Run || h.s (MAJOR EDITING)

De wifizarryx

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When children are young, they are told fairytales. In these fantasies, there is usually a beautiful princess... Mai multe



47 3 0
De wifizarryx

I have come to realization that Harry does have a point in what he said. I really do need to learn how to not trust random strangers whenever I feel like I should.

Yes, I do have a point too. The two people did not give me any reason to not trust them what so ever. They were very kind young men. At least they were to me.

Although Harry was rude after I told him the truth, he did feel bad for me at first. He slept in the hospital's waiting room and kept texting his sister about me. This occurred for the whole entire night, he obviously cared.

But Harry does not have a reason to ignore me at a time like this. My life is terrible right now and I miss my real life so much. I may sound obnoxious, but he should be feeling bad for me, not calling me out on it.

Overall, I guess I'm saying I am dumb but Harry should not have claimed "it was my fault that I could've gotten killed".

Even though he did all of these things, I can't be that mad at him. If it was not for Harry, I would have been who knows where right now. Jediah and Daniel could have beat me, sexually harassed me, even killed me, and there would have been nothing I could ever do about it.

So actually, I should thank Harry and not be upset with him. I would never tell him this though. I would not want to boost his ego too much. I want to apologize for my actions, but Harry will need to apologize first. He was the one who kissed me then flipped out when I pulled away before everything else happened. If it wasn't for Harry kissing me, I would not be in this situation now. I would probably be home.

Well not exactly home, but just Uncle Jason's apartment. That may be where I have to live, but my home is New York. It always has been and it always will be. I love the big city, not what ever you would call this place. Ever since I was young, I have wanted to live in New York for the rest of my life. I have never liked change so a whole change in everyday scenery would be awful.

I have had a vivid picture of Jake and I's family for as long as I can remember. We would live in one of the huge houses, away from the city. The home would be big and beautiful, just like the state itself. We would have three children, one boy and two girls. The boy would have my eyes and skin along with Jake's hair, nose, and facial structure. One of the girls would have Jake's nose but the rest of her looks like mine, she would be a little me. And the other girl would have my hair and the rest Jake's looks. All three would be generous and respectful to everyone they meet. I would love to have this perfect family and I hope Jake agrees one day too. Even though I want kids, I do not think I am fit to be a mother. I am not even ready to be dependent, let alone have children depending on me. I hope this all can change in a matter of time before it is too late.

On the topic of Jake, I wonder were he is. Is he with my family or is he with all of his friends? Maybe he is all by himself, worried about me? Does he worry about me or does he think I can handle myself? I don't know which is better. I obviously want him to worry about me but I still don't want him to see me a child depending on someone for everything. He always told me that. He said, "Hayden, you need more independence!" Which he is right, as always, but I can't do that yet. I have had my parents do everything for me my whole life so it would be hard for a girl like me.

I hope during the time that I am here, I can become just what Jake wants and needs.


Brenda and a few other nurses had come to bring me food quite a few times. After hours of laying on the uncomfortable bed, Dr. Johnson told me that I was free to go whenever I would like. Obviously, I chose to leave right then. I called Harry, wondering if he could bring some of my clothes and take me home. Unsurprisingly, there is no answer. He is still mad at me. Shouldn't he have gotten over it by now?

I called multiple other times still only to be greeted by his voicemail.

"Hey, this is Harry. I'm probably busy right now so I'll have to call you back later. Bye."

He sounds just a little younger than now, his voice isn't as deep. Maybe if he was still that young, he'd be nice enough to pick up the phone.

Call after call, still no answer.

I just left a voicemail and stopped trying.

"Harry, please come bring me some clothes. Then just take me home. That's all I need from you. After this, I won't bother you again. Please."

I sound pathetic as ever, but I really don't care anymore.

About twenty minutes later, Brenda came in to the room with some clothes. Leggings, a white burn out T-shirt, a blue tank top, and a pair of black flip flops. My clothes.

"Harry stopped by and dropped these off for you." She fake smiled.

I cleared my dry throat, "Is he still here? You know, to take me home?"

She shook her head no. "He can't ride you back to your place, said that he doesn't have time. Lucky for you, I do have time. I'm off for the rest of the day."

"You don't have to do that." Can you drive me far away right now, please? I wish I could say.

"But I want to. And besides, what else do I have better to do? Go home and clean my house? Pay bills?" She giggles.

Without putting much more thought to it, I decided a conclusion. "Okay, sure. Just let me get dressed first." I smile as she squeals girlishly.


"You did what?" I laugh loudly, my eyes tearing up from laughing so much.

Brenda laughs along. "I told you two times already. I got kicked out of that frozen yogurt place!"

"I know!" I obnoxiously cackle, bringing a lot of attention to myself in the crowded mall. "But what did you even do again?"

She sighed and even giggled while doing it. "Well I went there one time and I screwed up,"

"Obviously." I interrupted.

"Shush, I wasn't finished. Anyway, it's one of those places where you made your own yogurt, weighed it, then paid, okay? Well I had no clue how to work those things. Since I didn't, I may have broke one of the machines. The yogurt would not stop coming out and I could not stop it, no matter how hard I tried! So I just got kicked out of there like last year...permanently. They got a my full name, picture, and finger prints. It was so embarrassing!" She ended the story with a half smile, holding back a laugh again.

