Love Will Destroy Us // Yoo...

بواسطة KriesInKorean

31.6K 1.9K 371

Jimin and Yoongi are very different people with different problems and different thoughts. But they do have o... المزيد

(say the name) 17
I'm Out


668 42 2
بواسطة KriesInKorean

The Parks finally arrived to their destination. The entire ride they shared some small talk and laughed at a few jokes and the raven felt happy that he and his father were getting along well. But the happiness was replaced with an anxious feeling when they made to it his 'boyfriend's' house.

The raven was greeted by a pair of soft lips the second he stepped into the house.

''Hey baby.'' A familiar voice filled his ears and a hand wrapped around his waist.

''Bongyoung it's good to see you again.'' Mr Park greeted as the pair exchanged a handshake and a pat on the back.

''Yoongi go tell your brother and sister our guests have arrived.'' Mr Min ordered his son.

''I'll be right back.'' The said boy told the raven leaving him alone in a room with only adults.

''Jimin.'' A voice called from behind him causing the said boy to turn around only to be met with a woman he's never seen before. ''I don't think we've met before, I'm Min Gayeon, Yoongi's step-mother.''

''N-nice to meet you.'' The raven bowed politely as he tried not to stutter.

''Oh such a sweet boy you are.'' She smiled happily. ''Come with me, lets leave those two to catch up.'' She said meaning his father and Mr Min and led the raven into the living room where three people were already waiting.

''Jimin these are Chae-''

''We can introduce ourselves dumbass.'' A girl cut Yoongi off and stood up from the couch with a wide grin on her face. She had white sliver-like hair and she was even shorter then Jimin. ''I'm Chaerin, Yoongi's older sister.'' The girl smiled brightly as she shook the raven's hand.

''Nice to meet you noona.'' The raven gave himself a mental pat on the back for not stuttering and smiled kindly.

''So you're the boy who finally made my brother a decent person.'' The girl joked earning a glare from the mentioned boy.

''I-I guess.'' The raven replied unsure.

''I have to say I'm impressed, when I first got here I didn't even recognize my own borther.''

''Okay you're exaggerating way too much.'' Yoongi spoke up with a glare still on his face. ''Hoon introduce yourself before she says too much.''

Suddenly a head of bubblegum pink hair stood up from the couch and made it's way over to the raven.

''I'm Jihoon.'' The boy spoke in a monotone voice as he shook the raven's hand. His face was expressionless and the raven didn't know if that was a good or a bad sign.

''N-nice to m-meet you.'' Nope the raven was no longer comfortable and he was slowly slipping back into his stuttering state. Of course Yoongi noticed that and wrapped an arm around the raven's waist to calm him down but at the same time he kept in mind what Taehyung told him over the phone and sadly he had to agree about how tiny the boy was.

''Well I'll give you kids some space and join the other two in the kitchen, I'll call you when dinner is ready.'' Mrs Min spoke up causing everyone to nod.

''Alright lovebirds sit and talk I have questions.'' Chaerin spoke up and patted the seat next to her on the couch. The pair made their way to the couch and just when Jimin was about to sit down Yoongi pulled him onto his lap and wrapped his arms around him. ''Aw you're so cute. Now tell me how did this happen?''

''We were at a party, he got drunk so I took him home and I don't I guess we just kind of got together after that.'' Yoongi explained knowing the raven wasn't going to speak.

''Always the romantic, Yoongi.''

''You taught me well.''

''How long have you two been together now?''

''A month and a half.''

''First date you went on?''


''You haven't taken him on a date!?'' Chearin threw a pillow at her younger brother but hit Jimin as well. ''Oh sorry Jimin that was meant for your shitty boyfriend.''

''It's okay.'' The raven giggled.

''I have a question.'' Jihoon suddenly spoke up gaining everyone's attention. ''Which one's top and which one bottom?'' It took a moment for the raven to understand what he meant but once he did his eyes went wide and cheeks went red.

''Is it not obvious that hyung is top.'' Yoongi glared at his younger brother.

''Judging by how whipped you are for him, not really no.'' It took both Jimin and Chaerin to hold Yoongi back from tackling his brother.

''Brat I will slap the pink color off your hair!'' Yoongi shouted.

''Yoongi leave him alone!'' Chaerin shouted pulling her brother onto her and wrapped her arms around him to keep him in a lock so he couldn't move.

''He called me whipped.'' The oldest of the brothers whined.

''You know for somebody who used to call himself Suga, you're extremely salty.''

''You little brat!'' Yoongi glared at his brother who for the first time since Jimin has met him smiled. Chaerin tried to grip Yoongi him but he escaped her arms and was about to tackle his younger brother when Jimin jumped in front of him and stopped him by keeping him in his arms, Yoongi stopped fighting and calmed down.

