it over to me.

I aimed it at the boys.

"Yah!!! Suckers!!!" I shouted as loud as I can getting the attention of the group of bullies.

I turned on the hose and made all of them wet from head to toe and I saw Eun ha dragging the senior boy away so it was my turn to escape!

I let go of the hose and ran away with all the strength I have. I heard yelling sounds from behind which means they were following me!

Ahh! I'm too young to die!!!

I tried to remember a place to hide but nothing came to my mind but I saw the boys washrooms which is few meters ahead and with out thinking twice I rushed in to it.

I would  surely get kicked out if someone saw me inside the boys washroom! but right now life is important.

And unfortunately all the cubicles were occupied!

I whined and heard panting sounds outside which means....

"AHHHH! I'M SORRY BUT PLEASE LET ME IN!!!" I slammed a cubicle door with both of my hands.

"WHAT??" I smiled widely after I heard his voice!!

"TAEHYUNGLETMEIN!!" I whisper screamed.

"........ is that you miss brain dead?"
Ash seriously!??

"Yes!! Now let me in!!"
"You wanna watch me peeing?"
"No you stupid earthworm! Some bullies are chasing me! Open up! Ppalli!!"

Taehyung opened the door and  pulled me inside.
"Oh! What the!" the cubicle was full of smoke and I couldn't stop coughing.

"You are smoking!!! What's wrong with you!!" I yelled in a low voice while trying to avoid coughing.

"If you wanna stay shut your damn mouth" Taehyung said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Are you stressed? You can tell me anything you know!"
Taehyung narrowed his eyes blowing a nasty smoke ring in my face!

"Yah!! Stop it!!" Taehyung covered my mouth with his hand.

"Be quiet pabo! Someone is coming " he whispered and I nodded.

I squeezed his hand as the bullies banged the cubicle door!

"OPEN UP!! WE KNOW YOUR INSIDE YOU PATHETIC IDIOT!!" A boy shout and Taehyung chuckled.

"Knew it" he throwed the cigarette away and stretched his hand to towards the cubicle door.

"Taehyung no! They'll kill us both!!"

Taehyung pushed me.

"I know about this punk and how can you call him a bully!? Seriously?"
A...nd he opened the door.

I quickly hid myself behind Taehyung.

A boy peeked inside,
"Oh!!! H....hi T...Taehyung.... sorry to disturb you but did you saw a girl anywhere around here?"

What!? Is he scared of Taehyung!?

"You mean this creature?" Taehyung pulled me infront of him!

The boy grabbed my hand pulling me out of the cubicle.

"Yah! I'm having fun with her" Taehyung pushed the boy and pulled me back inside.

"Jinja?.... you are the boss! ok then have fun! Don't go easy on her! I'll deal with you some other time!" he pointed his finger at me and left us.

Taehyung closed the door and folded his arms.

"Alright what did you do?"

"Nah I was in one..... how can you call these stupids bullies??"
"You were a gangster!!!??"
"Going off topic! What did you do this time!"

I bit my lip.
"I made them all wet using a hose..."

Taehyung chuckled.
"Why?" he asked.

"To see whether they will grow into trees!! duh!"

Taehyung smacked my head and I shouted in pain!

"Ow!!! ok ok don't hit me!! because they attacked a senior!"
"Ash you stupid!" he smacked my forehead.

"Oww! Don't you dare hit me again!!" I rubbed my forehead and Taehyung leaned forward filling the gap between us.

"Y..yah! What are you doing!" I yelped as his body pressed on mine.

Taehyung smirked as he placed his hands on my waistline.

"I'm going to have fun with you baby..."
He leaned to my face, his eyes looked down to meet my lips.

I felt his warm breath on my lips. Then he came closer!


I covered my mouth with my hand making his kiss land on the back of my knuckles.

"What the fuck Taehyung!!! you really wanna kiss me!?" I yelled while not letting my hand down.

Taehyung chuckled to my sudden reaction but kissed my knuckles over and over making my face flushed red and I cover his mouth with my hand to avoid him by kissing me!

Taehyung unexpectedly bit my finger!!

"OW!!!" I pushed him away holding my finger tightly!

"Yah! I didn't bite it hardly!" Taehyung watched me jumping up and down trying to bear the pain.

"I hate you Kim Taehyung!" I said and walked to the cubicle door.

"I hate you too" he followed me.

For our luck the washroom was empty that time so we came out safe and sound.

"I missed the first period...hmm.. my grade will fall if I cut periods like this every single day!" I said while walking to the class.

"Don't worry even if you didn't your grade will fall.."

"And why is that!?"
"Because it's empty in here" Taehyung hit my head.

"I warned you! If you did it one last time!!!"

"Hey! Guys!!" we turned and saw the head perfect charging towards us!!!

Oh! No! Did he saw me inside the boys washrooms!!

"Yu na? Am I right?" he asked me.
"Y..yes..?" I replied and got amazed by his calmness.

"Who are you?" Taehyung rolled his eyes!!! Oh what the!

"Taehyung..." I whispered.
"Are you crazy?!"


"You don't know me?" Head prefect widen his eyes.

"Nope....oh wait! are you boy who works in the ice cream parlour??"

"Umm... no.. "


"Alright! Sheesh.." he gave me an annoyed look.

"......... anyway I'm here to say thankyou. You saved my friend today, I really appreciate it"

I blinked in surprise!

"Aren't you gonna punish me?"
"What?.. no you saved my friend so no. I'm not gonna punish you"
he gave me a gummy smile.

"Umm ok I hate bullies and you should thank Eun ha too she's the one who told me that your friend's getting bullied"

"Really? I'll keep that in mind. Oh! Here he comes!" A boy came to us smiling widely.

"Hello Yu na! Thankyou so much for saving me back there, I couldn't controll them because there were too many of them if you weren't there I would have injured badly"

I smiled awkwardly. The whole thing was kinda strange cause I got appreciated very rarely.

"I'll help you anytime. I'm Hoseok and this is my friend Yoongi " he bowed.

"Nice to meet you Hoseok oppa and..... "

"Alright! We don't like to miss our lessons so we must go now " Taehyung pulled me from my hand.

"Huh?....oh yeah. See you around Hoseok oppa and Yoongi oppa.... I mean.. head perfect.." I bowed at them and Taehyung dragged me to the class.

"Call me oppa as well" he told me as we sat on our places.
"What!? When is your birthday "
"...... December 30th... why?"
"Your eight months younger than me how can I call you oppa! You better start calling me noona"

Taehyung sighed.

"Alright Noona "
"......... nah don't call me that I don't like it"

Taehyung smiled and mess my hair.

" I can't lose you.. "

I turned to Taehyung and smriked.

"What did you just said!?"
"W...what?? Umm nothing.."


( Narrator's pov )

"Do you have a plan?" Dong Woo asked.
"Yes I do "

"When are you gonna start?"
"Tomorrow... I'll start it tomorrow "

Dong Woo smiled.
"Nice "
"Did you warned Taehyung?"

Dong Woo smirked while getting his phone out.

"Yes I did"

He looked at his phone.

To Taehyung:


Hello! This is a long chapter right? Anyway I tried my best to keep you guys without getting bored while reading

Did it worked? Or not? Plz tell me.

And I would like to thank LeeAeWon for making me an amazing cover! Thankyou!! ❤

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