At All Costs || Jerrie

By HauntedHaunter

65.9K 2.5K 567

Police officer Jade Thirlwall has to do everything in her power to protect her girlfriend Perrie Edwards when... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Part 1)
Chapter 16 (Part 2)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 21

1.5K 59 10
By HauntedHaunter

A little late maybe but, thank you all so so much for the lovely birthday wishes! You made my day! 💗


"Why am I so nervous? We're just going to have a nice family dinner, it's not like I'm going to propose to you and have them watching me do it. Are you nervous, Jade?"

Jade stood in front of the bathroom mirror, eyeing me through her flawless reflection. For the night, she wore a simple black t-shirt and blue high-waisted jeans. They hugged her curves perfectly. Her ass looked great in them.

I wore a white button-up shirt and black skinny jeans. I wore my blonde hair in a high ponytail. Once again I felt average as I stood next to Jade. She looked good in anything, even when she wore the simplest of outfits.

Looking in the mirror, she flashed me a warm smile. My heart skipped a beat. She had the most beautiful smile in the world.

"Not at all. I look forward to see them before they head back to South Shields" she said calmly.

"You never get nervous" I stated, referring to the times where I've been a nervous wreck while she remained perfectly calm and collected.

"Oh Perrie..."

A heartily chuckle escaped her lips. She tore her gaze from the mirror and looked directly at me. My heart began beating like crazy as her eyes were so full of love. I loved it when she looked at me like that. That loving look of hers always succeeded to make me feel special, cared for.

"Believe me, I do. I still get butterflies when I see you. I still think it's terrifying to ask you out on a date. I still get all giddy when I'm on me way to pick you up from work...I get nervous when I haven't seen you in a while. Taking you out on a date scares me because I'm afraid you won't like it, or you'll realize you actually don't want to be with me. You make me nervous as hell. But I think it's a good thing," she grabbed my hands as she bored her caramel eyes into mine, "I'm madly in love with you, Perrie Edwards, and I'd be very concerned if I didn't get butterflies everytime I see you. And I'd be far more concerned if taking you on a date didn't freak me out. Believe it or not, but every date we go out on is like a first date to me."


Tears blurred my vision. Before I knew the word of it, tear after tear trickled down my cheeks. Damn it. Now my make-up would be ruined and Jade would think I'm weird for crying over nothing. Why did I have to be emotional all the time?

"Aww, baba, don't cry" Jade cooed as she wiped the tears from my face.

"You're just so sweet, what did I do to deserve you?" I asked softly.

"The question is more like what I did to deserve someone as amazing as you" she smiled.

"I love you" I said sincerely.

Jade answered by pressing her lips against mine. She parted my lips with her skilled tongue and then slid her tongue in my mouth. I closed my eyes as I let my tongue enter her mouth. Fireworks went off in my stomach when she rolled our tongues around slowly, filling my mouth with her taste. I moaned when she bit my lower lip. I loved to get bitten. She did it so well.

After the passionate kiss, I rested my forehead against hers. We looked into each other's eyes - brown meeting blue - as we both smiled. Standing there, just being close, thoughts of how blessed I was flooded my mind. I had hit the jackpot. Just look at my girl!

She always made sure I knew she loved me. She cared for me, looked after me, she valued me. She didn't buy me things often but when she did, she bought something with a meaning. Like the necklace she got me today. She bought it so I could keep her with me wherever I go. That meant a lot to me.

"Thanks for the necklace, by the way" I whispered.

"It looks good on you" she said softly.

We were about to go in for another kiss when it knocked twice on the front door. Knowing our families had arrived, we pulled apart and walked out of the bathroom to answer the door. As soon as we arrived in the hallway, Jade unlocked and opened the door for our families.

"Welcome" Jade and I said in unison as we hugged them.

"Flowers for my favourite couple" Karl said warmly.

"Aww, how sweet" I chuckled.

I accepted the white roses he got for us. My parents got us a bottle of wine. James and Norma got us a box of chocolate. Once everyone had said hi to each other and given us their sweet gifts, Jade and I lead them to the kitchen. Dinner was already ready, so it was just for us to sit down and kick off the night I was so nervous for.

