The Ending Soul


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Rose is your typical 13-year old girl, but as her brother and father are 'coming back' from their trip in Cal... Еще

Chapter 3: Haha, "Friends"
Chapter 4: Brace Face
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The Ending Soul

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:::CHAPTER 1:::


"That's so stupid." I say to my older brother, Joey. Laughing at his comment on him wanting to be a super hero.

"What?" He asks. I think

"Well if you wanna be a super hero you can go to a laboratory, get bit by a spider and BAM. Spider-Man" He makes a face

"Ew. Spiders, no thank you." He says assuring that he does NOT want to be Spider-Man, which kinda sucks 'cause that's my favorite superhero.

"Then who do you want to be like?" I ask, as if there is no other option in the world.

"Myself." He says.

"What? No you have to choose from the famous ones!" I say

"No I don't, I said I want to be a super hero not one of the super heros." He says half smiling.

"What's your powers then?" He frowns.

"I don't have any right now, but when I save someone. I wouldn't need any. Just courage. I'll do what ever it takes to save them... Even if it costs me my life." I stare down. How did he make super heros a serious thing. Well I guess there are real life super heros like soldiers. A soldier.

"Um Joey, your not leaving. Are you?" He smiles

"Don't worry, Rosie. I wouldn't leave you. C'mon let's see what Cam's up to." Cameron is my age, he has an older brother like me the only difference is that we have a younger sister Anna-Bell. She's 2, she has light brown hair (like my mom and me) and brown eyes (Like Joey and my dad) I look at my phone.

"Should I ask Cam if it's alright?" I ask Joey

"Yeah sure." He says I nod and see 'Cam' as the first one there. I press it on my iPhone 5

*The Convo*

Hey, me and Joey were wondering if we could come over


Yeah sure, baby cousins r over though if u don't mind. I could use a hand.


K cool, I'll help. Can't keep my word for Joe though


Lol k c u then


"He says it's fine, but his baby cousins are over" I tell Joey

"Uh-oh." He says

"You could hang out with Shawn" (I know you can spell it Sean but I personally like spelling it Shawn if I'm reading or I'll read Seen lol sorry) We get to Cam's house. Cam opens the door.

"Hey, thanks so much." Cam says to me. Shawn comes out and takes Joey into the backyard to play catch

"ROSE!!!" I hear voices and little feet running. Pat, pat, pat, pat. I smile at the faces of two blue eyed kids with blond hair. One's a boy the other one's a girl. The boy is older than the girl. They both hug my legs. "Oh hey!" I laugh. Cam smiles.

"I told them you were coming they got all exited." He laughs and messes up the little boy's hair. I giggle.

"Rosie! Mommy got me new coloring pencils, let's go!" The little girl, Sally, says.

"No!! I wanted to show her my new train set momma got me." Luke says

"NO! I ASKED HER FIRST!" Sally yells at Luke.

"Did NOT." Luke says. I laugh they stare at me

"Play with me Rosie!" Sally says.

"No me! Please." Luke begs

"Pretty pleease" Sally moans. Cam's leaning on the wall waiting for me to choose

"How about we all draw a picture of the train set?" I suggest

"YEAH!" They squeal at the same time. Cam and I laugh. They both take my hands and lead me into the living room were Cam follows. The kids let go and rush to get paper and pencils Cam catches up to me.

"Good idea." He says he smiles. He's always been like a brother, well like, I don't know. It's weird for me and him. Like we're close when I don't feel awkward around him if that makes seance what-so-ever. I say him as like a brother, or 'pal' because I don't want anything to happen between us I don't know why maybe because our families are close together and I wouldn't wanna break our friendship.


We finish making the train we're lying on our stomachs on the floor coloring. To the left of me is Luke. Right Sally and on the right of Sally is Cam. I get up and dust myself off. "Rosie, pick me up!" Sally says hopping up and reaching her hands out for me to pick her up. I lift her. "Hey cutie."


After we finish Sally stretches her arms out to Rose. That's when for the first time in a while I actually look at her features she has light brown hair and green eyes. I can't see from here but I remember when we were little she has these faint freckles. She's cute but I don't stand a chance with her. We're too close. Cute? She's like a sister to you that's awkward.. Actually that's the first time I've referred to her as like a sister but that means nothing so. Whatever. Don't let her know your thoughts.

"So what's up?" I ask Rose

"ME!" Sally giggles as Rose throws her in the air and catches her. I go and sit on the couch. Luke runs over to me.

"Airplane" he tells me

"What?" I ask smiling

"Airplane!" He turns away from me "Rosie, Airplane" he says to her she puts down Sally and thinks for a second. She then picks him up Luke flips onto his stomach stretches out his arms "Reeeerrrrrrrr!!" Luke says mocking an airplane

"Uh-oh!" Rose says.