Brenda and I are at the local mall, about ten minutes from the hospital. We wanted to go out to eat, but everywhere was super crowded. So we came here just to eat a nice meal. We passed a frozen yogurt shop and it instantly caught my eye. I requested to go there but little did I know, we could not go there. Not because we physically couldn't or didn't want to, but because Brenda literally couldn't. She had been kicked out of there for "destruction of property". In the end, we just decided for a nice slice of pizza from the food court.

I took another piece of mine into my mouth, which sadly happened to be my last bite. Picking up my cup, I slurped the last bit of my water, causing the annoying sound you make when you drink from an empty cup with a straw.

"Where do you want to go now?" I ask, happy that I followed through with Brenda's plan on taking me out.

She finished chewing and said, "Since I can't get frozen yogurt anymore, let's just head home. There's an ice cream place on the way back."

I agreed, nodding my head. We picked up our garbage, threw it away, and walked towards the nearest exit. Her car was literally parked right next to the mall so it only took a few seconds to get there. Brenda stopped talking and payed attention to the road and only the road. The radio is off and there is no noise. She is such a good driver, unlike myself. I want to be one, but I'm never able to do it. I take about five minutes just to park, run into stupid things like cones and garbage cans, and much more. I just am too nervous to even deal with a thing as big as driving. I love it and could possibly be better somehow, but I still make people drive me everywhere.

Buzz. Buzz.

There is a continuous buzzing on my hip. My phone. I pulled it out and read the flashing name on my screen.


Mocking what he did to me earlier, I decline.

"Who was that?" Brenda asks. It was the first time she talked to me in the car.

"No one important." I lied.

She nodded her head understandingly. But still, my phone kept buzzing, and I kept declining.

"It must be pretty important if they keep calling you like that." Brenda giggles, but I can sense a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Without answering her, I accept the call, ready to hear his rage.

Before I could even say hello, Harry screams, "Hayden? Where the hell are you? I went to your apartment about an hour ago and your still not there. I've been worr- I mean I thought something happened to you."

"No need to be worried, I'm perfectly fine." I fake a laugh.

"You never answered my question, where are you?" He asked, quieter and softer.

I sighed. "I'm with Brenda and I'm perfectly fine,"

We pulled into a parking lot next to a little red shack like thing. Inside, there was a kitchen and about three workers. On the outside, there are windows where they can serve their customers and a few people eating ice cream. Next to the place there's a sign saying "The Dairy Bird".

Harry starts again, "Where are-"

I interrupted him, saying, "Sorry, I'd love to chat, but I kind of have to go now."

"Wait-" Harry yelled.

But I cut him off again. "Bye," I cheered into the phone.

The car comes to a stop and Brenda steps out, myself following.

"Harry, right?" She laughs.

"Yes," I fake smile, "But who cares, let's go get some ice cream."

She nods and pulls me towards the line. Above the windows are a few menus. So many choices, so many choices.





Cake Batter

Cookie Dough

The ice cream lists on and on, but one catches my eyes.

Moose Tracks

It being my favorite of all time, I chose that.

"Hi, what would you like today?" Asks a recognizable lady. Her name tag says Ellie and I instantly remember her.

"You work at Mel's, right?" I ask, remember seeing her there my first day in London.

She smiles. "Yeah, this is just another one of my part time jobs."

"Oh, well, that's nice." I grin. "I'd like one scoop of Moose Tracks, please."

Ellie writes it down on a slip of paper and glances up at Brenda.

"I'd like one scoop Mint."

She writes it down and walks away, handing it to a co-worker of hers. She comes back and says, "So, how are you liking London so far?"

She's talking to me, oh my gosh. I'm on a roll at making friends now. "Um, it's okay. Some places are nicer than where I'm staying, but I do love it," I pause. "But how do you now I'm new here?"

"Your accent." She smiles and heads back into the kitchen. Ellie comes back with two cones that looks like it's filled with a mountain of ice cream.

"That'll be $5.50 total, $2.75 seperatly." She smiles.

Brenda whips out a ten and pays for me once again, adding to my tab that I'll soon have to pay off.

Ellie hands her the change and we all wave, saying our goodbyes.

Brenda and I get into the car, slowly eating away at our ice cream.

She finishes it in about a minute while I'm still licking away. She pulls out of the parking lot and drives me home.


I'm back at the apartment now. When I first got here, Harry warned me about telling him where I am at all times. He claimed that if anything ever happened, he'd like to know where I am. He was nicer than before, but still not nice at all. He left after that, went back to his place.

Uncle Jason still isn't home and I'm sort of worried. Harry told me I shouldn't worry about it, so I should just listen. He's a grown man, he's probably perfectly fine.

I had just gotten out of the shower and now I am laying in my bed, staring off into space, too scared over nothing to sleep.

Then my phone buzzed again. Twice actually. Can I just have some peace? My god.

I lift my phone from it's charging spot and unlock it.

One text is from Harry and it says, Goodnight, Hayden xx

Although it was a little but sweet thing to do, I don't reply and read the second text. It's from recognizable number.

I miss you.



Subsiding the bad, a few good things had happened to me as well. After all the good that has happened to me during my week here, this is what had made my day ten times better.

This one isn't long but it's still a chapter. I'm so sorry it took so long, but I'm always so busy lately! I'll have another chapter up sometime in the next few weeks.

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