We took a seat around the table. Jade poured wine in the glasses for the adults and I poured soda for my little sister. She was only sixteen. There was no way I'd give her alcohol before she legally could drink.

"Thank you, Jade" my mum Debbie said warmly.

Jade put the lid back on the bottle, then she sat down on the chair next to me. Like the sweetheart she was, she intertwined her slender fingers with mine so we held hands under the table. From my peripheral vision, I saw her lips curve up in a smile.

"So girls, how have you been?" My dad Alex asked curiously.

And that was the question that started the anticipated family dinner. We spoke about our jobs, but didn't mention the four masked men who abducted me and Jade. Instead we said they abducted Jesy and Leigh-Anne. They wouldn't get as worked up as they would if we said we were the ones they took. Each one of them listened carefully to every word, asked questions every now and then. Most of the questions were for Jade, I completely understood why. Her job was way more exciting and dangerous than mine. Besides, it was more interesting to listen to her stories about saving lives and dealing with robberies and other crimes, than listen to me talk about all the essays I had to grade and how my students were improving. My job wasn't as interesting as Jade's, though we both had jobs that were important for the country. Education and law enforcement kept the world going, it was just too bad not every country had those two things.

When my parents and my parents-in-law wanted to focus more on me, however, Jade suddenly became tense. I knew she reacted to what I told them. On Monday, now after the weekend, Leigh-Anne and I will be taking our students to Lee Valley Camping And Caravan Park for a camping trip. Jade hated the thought of me going away without her, especially now with a serial-killer and his henchmen on the loose. I knew she'd bring up the subject once our families leave and I knew she'd try to stop me from going.

I understood why she wasn't so fond of the thought of me going away overnight, but I hated the way she reacted. When she got mad or became cold towards me, it made me feel like she didn't believe I could protect myself, if now self-defense would be needed. There wasn't even a reason for her to get mad about the camping trip. Her fear of Sam and his henchmen coming after me wasn't a reasonable reason. She would have to come up with something else to make me stay.


Everyone else was inside, either watching telly or talking to each other. I was on the balcony, breathing some fresh air. After today, I needed every ounce of fresh air I could get. The past week, it's been feeling like I've breathed in carbon dioxide. With everything going on with Sam and other crimes I have had to deal with, there hadn't been a chance for me to sit back and relax. And I've been worried for Perrie. She's not safe. Her safety was at a high risk. And I knew I wouldn't be able to relax until I'd put Sam behind bars. He was after me, after the people I loved, and his pursue of revenge stressed me out. The only time I finally would be able to take a breath would be when I've arrested him and locked him back up.

The incident on the station earlier today added more weight to my shoulders. Three fellow officers got injured. Perrie and Leigh-Anne were beaten senseless. And I learned that Sam meant it when he said he'd do anything and everything to get to me.

At the moment I was trying to get ahold of Lauren. She must be devastated after seeing her husband get shot. Who wouldn't be? I didn't even know if Ben was alive, but I wanted to. I wanted to know how he was doing, how Lauren was holding up.

"Hey, it's Lauren, I can't answer my phone right now. Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Bye!"

I sighed out in frustration. This was the fifth phone call going straight to voicemail. I started to realize I wouldn't hear from my friend at all tonight. I decided to leave a message. Hopefully she'd call me back once she hears it.

"Hey, Lo, it's me, Jade. I'm calling because I'm worried, I'm worried about you, about Ben. I know you're going through a hard time right now, I understand if you want to be left alone and not talk to anyone, but I feel really guilty for what happened and would like to talk it out with you. And I really don't want you to be alone now. You need someone to stay with you. Please, call me back."

I put my phone back in my pocket. I let my gaze wander over an illuminated London as I took a sip of my red wine. I decided to relax for the rest of the night. I needed to take a breath and just allow myself to breathe. I didn't get to do that very often, I deserved a moment where I didn't carry the weight of the world on my shoulders.

"Job emergency?"

The oh so familiar voice caught my attention. Looking over my shoulder, I saw my beautiful mum making her way to my side.

"You could say that. A colleague's husband is either dead or fighting for his life" I said sadly.