"Huh?" Luke's confused

"Crash landing!!" She says swerving Luke in her arms then bumps him onto a blanket on the couch she tickles him.

"This is why I like when you're here" I say crossing my arms behind my head "and when they're here cause I don't have to do any work." I grin at her. She laughs at me. She takes Sally and whispers to them. I don't hear them so I take out my phone. The next thing I know the kids are climbing on me as if I'm a playground "Hey!" I laugh. Rose laughs

"Good job, team." She says, I glare at her which makes her laugh more. Her laugh makes me smirk. Hey, laughs are contagious.

We watch this movie 'Frozen' because the kids brought the DVD they're mom gave to them. Sally sat on Rose's lap and Luke sat beside her. I sat next to Luke. I really didn't wanna watch it because it seemed like a kiddie movie but it wasn't that bad. The kids didn't know the lyrics to the songs but they tried. It was actually really funny for them to try.

After the movie Sally kept singing the snowman song that Anna sang to Elsa. Luke kept singing the song about summer that Olaf sang. Rose ended up teaching them the actual words they sang. Obviously it wasn't her first time watching the movie. Or she's seen YouTube videos on it... Either way she's known about it. I couldn't tell if her singing voice was good, or nah for the Olaf song. I swear to god everyone in my school has been doing the 'or nah' thing it's SO annoying.

Anyway, Olaf's song was more like talking, so I didn't know if she was good at singing. But then when she helped Sally with 'Do you want to build a snowman' I thought she was alright at first, but she was just playing, then at the end of the song it's an older, more, 'beautiful' type of voice. She got really into it. The kids stare at her in awe. When she finishes she giggles "Sorry. Okay Sal, ready?" Sally starts shaking her head. She points at Rose

"You sing!" Sally tells Rose.

"Me? But I just did" She says laughing.

"Your voice is pretty." Luke says. She looks at me as if to ask me if they're lying. I shrug. I really, really, wanted to drop my jaw with my eyes wide at her and be like 'Oh, my, god. You're amazing!' But that would be weird.

"You're pretty good." I say.


"You're pretty good." Cam says. I nod. I'm thinking the kids overreacted a bit.

"Rosie?" Sally turns to me.

"Yup" I say popping at the 'p'

"Are you our cousin?" I shake my head. Sally looks at me strange. "How do you, how are you able to- how do you know us?" I giggle at her stuttering. The phones rings. Cam gets up to pick it up.

"I'm friends with Cam, who's your cousin. And when you guys come over, Cam needs help. So I come." I smile at them as they both nod.

"Can you become our cousin." Sally persists.

"I don't thi-" the thought of marrying Shawn or Cam pops up. "Actually yes. Although it'll never happen"

"Why not?" Sally asks, I blush.

"Because I would need to marry Shawn or Cam" I say Sally makes a face.

"Ew, don't marry Shawn. Marry Cam!!" She says jumping. "CAMM!!" Cam walks in the room

"What's the matter princess" I d'aww-ed in my head. Cam picked up Sally.

"You needa marry Rosie so she could be my cousin." Sally says.

"No!" Luke says "You need to marry her so she can be MY cousin." Luke tugs on Cam's shirt.

"Uhmm" Cam looks at me I giggle and shrug "No ones getting married." He finally says. I nod in agreement.

"But Camm!!" Sally persisted. "I want Rosie to be my cousin, really, REALLY badly."

"But Sallyy." Cam mocks. Sally glares at him.

"I'm not your friend anymore." She says I giggle at Sally for being the child she is. "Put me down. I don't like you." She starts kicking. He puts her down. Sally runs to me. "Cam's mean" I stroke her hair.

"Cam and I are only friends, babe. So we can't get married, but you can always think of me as your cousin if you want." I say. She nods her head.

"Rosie?" Sally asks.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Your my favorite cousin." She says and grins at Cam. I laugh.

"But I'm your favorite REAL cousin." Cam says, obviously not hurt. Sally smiles, but shakes her head.

"No, Rosie is." Sally says proudly. Cam fake cries and walks away. I giggle.

"You made Cam feel bad" I say. She pouts.

"I know."

"Do you wanna go say sorry?" She nods.

"But you have to come with me too." She says I agree. I assume he's in his bedroom. Sally leads me there though. Sally knocks on the door. "Cam I wanna come in!" Cam opens the door.

"Hey." He says.

"I'm sorry." She says. "You're still one of my favorite cousins." I burst out laughing. He chuckles, picks her up, throws her in the air and catches her.

"That's good enough for me, princess" she giggles.


Hey guys, how do you think the first chapter went? This is my first story that I actually have a future with because I've already wrote it on my computer. Stay tuned for Chapter 2 of The Ending Soul. It would mean a lot if you leave comments on what you think of my story. Bye loves.


