The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)

Da stefymay

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I always thought that when you die that would be the end and you would see a bright light and the pearly gate... Altro

Authors note...
The deads love Poem
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chpater 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 13

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Da stefymay


“Ethan.” It was like he was made of shadows, It was in him, around him, flowing from him. He was just standing there in the corner watching me with a pained expression on his face.

I turned and flipped the bed lamp on next to my dresser and looked back into the corner where I saw him and he was gone.

Okay, that does it… I’m going mad.

I never fell back asleep, too afraid to dream about anyone else dying. Why is this happening to me, why am I seeing this people dying. 


Chapter 13

The next day I felt like hell. I had left my bag in the car yesterday, seen as I had no homework and therefore had no need of them and all that I had to do was make lunch for Lil’s and myself and get into the car and drive.

Lily ran down the stairs with a little less enthusiasm than she usually had, maybe because she didn’t get much sleep last night, all thanks to my little nighmare on Elms street episode.

She came back to my room a little later and crawled in next to me, when she thought I was sleeping and curled up against me. I felt her arms snake around my waist as she settled in and fell fast asleep.

We got into the car quietly and drove to school. I dropped Lil’s  off and drove to school, still thinking about that girl from last night.

I parked in my usual spot and grabbed my bag; locking the car and walking towards the school. As I got closer I noticed some of the students talking while staring at me. Great, if I wasn’t a big enough freak before.

I spotted Vicky and Van by Van’s locker and walked over.

“Hey guys.” I said with a yawn.

“Whoa, what party where you at and why didn’t you invite us?”

“Couldn’t sleep last night. No party.”

“Ah-ha, you keep telling yourself that.”

We headed off to our first class and which was maths. Kyle was at our usual seat and I walked over to him, Vicky and Van weren’t in this class.

I tossed my heavy bag on the floor and fell into the seat. I felt a pair of eyes on the back of my head but ignored them, already knowing who they belonged to.

“Morning beautiful. What’s with the extra baggage?” Crap I forgot to take the books back to my locker.

“You and the terrible two forgot to take my books back to my locker after you had brought it to your master, now I’m forced too carter it around like some kind of book merchant.” I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest as I spoke.

“Awe poor you, but I wasn’t talking about your book bag I was talking about the luggage under your eyes. Looks like you stayed awake whole night.” He touched the pad of his thumb to my cheek and lightly ran his thumb under my eye.

“Oh… I couldn’t sleep.” I said, pulling away from him. This was beyond uncomfortable.

“Bad dreams about what happened to you at the store?” He asked as he pulled his hand back and looked worriedly at me.

Not wanting to look like more of the freak I was starting to feel like, I just nodded. There was no way I was going to tell Kyle about the weird dreams I was having.

He looked sad and he leaned in for a hug, but was luckily interrupted by the teacher walking in. I didn’t show how relieved I was that we were interrupted before Kyle could try anything, I was still weird around him, not to mention Ethan was sitting right behind us. Stop it, he didn't care, so why should I.

I glanced back and looked at him, and he had a deadpan look on his face, staring straight ahead of him. If it wasn't for the slight twitch in his jaw I would have thought he was a statue. I turned my attention to the front and concentraited on the board.

The lesson was boring as usual and I managed to catch up on whatever equations I missed out on.

When it was over I gathered my things and raced to the door, but was stopped by Jonathan.

“Hey Vi, can I talk to you for a second?”

“erm sure… What’s up?”

“How are you?”

“Erm… great I guess. How are you?”

“I’m okay, but you look like you could use a nights rest. Trouble sleeping? Any weird dreams?” Okay, just how bad did I look. Note to self: Check yourself in a mirror.

“I guess… why do you want to know? Do I look that bad?”

“No, no reason. I was just wondering. You seemed a bit on the tired side this morning.” Oh lordy, seriously how bad do I look. If I hear You look bad and you look tired one more time i'm going to scream.

“Well being shot and then waking for a month long coma will do that to you.” I snapped at him frustraited with all the sleep deprivation  crap that was being slung my way today.

“Oh… right, sorry. I forgot about the shooting thing.” He gave a sheepish smile and I immediately felt horrible for snapping at him.

“It’s okay Jonathan, ya I have been having trouble sleeping lately and I’m sorry for snapping at you, I’m just tired.”

He nodded and looked at me like he expected more but I wasn’t going to tell him about the weird dreams of people dying, no way. I’ve already been stamped as the freak that got shot and survived and I won’t be engraving that title by admitting I’m dreaming about people dying.

“So this is me.” I stopped at my History class, and glanced up at him. He looked a bit worried but nodded and said good-bye while heading on to his next class.