"He got injured today?" Mum asked softly.

"Shot in the chest" I sighed.

I took another sip of my wine. Right now I was very grateful for the alcoholic beverage in my hand. The alcohol had this amazing ability to calm me down, it helped me relax. Maybe I should start with drinking wine or whiskey every night after work? I was in need of things to help me calm down after an eventful day and now that I finally found "the cure", I might as well try it out and see if the alcohol was what I actually needed. Now, Perrie wouldn't approve of it, that I knew, but she couldn't try and stop me from drinking if she didn't know I did it. With my sneaking skills, I could easily down a drink and hide the alcohol from her. Besides, she'd never have to find out. What she doesn't know can't hurt her.

"Mam, it feels like people are dying because of me. Three of me colleagues are fighting for their lives because I challenged the masked men. By obeying them from the very start, no one would've been hurt in the first place. Two innocent women are dead because the man I arrested is on the loose. I'm ruining lives, mam, and I'll keep tearing families apart by staying on the force. The only way to spare lives and keep the people I love and care about from harm, is to quit and look for another job."

Mum snaked her arm around my waist, like she used to do when me and Karl were upset. In an instant, I felt warm, content. Her embrace was something special. My mum was special.

"Listen to me, Jeed, you need to stop blaming yourself for every bad thing that happens. You are already carrying so much weight on your shoulders. Why keep adding weight for things you know you don't have any control over? All it does is making you feel bad. It drains you of your happiness. Pet, it's not worth it. You are a good police officer, brilliant even. But that doesn't mean you are capable of saving the world. Once you realize that, Jeed, a huge weight is going to disappear from your shoulders and you're going to feel better about yourself" she said calmly.

"You do know what to say to make me feel better, mam. Thanks" I said lovingly.

"As your mother it's me job to make sure you're alright" she said softly.

"Well, in that case, you're very good at your job."

I kissed her temple. I loved this woman so much. I was beyond grateful that she wanted to come over for dinner before she leaves for South Shields along with my dad and brother and Perrie's family. I didn't get to see her, or them, very often, so when we finally had time to meet up and spend time together, I valued every moment. I treasured every moment in my heart.

"Want to go inside? The others are probably wondering where you are" mum said warmly.

"Let them wonder. I'm enjoying some alone-time with you" I smiled.

Mum flashed me a toothy smile. I connected my lips to her temple once again. She held me tighter, instilled her mother love in me. We stood still, didn't move a finger, as we held each other in a loving embrace and looked at the breathtaking view over London.

We carried a long conversation about anything and everything. Mum asked me a lot of questions about Perrie, about our future as a couple. She said she wanted us to get married, to have lots of children, and live happily ever after. I told her that's what I wanted too, that I would make sure Perrie and I grow old together. I had loved Perrie since mum brought me to the world and I would continue to love her; from the cradle to the grave. She was it for me.

By the time we decided to go back inside, it was past eleven. My heart shattered a little bit when I realized it was time for my family and the Edwards clan to return to their hotel. They had an early flight to catch in the morning.

Caitlin was sound asleep on the couch. She used Perrie as her pillow, resting her head on Perrie's chest. Karl sat in the armchair, snoring loudly. Dad had a livid conversation about cars with Alex, and Jonnie talked about pizza with Perrie while Debbie sipped from her wine.

"Hey, baby."

Perrie's face lit up when she noticed mum and I had come back inside. I flashed her a quick smile, though I'd rather walk up to her and kiss her face. The kissing had to wait until the others had left.

"We've had a lovely time tonight, but it's getting late, so we should probably head back to the hotel. We need to get some sleep before we fly home to Shields in the morning" Debbie said as a yawn escaped her lips.

"It was great having you here" I said lovingly.

"Great being here" dad smiled.

They got up from the couch, ready to leave the Jerrie-flat. Dad woke Karl by shaking him lightly and Perrie managed to wake Caitlin from her deep sleep by standing up so Caitlin hit her head on the armrest. She woke up rather quickly. She sent Perrie a death glare, which Perrie ignored.