(Instagram: @skymmac)

:::CHAPTER 2:::


Shawn's driving us, us as in me Cam and Joey, to school. I'm currently reading 'The Last Interaction'. After I finish eating a banana and Shawn's not here yet so I start reading in the den. I hear the doorbell. I get up and get it. Cam's at the door. "Hey Cam" I say.

"Hey." He says back.

"Joey! They're here." I yell to Joey.

"I'll be out in three seconds." I look back at Cam and shake my head.

"Girls." I say. Cam laughs. Joey comes out.

"Let's go" I say snapping my fingers in front of Joey's face.

We go in the car. Joey in the front with Shawn and me and Cam in the back. I continue to read.

"Whatcha reading?" Cam's voice asks.

"A book" I reply. Not looking up from it.

"I see that. What's it called?"

"'The Last Interaction'." I say.

"What book doesn't start with 'The'" he asks. I think.

"'Here today'." I say.

"No I mean like a good book." He says. I look up at him. He's grinning.

"That was a good book." I say offended.

"Name one I might know that doesn't start with 'The'" I think again.

"You don't read." I say

"Yes I do... Sometimes." I laugh looking at his blue-green eyes.

"Okay..." I think. "Divergent! I win!" He laughs

"It was a pretty good book." He admits.

"Duh." I roll my eyes playfully.

"Hey, nerds back there we're here." Shawn says. He turns around and smiles. I smile back. Shawn's pretty handsome, he has blue eyes and light brown hair that sweeps up. Cam, on the other hand has blue eyes, dark brown hair, that suits him well, and a few freckles sprinkled on his nose. Cam's hair is longer than Shawn's, Cam's hair is shaggier.

We jump out of the car. Cam and I have the same class together for first period which is history, then fifth which is study hall. So we walk with each other. His locker's a few down from mine. I put away the books I don't need other than the ones for history. He does the same. I keep 'The Last Interaction' tucked away in my bag.


After all the classes, except study hall, is through. I put all my books in my bag because after study hall I go home. I usually walk home with Cam or catch a ride with Shawn. I grab my book out of my bag and start reading while walking. I bump in to someone.

"I'm sorry!" I say immediately. The voice laughs. I look up. I fall under a spell from a tall boy. He has brown eyes.

"What book are you reading?" He asks and flips his hair back.

"Uhm, 'The Last Interaction'." I stutter. He laughs again to enlighten the mood.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Rose." I say.

"Full name." He says smiling. I blush.

"Rose Mary Johnson."

"So you're a Johnson, huh?" He says "Is your brother Joey?" He asks. I nod. "I'm Drake." He says.

I smile. The second bell rings, telling us we should be getting to where our class is. "Can I have your number?" He asks. Well, he moves quick.

"Uhm, sure." He pulls out his phone and I put in my number.

"Alright thanks I gotta get going now though. I'll talk to you later Rose-Mary" I smile to myself then realize I didn't get his number. Oh well. I think to myself. I open my book back up and start reading while walking.

'No mystery. It was all so clear. He's been watching this whole time. Noticing every movement. But to think. Was he really the murderer? Was he after me? Was he-'

"Boo!" A voice yells and grabs my shoulders. I scream. I turn around and clutch my heart.

"Cameron. That. Wasn't. Funny." I say gasping. He laughs.

"It was HI-LAR-IOUS" he says. I continue trying to find air. I bend down and clutch my knees. "Woah, you alright? Did I hurt you?" He asks.

"No, the book. Bad timing." He laughs out loud. I cover his mouth. "Shhh." I shush him. "Classes are probably starting."

"Not yet. The third bell didn-" the third bell goes off. "Dammit c'mon." He takes my hand and runs to study hall.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Third bells a death alarm if the ghost finds you, you're dead." I look at him strangely. I burst out laughing.

"You're such a child!" I say. He chuckles.

"What if I told you it's in a book." He says.

"What if I told you I didn't believe you."

"What if I told you your right it's not in a book." He grins at me. I roll my eyes.

"Duh." We sit at a table. I close my book and put it in my bag.

"What, you're not going to read?" He asks me.

"After what just happened? Hell no!" He laughs.

"Aww c'mon. I couldn't have scared you that bad." I give him a look.

"I think it's just your face." I say and chuckle "your ugliness scared me."


"Look who's talking, brace face" I say to Rose. She's actually really, really pretty. She pouts.

"I'm getting them off next week actually so boo you boy!" I laugh. She's such a geek.

"Nooo, so I wouldn't be able to call you brace face." I grin at her she smirks.

"Weirdo." She says

"Brace face" I say.

"You're gonna wanna use that as much as you possibly can because after next week," she points to her teeth "these babies are GONE!" I laugh.

After awhile of talking the final bell rings. "Are you walking with me?" I ask

"Mmm sure." She says. I wrap my arm around her shoulders. What? It's a friendly gesture.

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