I walked into the class on a sigh and glanced up, noting that the only seat available was next to Ethan. Just freaking great. Vicky was sitting with Connor and I know she wouldn’t give up that seat for the world, because firstly they were just way too into each other to even realize if the building should suddenly catch on fire and start crumbling down around them, and secondly, it looked like Connor was finally loosening up around her.

Besides there was only one seat open and that was next to Ethan, so my options were limited. Sighing I walked over to him. I could ignore him, provided he stays on his side of the desk and he doesn’t try to talk to me.

I can do this.

I threw my bag on the floor and exaggeratedly faced the other way, showing my back to Ethan, only to find out that there was no-one to talk to. Crap just my luck.

Were the hell is this stupid teacher anyway, class was supposed to have started ten minutes ago.

“Erm… Violet?” Crap, the thing is trying to communicate. Just ignore him Vi, pretend that there is no one there.

“Violet I know you can hear me. Please look at me.” Do not give in, no matter how good he sounds with his sexy husky voice, do not give in.

“I need to apologize for what happened at the party on Friday.”

I signed, realizing that it wasn't his fault and he had no reason to feel bad. I turned around to answer him, “No you don’t have to Ethan. You can’t help the way you feel. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable in anyway. I’ll leave you alone from now on.” I felt a tad bad for the way I was behaving but you really did have no control over your feelings, believe me I should know and to get be mad at him for not feeling the same as I did was selfish and wrong. I shouldn’t have forced him into this, to make him feel so bad for no reason.

“No Vi, you don’t understand. What I’m trying to say…“ He trailed off as he looked into my eyes.

Just then Mr. Matthews walked in with a butt load of books. This is going to be a long lesson.

I glanced over at Ethan and he looked like he was having an internal battle or something. Like he wanted to say something important, but he didn’t know how. Kind of like the way he looked right before the store was hit and I was shot.

“Ethan?” I silently question, hoping he would fill in the blanks to the question I wasn’t even sure I wanted to know the answer to.

“Violet, it’s not that I don’t want to be around you… it’s just that…”

“it’s just that what?” Damn this boy can do suspense. He should have been one of those reality TV hosts, that drag out the announcement of the winner.

“Well it’s just that I-“

“Ethan Leeds and Violet Spenser, is there something you wish to share with the rest of the class?” Why do teacher’s always say your full name when they reprimand you? It’s not like there is another Violet and Ethan in this class so going into detail with the name is utter useless.

“Sorry sir, but I was explaining to Violet the details of our forthcoming assignment that we are assigned to work on as a pair. She is unbeknownst in what is to be done due to her unfortunate attack. ” Assignment? What assignment? Why did no one tell me about any assignment and why in all that’s good and right on this forsaken earth am I partnered with him? And what the hell is unbeknownst anyway?

“Oh… er right, but do that after the lesson. We have a lot to cover before the finals.”

“As you wish sir.” What the hell he just went oxford on Mr. M’s ass respect for that. He even made Mr. M sound like a mumbling idiot.

Mr. M turned back to the board and went on about some useless junk about the past and I turned my attention to Mr. Oxford on my left.

“What assignment are we doing together? How come I wasn’t told about any assignment? What is the assignment about?”

“After the lesson, I’ll explain it, but now we have other things to content ourselves with.”

Sometimes I think I have him all figured out, and then he does something to totally throw me off. It’s like he was two different people altogether. Someone from the past and someone totally different from the present. 

Giving him a last curious look I turned my attention to Mr. M and started taking notes. The lesson as predicted was long and my arm hurt from all the notes I had to take. This crap better help me pass the end of the year if not I’m going to knock down Mr. M’s door and set his bed alight and throw a whole bunch of... erm... a whole bunch of... sand in his pool. What it’s the best I could come up with, I’m not the threatening type.

When the bell rang to signal the end of the lesson, I gathered up my millions of notes and shoved them into my bag. While I slyly watched Ethan do the same.

Gosh I could just picture doing the assignment with him, how awkward its going to be.

“Erm… listen Ethan, you don’t have to partner up with me, I could always get someone else to partner with.”

“No I want to work with you.”

“Seriously?” I asked disbelievingly.  He must be PMS’ing right now, because he was so throwing off mixed signals.

“Yeah, I want to work with you on this assignment.”

“oh…kay…” I drawled out, still a little disbelieving. I mean hello, he told me not even a week ago that he was sorry for me and that was the only reason he was around me and the feelings I felt for him wasn’t reciprocated, so why does he want to spend any more time with me?

“So want to meet after school?”