We left the living room together. Perrie and I stood side by side while we waited for our parents and siblings to get their outerwear on. Once they were done and ready to go out in the cold night, they lined up to say goodbye to us, the hosts of the successful evening.

Dad and Karl made me promise to come visit them in Shields soon. Debbie and Alex made Perrie promise the same thing. We said we'd drive up in the summer and spend a week or two there, which our parents and siblings seemed to appreciate.

"Have a safe flight" Perrie and I said in unison.

"We'll text you when we're back in Shields" mum said softly.

"Sounds good. Nanite, everyone" I said.

"Nanite, Jade and Perrie" they smiled.

Perrie closed and locked the door after they left. A playful smirk was plastered across her face when she turned back around. She had a mischievous glimpse in her piercing blue eyes.

"Finally alone" she said smoothly as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Mhm, what do you want to do, babe?" I asked with a smile.

"We had a good thing going on back at the station" she said, desire lacing her voice.

She pressed her lips right under my jaw, then she traveled down to my neck, leaving kisses. My eyes fluttered closed. A muffled moan escaped my lips. This girl did me so good. She was about to go down to my chest, continue her kissing there, but I had to stop her. I was tired and didn't feel like having sex tonight. I put my hands on her hips and pulled her slightly apart from me.

"Someone's eager for some adult fun, I see" I teased.

"I know you want it, too" she said softly, looking into my eyes.

"I do, but I'm so tired, Pez" I said sadly.

"Let's see if this will change your mind" she said seductively.

She broke apart. I felt cold instantly. My body didn't like being separated from hers. Wearing a sly smile on her face, she looked into my eyes intensely as she unbuttoned her shirt. My heart rate sped up. Fuck. She knew I couldn't control myself whenever I saw her undress herself. She was hard to resist when she teased with flashing skin as she stripped down.

My heart stopped beating when her black lace bra became visible. This blonde beauty must've planned this. She knew that bra was my favourite.

By the time she had unbuttoned all buttons, I couldn't take it anymore. She got me. I grabbed her arm and dragged her with me to the bedroom. I threw her on the bed. I separated her legs as I pulled her skinny jeans off her body.

"Yes, Jade!" Perrie cheered.

I threw the pants somewhere on the clean floor, couldn't care less where they landed. I pulled my t-shirt off, threw it away as well. Since Perrie looked insanely hot wearing her shirt open, I let her keep it on. I kept my jeans on, too. She'd have to take them off once I was done with her and it was her turn to please me.

Knowing how she liked to begin our love-session, I put myself above her. I kept my body up by using my arms. Our noses touched slightly. Her warm breath hit my face. Looking at me with desire burning in her blue eyes, she parted her lips, physically telling me she was ready for what I had to offer.

I started with the side of her neck, knew she loved a good love bite. She moaned when I sucked. Another moan escaped her lips when I brushed her skin with my lips, traveling downwards.

"You're so beautiful, me love" I whispered seductively.

"For Christ's sake, Jade! Stop talking!" She whined, desperate for my touch.

"You're all I've ever wanted" I continued, teasing her.

She drew a sharp breath when I caressed her left side with the tip of my fingers. I kept on caressing her as I left more love bites on her body. She said my name for each kiss I blessed her with. I loved the effect I had on her. It felt weird too that I could do this, make her this vulnerable and needy for me. But I liked it.

"Oh Jadey..." she breathed.

I had now arrived at the end of her stomach, approaching the "part" of her she's been dying for me to touch. I was just about to remove her grey Calvin Klein underwear when suddenly light snores filled my ears.

"Pezza?" I asked.

Curious, I looked up. My heart melted when I saw my girl had fallen asleep. Her eyes were shut closed and her chest rose and fell regularly. She was too cute.

I rolled off the bed, figured I couldn't keep going when she was sleeping. That would be really fucked up. You don't have sex with someone who's asleep. Chuckling lightly, I pulled my jeans and bra off. I put on a light blue Finding Nemo nightgown. Perrie got it for me for Christmas last year.

Wanting to say a proper goodnight to my beautiful girlfriend, I pressed my lips to her cool forehead.

"Nanite, future Mrs. Thirlwall."

Hope you liked this chapter 💕💕💕


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