''See what did I tell you, he's whipped like cream.'' Yoongi was about to attack again but Jimin didn't let him.

''Alright, alright don't kill him yet we still have an entire week to get through.'' Chaerin spoke as she flicked the youngest's head. ''And you brat watch your tongue.'' Jimin finally released the older and let him sit back down on the couch. The oldest of the boys pulled Jimin back down onto his lap and wrapped his hands around the boy's tiny waist. His heart sunk when he felt how light he was on his lap and how little of him there was to embrace.

He's been suspecting it for a while now but he figured the boy was just tiny by nature like himself, but when Taehyung called him and told him he could see his ribs and spine sticking out and that he was worried for him, he figured he was right all along.

''Okay next question and Yoongi please let your boyfriend answer this time.'' Chaerin spoke up and snapped the said boy out of his thoughts. ''How did you make him behave so well?'' The raven only shyly shrugged and smiled.

''He's shy and probably doesn't want to speak because he stutters when he's nervous.'' Yoongi spoke up once again.

''Aw sweetie there's nothing to be nervous about, I already like you so much more then the last person he dated.'' And with the mention of a past lover the raven could feel Yoongi tense underneath him. Jihoon slapped his sister's shoulder and shot her a glare.

''You know we're not allowed to bring her up.''

''Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.''

''It's fine.'' Yoongi replied in a monotone voice causing the air to grow awkward.

''Alright I'm going to mom this up who wants to see baby pictures.'' Chaerin suddenly spoke up as she stood up from the couch and looked back at the three boys. ''No one? Alright I'm still getting them, Jimin would you be a dear and come help me get the photo albums.''

''O-of course n-noona.'' The boy replied shyly and stood up as well.

''Aw so sweet, so polite, Min Yoongi you don't deserve this boy.'' The silver haired girl joked making her brother flip her off. ''Come this way sweetie.'' She said to Jimin and lead him out of the living room. ''So real talk, how's my brother really treating you?''

''A-actually h-he's very n-nice to me. I-I'm usually the o-one th-that's rude.'' The boy spoke quietly but the girl still heard him and sent him a confused look.

''Really? My Yoongi?'' The boy only chuckled and nodded. ''Sweetie do me a favor and marry my brother because I've never met a person he acted so sweet around before.'' Chaerin joked making the younger chuckle nervously. They made it to a door and Chaerin opened it and took in a deep breath before walking inside. The room was filled with boxes and plastic covers covering up some old furniture. ''Um this is where we keep mom's things... She um...''

''I-I'm sorry for your loss.'' Jimin said just above a whisper.

''Yoongi told you?'' To that the raven only shook his head.

''N-no, h-he's never e-even mentioned it. Y-your father told me.''

''Oh... It's been tough on him as well, I mean it's been tough on all of us. Jihoon still hasn't recovered as you probably figured he wasn't always like that.''

''H-how old is he?''

''He's fifteen.''

''D-does he go to our school?''

''No, we had to send him away to a boarding school because he couldn't stand being in this town anymore.''

''O-oh.'' The boy didn't know what exactly to say, Yoongi never spoke about his family so he figured it was a topic he should be cautious around.

''Here, this is Yoongi's baby album and we'll take this one as well this one is of all three of us when we're a little older.'' Chaerin spoke up and handed an album to Jimin to carry.

As the pair made their way back into the living room they noticed Jihoon and Yoongi were talking about something and Yoongi had his hand on the boy's shoulder in a comforting manner.

''Everything alright in here?'' Chaerin spoke up causing the two to shoot their heads into the direction of the boy and the girl.

''Y-yeah just brother stuff, you don't need to know everything we talk about.'' It was Yoongi who spoke up. He gave his younger brother a quick glance and they must have been communicating through looks because Jihoon only nodded and the pair parted so the other two could sit back down with the photo albums.

And so that is how they spent the next half hour, looking through baby pictures of Yoongi.

''Oh I remember that day! You almost drowned that day.'' Chaerin spoke up as she pointed to a picture.

''I hate the beach.'' Yoongi murmured as he flipped to the next page. ''Wait Jimin is that us?'' He suddenly noticed a familiar looking kid lying in the bathtub with him enjoying a bubble bath. They were both grinning into the camera both covered in bath bubbles and if you ignored the fact that their private parts were visible it was actually a quite adorable picture.

''It is.'' The raven confirmed with a blush as he looked at the picture. ''When did we take a bubble bath together?''

''I don't know but I mean if you're up for it we can do it again.'' Yoongi whispered into the younger's ear causing shivers down his spine.

''Oh you want to recreate the picture?'' The raven said back with a smirk then let out a giggle when Yoongi smirked as well.

''Kids dinner's ready!'' Mrs Min suddenly shouted from the kitchen.

And that sentence made the pair extremely nervous.

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