“Erm… sure. Is there anything I should bring? Where are we going to meet, at the library?”

“Sure the library sounds good.”

“Okay… see you then.” I said as I slung my bag onto my shoulder. This is defiantly a weird day.

I headed for the cafeteria and skipped the lunch line, because I packed in lunch, now that I can’t afford the bought goods.

I soon spotted Vicky and Van sitting at our usual spot with Ethan and his cousins.  I got a better grip on my bag and started in that direction, but before I got there Terry flagged by two of her top flamingo’s blocked my path.

Oh now what?

I tried to side step her, but one of the flamingo’s blocked my path.

“You fooled everyone, but you haven’t fooled me.”

“Huh? What are you on about now?”

“You’re little pity party. I know what you’re doing and I’m so going to put a stop to it. I’m going to let everyone in on your little secret scheme.”

I sighed and asked in a drained voice, “What are you on about now Terry? Just spit it out, because I’m really not in the mood for one of your bitch fits.”

She narrowed her eyes at me then gave me a cold smile.

“Fine, if you are so in a hurry for everyone to know what you’re up to. You’re using what happened to you two months ago to get attention.”

I snorted which turned into a laugh and then I was full on laughing at her. How ridiculous is that, a person that despises attention, using something so horrendous as getting shot and nearly dying to get attention?

“Wow, talk about a new low. You really think that? The shy introvert looking for attention from who exactly, because god forbid I steal your spotlight.” By now the entire school was all ears, drawn no doubt by the high pitch wailing of this idiot.

“From guys of course. You couldn’t get a guy to even glance at you before and since the shooting, you’re like all everyone talks about, you are so milking this for all its worth. I saw you with Kyle and Ethan at your party.” She crossed her arms over her chest and smiled a cruel smile as she looked at me. “ I guess you are the new whore of Harrison Valley High. Congrats.”

My cheeks burned with anger and tears stung the back of my eye lids with embarrassment, but I kept the tears from falling. Wishing she could suffer, hating that she was such a higher-grade bitch. I wanted to tell her to shove her false accusation, but I couldn’t form the words.

I was breathing heavily from my semi-contained anger.

“I can’t wait for the day karma hits you with a two by four, I just hope I’m around to see it.”

I mumbled something, but I was so angry I couldn’t register what I was really saying or if I was making any sense. I really wanted her to hurt, I wanted her to go through the same thing she puts others through but ten fold and for a minute I pictured her in my shoes, in the countless others she has hurt. She started laughing at me, like I had lost my mind or something. I stormed out without looking at anyone, I soon heard a thud and I few gasps and surprised shouting’s followed by a loud smacking sound.

I didn’t turn around to see what it was, I just ran outside towards my car. I got in but didn’t start it; I just sat in it , staring at the school. I couldn’t believe what just happened.

I heard a soft tapping on my window and I looked out to see the faces of Vicky and Van, but what surprised me most was that Ethan was with them. I opened my door, because my window wasn’t working and I tried to smile at them.

“Sup?” I asked trying to sound cheerful.

Both Vicky and Van snorted, and Ethan said nothing, just stared at me, with a worried expression.

“Sup? You’re asking what’s up? That bitch … I’m so angry right now.” Van said rubbing her right hand.

“I can’t believe that slut, she actually accused you of using what happened to you as a tool to get guys and then had the balls to call you a whore.” Vicky said pacing with angry steps.

They were so angry for my behalf, I just figured it wasn’t worth getting worked up, and she wasn’t worth it, but it still touched me that they were this worked up over what happened to me.

“It’s okay guys, really. I just don’t care that much about her to actually let her get to me. I mean at first I was totally angry, but she’s not worth it.”

“you’re right, she’s not worth it, but I can’t help wanting to hit her again.”

“wait a sec, you hit her?”

“Ya she did. Dropped her like a sack to the ground. I think you broke her nose by the way.”

“I hope so, if not it could be arranged.” Van said still rubbing her hand.

“Violet, do you know what you said to her before you left?” Ethan asked, looking a little on edge.

“Erm… I can’t wait for the day karma hits you with a two by four, I just hope I’m around to see it?” I said still looking at his worried face.

“No after that.”

“I said something after that?” I asked trying to think back and replayed everything I said in my head. Nope I can’t remember saying anything to her, and I shook my head letting him know I had no clue if I had said anything at all afterwards.

He looked a bit worried and said, “Are you okay?”

“Ya, I’m fine nothing Ben and Jerry’s chocolate chip can’t fix.”

“You want to get some ice-cream?” He asked

“Maybe after school. We still have to get started on that assignment.” I said smiling up at him.

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